private TransformationModel GetModel()
            TransformationModel m = null;
            bool found            = false;

            // Recupera i metadati. Se non sono presenti, ritorna uno stato di invalido
            foreach (dynamic prop in ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection)
                if (prop.Name == PROPERTY_KEY_MODEL)
                    // Trovato!
                    found = true;
                    m     = TransformationModel.LoadFromJson((string)prop.Value);

            if (!found)
                throw new ModelNotFoundException();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public JsonTransformUI(System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window parent, TransformationModel model, IServiceProvider sp)
            // HOTOLTO VARS!

            // Salva i riferimenti in locale
            _parent = parent;
            _model  = model;
            _sp     = sp;

            // Inizializza la UI

            // Imposta i vari Enumerativi previsti come tipi di dato.
            (uiIOGrid.Columns["OutColumnType"] as DataGridViewComboBoxColumn).DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(JsonTypes));

            // Registra l'handler per il settaggio dei valori di default
            uiIOGrid.DefaultValuesNeeded += uiIOGrid_DefaultValuesNeeded;

            // Carico il model
Exemplo n.º 3
         * Carico il modello all'interno della view
        private void LoadModel(TransformationModel m)
            foreach (var el in m.Inputs)

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.InputColumnName))
                inutColumnCb.SelectedItem = m.InputColumnName;

            if (m.JsonObjectRelativePath == null)
                uiPathToArray.Text = "";
                uiPathToArray.Text = m.JsonObjectRelativePath;
            if (m.CustomLocalTempDir == null)
                uiTempDir.Text = "";
                uiTempDir.Text = m.CustomLocalTempDir;

            // Tab IO
            if (m.IoMap != null)
        public override void ProvideComponentProperties()
            ComponentMetaData.Name        = "JSON filter";
            ComponentMetaData.Description = "Given a input, this component will parse and process input text putting data into buffers.";
            ComponentMetaData.ContactInfo = "Alberto Geniola, [email protected]";

            // Pulisco gli input, output e le custom properties
            //ComponentMetaData.UsesDispositions = false; // Non supportiamo uscite con errori

            // Configuro l'input
            var input = ComponentMetaData.InputCollection.New();

            input.Name = "Json Input";

            // Configuro gli output (per default nessun output presente)
            var output = ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection.New();

            output.Name = "Parsed Json lines";
            output.SynchronousInputID = 0;

            TransformationModel m = null;

                m = GetModel();
            catch (ModelNotFoundException e)
                // Non l'ho trovato. Aggiungi la proprietà, salvando l'oggetto MODEL serializzato
                // in XML.
                var model = ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection.New();
                model.Description = "Contains information about the confiuguration of the item.";
                model.Name        = PROPERTY_KEY_MODEL;
                model.Value       = new TransformationModel().ToJsonConfig();
Exemplo n.º 5
         * Metodo invocato quando il componente UI viene caricato per la prima volta, generalmente in seguito al doppio click sul componente.
        public void Initialize(IDTSComponentMetaData100 dtsComponentMetadata, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            // Salva un link ai metadati del runtime editor ed al serviceProvider
            _sp = serviceProvider;
            _md = dtsComponentMetadata;

            // Controlla se l'oggetto contiene il model serializzato nelle proprietà. In caso negativo, creane uno nuovo ed attribuisciglielo.
            IDTSCustomProperty100 model = _md.CustomPropertyCollection[ComponentConstants.PROPERTY_KEY_MODEL];

            if (model.Value == null)
                _model      = new TransformationModel();
                model.Value = _model.ToJsonConfig();
                _model = TransformationModel.LoadFromJson(model.Value.ToString());

            if (_md == null)
                _md = (IDTSComponentMetaData100)_md.Instantiate();
        public static TransformationModel LoadFromJson(string jsonConfig)
            TransformationModel res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TransformationModel>(jsonConfig);

        public override void PreExecute()
            bool             debugging = false;
            IDTSVariables100 vars      = null;

                VariableDispenser.LockOneForRead(JSON_SOURCE_DEBUG_VAR, ref vars);
                object o = vars[JSON_SOURCE_DEBUG_VAR].Value;
                if (o != null)
                    if ((bool)o)
                        debugging = true;
            catch (Exception e) {
                //Do nothing
                bool fireAgain = false;
                ComponentMetaData.FireInformation(0, ComponentMetaData.Name, "wk_debug variable cannot be found. I won't stop to let debug attachment.", null, 0, ref fireAgain);
                if (vars != null)

            if (debugging)
                MessageBox.Show("Start Debugger");

            TransformationModel m = GetModel();

            _opt = new ParallelOptions();
            _opt.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4;

            bool cancel = false;

            // Carico i dettagli dal model
                m = GetModel();
            }catch (ModelNotFoundException ex) {
                ComponentMetaData.FireError(RUNTIME_ERROR_MODEL_INVALID, ComponentMetaData.Name, "Invalid Metadata for this component.", null, 0, out cancel);

            // Salva il mapping in un array locale
            _iomap = m.IoMap.ToArray <IOMapEntry>();

            // Salva una copia locale del percorso cui attingere l'array
            _pathToArray = m.JsonObjectRelativePath;

            // Genera un dizionario ad accesso veloce per il nome della colonna per i dati json: mappo nome colonna - Indice della colonna nella riga.
            // Questo dizionario è usato solo per il JSON, mentre per gli input standard non facciamo il lookup, ma usiamo l'indice del buffer.
            _startOfJsonColIndex = ComponentMetaData.InputCollection[0].InputColumnCollection.Count;
            _outColsMaps         = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            foreach (IOMapEntry e in _iomap)
                bool found = false;
                for (var i = 0; i < _iomap.Count(); i++)
                    var col = ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection[0].OutputColumnCollection[_startOfJsonColIndex + i];
                    if (col.Name == e.OutputColName)
                        found = true;
                        int colIndex = BufferManager.FindColumnByLineageID(ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection[0].Buffer, col.LineageID);
                        _outColsMaps.Add(e.OutputColName, colIndex);
                if (!found)
                    // Una colonna del model non ha trovato il corrispettivo nel componente attuale
                    ComponentMetaData.FireError(RUNTIME_ERROR_MODEL_INVALID, ComponentMetaData.Name, "The component is unable to locate the column named " + e.OutputColName + " inside the component metadata. Please review the component.", null, 0, out cancel);

            _inputColIndex = BufferManager.FindColumnByLineageID(ComponentMetaData.InputCollection[0].Buffer, ComponentMetaData.InputCollection[0].InputColumnCollection[GetModel().InputColumnName].LineageID);

            // Check if ww should take care of date parsing
            if (!m.ParseDates)
                _dateParsePolicy = DateParseHandling.None;
         * public override void OnInputPathDetached(int inputID)
         * {
         *  base.OnInputPathDetached(inputID);
         * }

         * Questo metodo è invocato diverse volte durante il designtime. Al suo interno verifico che i metadati siano
         * coerenti e consistenti. In caso di ambiguità o lacune, segnalo al designer le situazioni di inconsistenza,
         * generando opportunamente Warning o Errors.
        public override Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.DTSValidationStatus Validate()
            if (ComponentMetaData.AreInputColumnsValid == false)

            bool fireAgain = false;

            // Validazione di base
            // - Una sola linea di output.
            // - Nessuna linea di input.
            if (ComponentMetaData.InputCollection.Count != 1)
                ComponentMetaData.FireError(ERROR_NO_INPUT_SUPPORTED, ComponentMetaData.Name, "This component requires at least one output lane.", null, 0, out fireAgain);

            if (ComponentMetaData.OutputCollection.Count != 1)
                ComponentMetaData.FireError(ERROR_SINGLE_OUTPUT_SUPPORTED, ComponentMetaData.Name, "This component only supports a single output lane.", null, 0, out fireAgain);

             * foreach (IDTSInputColumn100 input in ComponentMetaData.InputCollection[0].InputColumnCollection) {
             *  bool cancel;
             *  if (input.DataType != DataType.DT_STR && input.DataType != DataType.DT_WSTR && input.DataType != DataType.DT_TEXT && input.DataType != DataType.DT_NTEXT)
             *  {
             *      ComponentMetaData.FireError(0, input.IdentificationString, "The column data type of " + input.Name + " is not a textual one, so it is unsupported.","",0,out cancel);
             *      return DTSValidationStatus.VS_ISBROKEN;
             *  }
             * }*/

            TransformationModel m = null;

                m = GetModel();
            catch (Exception e)

            // Controlla la tabella di IO
            // Il modello è vuoto?
            var enumerator = m.IoMap.GetEnumerator();

            if (m.IoMap == null || enumerator.MoveNext() == false)
                ComponentMetaData.FireError(ERROR_IOMAP_EMPTY, ComponentMetaData.Name, "This component must at least have one output column.", null, 0, out fireAgain);

            // Assicurati di avere tutte le informazioni per ogni colonna
            foreach (IOMapEntry e in m.IoMap)
                // FieldName and outputFiledName cannot be null, empty and must be unique.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.InputFieldPath))
                    ComponentMetaData.FireError(ERROR_IOMAP_ENTRY_ERROR, ComponentMetaData.Name, "One row of the Input-Output mapping is invalid: null or empty input field name. Please review IO configuration.", null, 0, out fireAgain);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.OutputColName))
                    ComponentMetaData.FireError(ERROR_IOMAP_ENTRY_ERROR, ComponentMetaData.Name, "One row of the Input-Output mapping is invalid: null or empty output field name. Please review IO configuration.", null, 0, out fireAgain);
                // Checks for unique cols
                foreach (IOMapEntry e1 in m.IoMap)
                    if (!ReferenceEquals(e, e1) && e.InputFieldPath == e1.InputFieldPath)
                        // Not unique!
                        ComponentMetaData.FireError(ERROR_IOMAP_ENTRY_ERROR, ComponentMetaData.Name, "There are two or more rows with same InputFieldName. This is not allowed.", null, 0, out fireAgain);
                    if (!ReferenceEquals(e, e1) && e.OutputColName == e1.OutputColName)
                        // Not unique!
                        ComponentMetaData.FireError(ERROR_IOMAP_ENTRY_ERROR, ComponentMetaData.Name, "There are two or more rows with same OutputColName. This is not allowed.", null, 0, out fireAgain);

            // Controllo i parametri avanzati
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.CustomLocalTempDir))
                // Give warning only if the user specified a custom value and that one is invalid
                if (!Directory.Exists(m.CustomLocalTempDir))
                    ComponentMetaData.FireWarning(WARNING_CUSTOM_TEMP_DIR_INVALID, ComponentMetaData.Name, "The path to " + m.CustomLocalTempDir + " doesn't exists on this FS. If you're going to deploy the package on another server, make sure the path is correct and the service has write permission on it.", null, 0);

            // Controllo che la colonna di input sia ancora valida
            bool found = false;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.InputColumnName))
                ComponentMetaData.FireError(ERROR_INPUT_LANE_NOT_FOUND, ComponentMetaData.Name, "Input column has not been selected.", null, 0, out fireAgain);
            foreach (IDTSVirtualInputColumn100 vcol in ComponentMetaData.InputCollection[0].GetVirtualInput().VirtualInputColumnCollection)
                if (vcol.Name == m.InputColumnName)
                    found = true;

            if (!found)
                ComponentMetaData.FireError(ERROR_INPUT_LANE_NOT_FOUND, ComponentMetaData.Name, "Input column " + m.InputColumnName + " is not present among the inputs of this component. Please update the component configuration.", null, 0, out fireAgain);