Exemplo n.º 1
        public void RenderDX()
            while (DoRender)
                if (ziggyWin.zx.needsPaint && !isRendering)
                    lock (ziggyWin.zx.lockThis) {
                        ziggyWin.zx.needsPaint = false;
                        isRendering            = true;
                    frameTime = PrecisionTimer.TimeInMilliseconds() - lastTime;
                    totalFrameTime += frameTime;

                    if (totalFrameTime > 1000.0f)
                        averageFPS     = (int)(1000 * frameCount / totalFrameTime);
                        frameCount     = 0;
                        totalFrameTime = 0;
                    lastTime = PrecisionTimer.TimeInMilliseconds();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public bool InitDirectX(int width, int height, bool is16bit = false)
            isSuspended = true;

            displayRect   = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
            displayWidth  = width;
            displayHeight = height;

            AdapterInformation adapterInfo = Manager.Adapters.Default;

            ziggyWin.logger.Log("Setting up render parameters...");
            currentParams = new PresentParameters();
            currentParams.BackBufferCount      = 2;
            currentParams.BackBufferWidth      = width;
            currentParams.BackBufferHeight     = height;
            currentParams.SwapEffect           = SwapEffect.Discard;
            currentParams.PresentFlag          = PresentFlag.None;
            currentParams.PresentationInterval = (enableVsync ? PresentInterval.One : PresentInterval.Immediate);
            currentParams.Windowed             = !fullScreenMode;// true;

            Format currentFormat = Manager.Adapters[0].CurrentDisplayMode.Format;
            bool   formatCheck   = Manager.CheckDeviceType(0,

            if (!formatCheck)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid format", "dx error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

            if (fullScreenMode)
                currentParams.DeviceWindow     = this.Parent;
                currentParams.BackBufferFormat = currentFormat;//(is16bit ? Format.R5G6B5 : Format.X8B8G8R8);
                currentParams.DeviceWindow     = this;
                currentParams.BackBufferFormat = adapterInfo.CurrentDisplayMode.Format;

            try {
                ziggyWin.logger.Log("Initializing directX device...");
                dxDevice = new Device(0, DeviceType.Hardware, this, CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, currentParams);
            } catch (Microsoft.DirectX.DirectXException dx) {
                MessageBox.Show(dx.ErrorString, "DX error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                try {
                    dxDevice = new Device(0, DeviceType.Hardware, this, CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, currentParams);
                } catch (Microsoft.DirectX.DirectXException dx2) {
                    MessageBox.Show(dx2.ErrorString, "DX error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
                    directXAvailable = false;

            //sprite = new Sprite(dxDevice);
            //interlaceSprite = new Sprite(dxDevice);
            SetSpeccyScreenSize(ziggyWin.zx.GetTotalScreenWidth(), ziggyWin.zx.GetTotalScreenHeight());

            float scaleX = ((float)displayWidth / (float)(ScreenWidth));
            float scaleY = ((float)displayHeight / (float)(ScreenHeight));

            //Maintain 4:3 aspect ration when full screen
            if (EnableFullScreen && ziggyWin.config.MaintainAspectRatioInFullScreen)
                if (displayHeight < displayWidth)
                    float aspectXScale = 0.75f; // (displayHeight * 4.0f) / (displayWidth * 3.0f);
                    scaleX = (scaleX * aspectXScale);
                    int newWidth = (int)(displayWidth * aspectXScale);
                    //displayRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, newWidth, displayHeight);
                    spritePos = new Vector3((((displayWidth - newWidth)) / (scaleX * 2.0f)), 0, 0);
                else //Not tested!!!
                    float aspectYScale = 1.33f;// (displayWidth * 3.0f) / (displayHeight * 4.0f);
                    scaleY = (scaleY * aspectYScale);
                    int newHeight = (int)(displayHeight * aspectYScale);
                    //displayRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, displayWidth, newHeight);
                spritePos = Vector3.Empty;

            if (scaleX < 1.0f)
                scaleX = 1.0f;

            if (scaleY < 1.0f)
                scaleY = 1.0f;

            Matrix scaling = Matrix.Scaling(scaleX, scaleY, 1.0f);

            //sprite.Transform = scaling;
            System.Console.WriteLine("scaleX " + scaleX + "     scaleY " + scaleY);
            System.Console.WriteLine("pos " + spritePos);
            Texture displayTexture = new Texture(dxDevice, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, 1, Usage.None, currentParams.BackBufferFormat, Pool.Managed);

            displaySprite.Init(dxDevice, displayTexture, new Rectangle((int)spritePos.X, (int)spritePos.Y, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight), scaling);

            using (System.IO.MemoryStream stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) {
                ZeroWin.Properties.Resources.scanlines2.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                stream.Position = 0;
                Texture interlaceTexture = Texture.FromStream(dxDevice, stream, Usage.None, Pool.Managed);
                Surface interlaceSurface = interlaceTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0);

                //Why 1.5f? Because it works very well.
                //Trying to use displayHeight/texture_width (which would seem logical) leads to strange banding on the screen.
                scanlineSprite.Init(dxDevice, interlaceTexture, new Rectangle((int)spritePos.X, (int)spritePos.Y, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight), scaling, 1.0f, displayHeight / 1.5f);

            System.Drawing.Font systemfont = new System.Drawing.Font(System.Drawing.SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont.FontFamily, 10f, FontStyle.Regular);
            isSuspended      = false;
            lastTime         = PrecisionTimer.TimeInMilliseconds();
            directXAvailable = true;