Exemplo n.º 1
        /// Creates the mood window dialog but does not display it. 
        /// (use Run()).
        /// cred and mood are directly modified on successful validation.
        public MoodDialog( Gtk.Window        parent,
                         IEngine           backend,
                         Credentials      cred,
                         Mood             mood,
                         DefaultField      defaultField )
            Debug.Assert( null != backend );

             _backend = backend;    // Save for later...

             Glade.XML glade = new Glade.XML( null,
                                          null );

             glade.Autoconnect( this );

             Debug.Assert( null != _moodDialog );
             Debug.Assert( null != _userCombo );
             Debug.Assert( null != _moodCombo );

             _moodDialog.TransientFor = parent;

             // Set up the available users list.

             Credentials [] credList = backend.GetUserList();
             string [] credNameList = new string[ credList.Length ];
             for (int i = 0; i < credList.Length; i++)
            credNameList[i] = ((Credentials)credList[i]).name;

             _userCombo.PopdownStrings = credNameList;

             // Set default values for the entry fields AFTER the dropdown
             // lists are initialized, otherwise it will default to the first
             // value in the list

             if (null != cred)
            _userCombo.Entry.Text = cred.name;


             if (null != mood)
            _moodCombo.Entry.Text = mood.name;


             switch (defaultField)
             case DefaultField.USER:

             case DefaultField.MOOD:
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// Show the "who the heck are you"? Dialog
        protected void _UserBtnClick( object sender, EventArgs args )
            _Trace( "[_UserBtnClick]" );

            MoodDialog moodWin =
               new MoodDialog( _mainWindow,
                               MoodDialog.DefaultField.USER );

            if (moodWin.isOk)
               // get new/existing user's credentials from backend
               _credentials = backend.GetUser( moodWin.userName );
               if (null == _credentials)
                  _credentials = backend.CreateUser( moodWin.userName );

               backend.RenewLogon( _credentials );

               if ("" == moodWin.moodName)
                  _mood = null;
                  // Find the mood that matches this name
                  _mood = backend.GetMood( _credentials,
                                            moodWin.moodName );

                  if (null == _mood)
                     _mood = backend.CreateMood( _credentials,
                                                  moodWin.moodName );

                  backend.SetMood( _credentials, _mood );
             catch (Exception e)
            _TraceError( e.ToString() );
Exemplo n.º 3
 // Non-reference assignment operator.
 public void Copy( Credentials other )
     _name = other._name;
      _id = other._id;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// Update the options in the mood list pulldown
        void _SetMoodList( Credentials cred )
            Mood [] moodList = _backend.GetMoodList( cred );
             string [] moodNameList = new string[ moodList.Length ];
             for (int i = 0; i < moodList.Length; i++)
            moodNameList[i] = ((Mood)moodList[i]).name;

             _moodCombo.PopdownStrings = moodNameList;

             // Update mood text to match what's in da list?