Exemplo n.º 1
        // *****************************************************************************
        // Field Support
        // *****************************************************************************

        /// <summary>
        /// Allows us to show an object field that supports interfaces
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns an object that is of the valid type or null</returns>
        public static GameObject InterfaceOwnerField <T>(GUIContent rLabel, GameObject rValue, bool rAllowSceneObjects, params GUILayoutOption[] rOptions)
            GameObject lGameObject = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(rLabel, rValue, typeof(GameObject), rAllowSceneObjects, rOptions) as GameObject;

            if (lGameObject != null)
                if (InterfaceHelper.GetComponent <T>(lGameObject) == null)
                    lGameObject = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to get the Type (from a string) even if the AssemblyQualifiedName doesn't match
        /// what was serialized
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rTypeString"></param>
        /// <param name="rNameChanged">out parameter; set to true if the AQN had to be changed in order
        /// to get the Type. This tells the calling function that the serialization should be updated.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Type ResolveType(string rTypeString, out bool rNameChanged)
            rNameChanged = false;
            Type lType = Type.GetType(rTypeString);

            if (lType != null)
                // The type was found successfully, so we exit early.

            // The most likely reason for GetType() to fail when we're deserializing and object is that the object
            // was serialized using a different AssemblyQualifiedName than where the type currently resides.

            // This will happen if importing a prefab created with a previous version of the ootii assets,
            // as they will be have been serialized as belonging to the "Assembly-CSharp" assembly instead of the
            // "ootii" assembly. This will also happen if the "ootii" Assembly Definition File is renamed.

            // First, check that the type is using the AssemblyQualifiedName. It should look like:
            // "com.ootii.Actors.AnimationControllers.BasicIdle, ootii, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null"
            if (rTypeString.Contains(",") && rTypeString.Contains("Version="))
                // Remove everything after the type name (after the first comma)
                int lEndIndex = rTypeString.IndexOf(",", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                rTypeString = rTypeString.Substring(0, lEndIndex);

            // Now we just have the type's FullName remaining
            string lFullName = rTypeString;

            rNameChanged = true;

            // First, we'll try the "ootii" assembly (if it has been renamed, the AssemblyInfo property has the current name)
            string lTypeString = lFullName + ", " + AssemblyInfo;

            lType = Type.GetType(lTypeString);
            if (lType != null)

            // If that failed, then we'll try looking in Assembly-CSharp (the default assembly for code not in an .asmdef)
            lTypeString = lFullName + ", Assembly - CSharp, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null";
            lType       = Type.GetType(lTypeString);
            if (lType != null)

            // If this failed as well, then we'll start iterating through all loaded assemblies
            foreach (Assembly lAssembly in InterfaceHelper.GetAssemblies())
                // Skip ootii and Assembly-CSharp, as we've already checked those
                if (lAssembly.FullName == AssemblyInfo || lAssembly.FullName.Contains("Assembly-CSharp"))

                lTypeString = lFullName + ", " + lAssembly.FullName;
                lType       = Type.GetType(lTypeString);
                if (lType != null)

            rNameChanged = false;