Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void OnThumbnailStepProcessed(ThumbnailCompilerContext context, AssetItem assetItem, string thumbnailStorageUrl, BuildStepEventArgs buildStepEventArgs)
            // returns immediately if the user has not subscribe to the event
            if (!context.ShouldNotifyThumbnailBuilt)

            // TODO: the way to get last build step (which should be thumbnail, not its dependencies) should be done differently, at the compiler level
            // (we need to generate two build step that can be accessed directly, one for dependency and one for thumbnail)
            var lastBuildStep = buildStepEventArgs.Step is ListBuildStep ? ((ListBuildStep)buildStepEventArgs.Step).Steps.LastOrDefault() ?? buildStepEventArgs.Step : buildStepEventArgs.Step;

            // Retrieving build result
            var result = ThumbnailBuildResult.Failed;

            if (lastBuildStep.Succeeded)
                result = ThumbnailBuildResult.Succeeded;
            else if (lastBuildStep.Status == ResultStatus.Cancelled)
                result = ThumbnailBuildResult.Cancelled;

            // TODO: Display error logo if anything else went wrong?

            var changed = lastBuildStep.Status != ResultStatus.NotTriggeredWasSuccessful;

            // Open the image data stream if the build succeeded
            Stream   thumbnailStream = null;
            ObjectId thumbnailHash   = ObjectId.Empty;

            if (lastBuildStep.Succeeded)
                thumbnailStream = MicrothreadLocalDatabases.DatabaseFileProvider.OpenStream(thumbnailStorageUrl, VirtualFileMode.Open, VirtualFileAccess.Read);
                thumbnailHash   = MicrothreadLocalDatabases.DatabaseFileProvider.ContentIndexMap[thumbnailStorageUrl];

                context.NotifyThumbnailBuilt(assetItem, result, changed, thumbnailStream, thumbnailHash);
                // Close the image data stream if opened
                if (thumbnailStream != null)