Exemplo n.º 1
        public OdeSolid(dWorldID worldID, dSpaceID spaceID)
            this.worldID         = worldID;
            this.spaceID         = spaceID;
            isPlaceable          = true;
            collisionCount       = 0;
            nonSymmetricInertia  = false;
            isFreelySpinning     = true;
            prevAngVelMagSquared = 0;

            data = new SolidData();

            if (!data.IsStatic)
                // Create an ODE body with default ODE mass parameters (total
                // mass = 1).  This should have an initial mass of 0 until shapes
                // are added, but ODE won't allow a mass of 0.  This will be
                // adjusted appropriately when the first shape is added.

                bodyID = this.worldID.CreateBody();

                //mBodyID = new Body(mWorldID);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Attach this joint to some new bodies.
        /// If the joint is already attached, it will be detached from the old bodies first.
        /// To attach this joint to only one body, set body1 or body2 to zero - a zero body
        /// refers to the static environment.
        /// Setting both bodies to zero puts the joint into "limbo", i.e. it will have no
        /// effect on the simulation.
        /// Some joints, like hinge-2 need to be attached to two bodies to work.
        /// </summary>
        public void Attach(dBodyID b1Id, dBodyID b2Id)
            if (IsNull())

            Tao.Ode.Ode.dJointAttach(this, b1Id, b2Id);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void StepPhysics()
            // Apply linear and angular damping; if using the "add opposing
            // forces" method, be sure to do this before calling ODE step
            // function.
            if (solidList != null)
                foreach (OdeSolid solid in solidList)
                    if (!solid.Static)
                        if (solid.Sleeping)
                            // Reset velocities, force, & torques of objects that go
                            // to sleep; ideally, this should happen in the ODE
                            // source only once - when the object initially goes to
                            // sleep.

                            /*ODE.Body body = solid.InternalGetBodyID();
                             * body.ApplyLinearVelocityDrag(0, 0, 0);
                             * body.ApplyAngularVelocityDrag(0, 0, 0);
                             * body.AddForce(0, 0, 0);
                             * body.AddTorque(0, 0, 0);*/
                            IntPtr body = solid.InternalGetBodyID();
                            Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodySetLinearVel(body, 0, 0, 0);
                            Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodySetAngularVel(body, 0, 0, 0);
                            Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodySetForce(body, 0, 0, 0);
                            Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodySetTorque(body, 0, 0, 0);
                            // Dampen Solid motion.  3 possible methods:
                            // 1) apply a force/torque in the opposite direction of
                            // motion scaled by the body's velocity
                            // 2) same as 1, but scale the opposing force by
                            // the body's momentum (this automatically handles
                            // different mass values)
                            // 3) reduce the body's linear and angular velocity by
                            // scaling them by 1 - damping * stepsize

                            /*ODE.Body body = solid.InternalGetBody();
                             * ODE.Mass mass = body.Mass;*/

                            dBodyID           body = solid.InternalGetBodyID();
                            Tao.Ode.Ode.dMass mass = body.Mass;
                            //Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodyGetMass(body, ref mass); // (mike)

                            // Method 2
                            // Since the ODE mass.I inertia matrix is local, angular
                            // velocity and torque also need to be local.

                            // Linear damping
                            float linearDamping = solid.LinearDamping;
                            if (0 != linearDamping)
                                Vector3 lVelGlobal = Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodyGetLinearVel(body); // C# compiler automatically calls an implicit convertion here

                                // The damping force depends on the damping amount,
                                // mass, and velocity (i.e. damping amount and
                                // momentum).
                                float   dampingFactor = -linearDamping * mass.mass;
                                Vector3 dampingForce  = new Vector3(dampingFactor * lVelGlobal.X, dampingFactor * lVelGlobal.Y, dampingFactor * lVelGlobal.Z);

                                // Add a global force opposite to the global linear
                                // velocity.
                                //(mike)//Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodyAddForce(body, dampingForce.X, dampingForce.Y, dampingForce.Z);

                            // Angular damping
                            float angularDamping = solid.AngularDamping;
                            if (0 != angularDamping)
                                Vector3 aVelGlobal = Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodyGetAngularVel(body); // C# compiler automatically calls an implicit convertion here

                                //(mike) //Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodyVectorFromWorld(body, aVelGlobal.X, aVelGlobal.Y, aVelGlobal.Z, ref temp);

                                Vector3 aVelLocal = body.BodyVectorFromWorld(aVelGlobal);

                                // The damping force depends on the damping amount,
                                // mass, and velocity (i.e. damping amount and
                                // momentum).
                                float   dampingFactor = -angularDamping;
                                Vector3 aMomentum;

                                // Make adjustments for inertia tensor.
                                //dMULTIPLYOP0_331( aMomentum, = , mass.I, aVelLocal ); (KleMiX) ???
                                aMomentum.X = mass.I.M00 * aVelLocal.X + mass.I.M01 * aVelLocal.Y + aVelLocal.X + mass.I.M02 * aVelLocal.Z;
                                aMomentum.Y = mass.I.M10 * aVelLocal.X + mass.I.M11 * aVelLocal.Y + aVelLocal.X + mass.I.M12 * aVelLocal.Z;
                                aMomentum.Z = mass.I.M20 * aVelLocal.X + mass.I.M21 * aVelLocal.Y + aVelLocal.X + mass.I.M22 * aVelLocal.Z;

                                Vector3 dampingTorque = new Vector3(dampingFactor * aMomentum.X, dampingFactor * aMomentum.Y, dampingFactor * aMomentum.Z);

                                // Add a local torque opposite to the local angular
                                // velocity.
                                Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodyAddRelTorque(body, dampingTorque.X, dampingTorque.Y, dampingTorque.Z);

            // Do collision detection; add contacts to the contact joint group.
            Tao.Ode.Ode.dSpaceCollide(space, GCHandle.ToIntPtr(GCHandle.Alloc(this)),

            // Take a simulation step.
            if (SolverType.QuickStep == solverType)
                //world.QuickStep(stepSize, quickWorldIterations);
                Tao.Ode.Ode.dWorldQuickStep(world, stepSize);
                Tao.Ode.Ode.dWorldStep(world, stepSize);

            // Remove all joints from the contact group.

            // Fix angular velocities for freely-spinning bodies that have
            // gained angular velocity through explicit integrator inaccuracy.

            if (solidList != null)
                foreach (OdeSolid s in solidList)
                    if (!s.Sleeping && !s.Static)
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// Main collision callback functor.
        static unsafe internal void CollisionCallback(IntPtr data, dGeomID o0, dGeomID o1)
            if (o0.IsSpace || o1.IsSpace)
                // Colliding a space with either a geom or another space.
                Tao.Ode.Ode.dSpaceCollide2(o0, o1, data, CollisionCallbackRunner);

                if (o0.IsSpace)
                    // Colliding all geoms internal to the space.
                    Tao.Ode.Ode.dSpaceCollide(o0, data, CollisionCallbackRunner);

                if (o1.IsSpace)
                    // Colliding all geoms internal to the space.
                    Tao.Ode.Ode.dSpaceCollide(o1, data, CollisionCallbackRunner);
                // Colliding two geoms.

                // The following is a set of special cases where we might
                // want to skip collision detection (but not all are
                // enforced here for various reasons):
                // 1. Two static Solids (neither geom has a body) AND
                //    neither Solid has a CollisionEventHandler AND there are
                //    not global handlers: this is enforced.
                // 2. Two Shapes that are part of the same Solid (they
                //    share a body): this is not enforced because ODE
                //    already takes care of it.
                // 3. Two sleeping Solids (note: both must have bodies to
                //    check this): this is enforced.  (ODE should handle
                //    this, but it doesn't.)
                // 4. Two Solids connected by a fixed Joint: this is
                //    enforced.
                // 5. Two Solids connected by a Joint (besides ODE
                //    contact joints, which should never generate more
                //    contacts) with contacts disabled (note: both must have
                //    bodies to check this): this is enforced.
                // 6. Solid0 is static, Solid1 is dynamic and is sleeping,
                //    static-to-sleeping contacts are ignored by the
                //    Simulator, and neither Solid has a
                //    CollisionEventHandler AND there are no global handlers:
                //    this is enforced.
                // 7. Solid1 is static, Solid0 is dynamic and is sleeping,
                //    static-to-sleeping contacts are ignored by the
                //    Simulator, and neither Solid has a
                //    CollisionEventHandler AND there are no global handlers:
                //    this is enforced.
                // 8. The two Solids' contact groups do not generate
                //    contacts when they collide AND neither Solid has a
                //    CollisionEventHandler AND there are no global handlers.

                // Get the geoms' ODE body IDs.
                dBodyID o0BodyID = o0.RigidBody;
                dBodyID o1BodyID = o1.RigidBody;

                bool solid0Static = PtrWrapper.IsEmpty(o0BodyID); // (mike)
                bool solid1Static = PtrWrapper.IsEmpty(o1BodyID); // {mike}

                // Check if both Solids are dynamic (i.e. have ODE bodies).
                bool bothHaveBodies = true;
                if (solid0Static || solid1Static)
                    bothHaveBodies = false;

                // If the two Solids are connected by a common Joint, get
                // a pointer to that Joint.
                Joint commonJoint = null;

                if (bothHaveBodies)
                    int connExcluding = Tao.Ode.Ode.dAreConnectedExcluding(o0BodyID, o1BodyID, (int)Tao.Ode.Ode.dJointTypes.dJointTypeContact);

                    if (connExcluding != 0)
                        // This will become non-NULL only if there exists an ODE
                        // joint connecting the two bodies.
                        commonJoint = GetCommonJoint(o0BodyID, o1BodyID);

                // Get pointers to the geoms' GeomData structures.
                GeomData geomData0 = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(Tao.Ode.Ode.dGeomGetData(o0)).Target as GeomData;
                GeomData geomData1 = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(Tao.Ode.Ode.dGeomGetData(o1)).Target as GeomData;

                // Get pointers to the geoms' ShapeData structures.
                ShapeData shape0 = geomData0.Shape;
                ShapeData shape1 = geomData1.Shape;

                // Get a pointer to the ODESimulator.
                OdeSimulator sim = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(data).Target as OdeSimulator;

                // Check if the two Solids' contact groups generate contacts
                // when they collide.
                bool makeContacts = sim.GroupsMakeContacts(shape0.ContactGroup, shape1.ContactGroup);

                // Find out whether the Simulator has static-to-sleeping
                // contacts disabled.
                bool ignoreStaticSleepingContacts = !sim.IsStaticSleepingContactsEnabled;

                // Get pointers to the geoms' Solids.
                Solid solid0 = geomData0.Solid;
                Solid solid1 = geomData1.Solid;

                // Get pointers to the two Solids' CollisionEventHandlers.
                // These will be NULL if the Solids don't use
                // CollisionEventHandlers.
                CollisionEventProcessor handler0 = solid0.CollisionEventHandler;
                CollisionEventProcessor handler1 = solid1.CollisionEventHandler;

                bool neitherHasEventHandler = !(handler0 != null || handler1 != null);

                bool hasNoGlobalHandler = sim.NumGlobalCollisionEventHandlers == 0;

                // Now do the actual tests to see if we should return early.
                // It is important here that we don't call dBodyIsEnabled on
                // a static body because that crashes ODE.

                bool case1 = neitherHasEventHandler && hasNoGlobalHandler &&
                             solid0Static && solid1Static;
                //bool case2= o0BodyID == o1BodyID;
                bool case3 = bothHaveBodies && Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodyIsEnabled(o0BodyID) == 0 &&
                             Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodyIsEnabled(o1BodyID) == 0;
                bool case4 = commonJoint != null &&
                             commonJoint.Type == JointType.Fixed;
                bool case5 = commonJoint != null &&
                bool case6 = solid0Static && null != o1BodyID && o1BodyID.IsNotNull() &&
                             Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodyIsEnabled(o1BodyID) == 0 &&
                             ignoreStaticSleepingContacts &&
                             neitherHasEventHandler && hasNoGlobalHandler;
                bool case7 = solid1Static && null != o0BodyID && o0BodyID.IsNotNull() &&
                             Tao.Ode.Ode.dBodyIsEnabled(o0BodyID) == 0 &&
                             ignoreStaticSleepingContacts &&
                             neitherHasEventHandler && hasNoGlobalHandler;
                bool case8 = !makeContacts && neitherHasEventHandler &&

                if (case1 || case3 || case4 || case5 || case6 || case7 || case8)

                // Now actually test for collision between the two geoms.
                // This is one of the more expensive operations.
                IntPtr theWorldID      = sim.World;
                IntPtr theJointGroupID = sim.JointGroup;
                int    contGeomSize    = sizeof(Tao.Ode.Ode.dContactGeom);
                Tao.Ode.Ode.dContactGeom[] contactArray = new Tao.Ode.Ode.dContactGeom[sim.MaxContacts];

                int numContacts = 0;

                 * {*/
                numContacts = Tao.Ode.Ode.dCollide(o0, o1, sim.MaxContacts /*was 15*/, contactArray, contGeomSize);
                // Was big perfomance problem here (KleMiX)

                 * catch(Exception)
                 * {
                 *  return;
                 * }*/

                // If the two objects didn't make any contacts, they weren't
                // touching, so just return.
                if (0 == numContacts)

                // If at least one of the Solids has a CollisionEventHandler,
                // send it a CollisionEvent.
                if (handler0 != null || handler1 != null || !hasNoGlobalHandler)
                    // Call the CollisionEventHandlers.  Note that we only
                    // use one contact point per collision: just the first one
                    // in the contact array.  The order of the Solids
                    // passed to the event handlers is important: the first
                    // one should be the one whose event handler is
                    // getting called.

                    CollisionEvent e = new CollisionEvent();

                    e.ThisSolid  = solid0;
                    e.OtherSolid = solid1;
                    e.Position.X = contactArray[0].pos.X;
                    e.Position.Y = contactArray[0].pos.Y;
                    e.Position.Z = contactArray[0].pos.Z;
                    e.Normal.X   = contactArray[0].normal.X;
                    e.Normal.Y   = contactArray[0].normal.Y;
                    e.Normal.Z   = contactArray[0].normal.Z;
                    e.Depth      = contactArray[0].depth;

                    if (handler0 != null)

                    if (handler1 != null)
                        // For the other Solid's CollisionEventHandler, we need
                        // to invert the normal and swap the Solid pointers.
                        e.Normal    *= -1;
                        e.ThisSolid  = solid1;
                        e.OtherSolid = solid0;


                if (makeContacts)
                    // Invalidate the "freely-spinning" parameters.

                    for (int i = 0; i < numContacts; ++i)
                        Material m0 = shape0.Material;
                        Material m1 = shape1.Material;

                        Tao.Ode.Ode.dContact tempContact = new Tao.Ode.Ode.dContact();
                        tempContact.surface.mode = (int)Tao.Ode.Ode.dContactFlags.dContactBounce |

                        // Average the hardness of the two materials.
                        float hardness = (m0.Hardness + m1.Hardness) * 0.5f;

                        // Convert hardness to ERP.  As hardness goes from
                        // 0.0 to 1.0, ERP goes from min to max.
                        tempContact.surface.soft_erp = hardness *
                                                       (Defaults.Ode.MaxERP - Defaults.Ode.MinERP) +

                        // Don't use contact CFM anymore.  Just let it use
                        // the global value set in the ODE world.
                        //tempContact.surface.soft_cfm =
                        //  defaults::ode::minCFM;

                        // As friction goes from 0.0 to 1.0, mu goes from 0.0
                        // to max, though it is set to dInfinity when
                        // friction == 1.0.
                        if (1.0 == m0.Friction && 1.0 == m1.Friction)
                            tempContact.surface.mu = float.PositiveInfinity;
                            tempContact.surface.mu = (float)Math.Sqrt(m0.Friction * m1.Friction) * Defaults.Ode.MaxFriction;

                        // Average the bounciness of the two materials.
                        float bounciness = (m0.Bounciness + m1.Bounciness) * 0.5f;

                        // ODE's bounce parameter, a.k.a. restitution.
                        tempContact.surface.bounce = bounciness;

                        // ODE's bounce_vel parameter is a threshold:
                        // the relative velocity of the two objects must be
                        // greater than this for bouncing to occur at all.
                        tempContact.surface.bounce_vel = Defaults.BounceThreshold;

                        tempContact.geom = contactArray[i];
                        //ODE.Joints.Contact contactJoint = new ODE.Joints.Contact(theWorldID, tempContact, theJointGroupID);
                        IntPtr contactJoint = Tao.Ode.Ode.dJointCreateContact(theWorldID, theJointGroupID, ref tempContact);

                        //contactJoint.Attach(o0BodyID, o1BodyID);
                        Tao.Ode.Ode.dJointAttach(contactJoint, o0BodyID, o1BodyID);