Exemplo n.º 1
        public CandlePlotSample()
            : base()
            infoText = "";
            infoText += "Simple CandlePlot example. Demonstrates - \n";
            infoText += " * Setting candle plot datapoints using arrays \n";


            //FilledRegion fr = new FilledRegion (new VerticalLine (1.2), new VerticalLine (2.4));
            //fr.Brush = Brushes.BlanchedAlmond;
            //plotCanvas.Add (fr);

            // note that arrays can be of any type you like.
            int[] opens =  {1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3};
            double[] closes = {2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1};
            float[] lows =   {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0};
            System.Int64[] highs =  {3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4};
            int[] times =  {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

            CandlePlot cp = new CandlePlot ();
            cp.CloseData = closes;
            cp.OpenData = opens;
            cp.LowData = lows;
            cp.HighData = highs;
            cp.AbscissaData = times;
            plotCanvas.Add (cp);

            HorizontalLine line = new HorizontalLine (1.2);
            line.LengthScale = 0.89;
            plotCanvas.Add (line, -10);

            //VerticalLine line2 = new VerticalLine ( 1.2 );
            //line2.LengthScale = 0.89;
            //plotCanvas.Add (line2);

            plotCanvas.Title = "Line in the Title Number 1\nFollowed by another title line\n and another";
            plotCanvas.Redraw ();

            plotCanvas.Legend = new Legend(	);
            plotCanvas.LegendZOrder = 1; // default zorder for adding idrawables is 0, so this puts legend on top.

            PackStart (plotCanvas.Canvas, true);
            Label la = new Label (infoText);
            PackStart (la);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public TradingSample()
            : base()
            infoText = "";
            infoText += "Stock Dataset Sample. Demonstrates - \n";
            infoText += " * CandlePlot, FilledRegion, LinePlot and ArrowItem IDrawables \n";
            infoText += " * DateTime axes \n";
            infoText += " * Horizontal Drag Interaction - try dragging the plot surface \n";
            infoText += " * Axis Drag Interaction - try dragging in the horizontal and vertical Axis areas";

            plotCanvas.Clear ();
            // [NOTIMP] plotCanvas.DateTimeToolTip = true;

            // obtain stock information from xml file
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            System.IO.Stream file =
                Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().GetManifestResourceStream ("Samples.Resources.asx_jbh.xml");
            ds.ReadXml (file, System.Data.XmlReadMode.ReadSchema);
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];
            // DataView dv = new DataView( dt );

            // create CandlePlot.
            CandlePlot cp = new CandlePlot ();
            cp.DataSource = dt;
            cp.AbscissaData = "Date";
            cp.OpenData = "Open";
            cp.LowData = "Low";
            cp.HighData = "High";
            cp.CloseData = "Close";
            cp.BearishColor = Colors.Red;
            cp.BullishColor = Colors.Green;
            cp.Style = CandlePlot.Styles.Filled;

            // calculate 10 day moving average and 2*sd line
            ArrayList av10 = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList sd2_10 = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList sd_2_10 = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList dates = new ArrayList();
            for (int i=0; i<dt.Rows.Count-10; ++i) {
                float sum = 0.0f;
                for (int j=0; j<10; ++j) {
                    sum += (float)dt.Rows[i+j]["Close"];
                float average = sum / 10.0f;
                av10.Add (average);
                sum = 0.0f;
                for (int j=0; j<10; ++j) {
                    sum += ((float)dt.Rows[i+j]["Close"]-average)*((float)dt.Rows[i+j]["Close"]-average);
                sum /= 10.0f;
                sum = 2.0f * (float)Math.Sqrt (sum);
                sd2_10.Add (average + sum);
                sd_2_10.Add (average - sum);
                dates.Add ((DateTime)dt.Rows[i+10]["Date"]);

            // and a line plot of close values.
            LinePlot av = new LinePlot ();
            av.OrdinateData = av10;
            av.AbscissaData = dates;
            av.LineColor = Colors.DarkGray;
            av.LineWidth = 2.0;

            LinePlot top = new LinePlot ();
            top.OrdinateData = sd2_10;
            top.AbscissaData = dates;
            top.LineColor = Colors.LightBlue;
            top.LineWidth = 2.0;

            LinePlot bottom = new LinePlot ();
            bottom.OrdinateData = sd_2_10;
            bottom.AbscissaData = dates;
            bottom.LineColor = Colors.LightBlue;
            bottom.LineWidth = 2.0;

            FilledRegion fr = new FilledRegion (top, bottom);
            fr.FillColor = Colors.LightGreen;

            // Note: order of adding FilledRegion, Plots, etc is important for visibility
            plotCanvas.Add (fr);
            plotCanvas.Add (new Grid());

            plotCanvas.Add (av);
            plotCanvas.Add (top);
            plotCanvas.Add (bottom);
            plotCanvas.Add (cp);

            // now make an arrow...
            ArrowItem arrow = new ArrowItem (new Point (((DateTime)dt.Rows[60]["Date"]).Ticks, 2.28), -80, "An interesting flat bit");
            arrow.ArrowColor = Colors.DarkBlue;
            arrow.PhysicalLength = 50;

            plotCanvas.Add (arrow);

            plotCanvas.Title = "Stock Prices";
            plotCanvas.XAxis1.Label = "Date / Time";
            plotCanvas.XAxis1.WorldMin += plotCanvas.XAxis1.WorldLength / 4.0;
            plotCanvas.XAxis1.WorldMax -= plotCanvas.XAxis1.WorldLength / 2.0;
            plotCanvas.YAxis1.Label = "Price [$]";

            plotCanvas.XAxis1 = new TradingDateTimeAxis (plotCanvas.XAxis1);

            plotCanvas.PlotBackColor = Colors.White;
            plotCanvas.XAxis1.LineColor = Colors.Black;
            plotCanvas.YAxis1.LineColor = Colors.Black;

            PackStart (plotCanvas.Canvas, true);
            Label la = new Label (infoText);
            PackStart (la);