Exemplo n.º 1
 public static bool LoadFromFile(string fileName, out ParametricValue obj) {
     System.Exception exception = null;
     return LoadFromFile(fileName, out obj, out exception);
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes xml markup from file into an ParametricValue object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fileName">string xml file to load and deserialize</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Output ParametricValue object</param>
 /// <param name="exception">output Exception value if deserialize failed</param>
 /// <returns>true if this XmlSerializer can deserialize the object; otherwise, false</returns>
 public static bool LoadFromFile(string fileName, out ParametricValue obj, out System.Exception exception) {
     exception = null;
     obj = default(ParametricValue);
     try {
         obj = LoadFromFile(fileName);
         return true;
     catch (System.Exception ex) {
         exception = ex;
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static bool Deserialize(string xml, out ParametricValue obj) {
     System.Exception exception = null;
     return Deserialize(xml, out obj, out exception);
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes workflow markup into an ParametricValue object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xml">string workflow markup to deserialize</param>
 /// <param name="obj">Output ParametricValue object</param>
 /// <param name="exception">output Exception value if deserialize failed</param>
 /// <returns>true if this XmlSerializer can deserialize the object; otherwise, false</returns>
 public static bool Deserialize(string xml, out ParametricValue obj, out System.Exception exception) {
     exception = null;
     obj = default(ParametricValue);
     try {
         obj = Deserialize(xml);
         return true;
     catch (System.Exception ex) {
         exception = ex;
         return false;
        public static TestBench Convert(ISIS.GME.Dsml.CyPhyML.Interfaces.TestBench tb)
            if (tb == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tb");

            // TODO: Generate ID
            //var componentConnectorTargetMapping = new Dictionary<CyPhy.Connector, ComponentConnectorInstance>();
            var componentConnectorTargetMapping = new Dictionary<CyPhy.Connector, object>();
            //var componentValueflowTargetMapping = new Dictionary<CyPhy.ValueFlowTarget, ContainerPrimitivePropertyInstance>();
            // Note: its is object because it contains: ContainerPrimitivePropertyInstance AND ComponentPrimitivePropertyInstance (TestComponent)
            var componentValueflowTargetMapping = new Dictionary<CyPhy.ValueFlowTarget, object>();
            var vftIdCache = new Dictionary<CyPhy.ValueFlowTarget, String>();

            var avmTestBench = new TestBench { Name = tb.Name };

            #region Process ComponentAssembly | DesignContainer

            var systemUnderTest = tb.Children.TopLevelSystemUnderTestCollection.FirstOrDefault();
            if (systemUnderTest != null && systemUnderTest.Referred != null)
                var wrapper = new TestBenchPrimitiveWrapper(systemUnderTest.AllReferred);
                if (wrapper.Primitive != null)
                    var avmTopLevelSystemUnderTest = new TopLevelSystemUnderTest()
                        // Note: DesignContainers have no ConfigurationUniqueID
                        DesignID = wrapper.ConfigurationUniqueID,

                        // TODO: Check if null
                        IDinSourceModel = wrapper.ID.ToString()

                    SetLayoutData(avmTopLevelSystemUnderTest, systemUnderTest.Impl);

                    #region Process TopLevelSystemUnderTest parameters

                    foreach (var parameter in wrapper.ParameterCollection)
                        DataTypeEnum xDataType;
                        if (!ConvertCyPhyDataTypeEnum(parameter.Attributes.DataType, out xDataType)) continue;
                        var avmPrimitivePropertyInstance = new ContainerPrimitivePropertyInstance()
                            IDinSourceModel = parameter.Attributes.ID.ToString(),
                            Value = new Value
                                    DataType = xDataType,
                                    DataTypeSpecified = true,
                                    DimensionType = DimensionTypeEnum.Scalar,
                                    DimensionTypeSpecified = true,
                                    Dimensions = parameter.Attributes.Dimension,
                                    ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),

                        //SetLayoutData(avmPrimitivePropertyInstance, parameter.Impl);

                        componentValueflowTargetMapping[parameter] = avmPrimitivePropertyInstance;
                        vftIdCache[parameter] = avmPrimitivePropertyInstance.Value.ID;


                    #region Process TopLevelSystemUnderTest properties

                    foreach (var property in wrapper.PropertyCollection)
                        DataTypeEnum xDataType;
                        if (!ConvertCyPhyDataTypeEnum(property.Attributes.DataType, out xDataType)) continue;
                        var avmPrimitivePropertyInstance = new ContainerPrimitivePropertyInstance()
                            IDinSourceModel = property.Attributes.ID.ToString(),
                            Value = new Value
                                DataType = xDataType,
                                DataTypeSpecified = true,
                                DimensionType = DimensionTypeEnum.Scalar,
                                DimensionTypeSpecified = true,
                                Dimensions = property.Attributes.Dimension,
                                ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"), //property.Guid.ToString("D")

                        //SetLayoutData(avmPrimitivePropertyInstance, property.Impl);

                        componentValueflowTargetMapping[property] = avmPrimitivePropertyInstance;
                        vftIdCache[property] = avmPrimitivePropertyInstance.Value.ID;


                    #region Process TopLevelSystemUnderTest ModelicaConnector

                    foreach (var mc in wrapper.ModelicaConnectorCollection)
                        var avmPortInstance = new ContainerPortInstance
                            ID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mc.Attributes.ID) ? GetOrSetID(mc) : mc.Attributes.ID,
                            NameInSourceModel = mc.Name,

                        modelicaConnectorCache[mc] = avmPortInstance;


                    // TODO: Temprary solution for Zsolt no difference between ModelicaConnector and Connector in the atm file.
                    // => Impossible to import
                    #region Process TopLevelSystemUnderTest Connectors

                    foreach (var cc in wrapper.ConnectorCollection)
                        // Now it is ContainerPortInstance => Should be changed in the future.
                        var avmPortInstance = new ContainerPortInstance
                            ID = EnsureComponentIdAttribute(cc),
                            NameInSourceModel = cc.Name,

                        componentConnectorTargetMapping[cc] = avmPortInstance;


                    avmTestBench.TopLevelSystemUnderTest = avmTopLevelSystemUnderTest;



            #region Process TestComponents

            foreach (var testComponent in tb.Children.TestComponentCollection)
                var avmComponentInstance = new avm.ComponentInstance()
                    Name = testComponent.Name,
                    ID = EnsureComponentIdAttribute(testComponent).ToString(),
                    ComponentID = testComponent.Guid.ToString("D")

                #region Component connectors

                foreach (var connector in testComponent.Children.ConnectorCollection)
                    var connectorId = EnsureComponentIdAttribute(connector);
                    var avmComponentConnectorInstance = new avm.ComponentConnectorInstance
                        IDinComponentModel = connector.Attributes.ID,
                        ID = avmComponentInstance.ID + '-' + connectorId,


                    if (!componentConnectorTargetMapping.ContainsKey(connector))
                        componentConnectorTargetMapping[connector] = avmComponentConnectorInstance;


                #region Process testComponent parameters

                foreach (var parameter in testComponent.Children.ParameterCollection)
                    DataTypeEnum xDataType;
                    if (!ConvertCyPhyDataTypeEnum(parameter.Attributes.DataType, out xDataType)) continue;

                    var avmPrimitivePropertyInstance = new ComponentPrimitivePropertyInstance()
                        IDinComponentModel = parameter.Attributes.ID.ToString(),
                        Value = new Value
                            DataType = xDataType,
                            DataTypeSpecified = true,
                            DimensionType = DimensionTypeEnum.Scalar,
                            DimensionTypeSpecified = true,
                            Dimensions = parameter.Attributes.Dimension,
                            ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),

                    //SetLayoutData(avmPrimitivePropertyInstance, parameter.Impl);

                    componentValueflowTargetMapping[parameter] = avmPrimitivePropertyInstance;
                    vftIdCache[parameter] = avmPrimitivePropertyInstance.Value.ID;


                #region Process testComponent properties

                foreach (var property in testComponent.Children.PropertyCollection)
                    DataTypeEnum xDataType;
                    if (!ConvertCyPhyDataTypeEnum(property.Attributes.DataType, out xDataType)) continue;

                    var avmPrimitivePropertyInstance = new ComponentPrimitivePropertyInstance()
                        IDinComponentModel = property.Attributes.ID.ToString(),
                        Value = new Value
                            DataType = xDataType,
                            DataTypeSpecified = true,
                            DimensionType = DimensionTypeEnum.Scalar,
                            DimensionTypeSpecified = true,
                            Dimensions = property.Attributes.Dimension,
                            ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"), //property.Guid.ToString("D")

                    //SetLayoutData(avmPrimitivePropertyInstance, property.Impl);

                    componentValueflowTargetMapping[property] = avmPrimitivePropertyInstance;
                    vftIdCache[property] = avmPrimitivePropertyInstance.Value.ID;


                SetLayoutData(avmComponentInstance, testComponent.Impl);

            // TODO: not use dynamic, it is just a walkaround while Adam is on vacation
            #region Process ConnectorCompositions

            foreach (var cc in tb.Children.ConnectorCompositionCollection)
                var src = cc.SrcEnds.Connector;
                var dst = cc.DstEnds.Connector;

                if (src != null && dst != null)
                    dynamic avmSrc;
                    dynamic avmDst;
                    if (componentConnectorTargetMapping.ContainsKey(src) && componentConnectorTargetMapping.ContainsKey(dst))
                        avmSrc = componentConnectorTargetMapping[src];
                        avmDst = componentConnectorTargetMapping[dst];

                        catch (RuntimeBinderException e)



            #region Process Testbench parameters

            foreach (var parameter in tb.Children.ParameterCollection)
                DataTypeEnum xDataType;
                if (!ConvertCyPhyDataTypeEnum(parameter.Attributes.DataType, out xDataType)) continue;

                var avmParameter = new Parameter
                    ID = parameter.Attributes.ID,
                    Name = parameter.Name,
                    Notes = parameter.Attributes.Description,
                    Value = new Value
                        DataType = xDataType,
                        DataTypeSpecified = true,
                        DimensionType = DimensionTypeEnum.Scalar,
                        DimensionTypeSpecified = true,
                        Dimensions = parameter.Attributes.Dimension,
                        ID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D"),

                SetLayoutData(avmParameter, parameter.Impl);

                #region Set value expressions / Derived values

                if (parameter.SrcConnections.ValueFlowCollection.Any())
                    var vft = parameter.SrcConnections.ValueFlowCollection.First().SrcEnds.ValueFlowTarget;

                    String idVft = null;
                    // ContainerPrimitivePropertyInstance cppi = null;
                    dynamic cppi;
                    if (componentValueflowTargetMapping.TryGetValue(vft, out cppi))
                        idVft = cppi.Value.ID;
                        //idVft = GetOrSetID(vft);

                    avmParameter.Value.ValueExpression = new DerivedValue { ValueSource = idVft };
                    // FixedValue or ParametricValue????
                    //var avmFixedValue = new FixedValue() {
                    //    Value = parameter.Attributes.Value

                    var rangeParts = (parameter.Attributes.Range == null || !parameter.Attributes.Range.Contains("..")) ?
                                      new[] { "", "" } :
                                      parameter.Attributes.Range.Split(new[] { ".." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (rangeParts.Count() != 2) rangeParts = new[] { "", "" };

                    var avmParametricValue = new ParametricValue
                        AssignedValue = new FixedValue { Value = parameter.Attributes.Value },
                        Default = new FixedValue { Value = parameter.Attributes.DefaultValue },
                        Maximum = new FixedValue { Value = rangeParts[1] },
                        Minimum = new FixedValue { Value = rangeParts[0] },

                    avmParameter.Value.ValueExpression = avmParametricValue;
                    vftIdCache[parameter] = avmParameter.Value.ID;




            #region Process Testbench metrics

            foreach (var metric in tb.Children.MetricCollection)
                var avmMetric = new Metric
                    Name = metric.Name,
                    Notes = metric.Attributes.Description

                SetLayoutData(avmMetric, metric.Impl);

                #region Derived values

                // Metric is derived only
                if (metric.SrcConnections.ValueFlowCollection.Any())
                    var vft = metric.SrcConnections.ValueFlowCollection.First().SrcEnds.ValueFlowTarget;

                    String idVft = null;
                    // ContainerPrimitivePropertyInstance cppi = null;
                    dynamic cppi;
                    if (componentValueflowTargetMapping.TryGetValue(vft, out cppi))
                        idVft = cppi.Value.ID;
                        //idVft = GetOrSetID(vft);

                    avmMetric.Value.ValueExpression = new DerivedValue { ValueSource = idVft };




            #region Process Testbench Environments (modelica models)

            foreach (var env in tb.Children.EnvironmentCollection)
                var avmModelicaModel = new avm.modelica.ModelicaModel
                    Name = env.Name,
                    Author = env.Attributes.Author,
                    Class = env.Attributes.Class,
                    Notes = env.Attributes.Notes,
                    UsesResource = env.Attributes.FilePathWithinResource,

                #region Process modelica connectors

                foreach (var mc in env.Children.ModelicaConnectorCollection)
                    var avmModelicaConnector = new avm.modelica.Connector
                        Name = mc.Name,
                        Class = mc.Attributes.Class,
                        Definition = mc.Attributes.Definition,
                        Notes = mc.Attributes.DefinitionNotes,
                        ID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(mc.Attributes.ID) ? GetOrSetID(mc) : mc.Attributes.ID,
                        //= mc.Attributes.InstanceNotes,
                        Locator = mc.Attributes.Locator,

                    SetLayoutData(avmModelicaConnector, mc.Impl);


                SetLayoutData(avmModelicaModel, env.Impl);


            #region Process Valueflows/set valueexpressions

            // Note: dynamic because of the Testcomponent Properties/Parameters
            foreach (var vf in tb.Children.ValueFlowCollection)
                var srcValueFlow = vf.SrcEnds.ValueFlowTarget;
                var dstValueFlow = vf.DstEnds.ValueFlowTarget;

                if (componentValueflowTargetMapping.ContainsKey(dstValueFlow))
                    dynamic dstPair = componentValueflowTargetMapping[dstValueFlow];
                    dstPair.Value.ValueExpression = new avm.DerivedValue
                        ValueSource = vftIdCache[srcValueFlow]


            #region Process PortCompositions

            foreach (var pc in tb.Children.PortCompositionCollection)
                var src = pc.SrcEnds.ModelicaConnector;
                var dst = pc.DstEnds.ModelicaConnector;
                if (src != null & dst != null)
                    ContainerPortInstance avmSrc;
                    ContainerPortInstance avmDst;
                    if (modelicaConnectorCache.ContainsKey(src))
                        avmSrc = modelicaConnectorCache[src];
                    else if (modelicaConnectorCache.ContainsKey(dst))
                        avmDst = modelicaConnectorCache[dst];


            #region Process Workflows

            var workflowRef = tb.Children.WorkflowRefCollection.FirstOrDefault();

            if (workflowRef != null)
                var referred = workflowRef.Referred;
                if (referred != null && referred!=null)
                    var workflow = referred.Workflow;

                    var avmWorkflow = new Workflow
                        Name = workflow.Name,

                    avmTestBench.Workflow = avmWorkflow;
                    SetLayoutData(avmWorkflow, workflowRef.Impl);

                    var allTasks = workflow.Children.TaskBaseCollection.ToList();

                    // Get the first task
                    var currentTask = allTasks.FirstOrDefault(x => !x.SrcConnections.FlowCollection.Any());
                    if (currentTask != null)
                            // Create avm workflow tasks
                            if (currentTask is CyPhy.Task)
                                var cyphyTask = (CyPhy.Task)currentTask;
                                var avmTask = new InterpreterTask
                                    Name = cyphyTask.Name,
                                    COMName = cyphyTask.Attributes.COMName,
                                    Parameters = cyphyTask.Attributes.Parameters

                                SetLayoutData(avmTask, cyphyTask.Impl);
                            else if (currentTask is CyPhy.ExecutionTask)
                                var cyphyTask = (CyPhy.ExecutionTask)currentTask;
                                var avmTask = new ExecutionTask
                                    Name = cyphyTask.Name,
                                    Description = cyphyTask.Attributes.Description,
                                    Invocation = cyphyTask.Attributes.Invocation,
                                    //TODO: Ask adam about these:
                                    // = cyphyTask.Attributes.Parameters
                                    // = cyphyTask.Attributes.PostProcess
                                    // = cyphyTask.Attributes.PreProcess

                                SetLayoutData(avmTask, cyphyTask.Impl);
                                // ToDo: Give a warning

                            // Next edge
                            var nextFlow = currentTask.DstConnections.FlowCollection.FirstOrDefault();

                            // No more outgoing edge
                            if (nextFlow == null) break;
                            currentTask = nextFlow.DstEnds.TaskBase;

                            // No element at the end of the edge
                            // ToDo: Give a warning
                        } while (currentTask != null);


            #region Process Settings

            foreach (var settings in tb.Children.SolverSettingsCollection)
                var intervalMethod = AvmModelicaIntervalMethodMapping.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item1 == settings.Attributes.IntervalMethod);
                var jobManagerToolSelection = AvmModelicaJobManagerToolSelectionMapping.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item1 == settings.Attributes.JobManagerToolSelection);

                var avmSettings = new avm.modelica.SolverSettings
                    IntervalLength = settings.Attributes.IntervalLength,
                    IntervalLengthSpecified = true,
                    // TODO: Give warning
                    IntervalMethod = intervalMethod!=null?intervalMethod.Item2:avm.modelica.IntervalMethod.IntervalLength,
                    // TODO: Give warning
                    JobManagerToolSelection = jobManagerToolSelection!=null?jobManagerToolSelection.Item2:avm.modelica.JobManagerToolSelection.Dymola_latest,
                    JobManagerToolSelectionSpecified = true,
                    NumberOfIntervals = settings.Attributes.NumberOfIntervals,
                    NumberOfIntervalsSpecified = true,
                    Solver = settings.Attributes.Solver.ToString(),
                    StartTime = settings.Attributes.StartTime,
                    StartTimeSpecified = true,
                    StopTime = settings.Attributes.StartTime,
                    StopTimeSpecified = true,
                    Tolerance = settings.Attributes.Tolerance,
                    ToleranceSpecified = true,
                    ToolSpecificAnnotations = settings.Attributes.ToolSpecificAnnotations



            return avmTestBench;
        private void createAVMCyberParameter(List<avm.modelica.Parameter> avmCyberModelParameterList, Cyber.ParameterRef cyberModelParameterRef)
            string idString = "ID" + _idCounter;

            // Initialize a avmCyber Parameter
            avm.modelica.Parameter avmCyberParameter = new avm.modelica.Parameter();
            // Set avm cyber parameter Value
            avmCyberParameter.Value = new avm.Value();
            // Assign ValueExpressionType for avm Value
            avm.DerivedValue avmDerivedValue = new avm.DerivedValue();
            avmDerivedValue.ValueSource = idString;
            avmCyberParameter.Value.ValueExpression = avmDerivedValue;    

            // Assign ID attr content
            avmCyberParameter.Value.ID = META2AVM_Util.UtilFuncs.ensureMetaIDAttribute(cyberModelParameterRef);
            // Assign Locator relative to the parent cyberModel
            avmCyberParameter.Locator = cyberModelParameterRef.Name;

            /// Now do the outer representation
            avm.PrimitiveProperty avmProperty = new avm.PrimitiveProperty();
            avmProperty.Name = avmCyberParameter.Locator;
            avmProperty.ID = "property." + idString;
            avmProperty.Notes = avmCyberParameter.Notes;

            avmProperty.Value = new avm.Value();
            avmProperty.Value.ID = idString;
            // Three cases for getting the data type and/or value of the parameter object
            //  TODO: JEP The Simulink case is extremely messy - assume that the value is a real-type scalar for now, and we'll take care of it later
            avmProperty.Value.DimensionType = DimensionTypeEnum.Scalar;
            avmProperty.Value.DataType = DataTypeEnum.Real;
            avm.ParametricValue avmParametricValue = new avm.ParametricValue();
            //avm.FixedValue maxVal = new avm.FixedValue();
            //maxVal.Value = "1.0e10";
            //avmParametricValue.Maximum = maxVal;
            //avm.FixedValue minVal = new avm.FixedValue();
            //minVal.Value = "-1.0e10";
            //avmParametricValue.Minimum = minVal;
            //avm.FixedValue avmFixedValue = new avm.FixedValue();
            //avmFixedValue.Value = "0";
            /* Cyber.ParameterBase pbase = cyberModelParamterRef.Referred as Cyber.ParameterBase;
            if (pbase.Kind == "VFL_Parameter")
                Simulink.SF_Parameter sfparam = pbase as Simulink.SF_Parameter;

            else if (pbase.Kind == "Data")

            else if (pbase.Kind == "SFData")

            } */
            avmProperty.Value.ValueExpression = avmParametricValue;

            // Add avm param to the given List