Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void IntFromDescriptor(int off_v,
                                               ref ChStateDelta v,
                                               int off_L,
                                               ref ChVectorDynamic <double> L)
            int displ_L = off_L - this.offset_L;
            int displ_v = off_v - this.offset_w;

            for (int i = 0; i < bodylist.Count; i++)
                if (bodylist[i].IsActive())
                    bodylist[i].IntFromDescriptor(displ_v + bodylist[i].GetOffset_w(), ref v, displ_L + bodylist[i].GetOffset_L(), ref L);

            for (int i = 0; i < linklist.Count; i++)
                if (linklist[i].IsActive())
                    linklist[i].IntFromDescriptor(displ_v + linklist[i].GetOffset_w(), ref v, displ_L + linklist[i].GetOffset_L(), ref L);
            for (int i = 0; i < otherphysicslist.Count; i++)
                otherphysicslist[i].IntFromDescriptor(displ_v + otherphysicslist[i].GetOffset_w(), ref v, displ_L + otherphysicslist[i].GetOffset_L(), ref L);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public override void IntFromDescriptor(int off_v,
                                        ref ChStateDelta v,
                                        int off_L,
                                        ref ChVectorDynamic <double> L)
     v.matrix[off_v] = variables.Get_qb().matrix[0, 0];
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void IntLoadConstraint_C(int off_L,
                                                 ref ChVectorDynamic <double> Qc,
                                                 double c,
                                                 bool do_clamp,
                                                 double recovery_clamp)
            int cnt = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mask.nconstr; i++)
                if (mask.Constr_N(i).IsActive())
                    if (do_clamp)
                        if (mask.Constr_N(i).IsUnilateral())
                            Qc.matrix[off_L + cnt] += ChMaths.ChMax(c * C.matrix.ElementN(cnt), -recovery_clamp);
                            Qc.matrix[off_L + cnt] += ChMaths.ChMin(ChMaths.ChMax(c * C.matrix.ElementN(cnt), -recovery_clamp), recovery_clamp);
                        Qc.matrix[off_L + cnt] += c * C.matrix.ElementN(cnt);
                    cnt++;     // The Gremlin in the works was here!   I had accidently locked this variable in the above else, causing joint jittering
Exemplo n.º 4
 public override void IntFromDescriptor(int off_v,
                                        ref ChStateDelta v,
                                        int off_L,
                                        ref ChVectorDynamic <double> L)
     L.matrix[off_L] = constraint.Get_l_i();
Exemplo n.º 5
 public override void IntLoadResidual_Mv(int off,
                                         ref ChVectorDynamic <double> R,
                                         ChVectorDynamic <double> w,
                                         double c)
     R.matrix[off] += c * 1.0 * w.matrix[off];
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void IntLoadResidual_Mv(int off,
                                                ref ChVectorDynamic <double> R,
                                                ChVectorDynamic <double> w,
                                                double c)
            int displ_v = off - this.offset_w;

            for (int i = 0; i < bodylist.Count; i++)
                if (bodylist[i].IsActive())
                    bodylist[i].IntLoadResidual_Mv(displ_v + bodylist[i].GetOffset_w(), ref R, w, c);
            for (int i = 0; i < linklist.Count; i++)
                if (linklist[i].IsActive())
                    linklist[i].IntLoadResidual_Mv(displ_v + linklist[i].GetOffset_w(), ref R, w, c);
            for (int i = 0; i < otherphysicslist.Count; i++)
                otherphysicslist[i].IntLoadResidual_Mv(displ_v + otherphysicslist[i].GetOffset_w(), ref R, w, c);
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// Takes the M*v  term,  multiplying mass by a vector, scale and adds to R at given offset:
 ///    R += c*M*w
 public virtual void IntLoadResidual_Mv(int off,                        //< offset in R residual
                                        ref ChVectorDynamic <double> R, //< result: the R residual, R += c*M*v
                                        ChVectorDynamic <double> w,     //< the w vector
                                        double c                        //< a scaling factor
Exemplo n.º 8
        public override void IntLoadResidual_CqL(int off_L,
                                                 ref ChVectorDynamic <double> R,
                                                 ChVectorDynamic <double> L,
                                                 double c)
            int displ_L = off_L - this.offset_L;

            for (int i = 0; i < bodylist.Count; i++)
                if (bodylist[i].IsActive())
                    bodylist[i].IntLoadResidual_CqL(displ_L + bodylist[i].GetOffset_L(), ref R, L, c);
            for (int i = 0; i < linklist.Count; i++)
                if (linklist[i].IsActive())
                    linklist[i].IntLoadResidual_CqL(displ_L + linklist[i].GetOffset_L(), ref R, L, c);
            for (int i = 0; i < otherphysicslist.Count; i++)
                otherphysicslist[i].IntLoadResidual_CqL(displ_L + otherphysicslist[i].GetOffset_L(), ref R, L, c);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override void IntLoadConstraint_C(int off_L,
                                                 ref ChVectorDynamic <double> Qc,
                                                 double c,
                                                 bool do_clamp,
                                                 double recovery_clamp)
            int displ_L = off_L - this.offset_L;

            for (int i = 0; i < bodylist.Count; i++)
                if (bodylist[i].IsActive())
                    bodylist[i].IntLoadConstraint_C(displ_L + bodylist[i].GetOffset_L(), ref Qc, c, do_clamp, recovery_clamp);
            for (int i = 0; i < linklist.Count; i++)
                if (linklist[i].IsActive())
                    linklist[i].IntLoadConstraint_C(displ_L + linklist[i].GetOffset_L(), ref Qc, c, do_clamp, recovery_clamp);
            for (int i = 0; i < otherphysicslist.Count; i++)
                otherphysicslist[i].IntLoadConstraint_C(displ_L + otherphysicslist[i].GetOffset_L(), ref Qc, c, do_clamp, recovery_clamp);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public override void IntLoadConstraint_C(int off_L,
                                          ref ChVectorDynamic <double> Qc,
                                          double c,
                                          bool do_clamp,
                                          double recovery_clamp)
     /* if (!IsActive())
      *   return;
      * double cnstr_x_violation = c * m_C.matrix.GetElement(0, 0);
      * double cnstr_y_violation = c * m_C.matrix.GetElement(1, 0);
      * double cnstr_z_violation = c * m_C.matrix.GetElement(2, 0);
      * double cnstr_dot_violation = c * m_C.matrix.GetElement(3, 0);
      * if (do_clamp)
      * {
      *   cnstr_x_violation = ChMaths.ChMin(ChMaths.ChMax(cnstr_x_violation, -recovery_clamp), recovery_clamp);
      *   cnstr_y_violation = ChMaths.ChMin(ChMaths.ChMax(cnstr_y_violation, -recovery_clamp), recovery_clamp);
      *   cnstr_z_violation = ChMaths.ChMin(ChMaths.ChMax(cnstr_z_violation, -recovery_clamp), recovery_clamp);
      *   cnstr_dot_violation = ChMaths.ChMin(ChMaths.ChMax(cnstr_dot_violation, -recovery_clamp), recovery_clamp);
      * }
      * Qc.matrix[off_L + 0] += cnstr_x_violation;
      * Qc.matrix[off_L + 1] += cnstr_y_violation;
      * Qc.matrix[off_L + 2] += cnstr_z_violation;
      * Qc.matrix[off_L + 3] += cnstr_dot_violation;*/
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override void IntStateScatterReactions(int off_L, ChVectorDynamic <double> L)
            if (!this.IsActive())

            m_multipliers[0] = L.matrix[off_L + 0];
            m_multipliers[1] = L.matrix[off_L + 1];

            // Also compute 'intuitive' reactions:

            double lam_dist = m_multipliers[0];  // ||pos2_abs - pos1_abs|| - dist = 0
            double lam_dot  = m_multipliers[1];  // dot(dir1_abs, pos2_abs - pos1_abs) = 0

            // Calculate the reaction torques and forces on Body 2 in the joint frame
            // (Note: origin of the joint frame is at the center of the revolute joint
            //  which is defined on body 1, the x-axis is along the vector from the
            //  point on body 1 to the point on body 2.  The z axis is along the revolute
            //  axis defined for the joint)
            react_force.x = lam_dist;
            react_force.y = 0;
            react_force.z = lam_dot;

            react_torque.x = 0;
            react_torque.y = -m_cur_dist * lam_dot;
            react_torque.z = 0;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public override void IntLoadResidual_CqL(int off_L,
                                          ref ChVectorDynamic <double> R,
                                          ChVectorDynamic <double> L,
                                          double c)
     constraint.MultiplyTandAdd(R.matrix, L.matrix[off_L] * c);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void IntLoadConstraint_C(int off_L,
                                                 ref ChVectorDynamic <double> Qc,
                                                 double c,
                                                 bool do_clamp,
                                                 double recovery_clamp)
            int cnt = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < mask.nconstr; i++)
                if (mask.Constr_N(i).IsActive())
                    if (do_clamp)
                        if (mask.Constr_N(i).IsUnilateral())
                            Qc.matrix[off_L + cnt] += ChMaths.ChMax(c * C.matrix.ElementN(cnt), -recovery_clamp);
                            Qc.matrix[off_L + cnt] += ChMaths.ChMin(ChMaths.ChMax(c * C.matrix.ElementN(cnt), -recovery_clamp), recovery_clamp);
                        Qc.matrix[off_L + cnt] += c * C.matrix.ElementN(cnt);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public virtual void ContIntLoadResidual_CqL(int off_L,                      //< offset in L multipliers
                                             ref ChVectorDynamic <double> R, //< result: the R residual, R += c*Cq'*L
                                             ChVectorDynamic <double> L,     //< the L vector
                                             double c                        //< a scaling factor
Exemplo n.º 15
 public override void ContIntFromDescriptor(int off_L,
                                            ref ChVectorDynamic <double> L
     L.matrix[off_L]     = Nx.Get_l_i();
     L.matrix[off_L + 1] = Tu.Get_l_i();
     L.matrix[off_L + 2] = Tv.Get_l_i();
Exemplo n.º 16
        public override void IntStateScatterReactions(int off_L, ChVectorDynamic <double> L)
            react_force  = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);  // Do not update 'intuitive' react force and torque here: just set as 0.
            react_torque = new ChVector(0, 0, 0);  // Child classes implementations should compute them.

            // if (react != null)
            react.matrix.PasteClippedMatrix(L.matrix, off_L, 0, react.matrix.GetRows(), 1, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public override void IntLoadResidual_CqL(int off_L,
                                          ref ChVectorDynamic <double> R,
                                          ChVectorDynamic <double> L,
                                          double c)
     m_cnstr_dist.MultiplyTandAdd(R.matrix, L.matrix[off_L + 0] * c);
     m_cnstr_dot.MultiplyTandAdd(R.matrix, L.matrix[off_L + 1] * c);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public override void IntToDescriptor(int off_v, ChStateDelta v, ChVectorDynamic <double> R, int off_L, ChVectorDynamic <double> L, ChVectorDynamic <double> Qc)

            this.variable.Get_qb().matrix[0, 0] = v.matrix[off_v];
            this.variable.Get_fb().matrix[0, 0] = R.matrix[off_v];
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// After a solver solution, fetch values from variables and constraints into vectors:
 public virtual void IntFromDescriptor(
     int off_v,                     //< offset for \e v
     ref ChStateDelta v,            //< vector to where the \e q 'unknowns' term of the variables will be copied
     int off_L,                     //< offset for \e L
     ref ChVectorDynamic <double> L //< vector to where \e L 'lagrangian ' term of the constraints will be copied
Exemplo n.º 20
        public override void IntStateScatterReactions(int off_L, ChVectorDynamic <double> L)
            react_force.x = -L.matrix[off_L];
            react_force.y = 0;
            react_force.z = 0;

            react_torque = ChVector.VNULL;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public virtual void ContIntLoadConstraint_C(int off_L,                       //< offset in Qc residual
                                             ref ChVectorDynamic <double> Qc, //< result: the Qc residual, Qc += c*C
                                             double c,                        //< a scaling factor
                                             bool do_clamp,                   //< apply clamping to c*C?
                                             double recovery_clamp            ///< value for min/max clamping of c*C
Exemplo n.º 22

        // (override/implement interfaces for global state vectors, see ChPhysicsItem for comments.)
        public override void IntStateGatherReactions(int off_L, ref ChVectorDynamic <double> L)
            if (!this.IsActive())

            int nc = 0;

            if (c_x)
                if (mask.Constr_N(nc).IsActive())
                    L.matrix[off_L + nc] = -react_force.x;
            if (c_y)
                if (mask.Constr_N(nc).IsActive())
                    L.matrix[off_L + nc] = -react_force.y;
            if (c_z)
                if (mask.Constr_N(nc).IsActive())
                    L.matrix[off_L + nc] = -react_force.z;
            if (c_rx)
                if (mask.Constr_N(nc).IsActive())
                    L.matrix[off_L + nc] = -2.0 * react_torque.x;
            if (c_ry)
                if (mask.Constr_N(nc).IsActive())
                    L.matrix[off_L + nc] = -2.0 * react_torque.y;
            if (c_rz)
                if (mask.Constr_N(nc).IsActive())
                    L.matrix[off_L + nc] = -2.0 * react_torque.z;
Exemplo n.º 23

        public override void ContIntStateGatherReactions(int off_L, ref ChVectorDynamic <double> L)
            // base behaviour too
            base.ContIntStateGatherReactions(off_L, ref L);

            L.matrix[off_L + 3] = react_torque.x;
            L.matrix[off_L + 4] = react_torque.y;
            L.matrix[off_L + 5] = react_torque.z;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public override void IntLoadConstraint_Ct(int off_L, ref ChVectorDynamic <double> Qc, double c)
            double mCt = -m_func.Get_y(this.GetChTime());

            if (mask.Constr_N(0).IsActive())
                Qc.matrix[off_L + 0] += c * mCt;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public override void ContIntStateScatterReactions(int off_L, ChVectorDynamic <double> L)
            // base behaviour too
            base.ContIntStateScatterReactions(off_L, L);

            react_torque.x = L.matrix[off_L + 3];
            react_torque.y = L.matrix[off_L + 4];
            react_torque.z = L.matrix[off_L + 5];
Exemplo n.º 26

        public override void IntStateGatherReactions(int off_L, ref ChVectorDynamic <double> L)
            if (!this.IsActive())

            L.matrix[off_L + 0] = m_multipliers[0];
            L.matrix[off_L + 1] = m_multipliers[1];
Exemplo n.º 27
        public override void IntLoadConstraint_Ct(int off_L, ref ChVectorDynamic <double> Qc, double c)
            double mCt  = -0.5 * m_func.Get_y_dx(this.GetChTime());
            int    ncrz = mask.nconstr - 1;

            if (mask.Constr_N(ncrz).IsActive())
                Qc.matrix[off_L + ncrz] += c * mCt;
Exemplo n.º 28

        // (override/implement interfaces for global state vectors, see ChPhysicsItem for comments.)
        public override void IntStateGatherReactions(int off_L, ref ChVectorDynamic <double> L)
            /*  if (!this.IsActive())
             *    return;
             * L.matrix[off_L + 0] = m_multipliers[0];
             * L.matrix[off_L + 1] = m_multipliers[1];
             * L.matrix[off_L + 2] = m_multipliers[2];
             * L.matrix[off_L + 3] = m_multipliers[3];*/
Exemplo n.º 29
        public override void IntFromDescriptor(int off_v,
                                               ref ChStateDelta v,
                                               int off_L,
                                               ref ChVectorDynamic <double> L)
            // inherit parent
            base.IntFromDescriptor(off_v, ref v, off_L, ref L);

            v.matrix[off_v] = this.variable.Get_qb().matrix[0, 0];
Exemplo n.º 30
 public override void ContIntLoadResidual_CqL(int off_L,
                                              ref ChVectorDynamic <double> R,
                                              ChVectorDynamic <double> L,
                                              double c
     this.Nx.MultiplyTandAdd(R.matrix, L.matrix[off_L] * c);
     this.Tu.MultiplyTandAdd(R.matrix, L.matrix[off_L + 1] * c);
     this.Tv.MultiplyTandAdd(R.matrix, L.matrix[off_L + 2] * c);