Exemplo n.º 1
        private void AddOuting()

            Outings newOuting = new Outings();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the type of outing:\n" +
                              "1. Golf\n" +
                              "2. Bowling\n" +
                              "3. Amusement Park\n" +
                              "4. Concert");
            string outingAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            int    outingAsInt    = int.Parse(outingAsString);

            newOuting.Event = (EventTypes)outingAsInt;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of employees in attendance:");
            newOuting.Attendance = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the date (yyyy/mm/dd, press enter after each line):");
            int year  = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            int month = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            int day   = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            newOuting.Date = new DateTime(year, month, day);

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the total cost:");
            newOuting.TotalCost = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void SeedData()
            DateTime dateOne   = new DateTime(2019, 04, 15);
            DateTime dateTwo   = new DateTime(2019, 05, 23);
            DateTime dateThree = new DateTime(2019, 07, 10);
            DateTime dateFour  = new DateTime(2019, 09, 25);

            Outings outingOne   = new Outings(EventTypes.Bowling, 10, dateOne, 30.25);
            Outings outingTwo   = new Outings(EventTypes.AmusementPark, 20, dateTwo, 375.65);
            Outings outingThree = new Outings(EventTypes.Concert, 25, dateThree, 750.75);
            Outings outingFour  = new Outings(EventTypes.Golf, 12, dateFour, 315.48);

 public void AddNewOuting(Outings newOuting)