Exemplo n.º 1
        static PointLatLngAlt calcIntersection(PointLatLngAlt plla, PointLatLngAlt dest, int step = 100)
            int            distout = 10;
            PointLatLngAlt newpos  = PointLatLngAlt.Zero;

            var dist = plla.GetDistance(dest);
            var Y    = plla.GetBearing(dest);

            // 20 km
            while (distout < (dist + 100))
                // get a projected point to test intersection against - not using slope distance
                PointLatLngAlt newposdist = plla.newpos(Y, distout);
                newposdist.Alt = srtm.getAltitude(newposdist.Lat, newposdist.Lng).alt;

                // get another point 'step' infront
                PointLatLngAlt newposdist2 = plla.newpos(Y, distout + step);
                newposdist2.Alt = srtm.getAltitude(newposdist2.Lat, newposdist2.Lng).alt;

                // x is dist from plane, y is alt
                var newpoint = FindLineIntersection(new PointF(0, (float)plla.Alt),
                                                    new PointF((float)dist, (float)dest.Alt),
                                                    new PointF((float)distout, (float)newposdist.Alt),
                                                    new PointF((float)distout + step, (float)newposdist2.Alt));

                if (newpoint.X != 0)
                    newpos     = plla.newpos(Y, newpoint.X);
                    newpos.Alt = newpoint.Y;


                distout += step;

            //addtomap(newpos, distout.ToString());

Exemplo n.º 2
            public string SUBMITHOST; // Submitter Host “” or “enduser5.faa.gov”

            public List <List <PointLatLng> > GetPaths()

                List <List <PointLatLng> > list = new List <List <PointLatLng> >();

                List <PointLatLng> pointlist = new List <PointLatLng>();

                var matches = all.Matches(BOUND);

                bool           isarcterminate    = false;
                bool           iscircleterminate = false;
                int            arcdir            = 0;
                PointLatLngAlt pointcent         = null;
                PointLatLngAlt pointstart        = null;

                foreach (Match item in matches)
                        if (item.Groups[0].Value.ToString().StartsWith("R") || item.Groups[0].Value.ToString().StartsWith("B"))
                            // start new element
                            if (pointlist.Count > 0)
                                pointlist = new List <PointLatLng>();

                        if (item.Groups[2].Value == "L")
                            var point = new PointLatLngAlt(double.Parse(item.Groups[4].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), double.Parse(item.Groups[6].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                            if (item.Groups[3].Value == "S")
                                point.Lat *= -1;

                            if (item.Groups[5].Value == "W")
                                point.Lng *= -1;

                            if (isarcterminate)
                                double radius = pointcent.GetDistance(pointstart);

                                double startbearing = pointcent.GetBearing(pointstart);

                                double endbearing = pointcent.GetBearing(point);

                                if (arcdir > 0 && endbearing < startbearing)
                                    endbearing += 360;

                                if (arcdir < 0)
                                    for (double a = startbearing; a > endbearing; a += (10 * arcdir))
                                        pointlist.Add(pointcent.newpos(a, radius));
                                    for (double a = startbearing; a < endbearing; a += (10 * arcdir))
                                        pointlist.Add(pointcent.newpos(a, radius));


                                isarcterminate    = false;
                                iscircleterminate = false;


                            if (iscircleterminate)
                                iscircleterminate = false;


                        else if (item.Groups[7].Value == "A")
                            pointcent = new PointLatLngAlt(double.Parse(item.Groups[10].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), double.Parse(item.Groups[12].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                            if (item.Groups[9].Value == "S")
                                pointcent.Lat *= -1;

                            if (item.Groups[11].Value == "W")
                                pointcent.Lng *= -1;

                            pointstart = new PointLatLngAlt(double.Parse(item.Groups[14].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), double.Parse(item.Groups[16].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                            if (item.Groups[13].Value == "S")
                                pointstart.Lat *= -1;

                            if (item.Groups[15].Value == "W")
                                pointstart.Lng *= -1;

                            arcdir = item.Groups[8].Value == "+" ? 1 : -1;

                            isarcterminate = true;

                        else if (item.Groups[17].Value == "C")
                            var point = new PointLatLngAlt(double.Parse(item.Groups[19].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), double.Parse(item.Groups[21].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                            if (item.Groups[18].Value == "S")
                                point.Lat *= -1;

                            if (item.Groups[20].Value == "W")
                                point.Lng *= -1;

                            // radius in m from nautical miles
                            double radius = double.Parse(item.Groups[22].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) * 1852;

                            for (int a = 0; a <= 360; a += 10)
                                pointlist.Add(point.newpos(a, radius));

                            pointlist = new List <PointLatLng>();

                            iscircleterminate = true;

                    catch { }

                if (pointlist.Count > 0)

Exemplo n.º 3

        // x = north / roll
        // y = pitch / east
        // z = yaw / down

        public static List <PointLatLngAlt> calc(PointLatLngAlt plla, double R, double P, double Y, double hfov, double vfov)
            // alt should be asl
            // P pitch where the center os pointing ie -80
            // R roll

            // if roll and pitch is 0, use the quick method.
            if (R == 0 && P == 0)
                // calc fov in m on the ground at 0 alt
                var fovh = Math.Tan(hfov / 2.0 * MathHelper.deg2rad) * plla.Alt;
                var fovv = Math.Tan(vfov / 2.0 * MathHelper.deg2rad) * plla.Alt;
                var fovd = Math.Sqrt(fovh * fovh + fovv * fovv);

                // where we put our footprint
                var ans2 = new List <PointLatLngAlt>();

                // calc bearing from center to corner
                var bearing1 = Math.Atan2(fovh, fovv) * MathHelper.rad2deg;

                // calc first corner point
                var newpos1 = plla.newpos(bearing1 + Y, Math.Sqrt(fovh * fovh + fovv * fovv));
                // set alt to 0, as we used the hypot for distance and fov is based on 0 alt
                newpos1.Alt = 0;
                // calc intersection from center to new point and return ground hit point
                var cen1 = calcIntersection(plla, newpos1);
                // add to our footprint poly
                addtomap(cen1, "cen1");


                newpos1     = plla.newpos(Y - bearing1, Math.Sqrt(fovh * fovh + fovv * fovv));
                newpos1.Alt = 0;
                cen1        = calcIntersection(plla, newpos1);
                addtomap(cen1, "cen2");

                newpos1     = plla.newpos(bearing1 + Y - 180, Math.Sqrt(fovh * fovh + fovv * fovv));
                newpos1.Alt = 0;
                cen1        = calcIntersection(plla, newpos1);
                addtomap(cen1, "cen3");

                newpos1     = plla.newpos(Y - bearing1 - 180, Math.Sqrt(fovh * fovh + fovv * fovv));
                newpos1.Alt = 0;
                cen1        = calcIntersection(plla, newpos1);
                addtomap(cen1, "cen4");

                addtomap(plla, "plane");


            double frontangle = (P * 0) + vfov / 2;
            double backangle  = (P * 0) - vfov / 2;
            double leftangle  = (R * 0) + hfov / 2;
            double rightangle = (R * 0) - hfov / 2;

            addtomap(plla, "plane");

            Matrix3 dcm = new Matrix3();

            dcm.from_euler(R * MathHelper.deg2rad, P * MathHelper.deg2rad, Y * MathHelper.deg2rad);

            Vector3 center1 = new Vector3(0, 0, 10000);

            var test = dcm * center1;

            var bearing2 = Math.Atan2(test.y, test.x) * MathHelper.rad2deg;

            var newpos2 = plla.newpos(bearing2, Math.Sqrt(test.x * test.x + test.y * test.y));

            newpos2.Alt -= test.z;

            var cen = calcIntersection(plla, newpos2);

            var dist = plla.GetDistance(cen);

            addtomap(cen, "center " + dist.ToString("0"));

            dcm.from_euler(R * MathHelper.deg2rad, P * MathHelper.deg2rad, Y * MathHelper.deg2rad);
            dcm.rotate(new Vector3(rightangle * MathHelper.deg2rad, 0, 0));
            dcm.rotate(new Vector3(0, frontangle * MathHelper.deg2rad, 0));

             * var mx = new Matrix3();
             * var my = new Matrix3();
             * var mz = new Matrix3();
             * mx.from_euler((rightangle + R) * MathHelper.deg2rad, 0, 0);
             * my.from_euler(0, (frontangle + P) * MathHelper.deg2rad, 0);
             * mz.from_euler(0, 0, Y * MathHelper.deg2rad);
             * printdcm(mx);
             * printdcm(my);
             * printdcm(mz);
             * printdcm(my * mx);
             * printdcm(mz * my * mx);
             * test = mz * my * mx * center1;
            test = dcm * center1;

            bearing2 = (Math.Atan2(test.y, test.x) * MathHelper.rad2deg);

            newpos2 = plla.newpos(bearing2, Math.Sqrt(test.x * test.x + test.y * test.y));

            newpos2.Alt -= test.z;

            //addtomap(newpos2, "tr2");

            var groundpointtr = calcIntersection(plla, newpos2);

            addtomap(groundpointtr, "tr");

            dcm.from_euler(R * MathHelper.deg2rad, P * MathHelper.deg2rad, Y * MathHelper.deg2rad);
            dcm.rotate(new Vector3(leftangle * MathHelper.deg2rad, 0, 0));
            dcm.rotate(new Vector3(0, frontangle * MathHelper.deg2rad, 0));

            test = dcm * center1;

            bearing2 = Math.Atan2(test.y, test.x) * MathHelper.rad2deg;

            newpos2 = plla.newpos(bearing2, Math.Sqrt(test.x * test.x + test.y * test.y));

            newpos2.Alt -= test.z;

            var groundpointtl = calcIntersection(plla, newpos2);

            addtomap(groundpointtl, "tl");

            dcm.from_euler(R * MathHelper.deg2rad, P * MathHelper.deg2rad, Y * MathHelper.deg2rad);
            dcm.rotate(new Vector3(leftangle * MathHelper.deg2rad, 0, 0));
            dcm.rotate(new Vector3(0, backangle * MathHelper.deg2rad, 0));

            test = dcm * center1;

            bearing2 = Math.Atan2(test.y, test.x) * MathHelper.rad2deg;

            newpos2 = plla.newpos(bearing2, Math.Sqrt(test.x * test.x + test.y * test.y));

            newpos2.Alt -= test.z;

            var groundpointbl = calcIntersection(plla, newpos2);

            addtomap(groundpointbl, "bl");

            dcm.from_euler(R * MathHelper.deg2rad, P * MathHelper.deg2rad, Y * MathHelper.deg2rad);
            dcm.rotate(new Vector3(rightangle * MathHelper.deg2rad, 0, 0));
            dcm.rotate(new Vector3(0, backangle * MathHelper.deg2rad, 0));

            test = dcm * center1;

            bearing2 = Math.Atan2(test.y, test.x) * MathHelper.rad2deg;

            newpos2 = plla.newpos(bearing2, Math.Sqrt(test.x * test.x + test.y * test.y));

            newpos2.Alt -= test.z;

            var groundpointbr = calcIntersection(plla, newpos2);

            addtomap(groundpointbr, "br");


            var ans = new List <PointLatLngAlt>();

