public ResponseGetMobileNO uploadA4scan(SubmitMandateImageInput context)
            ResponseGetMobileNO pathInfo = new ResponseGetMobileNO();

            if (context.AppID == "" || context.AppID == null)
                pathInfo.message = "Incomplete data";
                pathInfo.status  = "Failure";
            else if (context.MandeteId == "" || context.MandeteId == null)
                pathInfo.message = "Incomplete data";
                pathInfo.status  = "Failure";

            else if (context.UserId == "" || context.UserId == null)
                pathInfo.message = "Incomplete data";
                pathInfo.status  = "Failure";
            //else if (context.ImageBytes == "" || context.ImageBytes == null)
            //    pathInfo.message = "Incomplete data";
            //    pathInfo.status = "Failure";
            //    return pathInfo;
            //else if (context.ImageBytes.Length < 0 || context.ImageBytes == null)
            //    pathInfo.message = "Incomplete data";
            //    pathInfo.status = "Failure";
            //    return pathInfo;
            if (CheckMandateInfo.CheckMandateId(context.AppID, context.MandeteId) != "1")
                pathInfo.message = "Invalid MandateId";
                pathInfo.status  = "Failure";
            if (CheckImageSubmitted(context.MandeteId, context.AppID))
                pathInfo.message = "Image already uploaded and submitted to bank";
                pathInfo.status  = "Failure";
                pathInfo.message = "Image uploaded successfully";
                pathInfo.status  = "Success";
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ResponseGetMobileNO uploadA4scan(SubmitMandateImageInput context)
            string fileName   = string.Empty;
            string filePath   = string.Empty;
            string extension  = string.Empty;
            string filePath1  = string.Empty;
            string filePath2  = string.Empty;
            string RefrenceNo = string.Empty;

            string croppedFileName = string.Empty;
            string croppedFilePath = string.Empty;
            // string Path = "";
            //string dirnm = "";
            ResponseGetMobileNO pathInfo = new ResponseGetMobileNO();

            // byte[] imagedata = System.Convert.FromBase64String(context.base64.ToString());
                if (context.AppID == "" || context.AppID == null)
                    pathInfo.message = "Incomplete data";
                    pathInfo.status  = "Failure";

                if (context.MandeteId == "" || context.MandeteId == null)
                    pathInfo.message = "Incomplete data";
                    pathInfo.status  = "Failure";

                if (context.UserId == "" || context.UserId == null)
                    pathInfo.message = "Incomplete data";
                    pathInfo.status  = "Failure";
                if (context.ImageBytes == "" || context.ImageBytes == null)
                    pathInfo.message = "Incomplete data";
                    pathInfo.status  = "Failure";
                if (context.ImageBytes.Length < 0 || context.ImageBytes == null)
                    pathInfo.message = "Incomplete data";
                    pathInfo.status  = "Failure";

                string        TempJpgpath = string.Empty;
                string        TempTifpath = string.Empty;
                Boolean       Greater     = true;
                string        Path        = "";
                SqlConnection con         = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Convert.ToString(context.AppID)].ConnectionString);
                string        query       = "Sp_Mandate";
                SqlCommand    cmd         = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@QueryType", "CheckMandateId");
                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MandateId", context.MandeteId);
                SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                DataTable      dt = new DataTable();
                if (dt.Rows[0]["value"].ToString() == "1")
                    RefrenceNo = (dt.Rows[0]["Refrence1"].ToString());

                    System.IO.MemoryStream mm = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
                    byte[] bytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(context.ImageBytes);
                    mm.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                    System.Drawing.Image img    = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(mm);
                    System.Drawing.Image imgtif = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(mm);

                    if (Convert.ToInt32(img.HorizontalResolution) <= 300)
                        //bool Flag = System.IO.Directory.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/MandateFile/" + context.MandeteId));
                        Path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FileUploadPath" + context.AppID].ToString() + "MandateFile/" + context.MandeteId + "/";
                        string FilePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FileUploadPath" + context.AppID].ToString() + "MandateFile/" + context.MandeteId + "/";

                        bool Flag1 = Directory.Exists(FilePath);
                        if (!Flag1)
                            System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(FilePath);

                            foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles())

                        fileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DownloadFileName" + context.AppID].ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + "_" + RefrenceNo + ".jpg";

                        //filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/MandateFile/" + context.MandeteId + "/" + fileName.Trim()));

                        filePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FileUploadPath" + context.AppID].ToString() + "MandateFile/" + context.MandeteId + "/" + fileName.Trim();

                        filePath1 = "../MandateFile/" + context.MandeteId + "/" + fileName;
                        if (File.Exists(filePath))

                            img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(filePath);
                            if (img.Width > img.Height)
                                Greater = true;
                                Greater = false;
                            //System.Drawing.Rectangle areaToCrop = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(0),
                            //    Convert.ToInt32(0),
                            //    Convert.ToInt32(img.Width),
                            //    Convert.ToInt32(img.Height));

                        Bitmap bitMap = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555);

                        using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitMap))
                            g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
                            g.SmoothingMode      = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                            g.InterpolationMode  = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                        bitMap.SetResolution(96, 96);
                        using (var image = img)
                            int newWidth  = 0;
                            int newHeight = 0;
                            //if (Greater == true)
                            newWidth  = 827; // New Width of Image in Pixel
                            newHeight = 356;

                            //    newWidth = 356;
                            //    newHeight = 827;


                            var thumbImg     = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555);
                            var thumbGraph   = Graphics.FromImage(thumbImg);
                            var imgRectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);

                            thumbGraph.DrawImage(image, imgRectangle);
                            thumbImg.SetResolution(100, 100);

                            System.Drawing.Bitmap b0 = CopyToBpp(thumbImg, 8);
                            b0.SetResolution(100, 100);
                            fileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DownloadFileName" + context.AppID].ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + "_" + RefrenceNo + ".jpg";

                            filePath1       = "../MandateFile/" + context.MandeteId + "/" + fileName;
                            croppedFilePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FileUploadPath" + context.AppID].ToString() + "MandateFile/" + context.MandeteId + "/" + fileName.Trim();

                            TempJpgpath = croppedFilePath;
                            ImageCodecInfo jpgEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg);
                            System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder myEncoder = System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality;
                            EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters    = new EncoderParameters(1);
                            EncoderParameter  myEncoderParameter     = new EncoderParameter(myEncoder, 50L);
                            myEncoderParameters.Param[0] = myEncoderParameter;
                            b0.Save(croppedFilePath, jpgEncoder, myEncoderParameters);

                        // img.Save(filePath);

                        query           = "Sp_Mandate";
                        cmd             = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@QueryType", "CheckLogo");
                        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MandateId", context.MandeteId);
                        da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                        dt = new DataTable();

                        string Logo = dt.Rows[0]["printlogo"].ToString();

                        string result = "";
                        if (Logo == "True")
                            result = context.MandeteId;
                            // result = GetMandatefromQR(filePath, context.MandeteId);
                            result = context.MandeteId;
                        if (result == context.MandeteId)
                            fileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DownloadFileName" + context.AppID].ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + "_" + RefrenceNo + ".tif";

                            filePath  = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FileUploadPath" + context.AppID].ToString() + "MandateFile/" + context.MandeteId + "/" + fileName.Trim();
                            filePath2 = "../MandateFile/" + context.MandeteId + "/" + fileName;

                            if (File.Exists(filePath))

                                imgtif = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(filePath);

                                //System.Drawing.Rectangle areaToCrop = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(Convert.ToInt32(0),
                                //    Convert.ToInt32(0),
                                //    Convert.ToInt32(img.Width),
                                //    Convert.ToInt32(img.Height));
                            //imgtif = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(filePath);
                            Bitmap bitMap1 = new Bitmap(imgtif.Width, imgtif.Height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555);

                            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitMap1))
                                g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
                                g.SmoothingMode      = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                                g.InterpolationMode  = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                            bitMap1.SetResolution(96, 96);

                            using (var image1 = imgtif)
                                int newWidth  = 0;
                                int newHeight = 0;
                                //if (Greater == true)
                                //    newWidth = imgtif.Width;
                                //    newHeight = imgtif.Height;
                                newWidth  = 827 * 2; // New Width of Image in Pixel
                                newHeight = 356 * 2;
                                //    newWidth = imgtif.Width;
                                //    newHeight = imgtif.Height;
                                //    newWidth = 827 * 2; // New Width of Image in Pixel
                                //    newHeight = 356 * 2;
                                var thumbImg1 = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight);

                                var thumbGraph1 = Graphics.FromImage(thumbImg1);

                                var imgRectangle1 = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);

                                thumbGraph1.DrawImage(image1, imgRectangle1);

                                System.Drawing.Bitmap b1 = CopyToBpp(thumbImg1, 1);
                                b1.SetResolution(200, 200);

                                fileName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DownloadFileName" + context.AppID].ToString() + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + "_" + RefrenceNo + ".tif";

                                filePath2       = "../MandateFile/" + context.MandeteId + "/" + fileName;
                                croppedFilePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FileUploadPath" + context.AppID].ToString() + "MandateFile/" + context.MandeteId + "/" + fileName.Trim();

                                TempTifpath = croppedFilePath;
                                ImageCodecInfo jpgEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Tiff);
                                System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder myEncoder = System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Compression;
                                EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters    = new EncoderParameters(1);
                                EncoderParameter  myEncoderParameter     = new EncoderParameter(myEncoder,
                                myEncoderParameters.Param[0] = myEncoderParameter;
                                b1.Save(croppedFilePath, jpgEncoder, myEncoderParameters);

                                //b1.Save(croppedFilePath, image1.RawFormat);
                            pathInfo.message = "Invalid Mandate";
                            pathInfo.status  = "Failure";
                        pathInfo.message = "Image Size Must Be less Than 300Dpi";
                        pathInfo.status  = "Failure";

                    filePath2       = "../MandateFile/" + context.MandeteId + "/" + fileName;
                    query           = "Sp_Mandate";
                    cmd             = new SqlCommand(query, con);
                    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@QueryType", "UpdatePNGTIP");
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MandateId", context.MandeteId);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PNGPath", filePath1);
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@TIPPath", filePath2);
                    da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                    dt = new DataTable();

                    pathInfo.message = "Image uploaded successfully";
                    pathInfo.status  = "Success";
                        if (Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SFDC" + context.AppID]) != null && Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SFDC" + context.AppID]) != "")
                            string apiUrl = Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SFDC" + context.AppID]);
                            var    input  = new
                                MdtId             = context.MandeteId,
                                ResStatus         = "Success",
                                ResCode           = "ykR20033",
                                Message           = "Image uploaded successfully",
                                MandateStatus     = dt.Rows[0]["status"],
                                TiffBase64        = ConvertImageBase64(TempTifpath),
                                JpgBase64         = ConvertImageBase64(TempJpgpath),
                                IsAggregatorValue = dt.Rows[0]["IsAggregatorValue"],
                            string    inputJson = (new JavaScriptSerializer()).Serialize(input);
                            WebClient client    = new WebClient();
                            client.Headers["Content-type"] = "application/json";
                            client.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

                            string json     = client.UploadString(apiUrl, inputJson);
                            string temppath = System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/SFDCResponse\\" + context.AppID);
                            if (!Directory.Exists(temppath))
                            temppath = temppath + "\\" + context.MandeteId + ".txt";
                            File.WriteAllText(temppath, json);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                    { }

                    pathInfo.message = "Invalid MandateId";
                    pathInfo.status  = "Failure";
            catch (Exception e)
                pathInfo.message = e.Message;
                pathInfo.status  = "failure";

            //Write code here to Save byte code to database..