Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Assertions()
            var condition = false;
            var text      = "something";
            var obj       = new Auto();
            var tokens    = new List <string> {
                "public", "void", "return"
            var zero           = 8 - 8;
            var someEnumerable = new List <string>();

            Assert.Equal("something", text);
            Assert.NotEqual("something else", text);
            Assert.Contains("tech", "technology"); // also DoesNotContain
            Assert.Matches(".*thing$", "something");
            Assert.Throws <DivideByZeroException>(() => 4 / zero);
            Assert.Empty(someEnumerable); // also NotEmpty
            Assert.IsType <Auto>(obj);
            Assert.Collection(new List <int> {
                2, 4
                              n => Assert.Equal(2, n),
                              n => Assert.Equal(4, n)
            Assert.All(new List <string> {
                "a", "ab", "abc"
                       s => s.StartsWith("a"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task Given_Update_Data_Update_Already_Existing_Email()
            var tokenEnvironmentVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Token");
            var environmentVariable      = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("User");
            var jObject = JObject.Parse(environmentVariable);
            var userDto = jObject.ToObject <UserDto>();

            userDto.Email = "*****@*****.**";
            var serialize = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userDto);
            var content   = new StringContent(serialize, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

            _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization =
                new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", tokenEnvironmentVariable);
            var defaultPage = await _client.PutAsync("/api/users/" + userDto.Id, content);

            var readAsStringAsync = defaultPage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var defaultPager = await _client.GetAsync("/api/users/" + userDto.Id);

            var asStringAsync = defaultPager.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
            var result        = asStringAsync.Result;
            var resultObject  = JObject.Parse(result);
            var dto           = resultObject.ToObject <UserDto>();

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, defaultPager.StatusCode);
            Assert.IsType <UserDto>(dto);
            Assert.NotEqual(dto.Email, userDto.Email);
            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, defaultPage.StatusCode);
            Assert.InRange(readAsStringAsync.Result.Length, 10, int.MaxValue);
        public async Task Edit()
            var config = await this.Add();

            var template = await this._templateController.Add();

            var message = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Put, API);
            var commond = new ConfigChangeCommand
                Id         = config.Id,
                Name       = template.Name,
                Content    = template.Format,
                TemplateId = template.Id

            var responseMessage = await this.HttpClient.SendAsync(message);

            await responseMessage.AsResult();

            var newConfig = await this.Get(config.Id);

            Assert.NotEqual(commond.Name, config.Name);
            Assert.NotEqual(commond.Content, config.Content);
            Assert.NotEqual(commond.TemplateId, config.TemplateId);
            Assert.Equal(commond.Name, newConfig.Name);
            Assert.Equal(commond.TemplateId, newConfig.TemplateId);
            Assert.Equal(commond.Content, newConfig.Content);
    public void Inequality()
        int expectedValue = 3;
        int actualValue   = 3;

        // MSTest
        MSTestAssert.AreNotEqual(expectedValue, actualValue, "Some context");
        // Assert.AreNotEqual failed. Expected any value except:<3>. Actual:<3>. Some context

        // NUnit
        Assert.That(actualValue, Is.Not.EqualTo(expectedValue), () => "Some context");
        // Some context
        //  Expected: not equal to 3
        //  But was: 3

        // XUnit
        XUnitAssert.NotEqual(expectedValue, actualValue);
        // Assert.NotEqual() Failure
        // Expected: Not 3
        // Actual:  3

        // Fluent
        actualValue.Should().NotBe(expectedValue, "SOME REASONS");
        // Did not expect actualValue to be 3 because SOME REASONS.

        // Shouldly
        actualValue.ShouldNotBe(expectedValue, "Some context");
        // actualValue
        //   should not be
        // 3
        //   but was
        // Additional Info:
        //  Some context
    public void ApproximateInequalityOfFloatingPointNumbers()
        double pi = 3.14;

        // MSTest
        MSTestAssert.AreNotEqual(Math.PI, pi, 0.01, "Some context");
        // Assert.AreNotEqual failed. Expected a difference greater than <0.01> between expected value <3.14159265358979> and actual value <3.14>. Some context

        // NUnit
        Assert.That(pi, Is.Not.EqualTo(Math.PI).Within(0.1).Percent, () => "Some context");
        // Some context
        //  Expected: not equal to 3.1415926535897931d +/- 0.10000000000000001d Percent
        //  But was: 3.1400000000000001d

        // XUnit
        XUnitAssert.NotEqual(Math.PI, pi, 1);
        // Message: Assert.NotEqual() Failure
        // Expected: Not 3.1 (rounded from 3.14159265358979)
        // Actual:  3.1 (rounded from 3.14)

        // Fluent
        pi.Should().NotBeApproximately(Math.PI, 0.01, "SOME REASONS");
        // Expected pi to not approximate 3.1415926535897931 +/- 0.01 because SOME REASONS, but 3.14 only differed by 0.001592653589793223.

        // Shouldly does not support this case.
Exemplo n.º 6
        public async Task GetByIdsAsync_GetThenSaveNotification_ReturnCachedNotification()
            var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var newNotification = new ConfirmationEmailNotification {
                Id = id
            var newNotificationEntity = AbstractTypeFactory <NotificationEntity> .TryCreateInstance(nameof(EmailNotificationEntity)).FromModel(newNotification, new PrimaryKeyResolvingMap());

            var service = GetNotificationServiceWithPlatformMemoryCache();

            _repositoryMock.Setup(x => x.Add(newNotificationEntity.ResetEntityData()))
            .Callback(() =>
                _repositoryMock.Setup(o => o.GetByIdsAsync(new[] { id }, null))
                .ReturnsAsync(new[] { newNotificationEntity });

            var emptyNotifications = await service.GetByIdsAsync(new[] { id }, null);

            await service.SaveChangesAsync(new[] { newNotification });

            var notifications = await service.GetByIdsAsync(new[] { id }, null);

            Assert.NotEqual(emptyNotifications, notifications);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void IdentifyLongCodeTokenTypes()
            TextReader   testProgramStream = File.OpenText(@"CorrectSampleLuaFiles\longcode.lua");
            List <Token> tokenList         = Lexer.Tokenize(testProgramStream);

            foreach (Token tok in tokenList)
                Assert.NotEqual(SyntaxKind.Unknown, tok.Kind);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void NoUnknownTokensInCorrectLuaFile()
            TextReader   testProgramStream = File.OpenText(@"CorrectSampleLuaFiles\maze.lua");
            List <Token> tokenList         = Lexer.Tokenize(testProgramStream);

            foreach (Token tok in tokenList)
                Assert.NotEqual(SyntaxKind.Unknown, tok.Kind);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public async void GetLastWriteTime_DateTime_ShouldBeReturnFalseLastAccessTimeUtc(int flag, DateTime expected)
            // Arrange
            var fileService = new FileService();
            var fileName    = TestValueProvider.GetValueStringByFlag(flag);

            // Act
            var result = await fileService.GetLastWriteTime(fileName);

            // Assert
            Assert.NotEqual(expected.Date, result.Date);
        public void GetGlnToUpdate_ActiveDeactivated()
            // Arrange
            // Create fake data
            _sentGln.Active = false;
            var now = DateTime.Now;
            // Act
            var result = _glnRepository.UpdateGln(_sentGln);

            // Check
            Assert.Equal("National deactivated", result.SuspensionReason);
            Assert.NotEqual(now, result.SuspensionDate);
        public void TwoLanguages()
            var key = new TypePromptKey(typeof(TestType).FullName, "FirstName");

            _repository.Save(new CultureInfo(1033), typeof(TestType).FullName, "FirstName", "FirstName");
            _repository.Save(new CultureInfo(1053), typeof(TestType).FullName, "FirstName", "Förnamn");

            var enprompt = _repository.GetPrompt(new CultureInfo(1033), key);
            var seprompt = _repository.GetPrompt(new CultureInfo(1053), key);

            Assert.NotEqual(enprompt.TranslatedText, seprompt.TranslatedText);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task Edit()
            var Solution = await this.Add();

            var message = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Put, API);
            var command = new SolutionChangeCommand
                Id   = Solution.Id,
                Name = this.GetRandom()

            var responseMessage = await this.HttpClient.SendAsync(message);

            await responseMessage.AsResult();

            var newSolution = await this.Get(Solution.Id);

            Assert.NotEqual(command.Name, Solution.Name);
            Assert.Equal(command.Name, newSolution.Name);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void Map_WithTargetSubset_Success()
            _tinyMapper.Bind <SourceWithSubset, TargetSubset1>();
            _tinyMapper.Bind <SourceWithSubset, TargetSubset2>();

            SourceWithSubset source = CreateSourceWithSubset();
            var target1             = _tinyMapper.Map <TargetSubset1>(source);

            XAssert.Equal(default(DateTime), target1.DateTime);
            XAssert.Equal(source.FirstName, target1.FirstName);
            XAssert.Equal(source.SourceForTarget1and2, target1.LatestString);
            XAssert.Equal(source.SourceForTarget1, target1.SourceString);
            XAssert.NotEqual(source.SourceForTarget2, target1.SourceString);

            var target2 = _tinyMapper.Map <TargetSubset2>(source);

            XAssert.Equal(source.DateTime, target2.DateTime);
            XAssert.Equal(source.FirstName, target2.FirstName);
            XAssert.Equal(source.SourceForTarget1and2, target2.LatestString);
            XAssert.NotEqual(source.SourceForTarget1, target2.SourceString);
            XAssert.Equal(source.SourceForTarget2, target2.SourceString);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void moq()
            var mock       = new Mock <IDictionary <object, string> >();
            var dictionary = mock.Object;

            mock.Setup(d => d[It.IsAny <string>()])
            .Returns("a fish");

            Assert.Equal("a fish", dictionary["smelt"]);
            Assert.Equal("a fish", dictionary["trout"]);
            Assert.NotEqual("a fish", dictionary[42]);

            .Setup(d => d[It.Is <string>(s => s.Last() == 's')])
            .Returns("maybe plural");
            .Setup(d => d[It.Is <string>(s => s.Last() != 's')])
            .Returns("maybe singular");

            Assert.Equal("maybe plural", dictionary["dogs"]);
            Assert.Equal("maybe singular", dictionary["trout"]);
Exemplo n.º 15
    public void StringInequalityCaseInsensitive()
        string expectedValue = "XXX";
        string actualValue   = "xxx";

        // MSTest does not support this case.

        // NUnit
        Assert.That(actualValue, Is.Not.EqualTo(expectedValue).IgnoreCase, () => "Some context");
        // Some context
        //  Expected: not equal to "XXX", ignoring case
        //  But was: "xxx"

        // XUnit does not support this case.
        XUnitAssert.NotEqual(expectedValue, actualValue, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
        // Assert.NotEqual() Failure
        // Expected: Not "XXX"
        // Actual: "xxx"

        // Fluent does not support this case.

        // Shouldly does not support this case.
        public void HasOriginalBindingContedt()
            var page          = new ContentPage();
            var contextObject = new object();

            page.BindingContext = contextObject;

            var behavior = new BehaviorMock {
                BindingContext = new object()


            Assert.NotEqual(contextObject, behavior.BindingContext);

            page.BindingContext = new object();
            Assert.NotEqual(page.BindingContext, behavior.BindingContext);

Exemplo n.º 17
        public void ExitOnErrorThresholdHit()
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(10000);

            int attemptCount = 0;

            // 3 retries for each, so at least one should remain in queue.

            processor.Received += o =>
                throw new Exception();

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => processor.Run(cts.Token));

            Assert.True(attemptCount >= 10, "attemptCount >= 10");
            Assert.NotEqual(0, processor.GetQueueSize());
        public async Task Edit()
            var template = await this.Add();

            var message = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Put, API);
            var command = new TemplateChangeCommand
                Id     = template.Id,
                Format = this.GetConfig(),
                Name   = this.GetRandom()

            var responseMessage = await this.HttpClient.SendAsync(message);

            await responseMessage.AsResult();

            var newTemplate = await this.Get(template.Id);

            Assert.NotEqual(command.Name, template.Name);
            Assert.NotEqual(command.Format, template.Format);
            Assert.Equal(command.Name, newTemplate.Name);
            Assert.Equal(command.Format, newTemplate.Format);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public async Task Edit()
            var project = await this.Add();

            var message = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Put, API);
            var command = new ProjectChangeCommand
                Id      = project.Id,
                Name    = this.GetRandom(),
                Version = project.Version + 1

            var responseMessage = await this.HttpClient.SendAsync(message);

            await responseMessage.AsResult();

            var newProject = await this.Get(project.Id);

            Assert.NotEqual(command.Name, project.Name);
            Assert.NotEqual(command.Version, project.Version);
            Assert.Equal(command.Name, newProject.Name);
            Assert.Equal(command.Version, newProject.Version);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static void AreNotEqual <T>(T expected, T actual, string message = null)
     XAssert.NotEqual(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public static void AreNotEqual(object expected, object actual, string message = null)
     XAssert.NotEqual(expected, actual);