Exemplo n.º 1
        private void RunAssertionInsertInto(EPServiceProvider epService)
            string statementText = "insert into MyStream select " +
                                   "map.mapOne as val1" +
                                   " from NestedMap#length(5)";


            statementText = "select val1 as a from MyStream";
            EPStatement statement = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL(statementText);
            var         listener  = new SupportUpdateListener();

            statement.Events += listener.Update;

            IDictionary <string, Object> testdata = GetTestData();

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(testdata, "NestedMap");

            // test all properties exist
            string[]  fields   = "a".Split(',');
            EventBean received = listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset();

            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, fields, new object[] { ExecEventMap.GetNestedKeyMap(testdata, "map", "mapOne") });

Exemplo n.º 2
        private IDictionary <string, Object> GetTestDef()
            IDictionary <string, Object> levelThree = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "simpleThree", typeof(long) },
                new object[] { "objectThree", typeof(SupportBean_B) },

            IDictionary <string, Object> levelTwo = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "simpleTwo", typeof(int?) },
                new object[] { "objectTwo", typeof(SupportBeanCombinedProps) },
                new object[] { "nodefmapTwo", typeof(Map) },
                new object[] { "mapTwo", levelThree },

            IDictionary <string, Object> levelOne = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "simpleOne", typeof(int?) },
                new object[] { "objectOne", typeof(SupportBeanComplexProps) },
                new object[] { "nodefmapOne", typeof(Map) },
                new object[] { "mapOne", levelTwo }

            IDictionary <string, Object> levelZero = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "simple", typeof(string) },
                new object[] { "object", typeof(SupportBean_A) },
                new object[] { "nodefmap", typeof(Map) },
                new object[] { "map", levelOne }

Exemplo n.º 3
        private IDictionary <string, Object> GetTestDataThree()
            IDictionary <string, Object> levelThree = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "simpleThree", 4000L },

            IDictionary <string, Object> levelTwo = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "objectTwo", SupportBeanCombinedProps.MakeDefaultBean() },
                new object[] { "nodefmapTwo", ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "key3", "val3" } }) },
                new object[] { "mapTwo", levelThree },

            IDictionary <string, Object> levelOne = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "simpleOne", null },
                new object[] { "objectOne", null },
                new object[] { "mapOne", levelTwo }

            IDictionary <string, Object> levelZero = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "simple", "abc" },
                new object[] { "object", new SupportBean_A("A1") },
                new object[] { "nodefmap", ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "key1", "val1" } }) },
                new object[] { "map", levelOne }

Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void Configure(Configuration configuration)
            IDictionary <string, Object> type = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "base1", typeof(string) },
                new object[] { "base2", ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "n1", typeof(int) } }) }

            configuration.AddEventType("MyEvent", type);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void RunAssertionNestedPojo(EPServiceProvider epService)
            string statementText = "select " +
                                   "simple, object, nodefmap, map, " +
                                   "object.id as a1, nodefmap.key1? as a2, nodefmap.key2? as a3, nodefmap.key3?.key4 as a4, " +
                                   "map.objectOne as b1, map.simpleOne as b2, map.nodefmapOne.key2? as b3, map.mapOne.simpleTwo? as b4, " +
                                   "map.objectOne.indexed[1] as c1, map.objectOne.nested.nestedValue as c2," +
                                   "map.mapOne.simpleTwo as d1, map.mapOne.objectTwo as d2, map.mapOne.nodefmapTwo as d3, " +
                                   "map.mapOne.mapTwo as e1, map.mapOne.mapTwo.simpleThree as e2, map.mapOne.mapTwo.objectThree as e3, " +
                                   "map.mapOne.objectTwo.array[1].Mapped('1ma').value as f1, map.mapOne.mapTwo.objectThree.id as f2" +
                                   " from NestedMap#length(5)";
            EPStatement statement = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL(statementText);
            var         listener  = new SupportUpdateListener();

            statement.Events += listener.Update;

            IDictionary <string, Object> testdata = GetTestData();

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(testdata, "NestedMap");

            // test all properties exist
            EventBean received = listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset();

            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "simple,object,nodefmap,map".Split(','),
                                        new object[] { "abc", new SupportBean_A("A1"), testdata.Get("nodefmap"), testdata.Get("map") });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "a1,a2,a3,a4".Split(','),
                                        new object[] { "A1", "val1", null, null });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "b1,b2,b3,b4".Split(','),
                                        new object[] { ExecEventMap.GetNestedKeyMap(testdata, "map", "objectOne"), 10, "val2", 300 });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "c1,c2".Split(','), new object[] { 2, "NestedValue" });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "d1,d2,d3".Split(','),
                                        new object[] { 300, ExecEventMap.GetNestedKeyMap(testdata, "map", "mapOne", "objectTwo"), ExecEventMap.GetNestedKeyMap(testdata, "map", "mapOne", "nodefmapTwo") });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "e1,e2,e3".Split(','),
                                        new object[] { ExecEventMap.GetNestedKeyMap(testdata, "map", "mapOne", "mapTwo"), 4000L, new SupportBean_B("B1") });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "f1,f2".Split(','),
                                        new object[] { "1ma0", "B1" });

            // test partial properties exist
            testdata = GetTestDataThree();
            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(testdata, "NestedMap");

            received = listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset();
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "simple,object,nodefmap,map".Split(','),
                                        new object[] { "abc", new SupportBean_A("A1"), testdata.Get("nodefmap"), testdata.Get("map") });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "a1,a2,a3,a4".Split(','),
                                        new object[] { "A1", "val1", null, null });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "b1,b2,b3,b4".Split(','),
                                        new object[] { ExecEventMap.GetNestedKeyMap(testdata, "map", "objectOne"), null, null, null });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "c1,c2".Split(','), new object[] { null, null });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "d1,d2,d3".Split(','),
                                        new object[] { null, ExecEventMap.GetNestedKeyMap(testdata, "map", "mapOne", "objectTwo"), ExecEventMap.GetNestedKeyMap(testdata, "map", "mapOne", "nodefmapTwo") });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "e1,e2,e3".Split(','),
                                        new object[] { ExecEventMap.GetNestedKeyMap(testdata, "map", "mapOne", "mapTwo"), 4000L, null });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, "f1,f2".Split(','),
                                        new object[] { "1ma0", null });
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void RunAssertionMappedProperty(EPServiceProvider epService)
            // test map containing first-level property that is an array of primitive or .GetType()
            IDictionary <string, Object> mappedDef = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "p0", typeof(Map) } });

            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("MyMappedPropertyMap", mappedDef);

            EPStatement stmt     = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select p0('k1') as a from MyMappedPropertyMap");
            var         listener = new SupportUpdateListener();

            stmt.Events += listener.Update;

            var eventVal = new Dictionary <string, Object>();

            eventVal.Put("k1", "v1");
            IDictionary <string, Object> theEvent = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "p0", eventVal } });

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(theEvent, "MyMappedPropertyMap");

            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), "a".Split(','), new object[] { "v1" });
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Object), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("a"));

            // test map at the second level of a nested map that is an array of primitive or .GetType()
            IDictionary <string, Object> mappedDefOuter = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "outer", mappedDef } });

            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("MyMappedPropertyMapOuter", mappedDefOuter);

            stmt         = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select outer.p0('k1') as a from MyMappedPropertyMapOuter");
            stmt.Events += listener.Update;

            IDictionary <string, Object> eventOuter = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "outer", theEvent } });

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(eventOuter, "MyMappedPropertyMapOuter");

            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), "a".Split(','), new object[] { "v1" });
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Object), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("a"));

            // test map that contains a bean which has a map property
            IDictionary <string, Object> mappedDefOuterTwo = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "outerTwo", typeof(SupportBeanComplexProps) } });

            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("MyMappedPropertyMapOuterTwo", mappedDefOuterTwo);

            stmt         = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select outerTwo.MapProperty('xOne') as a from MyMappedPropertyMapOuterTwo");
            stmt.Events += listener.Update;

            IDictionary <string, Object> eventOuterTwo = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "outerTwo", SupportBeanComplexProps.MakeDefaultBean() } });

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(eventOuterTwo, "MyMappedPropertyMapOuterTwo");

            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), "a".Split(','), new object[] { "yOne" });
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(string), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("a"));

        public override void Configure(Configuration configuration)
            IDictionary <string, Object> definition = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "a.b", typeof(int) },
                new object[] { "a.b.c", typeof(int) },
                new object[] { "nes.", typeof(int) },
                new object[] { "nes.nes2", ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "x.y", typeof(int) } }) }

            configuration.AddEventType("DotMap", definition);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void Run(EPServiceProvider epService)
            var invalid = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] {
                    new SupportBean(), null
            TryInvalid(epService, invalid, typeof(SupportBean).FullName + " cannot be cast to System.String");

            invalid = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "abc", new SupportBean() } });
            TryInvalid(epService, invalid, "Nestable type configuration encountered an unexpected property type of 'SupportBean' for property 'abc', expected Type or DataMap or the name of a previously-declared Map or ObjectArray type");
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void RunAssertionsMapNamePropertyNested(EPServiceProvider epService)
            // create a named map
            IDictionary <string, Object> namedDef = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "n0", typeof(int) } });

            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("MyNamedMap", namedDef);

            // create a map using the name
            IDictionary <string, Object> eventDef = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "p0", "MyNamedMap" }, new object[] { "p1", "MyNamedMap[]" } });

            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("MyMapWithAMap", eventDef);

            // test named-map at the second level of a nested map
            IDictionary <string, Object> arrayDefOuter = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "outer", eventDef } });

            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("MyArrayMapTwo", arrayDefOuter);

            var         listener = new SupportUpdateListener();
            EPStatement stmt     = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select outer.p0.n0 as a, outer.p1[0].n0 as b, outer.p1[1].n0 as c, outer.p0 as d, outer.p1 as e from MyArrayMapTwo");

            stmt.Events += listener.Update;

            IDictionary <string, Object> n0_1  = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "n0", 1 } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> n0_21 = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "n0", 2 } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> n0_22 = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "n0", 3 } });
            var n0_2 = new Map[] { n0_21, n0_22 };
            IDictionary <string, Object> theEvent   = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "p0", n0_1 }, new object[] { "p1", n0_2 } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> eventOuter = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "outer", theEvent } });

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(eventOuter, "MyArrayMapTwo");

            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), "a,b,c,d,e".Split(','), new object[] { 1, 2, 3, n0_1, n0_2 });
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int?), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("a"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int?), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("b"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int?), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("c"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Map), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("d"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Map[]), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("e"));

            stmt         = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select outer.p0.n0? as a, outer.p1[0].n0? as b, outer.p1[1]?.n0 as c, outer.p0? as d, outer.p1? as e from MyArrayMapTwo");
            stmt.Events += listener.Update;
            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(eventOuter, "MyArrayMapTwo");

            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), "a,b,c,d,e".Split(','), new object[] { 1, 2, 3, n0_1, n0_2 });
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int?), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("a"));

        public override void Run(EPServiceProvider epService)
            IDictionary <string, Object> root = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "base", typeof(string) } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> sub1 = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "sub1", typeof(string) } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> sub2 = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "sub2", typeof(string) } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> suba = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "suba", typeof(string) } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> subb = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "subb", typeof(string) } });

            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("RootEvent", root);
            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("Sub1Event", sub1, new string[] { "RootEvent" });
            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("Sub2Event", sub2, new string[] { "RootEvent" });
            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("SubAEvent", suba, new string[] { "Sub1Event" });
            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("SubBEvent", subb, new string[] { "Sub1Event", "Sub2Event" });

Exemplo n.º 11
        private void RunAssertionArrayProperty(EPServiceProvider epService)
            // test map containing first-level property that is an array of primitive or .GetType()
            IDictionary <string, Object> arrayDef = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "p0", typeof(int[]) }, new object[] { "p1", typeof(SupportBean[]) } });

            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("MyArrayMap", arrayDef);

            EPStatement stmt     = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select p0[0] as a, p0[1] as b, p1[0].IntPrimitive as c, p1[1] as d, p0 as e from MyArrayMap");
            var         listener = new SupportUpdateListener();

            stmt.Events += listener.Update;

            var p0    = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
            var beans = new SupportBean[] { new SupportBean("e1", 5), new SupportBean("e2", 6) };
            IDictionary <string, Object> theEvent = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "p0", p0 }, new object[] { "p1", beans } });

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(theEvent, "MyArrayMap");

            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), "a,b,c,d,e".Split(','), new object[] { 1, 2, 5, beans[1], p0 });
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("a"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("b"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("c"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(SupportBean), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("d"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int[]), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("e"));

            // test map at the second level of a nested map that is an array of primitive or .GetType()
            IDictionary <string, Object> arrayDefOuter = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "outer", arrayDef } });

            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("MyArrayMapOuter", arrayDefOuter);

            stmt         = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select outer.p0[0] as a, outer.p0[1] as b, outer.p1[0].IntPrimitive as c, outer.p1[1] as d, outer.p0 as e from MyArrayMapOuter");
            stmt.Events += listener.Update;

            IDictionary <string, Object> eventOuter = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "outer", theEvent } });

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(eventOuter, "MyArrayMapOuter");

            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), "a,b,c,d".Split(','), new object[] { 1, 2, 5, beans[1] });
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int?), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("a"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int?), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("b"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int?), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("c"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(SupportBean), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("d"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int[]), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("e"));

        public override void Run(EPServiceProvider epService)
            IDictionary <string, Object> levelOne1  = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "simpleOne", typeof(int?) } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> levelOne2  = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "simpleOne", typeof(long) } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> levelZero1 = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "map", levelOne1 } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> levelZero2 = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "map", levelOne2 } });

            // can add the same nested type twice
            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("ABC", levelZero1);
            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("ABC", levelZero1);
            try {
                // changing the definition however stops the compatibility
                epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("ABC", levelZero2);
            } catch (ConfigurationException) {
                // expected
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void Configure(Configuration configuration)
            IDictionary <string, Object> root = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "base", typeof(string) } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> sub1 = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "sub1", typeof(string) } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> sub2 = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "sub2", typeof(string) } });
            Properties suba = ExecEventMap.MakeProperties(new object[][] { new object[] { "suba", typeof(string) } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> subb = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "subb", typeof(string) } });

            configuration.AddEventType("RootEvent", root);
            configuration.AddEventType("Sub1Event", sub1);
            configuration.AddEventType("Sub2Event", sub2);
            configuration.AddEventType("SubAEvent", suba);
            configuration.AddEventType("SubBEvent", subb);

            configuration.AddMapSuperType("Sub1Event", "RootEvent");
            configuration.AddMapSuperType("Sub2Event", "RootEvent");
            configuration.AddMapSuperType("SubAEvent", "Sub1Event");
            configuration.AddMapSuperType("SubBEvent", "Sub1Event");
            configuration.AddMapSuperType("SubBEvent", "Sub2Event");
        public override void Run(EPServiceProvider epService)
            string      statementText = "select a\\.b, a\\.b\\.c, nes\\., nes\\.nes2.x\\.y from DotMap";
            EPStatement statement     = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL(statementText);
            var         listener      = new SupportUpdateListener();

            statement.Events += listener.Update;

            IDictionary <string, Object> data = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "a.b", 10 },
                new object[] { "a.b.c", 20 },
                new object[] { "nes.", 30 },
                new object[] { "nes.nes2", ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "x.y", 40 } }) }

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(data, "DotMap");

            string[]  fields   = "a.b,a.b.c,nes.,nes.nes2.x.y".Split(',');
            EventBean received = listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset();

            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(received, fields, new object[] { 10, 20, 30, 40 });
Exemplo n.º 15
        private void RunAssertionMapNameProperty(EPServiceProvider epService)
            // create a named map
            IDictionary <string, Object> namedDef = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "n0", typeof(int) } });

            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("MyNamedMap", namedDef);

            // create a map using the name
            IDictionary <string, Object> eventDef = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "p0", "MyNamedMap" }, new object[] { "p1", "MyNamedMap[]" } });

            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("MyMapWithAMap", eventDef);

            EPStatement stmt     = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select p0.n0 as a, p1[0].n0 as b, p1[1].n0 as c, p0 as d, p1 as e from MyMapWithAMap");
            var         listener = new SupportUpdateListener();

            stmt.Events += listener.Update;

            IDictionary <string, Object> n0_1  = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "n0", 1 } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> n0_21 = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "n0", 2 } });
            IDictionary <string, Object> n0_22 = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "n0", 3 } });
            var n0_2 = new Map[] { n0_21, n0_22 };
            IDictionary <string, Object> theEvent = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "p0", n0_1 }, new object[] { "p1", n0_2 } });

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(theEvent, "MyMapWithAMap");

            EventBean eventResult = listener.AssertOneGetNewAndReset();

            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(eventResult, "a,b,c,d".Split(','), new object[] { 1, 2, 3, n0_1 });
            Map[] valueE = (Map[])eventResult.Get("e");
            Assert.AreEqual(valueE[0], n0_2[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(valueE[1], n0_2[1]);

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("a"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("b"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(int), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("c"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Map), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("d"));
            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Map[]), stmt.EventType.GetPropertyType("e"));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public override void Run(EPServiceProvider epService)
            EPStatement statementOne = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL(
                "select base1 as v1, base2.n1 as v2, base3? as v3, base2.n2? as v4  from MyEvent");
            EPStatement statementOneSelectAll = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select * from MyEvent");

            Assert.AreEqual("[base1, base2]", CompatExtensions.Render(statementOneSelectAll.EventType.PropertyNames));
            var listenerOne = new SupportUpdateListener();

            statementOne.Events += listenerOne.Update;
            string[] fields = "v1,v2,v3,v4".Split(',');

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "base1", "abc" },
                new object[] { "base2", ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "n1", 10 } }) }
            }), "MyEvent");
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listenerOne.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "abc", 10, null, null });

            // update type
            IDictionary <string, Object> typeNew = ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "base3", typeof(long) },
                new object[] { "base2", ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "n2", typeof(string) } }) }

            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.UpdateMapEventType("MyEvent", typeNew);

            EPStatement statementTwo          = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select base1 as v1, base2.n1 as v2, base3 as v3, base2.n2 as v4 from MyEvent");
            EPStatement statementTwoSelectAll = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select * from MyEvent");
            var         listenerTwo           = new SupportUpdateListener();

            statementTwo.Events += listenerTwo.Update;

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] {
                new object[] { "base1", "def" },
                new object[] { "base2", ExecEventMap.MakeMap(new object[][] { new object[] { "n1", 9 }, new object[] { "n2", "xyz" } }) },
                new object[] { "base3", 20L },
            }), "MyEvent");
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listenerOne.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "def", 9, 20L, "xyz" });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listenerTwo.AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "def", 9, 20L, "xyz" });

            // assert event type
            Assert.AreEqual("[base1, base2, base3]", CompatExtensions.Render(statementOneSelectAll.EventType.PropertyNames));
            Assert.AreEqual("[base1, base2, base3]", CompatExtensions.Render(statementTwoSelectAll.EventType.PropertyNames));

            EPAssertionUtil.AssertEqualsAnyOrder(new EventPropertyDescriptor[] {
                new EventPropertyDescriptor("base3", typeof(long), null, false, false, false, false, false),
                new EventPropertyDescriptor("base2", typeof(IDictionary <string, object>), null, false, false, false, true, false),
                new EventPropertyDescriptor("base1", typeof(string), typeof(char), false, false, true, false, false),
            }, statementTwoSelectAll.EventType.PropertyDescriptors);

            try {
                epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.UpdateMapEventType("dummy", typeNew);
            } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
                Assert.AreEqual("Error updating Map event type: Event type named 'dummy' has not been declared", ex.Message);

            epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType <SupportBean>();
            try {
                epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.UpdateMapEventType("SupportBean", typeNew);
            } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
                Assert.AreEqual("Error updating Map event type: Event type by name 'SupportBean' is not a Map event type", ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 17
        internal static void RunAssertionMapInheritance(EPServiceProvider epService)
            var listeners = new SupportUpdateListener[5];

            string[] statements =
                "select base as vbase, sub1? as v1, sub2? as v2, suba? as va, subb? as vb from RootEvent",      // 0
                "select base as vbase, sub1 as v1, sub2? as v2, suba? as va, subb? as vb from Sub1Event",       // 1
                "select base as vbase, sub1? as v1, sub2 as v2, suba? as va, subb? as vb from Sub2Event",       // 2
                "select base as vbase, sub1 as v1, sub2? as v2, suba as va, subb? as vb from SubAEvent",        // 3
                "select base as vbase, sub1? as v1, sub2 as v2, suba? as va, subb as vb from SubBEvent"         // 4
            for (int i = 0; i < statements.Length; i++)
                EPStatement statement = epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL(statements[i]);
                listeners[i]      = new SupportUpdateListener();
                statement.Events += listeners[i].Update;
            string[] fields = "vbase,v1,v2,va,vb".Split(',');

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(ExecEventMap.MakeMap("base=a,sub1=b,sub2=x,suba=c,subb=y"), "SubAEvent");
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[0].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "a", "b", "x", "c", "y" });
            Assert.IsFalse(listeners[2].IsInvoked || listeners[4].IsInvoked);
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[1].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "a", "b", "x", "c", "y" });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[3].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "a", "b", "x", "c", "y" });

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(ExecEventMap.MakeMap("base=f1,sub1=f2,sub2=f3,suba=f4,subb=f5"), "SubAEvent");
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[0].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5" });
            Assert.IsFalse(listeners[2].IsInvoked || listeners[4].IsInvoked);
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[1].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5" });
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[3].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, new object[] { "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5" });

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(ExecEventMap.MakeMap("base=XBASE,sub1=X1,sub2=X2,subb=XY"), "SubBEvent");
            var values = new object[] { "XBASE", "X1", "X2", null, "XY" };

            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[0].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, values);
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[1].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, values);
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[2].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, values);
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[4].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, values);

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(ExecEventMap.MakeMap("base=YBASE,sub1=Y1"), "Sub1Event");
            values = new object[] { "YBASE", "Y1", null, null, null };
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[0].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, values);
            Assert.IsFalse(listeners[2].IsInvoked || listeners[3].IsInvoked || listeners[4].IsInvoked);
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[1].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, values);

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(ExecEventMap.MakeMap("base=YBASE,sub2=Y2"), "Sub2Event");
            values = new object[] { "YBASE", null, "Y2", null, null };
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[0].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, values);
            Assert.IsFalse(listeners[1].IsInvoked || listeners[3].IsInvoked || listeners[4].IsInvoked);
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[2].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, values);

            epService.EPRuntime.SendEvent(ExecEventMap.MakeMap("base=ZBASE"), "RootEvent");
            values = new object[] { "ZBASE", null, null, null, null };
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertProps(listeners[0].AssertOneGetNewAndReset(), fields, values);
            Assert.IsFalse(listeners[1].IsInvoked || listeners[2].IsInvoked || listeners[3].IsInvoked || listeners[4].IsInvoked);

            // try property not available
            try {
                epService.EPAdministrator.CreateEPL("select suba from Sub1Event");
            } catch (EPStatementException ex) {
                Assert.AreEqual("Error starting statement: Failed to validate select-clause expression 'suba': Property named 'suba' is not valid in any stream (did you mean 'sub1'?) [select suba from Sub1Event]", ex.Message);

            // try supertype not Exists
            try {
                epService.EPAdministrator.Configuration.AddEventType("Sub1Event", ExecEventMap.MakeMap(""), new string[] { "doodle" });
            } catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
                Assert.AreEqual("Supertype by name 'doodle' could not be found", ex.Message);