private static void SizeCaption(InputForm currForm, string caption)
			// Work out how big the text will be.
			SizeF layoutSize = new SizeF (currForm.lblCaption.Width, SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Height);
			System.Drawing.Graphics grph = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHwnd(currForm.Handle);
			SizeF stringSize = grph.MeasureString(caption, currForm.lblCaption.Font, layoutSize);

            // Resize the caption label and other controls appropriately.
			if ( ((int) stringSize.Height) > currForm.lblCaption.Height)
				currForm.lblCaption.Height = ((int) stringSize.Height) + 4;
				currForm.txtInput.Top = currForm.lblCaption.Bottom + 12;
				currForm.btnCancel.Top = currForm.txtInput.Bottom + 8;
				currForm.btnOK.Top = currForm.btnCancel.Top;
				currForm.Height = currForm.btnOK.Bottom + (30);
        private static void SizeCaption(InputForm currForm, string caption)
            // Work out how big the text will be.
            SizeF layoutSize = new SizeF(currForm.lblCaption.Width, SystemInformation.WorkingArea.Height);

            System.Drawing.Graphics grph = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHwnd(currForm.Handle);
            SizeF stringSize             = grph.MeasureString(caption, currForm.lblCaption.Font, layoutSize);

            // Resize the caption label and other controls appropriately.
            if (((int)stringSize.Height) > currForm.lblCaption.Height)
                currForm.lblCaption.Height = ((int)stringSize.Height) + 4;
                currForm.txtInput.Top      = currForm.lblCaption.Bottom + 12;
                currForm.btnCancel.Top     = currForm.txtInput.Bottom + 8;
                currForm.btnOK.Top         = currForm.btnCancel.Top;
                currForm.Height            = currForm.btnOK.Bottom + (30);