Exemplo n.º 1
        public void StartFamilySearchConnection()
            _courtHouse = new CourtHouse();
            txtOutput.Text = "Signing in.";

            if (_fhs.initializeConnection())

                txtOutput.Text = "Collecting Results. This may take several minutes.  Please wait...";

                txtOutput.Text = "Canceled Sign in.";

                this.btnPlay3DFT.Enabled = true;
                this.btnOpenFile.Enabled = true;


Exemplo n.º 2
        private void btnSimulation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (SimulationFormWizard simulationForm = new SimulationFormWizard())
                txtOutput.Text = "Lets go forth and replentish the Earth, shall we?";
                this.btnPlay3DFT.Enabled = false;  // only enabled after saving the file.
                this.btnOpenFile.Enabled = false;

                var dialogRet = simulationForm.ShowDialog();

                if (dialogRet == DialogResult.Yes)
                    _courtHouse = new CourtHouse();

                    _matchMaker = new Matchmaker(ref _courtHouse);
                    int lastYear = simulationForm.StartYear;
                    int currentYear = simulationForm.StartYear;
                    int endYear = currentYear + simulationForm.NumberOfYears;

                    TreePerson Adam = new TreePerson(TreePerson.PersonType.Adam, currentYear.ToString());
                    TreePerson Eve = new TreePerson(TreePerson.PersonType.Eve, currentYear.ToString());
                    var personAIndex = _matchMaker.courtHouse.myPeople.addToAllPeople(Adam);
                    var personEIndex = _matchMaker.courtHouse.myPeople.addToAllPeople(Eve);
                    _matchMaker.addToSinglesList(personAIndex, Adam.Sex);
                    _matchMaker.addToSinglesList(personEIndex, Eve.Sex);

                    //Debug.WriteLine("Hello " + Adam.Name + " and " + Eve.Name + " !");
                    //Debug.WriteLine(Adam.GetSex() + " and " + Eve.GetSex());

                    for (currentYear = simulationForm.StartYear;
                        currentYear <= endYear;

                        //Debug.WriteLine("Happy New Year!!.  It is year: " + currentYear.ToString());
                        //Debug.WriteLine("We have " + _matchMaker.BachelorPersonIndexList.Count + " Bachelors, and " +
                        //          _matchMaker.BachelorettePersonIndexList.Count + " Bachelorettes");
                        //Debug.WriteLine("Our people count is " + _matchMaker.courtHouse.myPeople.allPeople.Count + ", with alive count =" +
                        //          _matchMaker.courtHouse.myPeople.livingCount());
                        //Debug.WriteLine("We have " + _matchMaker.courtHouse.allFamilies.Count + " Families <-----------------------");


                        lastYear = currentYear;
                    //Debug.WriteLine("We are done with populating the earth!");

                    //Debug.WriteLine("We have " + _matchMaker.BachelorPersonIndexList.Count + " Bachelors, and " +
                    //                _matchMaker.BachelorettePersonIndexList.Count + " Bachelorettes");

                    txtOutput.AppendText(string.Format("Our simulation created {0} Families, and {1} Individuals",
                        _courtHouse.allFamilies.Count, _courtHouse.myPeople.allPeople.Count));
                    txtOutput.AppendText(System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine + "--> Next, Save this file, so that you can play it.");

                    //fileNameForSaving = string.Format("3DTree_Sim_F{0}_P{1}", _courtHouse.allFamilies.Count,
                    //    _courtHouse.myPeople.allPeople.Count);


                    txtOutput.AppendText("Simulation, Canceled.");
                    this.btnPlay3DFT.Enabled = true;
                    this.btnOpenFile.Enabled = true;

Exemplo n.º 3
        private static int _chanceForABaby = 30; //percent

        /// <summary>
        /// Matchmaker has all the powers of populating the earch. Refer to Genesis 1:28
        /// God Created Man and Woman.. God Said "Be Fruitful and multiply, and fill the Earth"
        /// Well... the Matchmaker class and Method simulates this. Starting at the constructor 
        /// where Family 0 is created "Adam abd Eve" of couse.
        /// Based on a pool (List) of available bachelors and bachelorettes, and a list current families
        /// These methods are meant to be called while moving a 'currentYear' counter forward year by year.
        /// Your can move through several hundred or several thousand years, and find your world populated.
        /// Some interesting parameters and probabilities are used to drive this creation.
        /// </summary>
        public Matchmaker(ref CourtHouse myCourtHouse)
            courtHouse = myCourtHouse;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void OpenFile()
            _courtHouse = new CourtHouse();
            txtOutput.Text = "Lets go get that file, shall we?";

            openFileDialog1.FileName = Path.GetFileName(_myAppDataStorage.FamilyInfoFileName);
            openFileDialog1.Filter = "Xml Doc (*.xml)|*.xml";
            openFileDialog1.AddExtension = true;
            openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(_myAppDataStorage.FamilyInfoFileName) +
            openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;

            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                // Construct an instance of the XmlSerializer with the type
                // of object that is being deserialized.
                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(_courtHouse.GetType());
                // To read the file, create a FileStream.
                FileStream myFileStream = new FileStream(openFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.Open);
                // Call the Deserialize method and cast to the object type.
                _courtHouse = (CourtHouse) serializer.Deserialize(myFileStream);

                txtOutput.AppendText(string.Format("Read in {0} Families, and {1} Individuals",
                    _courtHouse.allFamilies.Count, _courtHouse.myPeople.allPeople.Count));

                txtPlayFile.Text = _myAppDataStorage.FamilyInfoFileName = openFileDialog1.FileName;
                this.btnPlay3DFT.Enabled = true;
                this.btnOpenFile.Enabled = true;

                txtOutput.AppendText("Open File, Canceled.");


        public bool readCollection(CourtHouse courtHouse, BackgroundWorker worker)

            _courtHouse = courtHouse;
            _worker = worker;

            // Given Ascestory Descendancy Both
            // # Generations (Radius)
            // Starting ID
            // Add persons family as parent (Person)
            // enumerate children (Person)
            // enumerate parents (person)
            // Write:
            // Recursive Add Descendants (person, generations)
            // Recursive Add Ancestors (Person, Generations)
            //  We need to be able to run both, so worry about overlap

            if (_worker.CancellationPending == true) return false;

            if (startingID.ToLower() == "self")
                UserState userState = ft.ReadCurrentUser();
                startingID = userState.Id;
            FamilyTreePersonState personState = ft.ReadPersonById(startingID);

            if (_worker.CancellationPending == true) return false;

            // this does a descendancy recursion
            if (!AddPersonsFamily(personState, numberOfGenerations)) return false;

            return true;