Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int count = 0;
            AdventureWorks2012Entities adventure = new AdventureWorks2012Entities();

            foreach( Person person in adventure.People)
                if (count++ > 20)
                Console.WriteLine(person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName + " " + person.rowguid);


            foreach (EmailAddress email in adventure.EmailAddresses)

            CarsJWallerEntities1 carsTest = new CarsJWallerEntities1();

            foreach (Car car in carsTest.Cars)
                Console.WriteLine(car.id + " " + car.make + " " + car.model);

            //Find by any property
            string userInput = string.Empty;
            Console.Write("Input ");
            userInput = Console.ReadLine();
               Car carToFind = carsTest.Cars.Where(car => car.id == userInput).First();
               // Car OtherCarToFind = carsTest.Cars.Where(car => car.make == "Challenger").First();

            Console.WriteLine(carToFind.id + " " + carToFind.make + " " + carToFind.model);
               // Console.WriteLine(OtherCarToFind.id + " " + OtherCarToFind.make + " " + OtherCarToFind.model);

            //Find Car Based on Primary ID

               // Car foundCar = carsTest.Cars.Find("V0LCD1814");
               // Console.WriteLine(foundCar.id + " " + foundCar.make + " " + foundCar.model);


            // ADD new Car
            Car newCar = new Car();
            newCar.id = "00000";
            newCar.make = "Nissan";


            Car carToFindForUpdate = carsTest.Cars.Find(userInput);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //AdventureWorks2012Entities adventure = new AdventureWorks2012Entities();

            //int counter = 0;
            //Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            //foreach (Person person in adventure.People)
            //    if (counter == 0)

            //    {
            //        id = person.rowguid;
            //    }

            //    if (counter++ > 20)
            //    {
            //        break;
            //    }
            //    Console.WriteLine(counter +"  "+ person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName + " " + person.rowguid);


            //foreach (EmailAddress email in adventure.EmailAddresses)
            //    Console.WriteLine(email);

            //List out all of the cars in the table

            //Get access to the collection of tables we can interact with.
            CarsYWangEntities carsYWangEntities = new CarsYWangEntities();

            //Loop through all of the cars in the table called Cars.
            foreach(Car car in carsYWangEntities.Cars)
                Console.WriteLine("ID: "+car.id + " " + "MAKE: "+car.make + " " + "MODEL:"+car.model);

            //Find a specific one by any property

            //FIRST one to find back
            //Call the Where method on the table Cars and pass it in a lambda expression for
            //the criteria we are looking for. There is nothing special about the work car
            //in the part that reads: car => car.id =="VOLCD1914" . It could be any characters
            //we want it to be. car made sense. Also, car represents the  object we want to do
            //the where clause on. That's why we have car.id =="VOLCD1914".
            Car carToFind = carsYWangEntities.Cars.Where(c => c.id == "V0LCD1814").First();

            //We can look for a specific model from the database with a where clause based on any criteria we want.
            //Here we are doing it with the Car's model instead of its id.
            Car otherCarToFind = carsYWangEntities.Cars.Where(car => car.model == "Challenger").First();

            //Print them out.

            Console.WriteLine(carToFind.id + " " + carToFind.make + " " + carToFind.model );

            Console.WriteLine(otherCarToFind.id + " " + otherCarToFind.make + " " + otherCarToFind.model);

            //Find a car based on the primary id
            //NOTE:This currently doesn't work because I forgot to set a primary id on the table.
            //Will hopefully fix it soon.

            //Pull out a car from the table based on the primary Id
            //TODO: uncomment when primary id is fixed
               // Car foundCar = carsYWangEntities.Cars.Find("V0LCD1814");

            //Print it out
            //Console.WriteLine(foundCar.id + " " + foundCar.make + " " + foundCar.model);

            //Add a new Car to the database

            //Make an instance of a new car
            Car newCarToAdd = new Car();

            //Assign properties to the parts of the model
            newCarToAdd.id = "88888";
            newCarToAdd.make = "Nissan";
            newCarToAdd.model = "GT-R";
            newCarToAdd.horsepower = 550;
            newCarToAdd.cylinders = 8;
            newCarToAdd.year = "2016";
            newCarToAdd.type = "Car";

            //Add the new car to the Cars table
               // carsYWangEntities.Cars.Add(newCarToAdd);

            //This method call actually does the work of saving the changes to the database.

            //How to do an update

            //Get a car out of the database that we would like to update
            Car carToFindForUpdate = carsYWangEntities.Cars.Find("V0LCD1814");

            //Update some of the properties of the car we found. Dont need to update all of them
            //if we don't want to. I choose these 4.
            carToFindForUpdate.make = "Nissan";
            carToFindForUpdate.model = "GT-R";
            carToFindForUpdate.horsepower = 550;
            carToFindForUpdate.cylinders = 8;

            //Save the changes to the database.


            //How to do an delete

            //Get a car out of the database that we would like to update
            Car carToFindForDelete = carsYWangEntities.Cars.Find("V0LCD1814");

               //Remove the Car from the Cars table

            //Save the changes to the database.
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AdventureWorks2012Entities adventure = new AdventureWorks2012Entities();

            int counter = 0;
            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            foreach (Person person in adventure.People)
                if (counter == 0)
                    id = person.rowguid;
                if (counter++ > 20)
                Console.WriteLine(person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName + " " + person.rowguid);

            foreach (EmailAddress email in adventure.EmailAddresses)

            //List out all of the cars in the table
            //Gets access to the collection of tables we can interact with.
            CarsTestEntities carsTestEntities = new CarsTestEntities();

            Console.WriteLine("Print the list");

            //Loop through all of the cars in the table called Cars.
            foreach (Car car in carsTestEntities.Cars)
                Console.WriteLine(car.id + " " + car.make + " " + car.model);

            //Find a specific one by any property
            //Call the Where method on the table Cars and pass in a lambda expression for
            //the criteria we are looking for. There is nothing special about the work car
            //in the part that reads: car => car.id == "v0...". It could be any characters we
            //want it to be. car made sense. Also, car represents the object we want to do
            //the where clause on. That's why we have car.id == "V0..".
            Car carToFind = carsTestEntities.Cars.Where(car => car.id == "V0LCD1814").First();

            //We can look for a specific model from the database with a where clause based on any
            //criteria we want. Here we are doing it with the Car's model instead of it's id..
            Car otherCarToFind = carsTestEntities.Cars.Where(car => car.model == "Challenger").First();

            //Print them out.
            Console.WriteLine("Find 2 specific cars");
            Console.WriteLine(carToFind.id + " " + carToFind.make + " " + carToFind.model);
            Console.WriteLine(otherCarToFind.id + " " + otherCarToFind.make + " " + otherCarToFind.model);

            //Find a car based on the primary Id

            //Pull out a car from the table based on the primary Id
            Car foundCar = carsTestEntities.Cars.Find("V0LCD1814");

            //Print it out
            Console.WriteLine("Print out a found car using the Find method");
            //TODO: uncomment when primary id is fixed
            Console.WriteLine(foundCar.id + " " + foundCar.make + " " + foundCar.model);

            //Add a new Car to the database

            //Make an instance of a new car
            Car newCarToAdd = new Car();

            //Assign properties to the parts of the model
            newCarToAdd.id = "88888";
            newCarToAdd.make = "Nissan";
            newCarToAdd.model = "GT-R";
            newCarToAdd.horsepower = 550;
            newCarToAdd.cylinders = 8;
            newCarToAdd.year = "2016";
            newCarToAdd.type = "Car";

            //Add the new car to the Cars table

            //This method call actually does the work of saving the changes to the database

            Console.WriteLine("Add a car and verify it is there");
            carToFind = carsTestEntities.Cars.Find("88888");
            Console.WriteLine(carToFind.id + " " + carToFind.make + " " + carToFind.model);

            //How to do an update

            //Get a car out of the database that we would like to update
            Car carToFindForUpdate = carsTestEntities.Cars.Find("V0LCD1814");

            //Update some of the properties of the car we found. Don't need to update all of them
            //if we don't want to. I choose these 4.
            carToFindForUpdate.make = "Nissan";
            carToFindForUpdate.model = "GT-R";
            carToFindForUpdate.horsepower = 550;
            carToFindForUpdate.cylinders = 8;

            //Save the changes to the database

            Console.WriteLine("Update a car with data");
            Console.WriteLine(carToFindForUpdate.id + " " + carToFindForUpdate.make + " " + carToFindForUpdate.model);

            //How to do a delete

            //Get a car out of the database that we would like to update
            Car carToFindForDelete = carsTestEntities.Cars.Find("88888");

            //Remove the Car from the Cars table

            //Save the changes to the database

            Console.WriteLine("Deleted the added car. Looking to see if it is still in the DB");

                carToFindForDelete = carsTestEntities.Cars.Find("88888");
                Console.WriteLine(carToFindForDelete.id + " " + carToFindForDelete.make + " " + carToFindForDelete.model);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("The model you are looking for does not exist");
Exemplo n.º 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Creates collection.
            AdventureWorks2012Entities adventure = new AdventureWorks2012Entities();

            int counter = 0;

            foreach (Person person in adventure.People)
                if (counter > 20)
                Console.WriteLine(person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName);


            foreach (EmailAddress email in adventure.EmailAddresses)
             * */

            // Gets acces to the collection of tables to interact with.
            CarsDBEntities carsTestEntities = new CarsDBEntities();

            // READ FROM DATABASE.
            Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
            Console.WriteLine("Reading from DataBase" + Environment.NewLine);

            // Loop through table and print out for each.
            foreach (Car car in carsTestEntities.Cars)
                Console.WriteLine(car.id + " " + car.make + " " + car.model);

            Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
            Console.WriteLine("Searching through DataBase" + Environment.NewLine);

            // Using Lambdas?
                                            // Lambda   (Made up variable. Does not matter what it is. => Search through id column => Expected result.)
            // Find a specific car by any property.     (AnyVariable => AnyVariable.ThingToSearchOfVariable == "ExpectedResultHere").Returns the first one found which matches criteria.
            Car carToFind = carsTestEntities.Cars.Where(c => c.id == "V0LCD1814").First();
            Car otherCarToFind = carsTestEntities.Cars.Where(asdf => asdf.model == "Challenger").First();

            // Prints out to console.
            Console.WriteLine(carToFind.id + " " + carToFind.make + " " + carToFind.model);
            Console.WriteLine(otherCarToFind.id + " " + otherCarToFind.make + " " + otherCarToFind.model);
            Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

            // Pull out a car from table based on primary id.
            Car foundCar = carsTestEntities.Cars.Find("V0LCD1814");

            // Print out.
            Console.WriteLine(foundCar.id + " " + foundCar.make + " " + foundCar.model);

            // ADD TO DATABASE.
            Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
            Console.WriteLine("Add to DataBase" + Environment.NewLine);

            // Make new instance of car.
            Car newCarTooAdd = new Car();

            // Assign values to car.
            newCarTooAdd.id = "888888";
            newCarTooAdd.make = "Nissan";
            newCarTooAdd.model = "GT-R";
            newCarTooAdd.horsepower = 550;
            newCarTooAdd.cylinders = 8;
            newCarTooAdd.year = "2016";
            newCarTooAdd.type = "Car";

            // Adds the new car to database table

            // Save changes to database. Data is not actually saved before this method.

            // UPDATE DATABASE.
            Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
            Console.WriteLine("Update DataBase" + Environment.NewLine);

            // Get car out of database that we want to update.
            Car carToFindForUpdate = carsTestEntities.Cars.Find("V0LCD1814");

            // Update some properties of car. Only need to change the ones we want to update.
            carToFindForUpdate.make = "Nissan";
            carToFindForUpdate.model = "GT-R";
            carToFindForUpdate.horsepower = 550;
            carToFindForUpdate.cylinders = 8;

            // Save the changes to database.

            // DELETE FROM DATABASE.
            Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
            Console.WriteLine("Delete from DataBase" + Environment.NewLine);

            // Get car out of database to delete.
            Car carToFindForDelete = carsTestEntities.Cars.Find("V0LCD1814");

            // Remove from table.

            // Save the changes to database.
Exemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Gets access to the collection of tables we can interact with.
            CarsJHarveyEntities1 carsJHarveyEntities = new CarsJHarveyEntities1();
            //Loop through all of the cars in the table called Cars.
            foreach (Car car in carsJHarveyEntities.Cars)
                Console.WriteLine(car.id + " " + car.make + " " + car.model);

            //Find a specific one by any property.
            //Call the where method on the table Cars and pass in a lambde expression for the criteria we are looking for.
            Car carToFind = carsJHarveyEntities.Cars.Where(c => c.id == "V0LCD1814").First();

            //We can look for a specific model from the database with a where clause based on any criteria we want.
            Car otherCarToFind = carsJHarveyEntities.Cars.Where(car => car.model == "Challenger").First();

            //Print them out.
            Console.WriteLine(carToFind.id + " " + carToFind.make + " " + carToFind.model);
            Console.WriteLine(otherCarToFind.id + " " + otherCarToFind.make + " " + otherCarToFind.model);

            //Find a car based on the primary Id
            //NOTE: This currently doesnt work because there are no primary Ids set on the tables.
            Car foundCar = carsJHarveyEntities.Cars.Find("V0LCD1814");

            //Print that shit out.
            Console.WriteLine(foundCar.id + " " + foundCar.make + " " + foundCar.model);

            //NOTE: This currently doesnt work because there are no primary Ids set on the tables.
            //Add a new Car to the database.
            //Make an instance.
            Car newCarToAdd = new Car();

            //Assign properties to the parts of the model.
            newCarToAdd.id = "88888";
            newCarToAdd.make = "Nissan";
            newCarToAdd.model = "GT-R";
            newCarToAdd.horsepower = 550;
            newCarToAdd.cylinders = 8;
            newCarToAdd.year = "2016";
            newCarToAdd.type = "Car";

            //Add new car to the Cars table.

            //This method will save the changes to the database.

            //Get a car out of the database that we would like to update
            Car carToFindForUpdate = carsJHarveyEntities.Cars.Find("V0LCD1814");

            //Update some of the properties of the car we found. Dont need to update all of them if we dont want to.
            carToFindForUpdate.make = "Nissan";
            carToFindForUpdate.model = "GT-R";
            carToFindForUpdate.horsepower = 550;
            carToFindForUpdate.cylinders = 8;

            //Save changes to the database.

            //How to do a delete

            //Get a car out of the database that we would like to update
            Car carToFindForDelete = carsJHarveyEntities.Cars.Find("88888");

            //Remove the Car from the Cars table

            //Save the changes to the database

            Console.WriteLine("Deleted the added car. Looking to see if it is still in the DB");

                carToFindForDelete = carsJHarveyEntities.Cars.Find("88888");
                Console.WriteLine(carToFindForDelete.id + " " + carToFindForDelete.make + " " + carToFindForDelete.model);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("The model you are looking for does not exist");


            AdventureWorks2012Entities adventure = new AdventureWorks2012Entities();

            int counter = 0;
            Guid id = new Guid();

            foreach (Person person in adventure.People)
                if (counter == 0)
                    id = person.rowguid;
                if (counter++ > 20)
                Console.WriteLine(person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName + " " + person.rowguid);

            foreach (EmailAddress email in adventure.EmailAddresses)