Exemplo n.º 1
        public override bool OnButtonPressed(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            // Only start scaling if mouse is inside plot area (excluding axes)
            Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;

            if (area.Contains(args.Position))
                scaling   = true;
                lastPoint = new Point(args.X, args.Y);
                if (args.Button == PointerButton.Left)
                    if (Horizontal)
                        ;                        //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.LeftRight;
                    if (Vertical)
                        ;                        //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.UpDown;
                    if (Horizontal && Vertical)
                        ;                        //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.Zoom;
                // evaluate focusPoint about which axis is expanded
                focusX = (double)(args.X - area.Left) / (double)area.Width;
                focusY = (double)(area.Bottom - args.Y) / (double)area.Height;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override bool OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;

            if (dragging && physicalAxis != null)

                double dX = args.X - lastPoint.X;
                double dY = args.Y - lastPoint.Y;
                lastPoint = new Point(args.X, args.Y);

                double length = physicalAxis.PhysicalLength;

                if (translateX)
                    double xShift = -dX / length;
                if (translateY)
                    double yShift = +dY / length;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override bool OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            double X = args.X;
            double Y = args.Y;

            if (selectionActive)
                // note last selection rectangle
                Rectangle lastSelection = selection;
                Rectangle bounds        = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;
                // clip selection rectangle to PlotArea
                X = Math.Max(X, bounds.Left);
                X = Math.Min(X, bounds.Right);
                Y = Math.Max(Y, bounds.Top);
                Y = Math.Min(Y, bounds.Bottom);

                endPoint.X = X;
                endPoint.Y = Y;
                selection  = FromPoints(startPoint, endPoint);

                //Console.WriteLine ("Erase: {0} {1} {2} {3} ", lastSelection.X, lastSelection.Y, lastSelection.Width, lastSelection.Height);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override bool OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;

            if (dragging)

                double dX = args.X - lastPoint.X;                               // distance mouse has moved
                double dY = args.Y - lastPoint.Y;
                lastPoint = new Point(args.X, args.Y);

                // Axis translation required
                double xShift = -dX / area.Width;
                double yShift = +dY / area.Height;

                if (Horizontal)
                if (Vertical)
Exemplo n.º 5
        public override bool OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;

            if (scaling)

                double dX = args.X - lastPoint.X;                               // distance mouse has moved
                double dY = args.Y - lastPoint.Y;
                lastPoint = new Point(args.X, args.Y);

                // Alt key reduces sensitivity
                double factor = Sensitivity;
                if (key == Key.AltLeft || key == Key.AltRight)
                    factor *= 0.25;                        // arbitrary change

                double xProportion = +dX * factor / area.Width;
                double yProportion = -dY * factor / area.Height;
                if (Horizontal)
                    pc.ZoomXAxes(xProportion, focusX);
                if (Vertical)
                    pc.ZoomYAxes(yProportion, focusY);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public override bool OnMouseExited(EventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     if (selectionActive)
         selectionActive = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public override bool OnButtonReleased(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     if (scaling)
         lastPoint = unset;
         scaling   = false;
         //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.LeftPointer;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// OnButtonPressed method for AxisScale interaction
        /// </summary>
        public override bool OnButtonPressed(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            // if the mouse is inside the plot area (the tick marks may be here,
            // and are counted as part of the axis), then *don't* invoke scaling
            if (pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache.Contains(args.X, args.Y))

            if (args.Button == PointerButton.Left)
                // see if hit with axis. NB Only one axis object will be returned
                ArrayList objects = pc.HitTest(new Point(args.X, args.Y));

                foreach (object o in objects)
                    if (o is Axis)
                        dragging = true;
                        axis     = (Axis)o;
                        if (pc.PhysicalXAxis1Cache.Axis == axis)
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalXAxis1Cache;
                            //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.LeftRight;
                        else if (pc.PhysicalXAxis2Cache.Axis == axis)
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalXAxis2Cache;
                            //ps.plotCursor = CursorType.LeftRight;
                        else if (pc.PhysicalYAxis1Cache.Axis == axis)
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalYAxis1Cache;
                            //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.UpDown;
                        else if (pc.PhysicalYAxis2Cache.Axis == axis)
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalYAxis2Cache;
                            //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.UpDown;

                        startPoint = new Point(args.X, args.Y);
                        lastPoint  = startPoint;

                        // evaluate focusRatio about which axis is expanded
                        double x = startPoint.X - physicalAxis.PhysicalMin.X;
                        double y = startPoint.Y - physicalAxis.PhysicalMin.Y;
                        double r = Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);
                        focusRatio = r / physicalAxis.PhysicalLength;
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// OnButtonReleased method for AxisDrag interaction
 /// </summary>
 public override bool OnButtonReleased(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     if (dragging)
         physicalAxis = null;
         lastPoint    = unset;
         dragging     = false;
         translateX   = false;
         translateY   = false;
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// OnButtonReleased method for AxisScale interaction
 /// </summary>
 public override bool OnButtonReleased(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     if (dragging)
         dragging     = false;
         axis         = null;
         physicalAxis = null;
         lastPoint    = new Point();
         //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.LeftPointer;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override bool OnButtonPressed(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            // Only start selection if mouse is inside plot area (excluding axes)
            Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;

            if (args.Button == PointerButton.Left && area.Contains(args.Position))
                selectionActive = true;
                startPoint.X    = args.X;
                startPoint.Y    = args.Y;
                endPoint        = startPoint;
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for KeyPressed events
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">the Xwt.KeyEventArgs</param>
        /// <param name="pc">the PlotCanvas</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the underlying (cached) plot requires redrawing, otherwise false
        /// </returns>
        public override bool OnKeyPressed(KeyEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            double factor = Sensitivity;
            Key key = args.Key;
            ModifierKeys modifiers = args.Modifiers;

            if ((modifiers & ModifierKeys.Alt) != 0) {
                factor = Sensitivity * altFactor;

            if (key == Key.Home || key == Key.NumPadHome) {
                pc.SetOriginalDimensions ();
                return true;
            if (key == Key.Left || key == Key.NumPadLeft) {
                pc.TranslateXAxes (factor * left);
                return true;
            if (key == Key.Right || key == Key.NumPadRight) {
                pc.TranslateXAxes (factor*right);
                return true;
            if (key == Key.Up || key == Key.NumPadUp) {
                pc.CacheAxes ();
                pc.TranslateYAxes (factor*up);
                return true;
            if (key == Key.Down || key == Key.NumPadDown) {
                pc.CacheAxes ();
                pc.TranslateYAxes (factor*down);
                return true;
            if (key == Key.Plus || key == Key.NumPadAdd) {
                pc.CacheAxes ();
                pc.ZoomXAxes (zoomIn*factor, symmetrical);
                pc.ZoomYAxes (zoomIn*factor, symmetrical);
                return true;
            if (key == Key.Minus || key == Key.NumPadSubtract) {
                pc.CacheAxes ();
                pc.ZoomXAxes (zoomOut*factor, symmetrical);
                pc.ZoomYAxes (zoomOut*factor, symmetrical);
                return true;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// OnButtonPressed method for AxisDrag interaction
        /// </summary>
        public override bool OnButtonPressed(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            // if the mouse is inside the plot area (the tick marks may be here,
            // and are counted as part of the axis), then *don't* invoke scaling
            if (pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache.Contains(args.X, args.Y))

            if (args.Button == PointerButton.Left)
                // see if hit with axis. NB Only one axis object will be returned
                ArrayList objects = pc.HitTest(new Point(args.X, args.Y));
                foreach (object o in objects)
                    if (o is Axis)
                        dragging = true;
                        Axis axis = (Axis)o;
                        if (pc.PhysicalXAxis1Cache.Axis == axis)
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalXAxis1Cache;
                            translateX   = true;
                        else if (pc.PhysicalXAxis2Cache.Axis == axis)
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalXAxis2Cache;
                            translateX   = true;
                        else if (pc.PhysicalYAxis1Cache.Axis == axis)
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalYAxis1Cache;
                            translateY   = true;
                        else if (pc.PhysicalYAxis2Cache.Axis == axis)
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalYAxis2Cache;
                            translateY   = true;
                        lastPoint = new Point(args.X, args.Y);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public override bool OnButtonPressed(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            // Only start drag if mouse is inside plot area (excluding axes)
            Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;

            if (area.Contains(args.Position))
                dragging  = true;
                lastPoint = new Point(args.X, args.Y);
                if (args.Button == PointerButton.Left)
                    if (Horizontal || Vertical)
                        //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.Hand;
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Mouse Scroll (wheel) method for PlotZoom interaction
        /// </summary>
        public override bool OnMouseScrolled(MouseScrolledEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            double proportion = 0.1 * Sensitivity;              // use initial zoom of 10%
            double focusX = 0.5, focusY = 0.5;                  // default focus point

            double direction = 1;

            if (args.Direction == ScrollDirection.Down)
                direction = -1;

            // Zoom direction is +1 for Up/ZoomIn, or -1 for Down/ZoomOut
            proportion *= -direction;

            // delete previous focusPoint drawing

            Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;

            if (area.Contains(args.X, args.Y))
                focus.X = args.X;
                focus.Y = args.Y;
                focusX  = (double)(args.X - area.Left) / (double)area.Width;
                focusY  = (double)(area.Bottom - args.Y) / (double)area.Height;

            // Zoom in/out for all defined axes
            pc.ZoomXAxes(proportion, focusX);
            pc.ZoomYAxes(proportion, focusY);

            double x = focus.X - 32;
            double y = focus.Y - 32;

            focusRect = new Rectangle(x, y, 64, 64);
            // draw new focusRect

Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// OnMouseMoved method for AxisScale interaction
        /// </summary>
        public override bool OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            if (dragging && physicalAxis != null)

                double dX = (args.X - lastPoint.X);
                double dY = (args.Y - lastPoint.Y);
                lastPoint = new Point(args.X, args.Y);

                // In case the physical axis is not horizontal/vertical, combine dX and dY
                // in a way which preserves their sign and intuitive axis zoom sense, ie
                // because the physical origin is top-left, expand with +ve dX, but -ve dY
                double distance   = dX - dY;
                double proportion = distance * Sensitivity / physicalAxis.PhysicalLength;
                axis.IncreaseRange(proportion, focusRatio);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public override bool OnButtonReleased(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            bool modified = false;

            // delete previous overlay rectangle

            if (selectionActive)
                selectionActive = false;
                Rectangle bounds = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;
                if (!bounds.Contains(endPoint))
                    // MouseUp outside plotArea - cancel selection
                    modified = false;
                    // Redefine range based on selection. The proportions for
                    // Min and Max do not require Min < Max, since they will
                    // be re-ordered by Axis.DefineRange if necessary
                    double xMin = startPoint.X - bounds.Left;
                    double yMin = bounds.Bottom - startPoint.Y;

                    double xMax = endPoint.X - bounds.Left;
                    double yMax = bounds.Bottom - endPoint.Y;

                    double xMinProp = xMin / bounds.Width;
                    double xMaxProp = xMax / bounds.Width;
                    double yMinProp = yMin / bounds.Height;
                    double yMaxProp = yMax / bounds.Height;

                    pc.DefineXAxes(xMinProp, xMaxProp);
                    pc.DefineYAxes(yMinProp, yMaxProp);
                    modified = true;
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// OnButtonPressed method for AxisDrag interaction
        /// </summary>
        public override bool OnButtonPressed(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            // if the mouse is inside the plot area (the tick marks may be here,
            // and are counted as part of the axis), then *don't* invoke scaling
            if (pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache.Contains(args.X, args.Y)) {
                return false;

            if (args.Button == PointerButton.Left) {
                // see if hit with axis. NB Only one axis object will be returned
                ArrayList objects = pc.HitTest (new Point(args.X, args.Y));
                foreach (object o in objects) {
                    if (o is Axis) {
                        dragging = true;
                        Axis axis = (Axis)o;
                        if (pc.PhysicalXAxis1Cache.Axis == axis) {
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalXAxis1Cache;
                            translateX = true;
                        else if (pc.PhysicalXAxis2Cache.Axis == axis) {
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalXAxis2Cache;
                            translateX = true;
                        else if (pc.PhysicalYAxis1Cache.Axis == axis) {
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalYAxis1Cache;
                            translateY = true;
                        else if (pc.PhysicalYAxis2Cache.Axis == axis) {
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalYAxis2Cache;
                            translateY = true;
                        lastPoint = new Point (args.X, args.Y);
                        return false;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// MouseMove method for PlotScroll
 /// </summary>
 public override bool OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     // delete previous focusPoint drawing
Exemplo n.º 20
        public override bool OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;

            if (scaling) {

                double dX = args.X - lastPoint.X;		// distance mouse has moved
                double dY = args.Y - lastPoint.Y;
                lastPoint = new Point (args.X, args.Y);

                // Alt key reduces sensitivity
                double factor = Sensitivity;
                if (key == Key.AltLeft || key == Key.AltRight) {
                    factor *= 0.25;	   // arbitrary change

                double xProportion = +dX*factor/area.Width;
                double yProportion = -dY*factor/area.Height;
                if (Horizontal) {
                    pc.ZoomXAxes (xProportion, focusX);
                if (Vertical) {
                    pc.ZoomYAxes (yProportion, focusY);
                return true;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public override bool OnKeyReleased(KeyEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     key = args.Key;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public override bool OnButtonPressed(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     // Only start scaling if mouse is inside plot area (excluding axes)
     Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;
     if (area.Contains (args.Position)) {
         scaling = true;
         lastPoint = new Point (args.X, args.Y);
         if (args.Button == PointerButton.Left) {
             if (Horizontal) {
                 ;//pc.plotCursor = CursorType.LeftRight;
             if (Vertical) {
                 ;//pc.plotCursor = CursorType.UpDown;
             if (Horizontal && Vertical) {
                 ;//pc.plotCursor = CursorType.Zoom;
         // evaluate focusPoint about which axis is expanded
         focusX = (double)(args.X - area.Left)/(double)area.Width;
         focusY = (double)(area.Bottom - args.Y)/(double)area.Height;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public override bool OnMouseExited(EventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     if (selectionActive) {
         pc.Canvas.QueueDraw (selection);
         selectionActive = false;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public override bool OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;

            if (dragging && physicalAxis != null) {

                double dX = args.X - lastPoint.X;
                double dY = args.Y - lastPoint.Y;
                lastPoint = new Point (args.X, args.Y);

                double length = physicalAxis.PhysicalLength;

                if (translateX) {
                    double xShift = -dX / length;
                    pc.TranslateXAxes (xShift);
                if (translateY) {
                    double yShift = +dY / length;
                    pc.TranslateYAxes (yShift);
                return true;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// MouseMove method for PlotScroll
 /// </summary>
 public override bool OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     // delete previous focusPoint drawing
     pc.Canvas.QueueDraw (focusRect);
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public override bool OnButtonPressed(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     // Only start selection if mouse is inside plot area (excluding axes)
     Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;
     if (args.Button == PointerButton.Left && area.Contains (args.Position)) {
         selectionActive = true;
         startPoint.X = args.X;
         startPoint.Y = args.Y;
         endPoint = startPoint;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 27
 public virtual bool OnMouseScrolled(MouseScrolledEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
Exemplo n.º 28
 public virtual bool OnMouseExited(EventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
Exemplo n.º 29
        public override bool OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            double X = args.X;
            double Y = args.Y;

            if (selectionActive) {
                // note last selection rectangle
                Rectangle lastSelection = selection;
                Rectangle bounds = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;
                // clip selection rectangle to PlotArea
                X = Math.Max(X, bounds.Left);
                X = Math.Min(X, bounds.Right);
                Y = Math.Max(Y, bounds.Top);
                Y = Math.Min(Y, bounds.Bottom);

                endPoint.X = X;
                endPoint.Y = Y;
                selection = FromPoints (startPoint, endPoint);

                pc.Canvas.QueueDraw (lastSelection);
                //Console.WriteLine ("Erase: {0} {1} {2} {3} ", lastSelection.X, lastSelection.Y, lastSelection.Width, lastSelection.Height);
                pc.Canvas.QueueDraw (selection);
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Mouse Scroll (wheel) method for PlotZoom interaction
        /// </summary>
        public override bool OnMouseScrolled(MouseScrolledEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            double proportion = 0.1*Sensitivity;	// use initial zoom of 10%
            double focusX = 0.5, focusY = 0.5;		// default focus point

            double direction = 1;
            if (args.Direction == ScrollDirection.Down) {
                direction = -1;

            // Zoom direction is +1 for Up/ZoomIn, or -1 for Down/ZoomOut
            proportion *= -direction;

            // delete previous focusPoint drawing
            pc.Canvas.QueueDraw (focusRect);

            Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;
            if (area.Contains(args.X, args.Y)) {
                focus.X = args.X;
                focus.Y = args.Y;
                focusX = (double)(args.X - area.Left)/(double)area.Width;
                focusY = (double)(area.Bottom - args.Y)/(double)area.Height;

            // Zoom in/out for all defined axes
            pc.ZoomXAxes (proportion,focusX);
            pc.ZoomYAxes (proportion,focusY);

            double x = focus.X-32;
            double y = focus.Y-32;

            focusRect = new Rectangle (x, y, 64, 64);
            // draw new focusRect
            pc.Canvas.QueueDraw (focusRect);

            return (true);
Exemplo n.º 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Handler for KeyRelease events
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">the NPlot key enumeration</param>
 /// <param name="pc">the PlotCanvas</param>
 /// <returns></returns> 
 public override bool OnKeyReleased(KeyEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// OnButtonReleased method for AxisScale interaction
 /// </summary>
 public override bool OnButtonReleased(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     if (dragging) {
         dragging = false;
         axis = null;
         physicalAxis = null;
         lastPoint = new Point();
         //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.LeftPointer;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 33
 /// <summary>
 /// OnButtonReleased method for AxisDrag interaction
 /// </summary>
 public override bool OnButtonReleased(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     if (dragging) {
         physicalAxis = null;
         lastPoint = unset;
         dragging = false;
         translateX = false;
         translateY = false;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 34
        public override bool OnButtonReleased(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            bool modified = false;

            // delete previous overlay rectangle
            pc.Canvas.QueueDraw (selection);

            if (selectionActive) {
                selectionActive = false;
                Rectangle bounds = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;
                if (!bounds.Contains(endPoint)) {
                    // MouseUp outside plotArea - cancel selection
                    modified = false;
                else {
                    // Redefine range based on selection. The proportions for
                    // Min and Max do not require Min < Max, since they will
                    // be re-ordered by Axis.DefineRange if necessary
                    double xMin = startPoint.X - bounds.Left;
                    double yMin = bounds.Bottom - startPoint.Y;

                    double xMax = endPoint.X - bounds.Left;
                    double yMax = bounds.Bottom - endPoint.Y;

                    double xMinProp = xMin/bounds.Width;
                    double xMaxProp = xMax/bounds.Width;
                    double yMinProp = yMin/bounds.Height;
                    double yMaxProp = yMax/bounds.Height;

                    pc.DefineXAxes (xMinProp, xMaxProp);
                    pc.DefineYAxes (yMinProp, yMaxProp);
                    modified = true;
            return modified;
Exemplo n.º 35
        PlotCanvas plotCanvas;          // To allow access to parent PlotCanvas

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new DrawingSurface and saves a reference to the PlotSurface
        /// </summary>
        internal DrawingSurface(PlotCanvas pc) : base()
            plotCanvas = pc;
Exemplo n.º 36
 public virtual bool OnButtonReleased(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
Exemplo n.º 37
 public override bool OnKeyReleased(KeyEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     key = args.Key;
Exemplo n.º 38
 public virtual bool OnKeyReleased(KeyEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
Exemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary>
        /// OnButtonPressed method for AxisScale interaction
        /// </summary>
        public override bool OnButtonPressed(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            // if the mouse is inside the plot area (the tick marks may be here,
            // and are counted as part of the axis), then *don't* invoke scaling
            if (pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache.Contains(args.X, args.Y)) {
                return false;

            if (args.Button == PointerButton.Left) {
                // see if hit with axis. NB Only one axis object will be returned
                ArrayList objects = pc.HitTest (new Point(args.X, args.Y));

                foreach (object o in objects) {
                    if (o is Axis) {
                        dragging = true;
                        axis = (Axis)o;
                        if (pc.PhysicalXAxis1Cache.Axis == axis) {
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalXAxis1Cache;
                            //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.LeftRight;
                        else if (pc.PhysicalXAxis2Cache.Axis == axis) {
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalXAxis2Cache;
                            //ps.plotCursor = CursorType.LeftRight;
                        else if (pc.PhysicalYAxis1Cache.Axis == axis) {
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalYAxis1Cache;
                            //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.UpDown;
                        else if (pc.PhysicalYAxis2Cache.Axis == axis) {
                            physicalAxis = pc.PhysicalYAxis2Cache;
                            //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.UpDown;

                        startPoint = new Point (args.X, args.Y);
                        lastPoint = startPoint;

                        // evaluate focusRatio about which axis is expanded
                        double  x = startPoint.X - physicalAxis.PhysicalMin.X;
                        double  y = startPoint.Y - physicalAxis.PhysicalMin.Y;
                        double r = Math.Sqrt(x*x + y*y);
                        focusRatio = r/physicalAxis.PhysicalLength;
                        return false;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 40
        /// <summary>
        /// OnMouseMoved method for AxisScale interaction
        /// </summary>
        public override bool OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            if (dragging && physicalAxis != null) {

                double dX = (args.X - lastPoint.X);
                double dY = (args.Y - lastPoint.Y);
                lastPoint = new Point (args.X, args.Y);

                // In case the physical axis is not horizontal/vertical, combine dX and dY
                // in a way which preserves their sign and intuitive axis zoom sense, ie
                // because the physical origin is top-left, expand with +ve dX, but -ve dY
                double distance = dX - dY;
                double proportion = distance*Sensitivity /physicalAxis.PhysicalLength;
                axis.IncreaseRange (proportion, focusRatio);
                return true;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 41
        public override bool OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;

            if (dragging) {

                double dX = args.X - lastPoint.X;		// distance mouse has moved
                double dY = args.Y - lastPoint.Y;
                lastPoint = new Point (args.X, args.Y);

                // Axis translation required
                double xShift = -dX / area.Width;
                double yShift = +dY / area.Height;

                if (Horizontal) {
                    pc.TranslateXAxes (xShift);
                if (Vertical) {
                    pc.TranslateYAxes (yShift);
                return true;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 42
 public override bool OnButtonReleased(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     if (dragging) {
         lastPoint = unset;
         dragging = false;
         //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.LeftPointer;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 43
 public virtual bool OnMouseScrolled(MouseScrolledEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 44
 public override bool OnButtonPressed(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     // Only start drag if mouse is inside plot area (excluding axes)
     Rectangle area = pc.PlotAreaBoundingBoxCache;
     if (area.Contains (args.Position)) {
         dragging = true;
         lastPoint = new Point (args.X, args.Y);
         if (args.Button == PointerButton.Left) {
             if (Horizontal || Vertical) {
                 //pc.plotCursor = CursorType.Hand;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 45
 public virtual bool OnButtonReleased(ButtonEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 46
 public virtual bool OnKeyReleased(KeyEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 47
 public virtual bool OnMouseEntered(EventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 48
        PlotCanvas plotCanvas; // To allow access to parent PlotCanvas

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new DrawingSurface and saves a reference to the PlotSurface
        /// </summary>
        internal DrawingSurface(PlotCanvas pc)
            : base()
            plotCanvas = pc;
Exemplo n.º 49
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for KeyPressed events
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">the Xwt.KeyEventArgs</param>
        /// <param name="pc">the PlotCanvas</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true if the underlying (cached) plot requires redrawing, otherwise false
        /// </returns>
        public override bool OnKeyPressed(KeyEventArgs args, PlotCanvas pc)
            double factor = Sensitivity;
            Key key = args.Key;
            ModifierKeys modifiers = args.Modifiers;

            if ((modifiers & ModifierKeys.Alt) != 0) {
                factor = Sensitivity * altFactor;

            if (key == Key.Home || key == Key.NumPadHome) {
                pc.SetOriginalDimensions ();
                return true;
            if (key == Key.Left || key == Key.NumPadLeft) {
                pc.TranslateXAxes (factor * left);
                return true;
            if (key == Key.Right || key == Key.NumPadRight) {
                pc.TranslateXAxes (factor*right);
                return true;
            if (key == Key.Up || key == Key.NumPadUp) {
                pc.CacheAxes ();
                pc.TranslateYAxes (factor*up);
                return true;
            if (key == Key.Down || key == Key.NumPadDown) {
                pc.CacheAxes ();
                pc.TranslateYAxes (factor*down);
                return true;
            if (key == Key.Plus || key == Key.NumPadAdd) {
                pc.CacheAxes ();
                pc.ZoomXAxes (zoomIn*factor, symmetrical);
                pc.ZoomYAxes (zoomIn*factor, symmetrical);
                return true;
            if (key == Key.Minus || key == Key.NumPadSubtract) {
                pc.CacheAxes ();
                pc.ZoomXAxes (zoomOut*factor, symmetrical);
                pc.ZoomYAxes (zoomOut*factor, symmetrical);
                return true;
            return false;