Exemplo n.º 1
        private void FillTerrainWithGrass()
            for (int i = 0; i < Screen.High; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Screen.Wide; j++)
                    terrain[i, j] = new Grass();

                    // height ranges from -scale to scale, so normalize it to between 0 and 100
                    terrain[i, j].waterLevel = (int)(((height[(i * Screen.Wide) + j] + scale) / 2) * 100);
                    terrain[i, j].foodStock  = 100;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public override void Eat(Grass grass)
     Console.WriteLine($"{Name} just ate and really enjoyed it.");
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // The zoo now is only a list of animals which have no cages of whatever. Every Animal can interact with any other.
            // This is probably not going to work out well...

            List <Animal> AnimalsInZoo = new List <Animal>();

            // Herbivores
            Bunny Bella = new Bunny("Bella", 4, 2, Animal.ESex.female, 0);

            Zebra Zali = new Zebra("Zali", 4, 400, Animal.ESex.female, 0);

            // Carnivores

            Tiger Timmy = new Tiger("Timmy", 4, 400, Animal.ESex.male, 0.7f, 0);


            List <FoodItem> AvailableFood = new List <FoodItem>();

            Grass StartingGrass = new Grass(150);


             * There is a list of all available food in the zoo which every iteration is supplied with grass.
             * If a herbivore is killed, its meat gets added to the foodlist. The attacking carnivore will eat untill full and leave the rest.
             * List<FoodItem> AvailableFood = new List<FoodItem();
             * while(not all herbivores are dead)
             * {
             * flavour text about how all animals go about their day and therefore get hungry
             * herbivore can just eat grass and be all happy about it.
             * Carnivores cannot and have to find food.
             * When a carnivore gets hungry, it will kill and eat a herbivore.
             * At the end of day, reduce the AmountOfEnergy by the DailyEnergyConsumption. IF AmountOfEnergy gets lower than twice??
             * the DailyEnergyConsumption, the animal gets hungry and will look for food.
             * If they hit 0, they die.
             * List<Animal> HungryAnimals = Animals.Where(a => a.isHungry).ToList();
             * Foreach( IHerbivore herbivore in HungryAnimals)
             * {
             * if (AvailableFood.Contains(Grass)
             * {
             *  herbivore.eat(grass)
             *  }
             * Foreach (ICarnivore in HungryAnimals)
             * {
             * if (AvailableFood.Contains(Meat)
             *  {
             *  Carnivore.eat(meat)
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *  Carnivore.kill(prey)
             *  Carnivore.eat(meat)
             *  }
             * Foreach(Animal a in Zoo)
             * {
             * a.AmountOfEnergy -= DailyEnergyConsumption;
             * if(a.AmountOfEnergy <= 0)
             * {
             *      a.Die();
             * }else if(a.AmountOfEnergy <= DailyEnergyConsumption)
             * {
             *     a.IsHungry = true;
             *    }else if(a.AmountOfEnergy > DailyEnergyConsumption)
             * {
             *     a.IsHungy = false;
             * }
             * Console.Readkey in between to make it readable.
             * carnivore.kill(IHerbivore prey)
             * {
             * prey.Die();
             * Meat justkilled = new Meat(prey.FoodValue)
             * AvailableFood.add(justkilled)
             * }
             * AvailableMeat = AvailableFood.OfType<Meat>();
             * While(carnivore.AmountOfEnergy <= MaxAmountOfEnery)
             * {
             *  carnivore.eat(AvailableMeat.First())
             *  if carnivore.AmountOfEnergy > carnivore.MaxAmountOfEnergy
             *  {
             *  AmountOfEnergy = MaxAmountOfEnergy;
             * }

            // LESSON THINGY
            // extensions:
            AnimalsInZoo.NumberOfAnimalsOfType <Animal, Tiger>();