public static void partTwoMove(ref NodeLinkedList cupLinkedList, ref Dictionary <int, Node> cupsDict, ref List <int> dictKeys)
            // The three cups the crab will pick up
            Node firstCup  =;
            Node secondCup =;
            Node lastCup   =;

            //  Same as partOne
            int destCup = cupLinkedList.current.value - 1;

            // Set now, before we move the above cups and the next cup for our 3 picked up cups changes
            int newCurrentCup =;


            while (true)
                bool foundCup = false;

                if (destCup < 1)
                    // Similar to what we did in partOne but without the array itself we need the dictKeys
                    destCup = dictKeys.Max();

                if (destCup == firstCup.value || destCup == secondCup.value || destCup == lastCup.value)
                    destCup -= 1;
                    foundCup = false;
                    foundCup = true;

                if (foundCup)

            // Set our current cup as our destCup to make it easier for when we place the cups down (left of the dest cup)
            cupLinkedList.current = cupsDict[destCup];
            cupLinkedList.placeCupsDown(firstCup, secondCup, lastCup, destCup);

            // Once we've placed the cups down we get our new current cup, based off the old lastcup next cup
            cupLinkedList.current = cupsDict[newCurrentCup];
        public static void partTwo(ref int [] cupNumbers)
            int numberOfCups = 1000000;
            int moves        = 10000000;

            NodeLinkedList cupLinkedList = new NodeLinkedList();

            // All credit for this idea to James and Tim
            Dictionary <int, Node> cupsDict = new Dictionary <int, Node>();

            foreach (int cup in cupNumbers)
                Node n = cupLinkedList.addNewLinkedNode(cup);
                cupsDict.Add(cup, n);

            // Because we need to bulk out our cup Numbers to match 1000000 we itterate through and add i + 1.
            // Because the array length = 9 and always contains numbers 1 - 9 we can just use the length as our starting point
            for (int i = cupNumbers.Length; i < numberOfCups; i++)
                Node n = cupLinkedList.addNewLinkedNode(i + 1);
                cupsDict.Add(i + 1, n);

            // We'll need this later for the dest cup values
            List <int> dictKeys = cupsDict.Keys.ToList();

            int firstCup = cupNumbers[0];

            cupLinkedList.current = cupsDict[firstCup];

            for (int i = 0; i < moves; i++)
                partTwoMove(ref cupLinkedList, ref cupsDict, ref dictKeys);

            cupLinkedList.current = cupsDict[1];

            long firstCupValue  = cupsDict[1].next.value;
            long secondCupValue = cupsDict[Convert.ToInt32(firstCupValue)].next.value;

            Console.WriteLine("Part Two Answer -- {0}", firstCupValue * secondCupValue);