public void PublishAccountData(Account acc)
            if (acc != null && tas.ExistingUsers.ContainsKey(acc.Name))
                var data = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { Keys.Level.ToString(), acc.Level.ToString() },
                    { Keys.EffectiveElo.ToString(), ((int)acc.EffectiveElo).ToString() },
                    { Keys.Faction.ToString(), acc.Faction != null ? acc.Faction.Shortcut : "" },
                    { Keys.Clan.ToString(), acc.Clan != null ? acc.Clan.Shortcut : "" },
                    { Keys.Avatar.ToString(), acc.Avatar },
                    { Keys.SpringieLevel.ToString(), acc.GetEffectiveSpringieLevel().ToString() }
                if (acc.IsZeroKAdmin)
                    data.Add(Keys.ZkAdmin.ToString(), "1");

                if (acc.PunishmentsByAccountID.Any(x => !x.IsExpired && x.BanMute))
                    data.Add(Keys.BanMute.ToString(), "1");
                if (acc.PunishmentsByAccountID.Any(x => !x.IsExpired && x.BanLobby))
                    data.Add(Keys.BanLobby.ToString(), "1");

                tas.Extensions.Publish(acc.Name, data);

                // if (acc.PunishmentsByAccountID.Any(x => x.BanExpires > DateTime.UtcNow && x.BanLobby)) tas.AdminKickFromLobby(acc.Name, "Banned");
                ZkData.Punishment penalty = acc.PunishmentsByAccountID.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BanExpires > DateTime.UtcNow && x.BanLobby);
                if (penalty != null)
                    tas.AdminKickFromLobby(acc.Name, string.Format("Banned until {0}, reason: {1}", penalty.BanExpires, penalty.Reason));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static void MassBan(string name, int startIndex, int endIndex, string reason, int banHours, bool banSite = false, bool banLobby = true, bool banIP = false, bool banID = false)
     ZkDataContext db = new ZkDataContext();
     for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++)
         Account acc = db.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == name + i);
         if (acc != null)
             int? userID = banID ? (int?)acc.AccountUserIDs.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).FirstOrDefault().UserID : null;
             string userIP = banIP ? acc.AccountIPs.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).FirstOrDefault().IP : null;
             System.Console.WriteLine(acc.Name, userID, userIP);
             Punishment punishment = new Punishment
                 Time = DateTime.UtcNow,
                 Reason = reason,
                 BanSite = banSite,
                 BanLobby = banLobby,
                 BanExpires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(banHours),
                 BanIP = userIP,
                 CreatedAccountID = 5806,
                 UserID = userID,
        public ActionResult MassBanByUserIDSubmit(int userID, double? maxAge, string reason, int banHours, bool banSite = false, bool banLobby = true, bool banIP = false, bool banID = false)
            ZkDataContext db = new ZkDataContext();
            if (banHours > MaxBanHours) banHours = MaxBanHours;
            DateTime firstLoginAfter = maxAge != null? DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-(double)maxAge) : DateTime.MinValue; 
            foreach (Account acc in db.Accounts.Where(x => x.AccountUserIDs.Any(y => y.UserID == userID) && (maxAge == null || x.FirstLogin > firstLoginAfter) ))
                uint? punishmentUserID = banID ? (uint?)acc.AccountUserIDs.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).FirstOrDefault().UserID : null;
                string userIP = banIP ? acc.AccountIPs.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).FirstOrDefault().IP : null;
                System.Console.WriteLine(acc.Name, userID, userIP);
                Punishment punishment = new Punishment
                    Time = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Reason = reason,
                    BanSite = banSite,
                    BanLobby = banLobby,
                    BanExpires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(banHours),
                    BanIP = userIP,
                    CreatedAccountID = Global.AccountID,
                    UserID = punishmentUserID,

                    Global.Server.KickFromServer(Global.Account.Name, acc.Name, reason);
                catch (Exception ex)
            Global.Server.GhostChanSay(GlobalConst.ModeratorChannel, string.Format("Mass ban executed by {2} for userID {0} (max age {1})",
                userID, maxAge, Global.Account.Name));

            return RedirectToAction("Index");
        public ActionResult MassBanSubmit(string name, int startIndex, int endIndex, string reason, int banHours, bool banSite = false, bool banLobby = true, bool banIP = false, bool banID = false)
            ZkDataContext db = new ZkDataContext();
            int? firstAccID = null;
            if (banHours > MaxBanHours) banHours = MaxBanHours;
            for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++)
                Account acc = db.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == name + i);
                if (acc != null)
                    firstAccID = firstAccID ?? acc.AccountID;
                    uint? userID = banID ? (uint?)acc.AccountUserIDs.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).FirstOrDefault().UserID : null;
                    string userIP = banIP ? acc.AccountIPs.OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).FirstOrDefault().IP : null;
                    System.Console.WriteLine(acc.Name, userID, userIP);
                    Punishment punishment = new Punishment
                        Time = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        Reason = reason,
                        BanSite = banSite,
                        BanLobby = banLobby,
                        BanExpires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(banHours),
                        BanIP = userIP,
                        CreatedAccountID = Global.AccountID,
                        UserID = userID,

                        Global.Server.KickFromServer(Global.Account.Name, acc.Name, reason);
                    catch (Exception ex)
            Global.Server.GhostChanSay(GlobalConst.ModeratorChannel, string.Format("Mass ban executed by {4} for user series {0} ({1} - {2}): {3}",
                name, startIndex, endIndex, Url.Action("Detail", "Users", new { id = firstAccID }, "http"), Global.Account.Name));

            return Index(new UsersIndexModel() {Name = name});
        public ActionResult Punish(int accountID,
                                   string reason,
                                   bool deleteXP,
                                   bool deleteInfluence,
                                   bool banMute,
                                   bool banCommanders,
                                   bool banSite,
                                   bool banLobby,
                                   bool banUnlocks,
                                   bool banSpecChat,
                                   bool banForum,
                                   bool setRightsToZero,            
                                   string banIP,
                                   long? banUserID,
                                   double banHours)
            ZkDataContext db = new ZkDataContext();
            Account acc = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == accountID);

            if (banHours > MaxBanHours) banHours = MaxBanHours; // todo show some notification 

            Punishment punishment = new Punishment
                                 Time = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                 Reason = reason,
                                 BanMute = banMute,
                                 BanCommanders = banCommanders,
                                 BanSite = banSite,
                                 BanLobby = banLobby,
                                 BanExpires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(banHours),
                                 BanUnlocks = banUnlocks,
                                 BanSpecChat = banSpecChat,
                                 BanIP = banIP,
                                 BanForum = banForum,
                                 SetRightsToZero = setRightsToZero,
                                 DeleteXP = deleteXP,
                                 DeleteInfluence = deleteInfluence,
                                 CreatedAccountID = Global.AccountID,
                                 UserID = banUserID

            // notify lobby of changes and post log message
                if (banLobby == true) Global.Server.KickFromServer(Global.Account.Name, acc.Name, reason);
                if (banMute == true) Global.Server.PublishAccountUpdate(acc);

                Global.Server.GhostChanSay(GlobalConst.ModeratorChannel, string.Format("New penalty for {0} {1}  ", acc.Name, Url.Action("Detail", "Users", new { id = acc.AccountID }, "http")));
                Global.Server.GhostChanSay(GlobalConst.ModeratorChannel, string.Format("Reason: {0} ", reason));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Global.Server.GhostChanSay(GlobalConst.ModeratorChannel, ex.ToString());
            return RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = accountID });
        public ActionResult Punish(int accountID,
                                   string reason,
                                   bool deleteXP,
                                   bool deleteInfluence,
                                   bool banMute,
                                   bool banCommanders,
                                   bool banSite,
                                   bool banLobby,
                                   bool banUnlocks,
                                   bool banForum,
                                   bool setRightsToZero,            
                                   string banIP,
                                   long? banUserID,
                                   double banHours)
            ZkDataContext db = new ZkDataContext();
            Account acc = db.Accounts.Single(x => x.AccountID == accountID);

            if (banHours > MaxBanHours) banHours = MaxBanHours; // todo show some notification 

            Punishment punishment = new Punishment
                                 Time = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                 Reason = reason,
                                 BanMute = banMute,
                                 BanCommanders = banCommanders,
                                 BanSite = banSite,
                                 BanLobby = banLobby,
                                 BanExpires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(banHours),
                                 BanUnlocks = banUnlocks,
                                 BanIP = banIP,
                                 BanForum = banForum,
                                 SetRightsToZero = setRightsToZero,
                                 DeleteXP = deleteXP,
                                 DeleteInfluence = deleteInfluence,
                                 CreatedAccountID = Global.AccountID,
                                 UserID = banUserID

                if (banLobby)
                    Global.Nightwatch.Tas.AdminKickFromLobby(acc.Name, reason);

                Global.Nightwatch.Tas.Say(SayPlace.Channel, AuthService.ModeratorChannel, string.Format("New penalty for {0} {1}  ", acc.Name, Url.Action("Detail", "Users", new { id = acc.AccountID }, "http")), true);
                Global.Nightwatch.Tas.Say(SayPlace.Channel, AuthService.ModeratorChannel, string.Format("Reason: {0} ", reason), true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Global.Nightwatch.Tas.Say(SayPlace.Channel, AuthService.ModeratorChannel, ex.ToString(), false);
            return RedirectToAction("Detail", new { id = accountID });