Exemplo n.º 1
        // If we use Rigidbody we need to assign the velocities in FixedUpdate()
        private void FixedUpdate()
            if (anchor == null)

            if (movementType == MovementType.CharacterController)
                return;                 // Oops for some reason we ended up here. Should never happen.

            if (state == FormationStates.Move)
                if (formationAnchor != null)
                    float   endReachedDistance = formationAnchor.endReachedDistance;
                    Vector3 vlcity             = formationAnchor.GetVelocity();

                    //DebugPanel.Log("Anchor velocity", "Anchor", vlcity.magnitude);

                    for (int i = 0; i < gridPoints.Count; i++)
                        FormationGridPoint fgp = gridPoints[i];
                        if (fgp != null)
                            if (fgp.IsUnitAssigned())
                                switch (movementType)
                                case MovementType.RigidBody:
                                    MoveUnitsRigidBodyMode(i, fgp, vlcity, endReachedDistance);

                                case MovementType.CharacterController:
                                    //MoveUnitsCharacterControllerMode(i, fgp, vlcity, endReachedDistance);

                                    Debug.LogError("FormationGrid.Update(): Unknown movementType");

                                FormationUnitAnimation formationUnitAnimation = fgp.GetFormationUnitAnimation();
                                if (formationUnitAnimation)
                                    formationUnitAnimation.velocity = fgp.GetAssignedVelocity();
                                    //DebugPanel.Log("FUA.velocity", "Unit Animation", fgp.GetAssignedVelocity());

                        oldPosition = anchorPosition;
                        oldRotation = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            if (anchor == null)

            if (state == FormationStates.Form)
                for (int i = 0; i < gridPoints.Count; i++)
                    FormationGridPoint fgp = gridPoints[i];
                    if (fgp != null)
                        if (fgp.IsUnitAssigned())
                            FormationUnitAnimation formationUnitAnimation = fgp.GetFormationUnitAnimation();
                            if (formationUnitAnimation)
                                GameObject go = fgp.GetAssignedUnit();
                                if (go)
                                    AIPath aip = go.GetComponent <AIPath>();
                                    formationUnitAnimation.velocity = aip.CalculateVelocity(Vector3.zero); // obselete but velocity property is not available.
                                    NavMeshAgent nma = go.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
                                    formationUnitAnimation.velocity = nma.velocity;

            if (state == FormationStates.Move)
                if ((oldPosition - anchorPosition).sqrMagnitude > 0.001f * 0.001f)  // TODO: potentially we can do this by checking if target has been reached
                    positionDirty = true;
                    positionDirty = false;

                if (Mathf.Abs(anchorRotation.eulerAngles.y - oldRotation) > 0.01f)
                    rotationDirty = true;
                    rotationDirty = false;

                Quaternion target = anchorRotation;
                if (rotationDirty)
                    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, target, Time.deltaTime * smoothRotation);

                // Rotate the units at grid points to align with anchor rotation:
                // TODO: can we check when not to run this by means of "fully rotated" units?
                if (formationAnchor != null)
                    // Vector3 velocity = formationAnchor.GetVelocity();

                    for (int i = 0; i < gridPoints.Count; i++)
                        FormationGridPoint fgp = gridPoints[i];
                        if (fgp != null)
                            if (fgp.IsUnitAssigned())
                                GameObject au = fgp.GetAssignedUnit();

                                au.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(au.transform.rotation, target, Time.deltaTime * smoothRotation);

                if (positionDirty)
                    transform.position = anchorPosition;    // Move the Formation to Anchor position. TODO: If dampening needed, do Lerp here.

                    if (randomizeOffset > 0.0F)
                    {                                       // Randomize the positions slightly if enabled
                        reRandomizeOffsets += Time.deltaTime;

                        if (reRandomizeOffsets > reRandomizeNextTime)      // ReRandomize the gridpoints every 3 seconds
                            reRandomizeOffsets  = 0.0F;
                            reRandomizeNextTime = reRandomizeTimeMin + (reRandomizeTimeMax - reRandomizeTimeMin) * Random.value;

                            for (int i = 0; i < gridPoints.Count; i++)
                                FormationGridPoint fgp = gridPoints[i];

                    CalculatePositionsAllGridPoints();      // Calculate all Grid Points relative to the Anchor which has moved by means of A*Pathfinfing.

                // Now move the units (assigned to grid positions) towards their grid position:

                // TODO: Add a check here to stop if all units have arrived.

                if (formationAnchor != null)
                    float   endReachedDistance = formationAnchor.endReachedDistance;
                    Vector3 vlcity             = formationAnchor.GetVelocity();

                    //DebugPanel.Log("Anchor velocity", "Anchor", vlcity.magnitude);

                    for (int i = 0; i < gridPoints.Count; i++)
                        FormationGridPoint fgp = gridPoints[i];
                        if (fgp != null)
                            if (fgp.IsUnitAssigned())
                                switch (movementType)
                                case MovementType.RigidBody:
                                    // Do nothing since in case of rigidbody we use FixedUpdate() instead of Update()
                                    //MoveUnitsRigidBodyMode(i, fgp, vlcity, endReachedDistance);

                                case MovementType.CharacterController:
                                    MoveUnitsCharacterControllerMode(i, fgp, vlcity, endReachedDistance);

                                    Debug.LogError("FormationGrid.Update(): Unknown movementType");

                                FormationUnitAnimation formationUnitAnimation = fgp.GetFormationUnitAnimation();
                                if (formationUnitAnimation)
                                    formationUnitAnimation.velocity = fgp.GetAssignedVelocity();
                                    //DebugPanel.Log("FUA.velocity", "Unit Animation", fgp.GetAssignedVelocity());

                        oldPosition = anchorPosition;
                        oldRotation = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y;

            if (state == FormationStates.Disband)
                if (disbandTimer == 0.0f)
                    // set the directions for each assigned unit
                    for (int i = 0; i < gridPoints.Count; i++)
                        FormationGridPoint fgp = gridPoints[i];
                        if (fgp != null)
                            if (fgp.IsUnitAssigned())
                                fgp.SetDisbandDesitination(disbandRadius, mask);
                    disbanded = false;

                // start a timer, for x seconds have the assigned units move into a random direction
                disbandTimer += Time.deltaTime;
                if (disbandTimer < disbandDuration)
                    // Move them

                    //DebugPanel.Log("disbandtimer", "disband", disbandTimer);
                    if (!disbanded)
                        disbanded = true;