Exemplo n.º 1
	// Constructor.
	internal Screen(Display dpy, int number, IntPtr screen)
				// Copy parameters in from the create process.
				this.dpy = dpy;
				this.number = number;
				this.screen = screen;

				// Create the root window instance for this screen.
				rootWindow = new Xsharp.RootWindow
					(dpy, this, Xlib.XRootWindowOfScreen(screen));

				// Get the default root visual for this screen.
				visual = Xlib.XDefaultVisualOfScreen(screen);

				// Create a "Colormap" object for the default colormap.
				defaultColormap = new Colormap
					(dpy, this, Xlib.XDefaultColormapOfScreen(screen));

				// Create the GC cache.
				defaultGCs = new IntPtr [GCCacheSize];
				bitmapGCs = new IntPtr [GCCacheSize];

				// Initialize the standard colors.

				// Create the placeholder window for parent-less widgets.
				placeholder = new PlaceholderWindow(rootWindow);

				// Create the grab window for managing popup window events.
				grabWindow = new GrabWindow(rootWindow);
Exemplo n.º 2
	// Constructor.  Called from the "Screen" class.
	internal RootWindow(Display dpy, Screen screen, XWindow handle)
			: base(dpy, screen, DrawableKind.Widget, null)
				// Set this window's handle and add it to the handle map.
				this.handle = (XDrawable)handle;
				if(dpy.handleMap == null)
					dpy.handleMap = new HandleMap();
				dpy.handleMap[handle] = this;

				// Adjust the root window object to match the screen state.
				width = (int)(Xlib.XWidthOfScreen(screen.screen));
				height = (int)(Xlib.XHeightOfScreen(screen.screen));
				mapped = true;
				autoMapChildren = false;

				// Get the current state of the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.
				// We extract color theme information from it.
				resourceManager = Xlib.XInternAtom
					(dpy.dpy, "RESOURCE_MANAGER", XBool.False);
				IntPtr resptr = Xlib.XSharpGetResources(dpy.dpy, handle);
				if(resptr != IntPtr.Zero)
					resources = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(resptr);

				// Select for property notifications so that we can
				// track changes to the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.
Exemplo n.º 3
	// Constructor that is called from the "Screen" class.
	internal Colormap(Display dpy, Screen screen, XColormap colormap)
				this.dpy = dpy;
				this.screen = screen;
				this.colormap = colormap;
				this.cachedPixels = new Hashtable(1024); // create hash with big capacity to avoid expansions of hashtable
Exemplo n.º 4
	// Constructor.
	internal Widget(Display dpy, Screen screen,
					DrawableKind kind, Widget parent)
			: base(dpy, screen, kind)
				// Set the initial widget properties.
				cursor = null;
				autoMapChildren = true;
				sensitive = true;

				// Insert this widget into the widget tree under its parent.
				this.parent = parent;
				this.topChild = null;
				this.nextAbove = null;
				if(parent != null)
					ancestorSensitive =
						(parent.sensitive && parent.ancestorSensitive);
					nextBelow = parent.topChild;
					if(parent.topChild != null)
						parent.topChild.nextAbove = this;
					parent.topChild = this;
					ancestorSensitive = true;
					nextBelow = null;
				this.eventMask = 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
	internal IntPtr GetFontSet(Display dpy, out FontExtents extents)
					// Map this object to the one that actually stores
					// the font set information.
					Font font = (Font)(dpy.fonts[this]);
					if(font == null)
						font = this;
						dpy.fonts[this] = this;

					// Search for existing font set information.
					FontInfo info = font.infoList;
					while(info != null)
						if(info.dpy == dpy)
							extents = info.extents;
							return info.fontSet;
						info = info.next;

					// Create a new font set.
					IntPtr fontSet;
					int ascent, descent, maxWidth;
						IntPtr display = dpy.Lock();
						fontSet = CreateFontSet
							(display, out ascent, out descent, out maxWidth);
						if(fontSet == IntPtr.Zero)
							extents = null;
							return IntPtr.Zero;

					// Associate the font set with the display.
					info = new FontInfo();
					info.next = font.infoList;
					info.extents = new FontExtents(ascent, descent, maxWidth);
					info.dpy = dpy;
					info.fontSet = fontSet;
					font.infoList = info;

					// Return the font set to the caller.
					extents = info.extents;
					return fontSet;
Exemplo n.º 6
	// Get the XFontSet structure for this font on a particular display.
	internal IntPtr GetFontSet(Display dpy)
				FontExtents extents;
				return GetFontSet(dpy, out extents);
Exemplo n.º 7
	// Internal constructor that wraps a pixmap XID.
	internal Pixmap(Display dpy, Screen screen, XPixmap pixmap)
			: base(dpy, screen, DrawableKind.Bitmap)
					// Get the geometry of the pixmap from the X server.
					IntPtr display = dpy.Lock();
					XWindow root_return;
					Xlib.Xint x_return, y_return;
					Xlib.Xuint width_return, height_return;
					Xlib.Xuint border_width_return, depth_return;
						(display, handle, out root_return,
						 out x_return, out y_return,
						 out width_return, out height_return,
						 out border_width_return, out depth_return);
					this.width = (int)width_return;
					this.height = (int)height_return;
Exemplo n.º 8
	/// <summary>
	/// <para>Construct a new application object, process command-line
	/// options, and open the display.</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="name">
	/// <para>The resource name and class for the application.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="args">
	/// <para>The arguments that came from the application's "Main"
	/// method.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <exception cref="T:Xsharp.XCannotConnectException">
	/// <para>A connection to the X display server could not
	/// be established.</para>
	/// </exception>
	public Application(String name, String[] args)
				String[] envCmdLine;
				int firstArg = 0;
				String fontName;
				bool synchronous = false;

				// Set this as the primary application object if necessary.
					if(primary == null)
						primary = this;

				// Choose defaults for the parameters.
					envCmdLine = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
					envCmdLine = null;
				if(envCmdLine != null && envCmdLine.Length > 0)
					programName = envCmdLine[0];
					programName = "Xsharp-application";
				if(name == null)
					// Strip the path from the program name to
					// get the default resource name to use.
					int index = programName.LastIndexOf('/');
					if(index == -1)
						index = programName.LastIndexOf('\\');
					if(index != -1)
						name = programName.Substring(index + 1);
						name = programName;
					int len = name.Length;
					if(len > 4 && name[len - 4] == '.' &&
					   (name[len - 3] == 'e' || name[len - 3] == 'E') &&
					   (name[len - 2] == 'x' || name[len - 2] == 'X') &&
					   (name[len - 1] == 'e' || name[len - 1] == 'E'))
						name = name.Substring(0, len - 4);
				if(args == null)
					if(envCmdLine != null && envCmdLine.Length > 0)
						args = envCmdLine;
						firstArg = 1;
						args = new String [0];

				// Initialize the application state.
				resourceName = name;
				resourceClass = name;
				displayName = null;
				startIconic = false;
				title = null;
				geometry = null;
				fontName = null;

				// Process the standard Xt command-line options.
				ArrayList newArgs = new ArrayList();
				while(firstArg < args.Length)
						case "-display":
							if(firstArg < args.Length)
								displayName = args[firstArg];

						case "-iconic":
							startIconic = true;

						case "-name":
							if(firstArg < args.Length)
								resourceName = args[firstArg];

						case "-title":
							if(firstArg < args.Length)
								title = args[firstArg];

						case "-fn":
						case "-font":
							if(firstArg < args.Length)
								fontName = args[firstArg];

						case "-geometry":
							if(firstArg < args.Length)
								geometry = args[firstArg];

						case "+synchronous":
						case "-synchronous":
							// Turn on synchronous processing to the X server.
							synchronous = true;

						// Ignore other Xt toolkit options that aren't
						// relevant to us.  We may add some of these later.
						case "-reverse":
						case "-rv":
						case "+rv":
						case "-bg":
						case "-background":
						case "-bw":
						case "-borderwidth":
						case "-bd":
						case "-bordercolor":
						case "-fg":
						case "-foreground":
						case "-selectionTimeout":
						case "-xnllanguage":
						case "-xrm":
						case "-xtsessionID":

							// Unknown option - copy it to "newArgs".
				cmdLineArgs = (String[])(newArgs.ToArray(typeof(String)));

				// Connect to the display.
				if(displayName == null)
					// Xlib will figure it by itself, but classes using displayName can get broken is it's null
					displayName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DISPLAY");

				display = Xsharp.Display.Open(displayName, this, synchronous);

				// Create the default font.
				defaultFont = Font.CreateFromXLFD(fontName);
Exemplo n.º 9
	/// <summary>
	/// <para>Close the application if it is currently active.</para>
	/// </summary>
	public void Close()
					if(display != null)
						display = null;
					if(primary == this)
						primary = null;

Exemplo n.º 10
	// Load builtin bitmaps for a particular display.
	public BuiltinBitmaps(Display display)
				IntPtr dpy = display.dpy;
				XDrawable drawable = display.DefaultRootWindow.handle;
				RadioBottom = Xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData
					(dpy, drawable, radio_b_bits, (uint)12, (uint)12);
				RadioBottomEnhanced = Xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData
					(dpy, drawable, radio_B_bits, (uint)12, (uint)12);
				RadioTop = Xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData
					(dpy, drawable, radio_t_bits, (uint)12, (uint)12);
				RadioTopEnhanced = Xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData
					(dpy, drawable, radio_T_bits, (uint)12, (uint)12);
				RadioBackground = Xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData
					(dpy, drawable, radio_w_bits, (uint)12, (uint)12);
				RadioForeground = Xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData
					(dpy, drawable, radio_f_bits, (uint)12, (uint)12);
				Close = Xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData
					(dpy, drawable, close_button_bits, (uint)9, (uint)9);
				Minimize = Xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData
					(dpy, drawable, minimize_button_bits, (uint)9, (uint)9);
				Maximize = Xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData
					(dpy, drawable, maximize_button_bits, (uint)9, (uint)9);
				Restore = Xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData
					(dpy, drawable, restore_button_bits, (uint)9, (uint)9);
				Help = Xlib.XCreateBitmapFromData
					(dpy, drawable, help_button_bits, (uint)9, (uint)9);
Exemplo n.º 11
	/// <summary>
	/// <para>Constructs a new <see cref="T:Xsharp.Graphics"/> object and
	/// attaches it to a <see cref="T:Xsharp.Drawable"/> instance.</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="drawable">
	/// <para>The drawable to attach this graphics context to.  If the
	/// drawable is a widget, the foreground and background colors of the
	/// graphics object will be initially set to the widget's standard
	/// foreground and background colors.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
	/// <para>Raised if <paramref name="drawable"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
	/// </para>
	/// </exception>
	/// <exception cref="T:Xsharp.XInvalidOperationException">
	/// <para>Raised if <paramref name="drawable"/> does not support
	/// output, is disposed, or is the root window.</para>
	/// </exception>
	public Graphics(Drawable drawable)
				if(drawable == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException("drawable");
				else if(drawable.Kind == DrawableKind.InputOnlyWidget)
					throw new XInvalidOperationException
				else if(drawable is RootWindow)
					throw new XInvalidOperationException
				dpy = drawable.dpy;
				this.drawable = drawable;
				XGCValues gcValues = new XGCValues();
				InputOutputWidget widget = (drawable as InputOutputWidget);
				DoubleBuffer buffer = (drawable as DoubleBuffer);
				Bitmap bitmap = (drawable as Bitmap);
				if(widget != null)
					foreground = widget.Foreground;
					background = widget.Background;
				else if(buffer != null)
					foreground = buffer.Widget.Foreground;
					background = buffer.Widget.Background;
				else if(bitmap != null)
					foreground = new Color(0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
					background = new Color(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
					foreground = new Color (StandardColor.Foreground);
					background = new Color (StandardColor.Background);
				gcValues.foreground = drawable.ToPixel(foreground);
				gcValues.background = drawable.ToPixel(background);
				if(drawable is DoubleBuffer)
					IntPtr display = dpy.Lock();
					drawableHandle = drawable.GetGCHandle();
					gc = drawable.screen.GetGC(bitmap != null);
					if(gc == IntPtr.Zero)
						// Create a new GC because the cache is empty.
						gc = Xlib.XCreateGC(display, drawableHandle,
											(uint)(GCValueMask.GCForeground |
											ref gcValues);
						if(gc == IntPtr.Zero)
						// Reset the cached GC back to the default settings.
						// Xlib will take care of stripping the list down
						// to just the changes that need to be applied.
						gcValues.function = Xsharp.GCFunction.GXcopy;
						gcValues.plane_mask = ~((XPixel)0);
						gcValues.line_width = 0;
						gcValues.line_style = Xsharp.LineStyle.LineSolid;
						gcValues.cap_style = Xsharp.CapStyle.CapButt;
						gcValues.join_style = Xsharp.JoinStyle.JoinMiter;
						gcValues.fill_style = Xsharp.FillStyle.FillSolid;
						gcValues.fill_rule = Xsharp.FillRule.EvenOddRule;
						gcValues.arc_mode = Xsharp.ArcMode.ArcPieSlice;
						gcValues.ts_x_origin = 0;
						gcValues.ts_y_origin = 0;
						gcValues.subwindow_mode =
						gcValues.graphics_exposures = true;
						gcValues.clip_x_origin = 0;
						gcValues.clip_y_origin = 0;
						gcValues.clip_mask = XPixmap.Zero;
						gcValues.dash_offset = 0;
						gcValues.dashes = (sbyte)4;
						Xlib.XChangeGC(display, gc,
									   (uint)(GCValueMask.GCFunction |
											  GCValueMask.GCPlaneMask |
											  GCValueMask.GCForeground |
											  GCValueMask.GCBackground |
											  GCValueMask.GCLineWidth |
											  GCValueMask.GCLineStyle |
											  GCValueMask.GCCapStyle |
											  GCValueMask.GCJoinStyle |
											  GCValueMask.GCFillStyle |
											  GCValueMask.GCFillRule |
											  GCValueMask.GCTileStipXOrigin |
											  GCValueMask.GCTileStipYOrigin |
											  GCValueMask.GCSubwindowMode |
											  GCValueMask.GCGraphicsExposures |
											  GCValueMask.GCClipXOrigin |
											  GCValueMask.GCClipYOrigin |
											  GCValueMask.GCClipMask |
											  GCValueMask.GCDashOffset |
											  GCValueMask.GCDashList |
									   ref gcValues);

					int sn = drawable.screen.ScreenNumber;
					double px, mm;

					px = (double)Xlib.XDisplayWidth(display, sn);
					mm = (double)Xlib.XDisplayWidthMM(display, sn);
					dpiX = (float)((px * 25.4) / mm);

					px = (double)Xlib.XDisplayHeight(display, sn);
					mm = (double)Xlib.XDisplayHeightMM(display, sn);
					dpiY = (float)((px * 25.4) / mm);
				if(drawable is DoubleBuffer)

				isDisposed = false;
Exemplo n.º 12
	// Get the number of milliseconds until the next timeout.
	// Returns -1 if there are no active timers.
	internal static int GetNextTimeout(Display dpy)
					if(dpy.timerQueue != null)
						DateTime fireAt = dpy.timerQueue.nextDue;
						long diff = fireAt.Ticks - DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
						if(diff <= 0)
							// The timeout has already fired or is about to.
							return 0;
						else if (diff > (dpy.timerQueue.period * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond))
							// The next due time is farther away than the time period we're
							// supposed to wait. This propably means the system clock has
							// been turned back (either manually or by NTP). In this case
							// we must calculate a new due time and just return 0.
							FixTimers( dpy.timerQueue );
							dpy.timerQueue.nextDue = DateTime.UtcNow + new TimeSpan
								(dpy.timerQueue.period * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);
							return 0;
						else if (diff > (100 * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond))
							// Don't wait more than 100 seconds at a time.
							return 100000;
							// Return the number of milliseconds + 1.
							// The "+ 1" takes care of rounding errors
							// due to converting ticks to milliseconds.
							return ((int)(diff / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond))
										+ 1;
				return -1;
	/// <summary>
	/// <para>Determine if the X server can support embedding.</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="dpy">
	/// <para>The display to check.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <returns>
	/// <para>Returns <see langword="true"/> if he display supports
	/// embedding, or <see langword="false"/> otherwise.</para>
	/// </returns>
	/// <remarks>
	/// <para>If this method returns <see langword="false"/>, then
	/// calling <c>Launch</c> will cause the child application to be
	/// displayed in its own top-level window, rather than being
	/// embedded directly as a child widget.</para>
	/// </remarks>
	public static bool CanEmbed(Display dpy)
				String displayName;
				if(dpy == null)
					return false;
				return CanEmbed(dpy, false, out displayName);
Exemplo n.º 14
	// Activate timers that have fired on a particular display.
	// We assume that this is called with the display lock.
	internal static bool ActivateTimers(Display dpy)
				// Bail out early if there are no timers, to avoid
				// calling "DateTime.UtcNow" if we don't need to.
				if(dpy.timerQueue == null)
					return false;

				DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
				Timer timer;
				DateTime next;
				bool activated = false;
					// Remove the first timer from the queue if
					// it has expired.  Bail out if it hasn't.
					timer = dpy.timerQueue;
					if(timer == null)
					else if(timer.nextDue <= now)

					// Invoke the timer's callback delegate.
					activated = true;
					if(timer.callback is TimerCallback)
						TimerCallback cb1 = timer.callback as TimerCallback;
						EventHandler cb2 = timer.callback as EventHandler;
							cb2(timer.state, EventArgs.Empty);

					// Add the timer back onto the queue if necessary.
					if(!timer.stopped && !timer.onDisplayQueue)
						if(timer.period < 0)
							timer.stopped = true;
							next = timer.nextDue +
								new TimeSpan(timer.period *
							// if the next due is less than now, the date/time may have changed.
							// since the timer expired right now the next due might be now + period
							if(next <= now)
								next += new TimeSpan
									(((((Int64)(now - next).TotalMilliseconds) / timer.period) + 1) *
										timer.period * 
							do not increment here, since the time might have changed with years
							this would do a long loop here 
							while(next <= now)
								next += new TimeSpan
										(timer.period *
							timer.nextDue = next;
				return activated;
Exemplo n.º 15
	/// <summary>
	/// <para>Create a new timer.</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="dpy">
	/// <para>The display to create the timer for, or <see langword="null"/>
	/// to use the application's primary display.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="callback">
	/// <para>The delegate to invoke when the timer expires.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="state">
	/// <para>The state information to pass to the callback.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="dueTime">
	/// <para>The number of milliseconds until the timer expires
	/// for the first time.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="period">
	/// <para>The number of milliseconds between timer expiries, or
	/// -1 to only expire once at <paramref name="dueTime"/>.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
	/// <para>The <paramref name="callback"/> parameter is
	/// <see langword="null"/>.</para>
	/// </exception>
	/// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
	/// <para>The <paramref name="dueTime"/> parameter is
	/// less than zero.</para>
	/// </exception>
	public Timer(Display dpy, EventHandler callback,
				 Object state, int dueTime, int period)
				if(callback == null)
					throw new ArgumentNullException("callback");
				if(dpy == null)
					this.dpy = Application.Primary.Display;
					this.dpy = dpy;
				if(dueTime < 0)
					throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException
						("dueTime", S._("X_NonNegative"));
				this.callback = callback;
				this.state = state;
				this.nextDue =
					DateTime.UtcNow + new TimeSpan
						(dueTime * TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond);
				this.period = period;
				this.stopped = false;
Exemplo n.º 16
	/// <summary>
	/// <para>Create a new timer.</para>
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="dpy">
	/// <para>The display to create the timer for, or <see langword="null"/>
	/// to use the application's primary display.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="callback">
	/// <para>The delegate to invoke when the timer expires.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="state">
	/// <para>The state information to pass to the callback.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="dueTime">
	/// <para>The number of milliseconds until the timer expires
	/// for the first time.</para>
	/// </param>
	/// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
	/// <para>The <paramref name="callback"/> parameter is
	/// <see langword="null"/>.</para>
	/// </exception>
	/// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
	/// <para>The <paramref name="dueTime"/> parameter is
	/// less than zero.</para>
	/// </exception>
	public Timer(Display dpy, TimerCallback callback,
				 Object state, int dueTime)
			: this(dpy, callback, state, dueTime, -1) {}
Exemplo n.º 17
	// Disassociate this font from a particular display.
	internal void Disassociate(Display dpy)
					FontInfo info, prev;
					info = infoList;
					prev = null;
					while(info != null && info.dpy != dpy)
						prev = info;
						info = info.next;
					if(info != null)
						if(prev != null)
							prev.next = info.next;
							infoList = info.next;
						FreeFontSet(dpy.dpy, info.fontSet);
		// Constructor.
		public AppGroupWidget(Display dpy, Screen screen, XAppGroup group,
							  EmbeddedApplication parent)
				: base(dpy, screen, DrawableKind.Widget, null)
					embedParent = parent;
					handle = (XDrawable)group;
					dpy.handleMap[(XWindow)handle] = this;
	// Determine if the X server supports embedding - inner version.
	// "displayName" will be set to a non-null value if it is necessary
	// to redirect the DISPLAY environment variable elsewhere.
	private static bool CanEmbed(Display display, bool reportErrors,
								 out String displayName)
				IntPtr dpy;
				Xlib.Xint major, minor;
				String client;
				int index;
				displayName = null;
					dpy = display.Lock();

					// See if the X server supports XC-APPGROUP and SECURITY.
					if(Xlib.XagQueryVersion(dpy, out major, out minor)
							== XBool.False)
						if(reportErrors && !errorReported)
								("The X server `{0}' does not support the " +
								 "XC-APPGROUP extension,",
								("which is required for application " +
							errorReported = true;
						return false;
					if(Xlib.XSecurityQueryExtension(dpy, out major, out minor)
							== XBool.False)
						if(reportErrors && !errorReported)
								("The X server `{0}' does not support the " +
								 "SECURITY extension,",
								("which is required for for application " +
							errorReported = true;
						return false;

					// If we are in an ssh shell account, then we cannot
					// connect via ssh's X11 forwarding mechanism as it
					// does not know how to proxy appgroup security tokens.
					// Try to discover where the ssh client actually lives.
					displayName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable
					client = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SSH_CLIENT");
					if(displayName != null && displayName.Length > 0)
						// The user specified a display override with
						// the XREALDISPLAY environment variable.
						if(!ProbeDisplay(displayName, reportErrors))
							displayName = null;
							return false;
					else if(client != null && client.Length > 0)
						// Synthesize a display name from the ssh client name.
						index = client.IndexOf(' ');
						if(index == -1)
							index = client.Length;
						displayName = client.Substring(0, index) + ":0.0";
						if(!ProbeDisplay(displayName, reportErrors))
							displayName = null;
							return false;
					else if(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SSH_ASKPASS")
								!= null ||
								!= null)
						// Older versions of bash do not export SSH_CLIENT
						// within an ssh login session.
						if(reportErrors && !errorReported)
								("The `SSH_CLIENT' environment variable " +
								 "is not exported from the shell.");
								("Either export `SSH_CLIENT' or set the " +
								 "`XREALDISPLAY' environment");
								("variable to the name of the real " +
								 "X display.");
							errorReported = true;
						displayName = null;
						return false;
						// No ssh, so use the original "DISPLAY" value as-is.
						displayName = null;
					displayName = null;
					return false;
					displayName = null;
					return false;
					displayName = null;
					return false;
				return true;
Exemplo n.º 20
	// Constructor.
	internal Drawable(Display dpy, Screen screen, DrawableKind kind)
				this.dpy = dpy;
				this.screen = screen;
				this.kind = kind;