// API
        // API
        // API

        public async Task <ExchangeRateData> GetItemAsync()
            ConfigData config = await ConfigDataProvider.GetConfigAsync();

            string jsFileName = GetJSFileName();

            using (ILockObject lockObject = await FileSystem.FileSystemProvider.LockResourceAsync(jsFileName)) {
                ExchangeRateData data = await DataProvider.GetAsync(KEY);

                if (data != null && data.SaveTime.Add(config.RefreshInterval) < DateTime.UtcNow)
                    data = null;
                if (data != null && !await FileSystem.FileSystemProvider.FileExistsAsync(jsFileName))
                    data = null;
                if (data == null)
                    data = await GetExchangeRatesAsync();
                await lockObject.UnlockAsync();

        private async Task <ExchangeRateData> GetExchangeRatesAsync()
            ConfigData config = await ConfigDataProvider.GetConfigAsync();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.AppID))
                throw new InternalError("The App ID has not been specified in the Currency Converter Settings (see Admin > Configuration > Currency Converter Settings) - openexchangerates.org requires an app id to be able to retrieve currency exchange rates");

            ExchangeRateData data = new ExchangeRateData();

            data.Key      = KEY;
            data.SaveTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            string url  = string.Format("{0}://openexchangerates.org/api/latest.json?app_id={1}", config.UseHttps ? "https" : "http", config.AppID);
            string json = await GetJSONResponseAsync(url);


            url = string.Format("{0}://openexchangerates.org/api/currencies.json?app_id={1}", config.UseHttps ? "https" : "http", config.AppID);
            string jsonCurrencies = await GetJSONResponseAsync(url);


            // get all currencies
            Dictionary <string, object> currencies = Utility.JsonDeserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(jsonCurrencies);
            // add all rates
            dynamic jsonObject = Utility.JsonDeserialize(json);
            var     rates      = jsonObject.rates;

            foreach (var rate in rates)
                string code = rate.Name;
                object currency;
                if (!currencies.TryGetValue(code, out currency))// replace 3 digit codes by actual name
                    currency = code;
                decimal val = (decimal)rate.Value;
                data.Rates.Add(new ExchangeRateEntry {
                    Code = code, CurrencyName = (string)currency, Rate = val
            // Save new rates
            UpdateStatusEnum status = await DataProvider.UpdateAsync(KEY, KEY, data);

            if (status != UpdateStatusEnum.OK)
                if (status != UpdateStatusEnum.RecordDeleted)
                    throw new InternalError("Unexpected status {0}", status);
                if (!await DataProvider.AddAsync(data))
                    throw new InternalError("Unexpected error adding data");
            // Create a javascript file with rates so we can include it in a page
            await SaveRatesJSAsync(data);

Exemplo n.º 3
        // API
        // API
        // API

        public static async Task <ConfigData> GetConfigAsync()
            using (ConfigDataProvider configDP = new ConfigDataProvider()) {
                return(await configDP.GetItemAsync());