Exemplo n.º 1
 public void XlfSampleHasValidData()
     using (var sample = new ResxWithStaleCorrespondingXlf())
         var doc  = new XlfDocument(sample.XlfFileName);
         var file = doc.Files.First();
         Assert.IsTrue(file.TransUnits.Count() > 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void TryGetTransUnit_DoesNotThrow_if_id_is_wrong()
     using (var sample = new ResxWithStaleCorrespondingXlf())
         var doc  = new XlfDocument(sample.XlfFileName);
         var file = doc.Files.First();
         Assert.IsFalse(file.TryGetTransUnit(null, doc.Dialect, out XlfTransUnit u));
         Assert.IsFalse(file.TryGetTransUnit(string.Empty, doc.Dialect, out XlfTransUnit u2));
         Assert.IsFalse(file.TryGetTransUnit(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), doc.Dialect, out XlfTransUnit u3));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void GetTransUnit_Throws_InvalidOperation_if_id_is_wrong()
     using (var sample = new ResxWithStaleCorrespondingXlf())
         var doc  = new XlfDocument(sample.XlfFileName);
         var file = doc.Files.First();
         Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => file.GetTransUnit(null, doc.Dialect));
         Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => file.GetTransUnit(string.Empty, doc.Dialect));
         Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidOperationException>(() => file.GetTransUnit(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), doc.Dialect));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void UpdateTransUnitTest()
     using (var sample = new ResxWithStaleCorrespondingXlf())
         var doc          = new XlfDocument(sample.XlfFileName);
         var file         = doc.Files.First();
         var initialCount = file.TransUnits.Count();
         var unit         = file.AddOrUpdateTransUnit(System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "New source text", "new translation", XlfDialect.Standard);
         file.AddOrUpdateTransUnit(unit.Id, unit.Source, "evene newer translation", XlfDialect.Standard);
         Assert.AreEqual(initialCount + 1, file.TransUnits.Count(), "after adding the same item again, count should still be (initial+1)");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ExporterGetsFileName()
            using (var sample = new ResxWithStaleCorrespondingXlf())
                var doc  = new XlfDocument(sample.XlfFileName);
                var file = doc.Files.First();

                var exporter = new TestXlfExporter();
                var fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                file.Export(fileName, exporter, null, null, XlfDialect.Standard);
                Assert.AreEqual(exporter.File, fileName);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void ExporterGetsTransUnits()
            using (var sample = new ResxWithStaleCorrespondingXlf())
                var doc  = new XlfDocument(sample.XlfFileName);
                var file = doc.Files.First();

                var exporter = new TestXlfExporter();
                file.Export(null, exporter, null, null, XlfDialect.Standard);
                Assert.IsTrue(exporter.Units.Count > 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(exporter.Units.Count, file.TransUnits.Count());
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void RemoveTransUnitTest()
            using (var sample = new ResxWithStaleCorrespondingXlf())
                var doc          = new XlfDocument(sample.XlfFileName);
                var file         = doc.Files.First();
                var initialCount = file.TransUnits.Count();

                // first be sure unit is there
                file.GetTransUnit("c", XlfDialect.Standard);

                file.RemoveTransUnit("c", XlfDialect.Standard);
                Assert.AreEqual(initialCount - 1, file.TransUnits.Count(), "after removing an item the count should one less than before");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void ExporterGetsOnlyFilteredItems()
            using (var sample = new ResxWithStaleCorrespondingXlf())
                var doc  = new XlfDocument(sample.XlfFileName);
                var file = doc.Files.First();

                var exporter = new TestXlfExporter();
                file.Export(null, exporter, new List <string>()
                }, null, XlfDialect.Standard);
                Assert.AreEqual(exporter.Units.Count, 0);

                file.Export(null, exporter, new List <string>()
                    "this-state-does-not-exist", "final"
                }, null, XlfDialect.Standard);
                Assert.IsTrue(exporter.Units.Count > 0);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void UpdateStaleXlfFromResxWithCustomStateStrings()
            using (var sample = new ResxWithStaleCorrespondingXlf())
                var xlfDocument  = new XlfDocument(sample.XlfFileName);
                var updateResult = xlfDocument.Update(sample.ResxFileName, "foo", "bar");

                Assert.AreEqual(1, updateResult.AddedItems.Count(), "number of added items must be 1");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, updateResult.RemovedItems.Count(), "number of removed items must be 1");
                Assert.AreEqual(2, updateResult.UpdatedItems.Count(), "number of updated items must be 2");

                var xlfTransUnits = xlfDocument.Files.SelectMany(f => f.TransUnits).ToDictionary(tu => tu.Id, tu => tu);

                Assert.AreEqual(4, xlfTransUnits.Count);

                AssertTranslationUnit(xlfTransUnits, "a", "Text for a", "Translation", "Comment for a", null);
                AssertTranslationUnit(xlfTransUnits, "b", "Text for b", "Translation", "Comment for b", "foo");
                AssertTranslationUnit(xlfTransUnits, "c", "Text for c", "Translation", "Comment for c", "foo");
                AssertTranslationUnit(xlfTransUnits, "d", "Text for d", "Text for d", "Comment for d", "bar");
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void SaveAsResX()
            using (var sample = new ResxWithStaleCorrespondingXlf())
                var doc = new XlfDocument(sample.XlfFileName);

                string resXFile  = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();
                string resXFile2 = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();
                    Assert.IsFalse(File.ReadAllText(resXFile).Contains("<comment>Comment for a</comment>"), "SaveAsResX does not write comments per default");

                    doc.SaveAsResX(resXFile2, XlfDocument.ResXSaveOption.IncludeComments);
                    Assert.IsTrue(File.ReadAllText(resXFile2).Contains("<comment>Comment for a</comment>"), "SaveAsResX must include comments when specified so");
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void AddTransUnitTest()
            using (var sample = new ResxWithStaleCorrespondingXlf())
                var doc          = new XlfDocument(sample.XlfFileName);
                var file         = doc.Files.First();
                var initialCount = file.TransUnits.Count();
                var unit         = file.AddOrUpdateTransUnit(System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "New source text", "new translation", XlfDialect.Standard);

                Assert.AreEqual(initialCount + 1, file.TransUnits.Count(), "after adding one item, count should be (initial+1)");

                    file.AddTransUnit(unit.Id, string.Empty, string.Empty, XlfFile.AddMode.FailIfExists, XlfDialect.Standard);
                    Assert.Fail("Adding the same unit must result in exception");
                catch (System.InvalidOperationException)

                var sameUnit = file.AddTransUnit(unit.Id, string.Empty, string.Empty, XlfFile.AddMode.SkipExisting, XlfDialect.Standard);
                Assert.AreEqual(unit.ToString(), sameUnit.ToString(), "unit must not be modified but returned");