Exemplo n.º 1
        public int CheckLogin(string username, string password)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Globals.ConnectionString))
                //string password_md5 = CommonBLL.GetMD5Password(password);
                //get user password
                CommonDAL cdal = new CommonDAL(conn);
                DataRow dr = cdal.GetDR("select * from Server_D_UserInfor where UserName='******' ");

                if (null == dr) return -1;
                if (dr["UserPassWord"].Equals(password))
                    //get total right value 
                    //get totalrightvalue ,isnull(dbo.f_GetUserTotalRightValue(id),0) as totalrightvalue
                    string sql = "select isnull(dbo.f_GetUserTotalRightValue('"+username+"'),0) as totalrightvalue ";
                    int totalrightvalue = Functions.ParseInt(cdal.GetFieldValueStringBySQL(sql, "totalrightvalue"), 0);
                    return totalrightvalue;
                    return -2;


Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Globals.ConnectionString))
                string password = this.txtPassword.Text;
                string newpassword = this.txtNewPassword.Text;
                string newpassword2 = this.txtNewPassword2.Text;

                //string password_md5 = CommonBLL.GetMD5Password(password);

                CommonDAL cdal = new CommonDAL(conn);

                string dPassword = "";
                dPassword = cdal.GetFieldValueStringBySQL("select UserPassWord  from Server_D_UserInfor where UserName='******'", "UserPassWord");

                if (password.Equals(dPassword))
                    //string newpassword_md5 = CommonBLL.GetMD5Password(newpassword);
                    string sql = "update Server_D_UserInfor set UserPassWord='******' where UserName='******' " ;
                    GetSuccessMsg("密码已更新" );
                    GetSuccessMsg("原密码不正确" );
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Globals.ConnectionString))
                CommonDAL cdal = new CommonDAL(conn);
                //string password_md5 = CommonBLL.GetMD5Password("1234509876");
                string password = txtPassword.Text;//"123456";
                string username = txtUsername.Text;

                int userid = Functions.ParseInt(ViewState["userid"], 0);
                string sql = "";
                if (userid == 0)
                { //add
                    sql = "select count(*) as cnt from Server_D_UserInfor where username ='******' ";
                    int cnt = Functions.ParseInt(cdal.GetFieldValueStringBySQL(sql, "cnt"), 0);
                    if (cnt > 0) {

                    sql = " declare @username nvarchar(20) set @username='******' ";
                    sql += " insert into [Server_D_UserInfor](username,userpassword,currentstate) values( @username,'" + password + "','ON' ) ";
                    //sql += " declare @userid int set @userid=@@identity ";
                    foreach (ListItem li in cblRoles.Items)
                        if (li.Selected)    //表示某一项被选中了 
                            sql += " insert into user_role(username,roleid) values(@username," + li.Value + ") ";
                { //edit
                    sql = " declare @username nvarchar(20) set @username='******' ";
                    /* 不允许修改用户名,只允许修改权限;
                    sql += " if not exists ( select * from [Server_D_UserInfor] where username=@username and id<>" + userid + " ) "
                    + " begin update [Server_D_UserInfor] set username=@username where id=" + userid + " end ";
                    sql += " update Server_D_UserInfor set userpassword='******' where username=@username ";
                    sql += " delete from user_role where username=@username ";
                    foreach (ListItem li in cblRoles.Items)
                        if (li.Selected)    //表示某一项被选中了 
                            sql += " insert into user_role(username ,roleid) values(@username," + li.Value + ") ";
                GetSuccessMsg("保存成功!", "userlist.aspx");

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string filename = Functions.ParseStr(Request["filename"], "");

            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Globals.ConnectionString)) {

                CommonDAL cdal = new CommonDAL(conn);
                string sql = " select count(*) as cnt from driversfiles where filename='" + filename + "' ";

                int cnt = Functions.ParseInt(cdal.GetFieldValueStringBySQL(sql, "cnt"), 0);

                sql = " select count(*) as cnt from Server_D_DriversFiles where filename='" + filename + "' ";

                int cnt0 = Functions.ParseInt(cdal.GetFieldValueStringBySQL(sql, "cnt"), 0);


Exemplo n.º 5
        protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Globals.ConnectionString))
                CommonDAL cdal = new CommonDAL(conn);
                string rolename = txtRolename.Text;
                string remark = txtRemark.Text;

                int roleid = Functions.ParseInt(ViewState["roleid"], 0);
                string sql = "";
                if (roleid == 0)
                { //add
                    sql = "select count(*) as cnt from [role] where [name] ='" + rolename + "' ";
                    int cnt = Functions.ParseInt(cdal.GetFieldValueStringBySQL(sql, "cnt"), 0);
                    if (cnt > 0) {

                    sql = " declare @rolename nvarchar(20) set @rolename='" + rolename + "' ";
                    sql += " insert into [role](name,remark) values( @rolename,'" + remark + "' ) ";
                    sql += " declare @roleid int set @roleid=@@identity ";
                    foreach (ListItem li in cblRights.Items)
                        if (li.Selected)    //表示某一项被选中了 
                            sql += " insert into role_right(roleid,rightid) values(@roleid," + li.Value + ") ";
                { //edit
                    sql = " declare @rolename nvarchar(20) set @rolename='" + rolename + "' ";
                    sql += " declare @roleid int set @roleid=" + roleid + " ";

                    sql += " if not exists ( select * from [role] where [name]=@rolename and id<>@roleid ) "
                    + " begin update [role] set [name]=@rolename where id=@roleid end ";
                    sql += " delete from role_right where roleid=@roleid ";
                    foreach (ListItem li in cblRights.Items)
                        if (li.Selected)    //表示某一项被选中了 
                            sql += " insert into role_right(roleid,rightid) values(@roleid," + li.Value + ") ";
                GetSuccessMsg("保存成功!", "rolelist.aspx");
