Exemplo n.º 1
        public static async Task DisplayRasterWithSymbolAsync(Uri rasterUri, string displayName, string styleCategory, string styleName,
                                                              string fieldName, int transparency, bool isVisible)
            // parse the uri for the folder and file
            string strFileName   = null;
            string strFolderPath = null;

            if (rasterUri.IsFile)
                strFileName   = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(rasterUri.LocalPath);
                strFolderPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(rasterUri.LocalPath);
            // Open the requested raster so we know it exists; return if it doesn't
            await QueuedTask.Run(async() =>
                RasterDataset rDataset = null;
                // Opens a file geodatabase. This will open the geodatabase if the folder exists and contains a valid geodatabase.
                using (Geodatabase geodatabase =
                           new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(strFolderPath))))
                    // Use the geodatabase.
                        rDataset = geodatabase.OpenDataset <RasterDataset>(strFileName);
                    catch (GeodatabaseTableException e)
                        Debug.WriteLine("DisplayRasterWithSymbolAsync: Unable to open raster " + strFileName);
                        Debug.WriteLine("DisplayRasterWithSymbolAsync: " + e.Message);
                RasterLayer rasterLayer = null;
                // Create the raster layer on the active map
                await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                    rasterLayer = (RasterLayer)LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(rasterUri, MapView.Active.Map);

                // Set raster layer transparency and name
                if (rasterLayer != null)
                    // Create and deploy the unique values renderer
                    await MapTools.SetToUniqueValueColorizer(displayName, styleCategory, styleName, fieldName);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task SetToUniqueValueColorizer(string layerName, string styleCategory,
                                                           string styleName, string fieldName)
            // Get the layer we want to symbolize from the map
            Layer oLayer =
                MapView.Active.Map.Layers.FirstOrDefault <Layer>(m => m.Name.Equals(layerName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));

            if (oLayer == null)
            RasterLayer rasterLayer = (RasterLayer)oLayer;

            StyleProjectItem style =
                Project.Current.GetItems <StyleProjectItem>().FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == styleCategory);

            if (style == null)
            var colorRampList = await QueuedTask.Run(() => style.SearchColorRamps(styleName));

            if (colorRampList == null || colorRampList.Count == 0)
            CIMColorRamp cimColorRamp = colorRampList[0].ColorRamp;

            // Creates a new UV Colorizer Definition using the default constructor.
            UniqueValueColorizerDefinition UVColorizerDef = new UniqueValueColorizerDefinition(fieldName, cimColorRamp);

            // Creates a new UV colorizer using the colorizer definition created above.
            CIMRasterUniqueValueColorizer newColorizer = await rasterLayer.CreateColorizerAsync(UVColorizerDef) as CIMRasterUniqueValueColorizer;

            // Sets the newly created colorizer on the layer.
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static async Task AddMapElements(string layoutName, string styleCategory, string styleName)
            //Finding the first project item with name matches with layoutName
            Layout layout = null;
            await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                LayoutProjectItem lytItem =
                    Project.Current.GetItems <LayoutProjectItem>()
                    .FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name.Equals(layoutName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (lytItem != null)
                    layout = lytItem.GetLayout();

            if (layout != null)
                // Delete all graphic elements except map frame
                await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                    layout.DeleteElements(item => !item.Name.Contains(Constants.MAPS_DEFAULT_MAP_FRAME_NAME));

                // Map Title
                await MapTools.DisplayTextBoxAsync(layout, Constants.MAPS_TITLE, 4.0, 10.5, ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 24, "Times New Roman",
                                                   "Bold", "Title");

                // Map SubTitle
                await MapTools.DisplayTextBoxAsync(layout, Constants.MAPS_SUBTITLE, 4.0, 10.1, ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 14, "Times New Roman",
                                                   "Regular", "SubTitle");

                // (optional) textbox
                await MapTools.DisplayTextBoxAsync(layout, Constants.MAPS_TEXTBOX1, 5.0, 1.0, ColorFactory.Instance.BlackRGB, 12, "Times New Roman",
                                                   "Regular", "Text Box 1");

                // Legend
                await MapTools.DisplayLegendAsync(layout, styleCategory, styleName);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private async void RunImplAsync(object param)
            // Create initial log entry
            string strLogEntry = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yy H:mm:ss ") + "Starting batch tool to publish in " +
                                 Path.GetDirectoryName(_strLogFile) + "\r\n";

            File.WriteAllText(_strLogFile, strLogEntry);    // overwrite file if it exists

            // Check for existing map package files and warn user
            if (ArchiveChecked)
                string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(AoiFolder + "\\" + Constants.FOLDER_MAP_PACKAGE, "*.pdf",
                if (filePaths.Length > 0)
                    System.Windows.MessageBoxResult res = ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("BAGIS-PRO found at least one .pdf document in the " +
                                                                                                           "maps\\publish folder. These document(s) may be overwritten during the batch process. Uncheck " +
                                                                                                           "the 'Copy Reports' checkbox to stop copying documents to the maps\\publish folder. " +
                                                                                                           "The map packages will still be created in each AOI. Do you wish to continue and overwrite " +
                                                                                                           "the documents ?", "BAGIS-PRO",
                    if (res != System.Windows.MessageBoxResult.Yes)

            // Save off the publisher name if it is different than previous
            string strPublisher = (string)Module1.Current.BatchToolSettings.Publisher;

            if (!Publisher.Trim().Equals(strPublisher))
                Module1.Current.BatchToolSettings.Publisher = Publisher;
                String json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Module1.Current.BatchToolSettings, Formatting.Indented);
                File.WriteAllText(SettingsFile, json);

            // Make directory for required folders if they don't exist
            // Make sure that maps and maps_publish folders exist
            for (int idxRow = 0; idxRow < Names.Count; idxRow++)
                if (Names[idxRow].AoiBatchIsSelected)
                    int errorCount = 0;                                                 // keep track of any non-fatal errors
                    AoiFolder = Names[idxRow].FilePath;
                    Names[idxRow].AoiBatchStateText = AoiBatchState.Started.ToString(); // update gui
                    string[] arrFolders = { AoiFolder + "\\" + Constants.FOLDER_MAPS, AoiFolder + "\\" + Constants.FOLDER_MAP_PACKAGE,
                                            AoiFolder + "\\" + Constants.FOLDER_LOGS };
                    foreach (var directory in arrFolders)
                        if (!Directory.Exists(directory))

                    // Set logger to AOI directory
                    string logFolderName = AoiFolder + "\\" + Constants.FOLDER_LOGS;

                    // Set current AOI
                    BA_Objects.Aoi oAoi = await GeneralTools.SetAoiAsync(AoiFolder);

                    if (Module1.Current.CboCurrentAoi != null)
                        FrameworkApplication.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                            // Do something on the GUI thread

                    // Create opening log entry for AOI
                    strLogEntry = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yy H:mm:ss ") + "Starting batch PDF export for " +
                                  oAoi.Name + "\r\n";
                    File.AppendAllText(_strLogFile, strLogEntry);       // append

                    // Bring GP History tool forward
                    var cmdShowHistory = FrameworkApplication.GetPlugInWrapper("esri_geoprocessing_showToolHistory") as ICommand;
                    if (cmdShowHistory != null)
                        if (cmdShowHistory.CanExecute(null))

                    oAoi = Module1.Current.Aoi;
                    // Elevation zones
                    BA_ReturnCode success = await AnalysisTools.CalculateElevationZonesAsync(Module1.Current.Aoi.FilePath);

                    if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                    // Slope zones
                    string strLayer = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(AoiFolder, GeodatabaseNames.Surfaces, true) +
                    string strZonesRaster = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(AoiFolder, GeodatabaseNames.Analysis, true) +
                    string strMaskPath = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(AoiFolder, GeodatabaseNames.Aoi, true) + Constants.FILE_AOI_BUFFERED_VECTOR;
                    IList <BA_Objects.Interval> lstInterval = AnalysisTools.GetSlopeClasses();
                    success = await AnalysisTools.CalculateZonesAsync(AoiFolder, strLayer,
                                                                      lstInterval, strZonesRaster, strMaskPath, "SLOPE");

                    if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                    // Check for PRISM buffer units
                    string[] arrPrismBufferInfo = await GeneralTools.QueryBufferDistanceAsync(AoiFolder, GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(AoiFolder, GeodatabaseNames.Aoi),
                                                                                              Constants.FILE_AOI_PRISM_VECTOR, false);

                    string pBufferDistance = arrPrismBufferInfo[0];
                    string pBufferUnits    = arrPrismBufferInfo[1];

                    // Clip PRISM
                    string strDefaultBufferDistance = (string)Module1.Current.BatchToolSettings.PrecipBufferDistance;
                    string strDefaultBufferUnits    = (string)Module1.Current.BatchToolSettings.PrecipBufferUnits;
                    success = await AnalysisTools.ClipLayersAsync(AoiFolder, Constants.DATA_TYPE_PRECIPITATION,
                                                                  pBufferDistance, pBufferUnits, strDefaultBufferDistance, strDefaultBufferUnits);

                    if (success == BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                        success = await AnalysisTools.UpdateSitesPropertiesAsync(Module1.Current.Aoi.FilePath, SiteProperties.Precipitation);
                    if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                    // PRISM Zones
                    strLayer = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(Module1.Current.Aoi.FilePath, GeodatabaseNames.Prism, true) +
                    strZonesRaster = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(Module1.Current.Aoi.FilePath, GeodatabaseNames.Analysis, true) +
                    success = await AnalysisTools.CalculatePrecipitationZonesAsync(strLayer, strZonesRaster);

                    if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                    // Winter Precipitation
                    success = await AnalysisTools.GenerateWinterPrecipitationLayerAsync(oAoi);

                    if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                    // Clip SWE
                    success = await AnalysisTools.ClipSweLayersAsync(pBufferDistance, pBufferUnits,
                                                                     strDefaultBufferDistance, strDefaultBufferUnits);

                    if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                    // Generate SWE Delta Layers
                    success = await AnalysisTools.CalculateSWEDeltaAsync(AoiFolder);

                    // Clip Snotel and Snow Course
                    double dblDistance = -1;
                    bool   isDouble    = Double.TryParse((string)Module1.Current.BatchToolSettings.SnotelBufferDistance, out dblDistance);
                    if (!isDouble)
                        dblDistance = 0;
                    Module1.Current.ModuleLogManager.LogDebug(nameof(RunImplAsync), "Buffer distance from settings: " + dblDistance);
                    string snoBufferDistance = dblDistance + " " + (string)Module1.Current.BatchToolSettings.SnotelBufferUnits;
                    Module1.Current.ModuleLogManager.LogDebug(nameof(RunImplAsync), "Sites buffer distance string: " + snoBufferDistance);
                    success = await AnalysisTools.ClipSnoLayersAsync(Module1.Current.Aoi.FilePath, true, snoBufferDistance,
                                                                     true, snoBufferDistance);

                    if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                    // Represented Area
                    if (success == BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                        double siteBufferDistanceMiles = (double)Module1.Current.BatchToolSettings.SiteBufferDistMiles;
                        double siteElevRangeFeet       = (double)Module1.Current.BatchToolSettings.SiteElevRangeFeet;
                        success = await AnalysisTools.GenerateSiteLayersAsync(siteBufferDistanceMiles, siteElevRangeFeet);

                        if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                        // Sites Zones
                        Uri  uri       = new Uri(GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(Module1.Current.Aoi.FilePath, GeodatabaseNames.Layers));
                        bool hasSnotel = await GeodatabaseTools.FeatureClassExistsAsync(uri, Constants.FILE_SNOTEL);

                        bool hasSnowCourse = await GeodatabaseTools.FeatureClassExistsAsync(uri, Constants.FILE_SNOW_COURSE);

                        if (hasSnotel || hasSnowCourse)
                            success = await AnalysisTools.CalculateSitesZonesAsync(Module1.Current.Aoi.FilePath, hasSnotel, hasSnowCourse);

                            if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                                                                      "No sites found to create sites zone layers!!");
                    // Precipitation Contribution; Passing in -1 for threshold so we use STDEV
                    success = await AnalysisTools.CalculatePrecipitationContributionAsync(Module1.Current.Aoi.FilePath, -1);

                    if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                    // Quarterly Precipitation Contribution
                    success = await AnalysisTools.CalculateQuarterlyPrecipitationAsync(Module1.Current.Aoi);

                    if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                    // Aspect zones
                    success = await AnalysisTools.CalculateAspectZonesAsync();

                    if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                    string[] arrUnmanagedBufferInfo = await GeneralTools.QueryBufferDistanceAsync(AoiFolder, GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(AoiFolder, GeodatabaseNames.Aoi),
                                                                                                  Constants.FILE_AOI_BUFFERED_VECTOR, false);

                    string unmanagedBufferDistance = arrPrismBufferInfo[0];
                    string unmanagedBufferUnits    = arrPrismBufferInfo[1];
                    if (SiteAnalysisChecked)
                        // Clip Roads
                        string strOutputFc = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(AoiFolder, GeodatabaseNames.Layers, true)
                                             + Constants.FILE_ROADS;
                        success = await AnalysisTools.ClipFeatureLayerAsync(AoiFolder, strOutputFc, Constants.DATA_TYPE_ROADS,
                                                                            unmanagedBufferDistance, unmanagedBufferUnits);

                        if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                        if (success == BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                            // Buffer clipped roads for analysis
                            Uri  uri     = new Uri(GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(AoiFolder, GeodatabaseNames.Layers));
                            bool bExists = await GeodatabaseTools.FeatureClassExistsAsync(uri, Constants.FILE_ROADS);

                            if (!bExists)
                                                                          "Unable to buffer roads because fs_roads layer does not exist. Process stopped!!");
                                string strDistance = Module1.Current.BatchToolSettings.RoadsAnalysisBufferDistance + " " +
                                success = await AnalysisTools.GenerateProximityRoadsLayerAsync(uri, strDistance);

                                if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                        // Clip public lands
                        strOutputFc = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(AoiFolder, GeodatabaseNames.Layers, true)
                                      + Constants.FILE_PUBLIC_LAND;
                        success = await AnalysisTools.ClipFeatureLayerAsync(AoiFolder, strOutputFc, Constants.DATA_TYPE_PUBLIC_LAND,
                                                                            unmanagedBufferDistance, unmanagedBufferUnits);

                        if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                        if (success == BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                            // Create public lands layer for potential site analysis
                            success = await AnalysisTools.GetFederalNonWildernessLandsAsync(AoiFolder);

                            if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                        // Clip Vegetation layer
                        string strOutputRaster = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(AoiFolder, GeodatabaseNames.Layers, true)
                                                 + Constants.FILE_VEGETATION_EVT;
                        success = await AnalysisTools.ClipRasterLayerAsync(AoiFolder, strOutputRaster, Constants.DATA_TYPE_VEGETATION,
                                                                           unmanagedBufferDistance, unmanagedBufferUnits);

                        if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                        if (success == BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                            // Create area below treeline layer for potential site analysis
                            success = await AnalysisTools.ExtractBelowTreelineAsync(AoiFolder);

                            if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                        // Generate Potential Sites layer
                        success = await AnalysisTools.CalculatePotentialSitesAreaAsync(AoiFolder);

                        if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                    // Clip Land cover
                    success = await AnalysisTools.ClipLandCoverAsync(AoiFolder, unmanagedBufferDistance, unmanagedBufferUnits);

                    // Generate Elevation Precipitation Correlation layer
                    strLayer = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(AoiFolder, GeodatabaseNames.Prism, true) +
                    Uri uriPrism = new Uri(GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(AoiFolder, GeodatabaseNames.Prism));
                    success = await AnalysisTools.CalculateElevPrecipCorrAsync(AoiFolder, uriPrism,

                    if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                    if (success == BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                                                                  "Generated Elevation Precipitation Correlation layer");

                    // Generate complete PDF document
                        // Delete any old PDF files
                        //string[] arrAllPdfFiles = new string[Constants.FILES_EXPORT_WATERSHED_PDF.Length + FILES_EXPORT_SITE_ANALYSIS_PDF.Length];
                        //Array.Copy(Constants.FILES_EXPORT_WATERSHED_PDF, arrAllPdfFiles, Constants.FILES_EXPORT_WATERSHED_PDF.Length);
                        //Array.Copy(Constants.FILES_EXPORT_SITE_ANALYSIS_PDF, 0, arrAllPdfFiles,
                        //    Constants.FILES_EXPORT_WATERSHED_PDF.Length, Constants.FILES_EXPORT_SITE_ANALYSIS_PDF.Length);
                        foreach (var item in Constants.FILES_EXPORT_WATERSHED_PDF)
                            string strPath = Module1.Current.Aoi.FilePath + "\\" + Constants.FOLDER_MAP_PACKAGE
                                             + "\\" + item;
                            if (System.IO.File.Exists(strPath))
                                catch (Exception)
                                    System.Windows.MessageBoxResult res =
                                        MessageBox.Show("Unable to delete file before creating new pdf. Do you want to close the file and try again?",
                                                        "BAGIS-PRO", System.Windows.MessageBoxButton.YesNo);
                                    if (res == System.Windows.MessageBoxResult.Yes)

                        Layout oLayout = await MapTools.GetDefaultLayoutAsync(Constants.MAPS_DEFAULT_LAYOUT_NAME);

                        // Always load the maps in case we are running through multiple Aois
                        success = await MapTools.DisplayMaps(Module1.Current.Aoi.FilePath, oLayout, false);

                        if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                            MessageBox.Show("Unable to load maps. The map package cannot be exported!!", "BAGIS-PRO");
                            Names[idxRow].AoiBatchStateText = AoiBatchState.Failed.ToString();
                        // Legend
                        success = await MapTools.DisplayLegendAsync(Constants.MAPS_DEFAULT_MAP_FRAME_NAME, oLayout,
                                                                    "ArcGIS Colors", "1.5 Point", true);

                        if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)

                        if (oLayout != null)
                            bool bFoundIt = false;
                            //A layout view may exist but it may not be active
                            //Iterate through each pane in the application and check to see if the layout is already open and if so, activate it
                            foreach (var pane in FrameworkApplication.Panes)
                                if (!(pane is ILayoutPane layoutPane))  //if not a layout view, continue to the next pane
                                if (layoutPane.LayoutView != null &&
                                    layoutPane.LayoutView.Layout == oLayout) //if there is a match, activate the view
                                    (layoutPane as Pane).Activate();
                                    bFoundIt = true;
                            if (!bFoundIt)
                                await FrameworkApplication.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(async() =>
                                    // Do something on the GUI thread
                                    ILayoutPane iNewLayoutPane = await FrameworkApplication.Panes.CreateLayoutPaneAsync(oLayout); //GUI thread
                                    (iNewLayoutPane as Pane).Activate();

                        success = await MapTools.PublishMapsAsync(ReportType.Watershed); // export the watershed maps to pdf

                        if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                            MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while generating the watershed characteristics maps!!", "BAGIS-PRO");

                        //if (SiteAnalysisChecked)
                        //    success = await MapTools.PublishMapsAsync(ReportType.SiteAnalysis); // export the site analysis maps to pdf
                        //    if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                        //    {
                        //        MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while generating the site analysis maps!!", "BAGIS-PRO");
                        //        errorCount++;
                        //    }

                        success = await GeneralTools.GenerateTablesAsync(false);   // export the tables to pdf

                        if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                            MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while generating the Excel tables!!", "BAGIS-PRO");
                            // Generate the crtical precip map; It has to follow the tables
                            Uri uriAnalysis = new Uri(GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(Module1.Current.Aoi.FilePath, GeodatabaseNames.Analysis));
                            if (await GeodatabaseTools.FeatureClassExistsAsync(uriAnalysis, Constants.FILE_CRITICAL_PRECIP_ZONE))
                                success = await MapTools.DisplayCriticalPrecipitationZonesMap(uriAnalysis);

                                string strButtonState = "MapButtonPalette_BtnCriticalPrecipZone_State";
                                if (success.Equals(BA_ReturnCode.Success))
                                int      foundS1      = strButtonState.IndexOf("_State");
                                string   strMapButton = strButtonState.Remove(foundS1);
                                ICommand cmd          = FrameworkApplication.GetPlugInWrapper(strMapButton) as ICommand;
                                                                          "About to toggle map button " + strMapButton);
                                if ((cmd != null))
                                        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4));      // build in delay until the command can execute
                                    }while (!cmd.CanExecute(null));

                                    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.4));       // build in delay so maps can load
                                }while (Module1.Current.MapFinishedLoading == false);
                                success = await GeneralTools.ExportMapToPdfAsync(150); // export map to pdf

                                if (success == BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                                    // append the map and chart together for posting
                                    IList <string> lstToConcat = new List <string>();
                                    success = GeneralTools.ConcatenatePagesInPdf(GeneralTools.GetFullPdfFileName(Constants.FILE_EXPORT_CRITICAL_PRECIPITATION_ZONES_PDF),
                                                                              "Unable to generate critical precipitation zones map!!");

                        success = await GeneralTools.GenerateSitesTableAsync(Module1.Current.Aoi);

                        success = await GeneralTools.GenerateMapsTitlePageAsync(ReportType.Watershed, strPublisher, Comments);

                        if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                            MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while generating the Title page!!", "BAGIS-PRO");
                        string outputPath = GeneralTools.GetFullPdfFileName(Constants.FILE_EXPORT_WATERSHED_REPORT_PDF);
                        success = GeneralTools.PublishFullPdfDocument(outputPath, ReportType.Watershed);    // Put it all together into a single pdf document
                        if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                        //if (SiteAnalysisChecked)
                        //    success = await GeneralTools.GenerateMapsTitlePageAsync(ReportType.SiteAnalysis, strPublisher, Comments);
                        //    outputPath = GeneralTools.GetFullPdfFileName(Constants.FILE_EXPORT_SITE_ANALYSIS_REPORT_PDF);
                        //    success = GeneralTools.PublishFullPdfDocument(outputPath, ReportType.SiteAnalysis);    // Put it all together into a single pdf document
                        if (success != BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                        else if (ArchiveChecked)
                            string reportName = Constants.FILE_EXPORT_WATERSHED_REPORT_PDF;
                            // Copy final watershed analysis report to a central location
                            if (File.Exists(outputPath))
                                File.Copy(outputPath, GeneralTools.GetFullPdfFileName(reportName), true);
                            //if (SiteAnalysisChecked)
                            //    reportName = Constants.FILE_EXPORT_SITE_ANALYSIS_REPORT_PDF;
                            //    File.Copy(outputPath, GeneralTools.GetFullPdfFileName(reportName), true);
                        // Create closing log entry for AOI
                        if (errorCount == 0)
                            strLogEntry = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yy H:mm:ss ") + "Completed batch PDF export for " +
                                          oAoi.Name + ". The output is located at " + oAoi.FilePath + "\\" + Constants.FOLDER_MAP_PACKAGE + "\r\n";
                            Names[idxRow].AoiBatchStateText = AoiBatchState.Completed.ToString();
                            strLogEntry = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yy H:mm:ss ") + "Completed batch PDF export WITH ERRORS for " +
                                          oAoi.Name + ". The output is located at " + oAoi.FilePath + "\\" + Constants.FOLDER_MAP_PACKAGE + "\r\n" +
                                          "Check for errors in the logs at " + oAoi.FilePath + "\\" + Constants.FOLDER_LOGS + "! \r\n";
                            Names[idxRow].AoiBatchStateText = AoiBatchState.Errors.ToString();
                        File.AppendAllText(_strLogFile, strLogEntry);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while running the Batch PDF Tool!! " + e.Message, "BAGIS PRO");
                        strLogEntry = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yy H:mm:ss ") + "Batch PDF export failed for " +
                                      oAoi.Name + ". Check for errors in the logs at " + oAoi.FilePath + "\\" + Constants.FOLDER_LOGS + "!\r\n";
                        File.AppendAllText(_strLogFile, strLogEntry);
                        Names[idxRow].AoiBatchStateText = AoiBatchState.Failed.ToString();

            // Concluding log entry
            strLogEntry = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yy H:mm:ss ") + "Batch tool finished!! \r\n";
            using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(_strLogFile))
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static async Task DisplayMaps(string strAoiPath)
            BA_Objects.Aoi oAoi = Module1.Current.Aoi;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(oAoi.Name))
                if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(strAoiPath))
                    // Initialize AOI object
                    oAoi = new BA_Objects.Aoi("animas_AOI_prms", strAoiPath);
                    // Store current AOI in Module1
                    Module1.Current.Aoi = oAoi;
                    ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("!!Please set an AOI before testing the maps", "BAGIS Pro");

            Map oMap = await MapTools.SetDefaultMapNameAsync(Constants.MAPS_DEFAULT_MAP_NAME);

            if (oMap != null)
                if (oMap.Layers.Count() > 0)
                    string strMessage = "Adding the maps to the display will overwrite the current arrangement of data layers. " +
                                        "This action cannot be undone." + System.Environment.NewLine + "Do you wish to continue ?";
                    MessageBoxResult oRes = ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show(strMessage, "BAGIS", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);
                    if (oRes != MessageBoxResult.Yes)

                Layout layout = await MapTools.GetDefaultLayoutAsync(Constants.MAPS_DEFAULT_LAYOUT_NAME);

                if (layout != null)
                    bool bFoundIt = false;
                    //A layout view may exist but it may not be active
                    //Iterate through each pane in the application and check to see if the layout is already open and if so, activate it
                    foreach (var pane in ProApp.Panes)
                        if (!(pane is ILayoutPane layoutPane))  //if not a layout view, continue to the next pane
                        if (layoutPane.LayoutView.Layout == layout) //if there is a match, activate the view
                            (layoutPane as Pane).Activate();
                            bFoundIt = true;
                    if (!bFoundIt)
                        ILayoutPane iNewLayoutPane = await ProApp.Panes.CreateLayoutPaneAsync(layout); //GUI thread
                    await MapTools.SetDefaultMapFrameDimensionAsync(Constants.MAPS_DEFAULT_MAP_FRAME_NAME, layout, oMap,
                                                                    1.0, 2.0, 7.5, 9.0);

                    //remove existing layers from map frame
                    await MapTools.RemoveLayersfromMapFrame();

                    //add aoi boundary to map and zoom to layer
                    string strPath = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(oAoi.FilePath, GeodatabaseNames.Aoi, true) +
                    Uri aoiUri = new Uri(strPath);
                    await MapTools.AddAoiBoundaryToMapAsync(aoiUri, Constants.MAPS_AOI_BOUNDARY);

                    //add Snotel Represented Area Layer
                    strPath = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(oAoi.FilePath, GeodatabaseNames.Analysis, true) +
                    Uri           uri       = new Uri(strPath);
                    CIMColor      fillColor = CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(255, 0, 0, 50); //Red with 30% transparency
                    BA_ReturnCode success   = await MapTools.AddPolygonLayerAsync(uri, fillColor, false, Constants.MAPS_SNOTEL_REPRESENTED);

                    if (success.Equals(BA_ReturnCode.Success))

                    // add aoi streams layer
                    strPath = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(oAoi.FilePath, GeodatabaseNames.Layers, true) +
                    uri = new Uri(strPath);
                    await MapTools.AddLineLayerAsync(uri, Constants.MAPS_STREAMS, ColorFactory.Instance.BlueRGB);

                    // add Snotel Layer
                    strPath = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(oAoi.FilePath, GeodatabaseNames.Layers, true) +
                    uri     = new Uri(strPath);
                    success = await MapTools.AddPointMarkersAsync(uri, Constants.MAPS_SNOTEL, ColorFactory.Instance.BlueRGB,
                                                                  SimpleMarkerStyle.X, 16);

                    if (success == BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                        Module1.Current.AoiHasSnotel = true;

                    // add Snow Course Layer
                    strPath = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(oAoi.FilePath, GeodatabaseNames.Layers, true) +
                    uri     = new Uri(strPath);
                    success = await MapTools.AddPointMarkersAsync(uri, Constants.MAPS_SNOW_COURSE, CIMColor.CreateRGBColor(0, 255, 255),
                                                                  SimpleMarkerStyle.Star, 16);

                    if (success == BA_ReturnCode.Success)
                        Module1.Current.AoiHasSnowCourse = true;

                    // add hillshade layer
                    strPath = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(oAoi.FilePath, GeodatabaseNames.Surfaces, true) +
                    uri = new Uri(strPath);
                    await MapTools.DisplayRasterAsync(uri, Constants.MAPS_HILLSHADE, 0);

                    // add elev zones layer
                    strPath = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(oAoi.FilePath, GeodatabaseNames.Analysis, true) +
                    uri = new Uri(strPath);
                    await MapTools.DisplayRasterWithSymbolAsync(uri, Constants.MAPS_ELEV_ZONE, "ArcGIS Colors",
                                                                "Elevation #2", "NAME", 30, true);


                    // add slope zones layer
                    strPath = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(oAoi.FilePath, GeodatabaseNames.Analysis, true) +
                    uri = new Uri(strPath);
                    await MapTools.DisplayRasterWithSymbolAsync(uri, Constants.MAPS_SLOPE_ZONE, "ArcGIS Colors",
                                                                "Slope", "NAME", 30, false);


                    // add aspect zones layer
                    strPath = GeodatabaseTools.GetGeodatabasePath(oAoi.FilePath, GeodatabaseNames.Analysis, true) +
                    uri = new Uri(strPath);
                    await MapTools.DisplayRasterWithSymbolAsync(uri, Constants.MAPS_ASPECT_ZONE, "ArcGIS Colors",
                                                                "Aspect", "NAME", 30, false);


                    // create map elements
                    await MapTools.AddMapElements(Constants.MAPS_DEFAULT_LAYOUT_NAME, "ArcGIS Colors", "1.5 Point");

                    await MapTools.DisplayNorthArrowAsync(layout, Constants.MAPS_DEFAULT_MAP_FRAME_NAME);

                    await MapTools.DisplayScaleBarAsync(layout, Constants.MAPS_DEFAULT_MAP_FRAME_NAME);

                    // update map elements for default map (elevation)
                    BA_Objects.MapDefinition defaultMap = MapTools.LoadMapDefinition(BagisMapType.ELEVATION);
                    await MapTools.UpdateMapElementsAsync(layout, Module1.Current.Aoi.Name.ToUpper(), defaultMap);

                    await MapTools.UpdateLegendAsync(layout, defaultMap);

                    //zoom to aoi boundary layer
                    double bufferFactor = 1.1;
                    bool   bZoomed      = await MapTools.ZoomToExtentAsync(aoiUri, bufferFactor);