/// <summary>
        /// Indexs the path at point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The path at point.</returns>
        /// <param name="listView">List view.</param>
        /// <param name="p">P.</param>
        public Tuple <int, int> IndexPathAtPoint(Xamarin.Forms.ListView listView, Xamarin.Forms.Point p)
            var renderer = Renderer(listView);
            var point    = new CoreGraphics.CGPoint(p.X * Display.Scale, p.Y * Display.Scale);
            var visibleCells          = renderer.Control.VisibleCells;
            var visibleCellIndexPaths = renderer.Control.IndexPathsForVisibleRows;
            var scroll = renderer.Control.ContentOffset;

            foreach (var ip in visibleCellIndexPaths)
                var cell   = renderer.Control.CellAt(ip);
                var frame  = cell.Frame;
                var frameX = cell.ConvertRectToView(frame, renderer.Control);
                var frameZ = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(frameX.X - scroll.X * Display.Scale, frameX.Y - scroll.Y * Display.Scale, frameX.Width * Display.Scale, frameX.Height * Display.Scale);
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ip=["+ip+"] frame=[" + frameZ + "]");
                if (frameZ.Contains(point))
                    return(new Tuple <int, int>(ip.Section, ip.Row));
            //var indexPath = renderer.Control.IndexPathForRowAtPoint(point);
            //return new Tuple<int, int>(indexPath.Section, indexPath.Row);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override bool DispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)
            if (e.Action == MotionEventActions.Down)
                _downTime     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                _downPosition = new Point(e.RawX, e.RawY);
            if (e.Action != MotionEventActions.Up)
            View currentFocus1 = ((Activity)Context).CurrentFocus;
            bool flag          = base.DispatchTouchEvent(e);

            if (currentFocus1 is EditText)
                View currentFocus2 = ((Activity)Context).CurrentFocus;
                if (currentFocus1 == currentFocus2 && _downPosition.Distance(new Point(e.RawX, e.RawY)) <= Context.ToPixels(20.0) && !(DateTime.UtcNow - _downTime > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200.0)))
                    int[] location = new int[2];
                    float num1 = e.RawX + currentFocus1.Left - location[0];
                    float num2 = e.RawY + currentFocus1.Top - location[1];
                    if (!new Rectangle(currentFocus1.Left, currentFocus1.Top, currentFocus1.Width, currentFocus1.Height).Contains(num1, num2))
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void Joystick_Pan(Xamarin.Forms.Point point)
            var newStickX = (float)(_stickX + point.X);
            var newStickY = (float)(_stickY + point.Y);

            var stickAngle = MathHelper.Angle(new SKPoint(_originX, _originY), new SKPoint(newStickX, newStickY));

            var distance = MathHelper.Distance(new SKPoint(_originX, _originY), new SKPoint(newStickX, newStickY));

            if (distance > _areaRadius * .5f)
                _stickX  = (float)Math.Cos(stickAngle) * _areaRadius * .5f + _originX;
                _stickY  = (float)Math.Sin(stickAngle) * _areaRadius * .5f + _originY;
                distance = _areaRadius * .5f;
                _stickX = newStickX;
                _stickY = newStickY;

            _tiltX = (float)Math.Cos(stickAngle) * distance / (_areaRadius * .5f);
            _tiltY = (float)Math.Sin(stickAngle) * distance / (_areaRadius * .5f);
            Tilt   = new Point(_tiltX, _tiltY);

            TiltChanged?.Invoke(new SKPoint(_tiltX, _tiltY));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override bool DispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)
            if (e.Action == MotionEventActions.Down)
                downTime     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                downPosition = new Xamarin.Forms.Point((double)e.RawX, (double)e.RawY);
            if (e.Action != MotionEventActions.Up)
            Android.Views.View currentFocus1 = ((Activity)Context).CurrentFocus;
            bool flag = base.DispatchTouchEvent(e);

            if (currentFocus1 is EditText)
                Android.Views.View currentFocus2 = ((Activity)Context).CurrentFocus;
                if (currentFocus1 == currentFocus2 && this.downPosition.Distance(new Xamarin.Forms.Point((double)e.RawX, (double)e.RawY)) <= ContextExtensions.ToPixels(Context, 20.0) && !(DateTime.UtcNow - downTime > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200.0)))
                    int[] location = new int[2];
                    float num1 = e.RawX + currentFocus1.Left - location[0];
                    float num2 = e.RawY + currentFocus1.Top - location[1];
                    if (!new Rectangle((double)currentFocus1.Left, (double)currentFocus1.Top, (double)currentFocus1.Width, (double)currentFocus1.Height).Contains((double)num1, (double)num2))
                        ContextExtensions.HideKeyboard(Context, currentFocus1);
        void OnUp(GestureMotionEvent e)
            NumberOfTouches = e.PointerCount;
            var tookTooLong          = (DateTime.Now - _startTime).Milliseconds > MaxSwipeDuration;
            var wrongAmountOfTouches = NumberOfTouches < SwipeGestureRecognizer.NumberOfTouchesRequired;

            if (tookTooLong || wrongAmountOfTouches)
                State = GestureRecognizerState.Failed;
                PointerId = -1;
            var    endTouchPoint     = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(e.GetX(0), e.GetY(0));
            double velocityX         = endTouchPoint.X - FirstTouchPoint.X;
            double velocityY         = endTouchPoint.Y - FirstTouchPoint.Y;
            var    direction         = GetSwipeDirection(velocityX, velocityY);
            var    expectedDirection = (Recognizer as SwipeGestureRecognizer).Direction;

            if (direction == expectedDirection)
                State = GestureRecognizerState.Recognized;
                State = GestureRecognizerState.Failed;
                Console.WriteLine("failed gesture was expecting {0} got {1}", expectedDirection, direction);
            PointerId = -1;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public bool OnScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector)

            if (detector.PreviousSpan != detector.CurrentSpan)
                double oldScale = Element.ViewScale;
                // UWP delta とは逆値
                double sclae = detector.PreviousSpan / detector.CurrentSpan;
                if (sclae < 1)
                    Element.ViewScale = Element.ViewScale * (sclae * 1.1);
                else if (sclae > 1)
                    Element.ViewScale = Element.ViewScale * (sclae / 1.1);

                Xamarin.Forms.Point oldPoint = Element.ViewPoint.Offset(detector.FocusX / oldScale, detector.FocusY / oldScale);
                Xamarin.Forms.Point newPoint = Element.ViewPoint.Offset(detector.FocusX / Element.ViewScale, detector.FocusY / Element.ViewScale);
                Element.ViewPoint = Element.ViewPoint.Offset(oldPoint.X - newPoint.X, oldPoint.Y - newPoint.Y);

                DrawImage = Element.DrawImmageRequest(Element.ViewPoint, Matrix2.Enlargement(ViewSize, 1 / Element.ViewScale, 1 / Element.ViewScale));

Exemplo n.º 7
        private void OnStop(object sender, ManipulationCompletedRoutedEventArgs e)
            if (Element is CarouselLayout layout && _touchDown && layout.IsPanEnabled)
                double swipeVelocityTreshlod = 0.3;

                Xamarin.Forms.Point delta = GetPositionDelta(_start, e.Position);

                if (Math.Abs(e.Velocities.Linear.X) > swipeVelocityTreshlod)
                    layout.OnPanUpdated(layout, new PanUpdatedEventArgs(GestureStatus.Canceled, 1, -delta.X, -delta.Y));
                    layout.OnPanUpdated(layout, new PanUpdatedEventArgs(GestureStatus.Completed, 1, -delta.X, -delta.Y));

                if (e.Velocities.Linear.X > swipeVelocityTreshlod)
                    layout.OnSwiped(SwipeDirection.Right, Math.Abs(e.Velocities.Linear.X));
                else if (e.Velocities.Linear.X < -swipeVelocityTreshlod)
                    layout.OnSwiped(SwipeDirection.Left, Math.Abs(e.Velocities.Linear.X));

                e.Handled = true;

            _touchDown   = false;
            _firstLayout = null;
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override void OnDraw(Canvas canvas)
            int size = Element.pointList.Count;

            paint.StrokeWidth = 6;
            paint.AntiAlias   = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)//绘制元素点图
                Point item = Element.pointList.ElementAt(i);
                paint.Color = Android.Graphics.Color.Blue;
                paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Fill);   //设置为实心
                canvas.DrawCircle((int)item.X, (int)item.Y, Element.Circle_r, paint);
                paint.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); //设置为空心
                canvas.DrawCircle((int)item.X, (int)item.Y, Element.Circle_R, paint);
            size = Element.drawList.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)//绘制选中点图
                Point item = Element.drawList.ElementAt(i);
                paint.Color = Android.Graphics.Color.Red;
                canvas.DrawCircle((int)item.X, (int)item.Y, Element.Circle_r, paint);
                if (i < size - 1)
                    Point item2 = Element.drawList.ElementAt(i + 1);
                    paint.Color = Android.Graphics.Color.Red;
                    canvas.DrawLine((int)item.X, (int)item.Y, (int)item2.X, (int)item2.Y, paint);
                    canvas.DrawCircle((int)item.X, (int)item.Y, Element.Circle_R, paint);
		void OnDown (GestureMotionEvent e)
			//TODO - should really be possible until all taps/fingers are satisfied.
			State = GestureRecognizerState.Began;
//			State = (e.PointerCount == SwipeGestureRecognizer.NumberOfTouchesRequired) ? GestureRecognizerState.Began : GestureRecognizerState.Failed;

			FirstTouchPoint = new Xamarin.Forms.Point (e.GetX (0), e.GetY (0));
			_startTime = DateTime.Now;
        void OnDown(GestureMotionEvent e)
            //TODO - should really be possible until all taps/fingers are satisfied.
            State = GestureRecognizerState.Began;
//			State = (e.PointerCount == SwipeGestureRecognizer.NumberOfTouchesRequired) ? GestureRecognizerState.Began : GestureRecognizerState.Failed;

            FirstTouchPoint = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(e.GetX(0), e.GetY(0));
            _startTime      = DateTime.Now;
Exemplo n.º 11
        IFeature[] GetFeaturesAroundPoint(Point point, double radius, string[] layers)
            var   output       = new List <IFeature>();
            RectF rect         = point.ToRect(Context.ToPixels(radius));
            var   listFeatures = map.QueryRenderedFeatures(rect, layers);

            return(listFeatures.Select(x => x.ToFeature())
                   .Where(x => x != null)
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static Point GetNativeScreenPosition(this BindableObject bindableObject)
     var view = bindableObject.GetNativeView ();
     var point = Point.Zero;
     if (view != null) {
         int[] location = new int[2];
         view.GetLocationOnScreen (location);
         point = new Xamarin.Forms.Point (location [0], location [1]);
     return point;
        private void OverlayViewRenderer_Tap(object sender, GestureEventArgs e)
            var tappableView = Element as TappableView;

            if (tappableView != null)
                var nativePoint = e.GetPosition(this);
                var xfPoint = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(nativePoint.X, nativePoint.Y);
Exemplo n.º 14
        private void _tapGetsureListener_SingleTap(object sender, MotionEvent e)
            if (Element == null)

            float scale = Resources.System.DisplayMetrics.Density;

            Xamarin.Forms.Point pt = new Xamarin.Forms.Point((e.GetX() / scale), (e.GetY() / scale));
            (Element as MyCarouselViewControl).LastTapPosition = pt;
		void OnDown (GestureMotionEvent e)
			//TODO - should really be possible until all taps/fingers are satisfied.
			State = (e.PointerCount == TapGestureRecognizer.NumberOfTouchesRequired) ? GestureRecognizerState.Began : GestureRecognizerState.Failed;
			_currentTapCount = 0;
			//TODO track all pointers that are down.
			PointerId = e.GetPointerId (0);
			FirstTouchPoint = new Xamarin.Forms.Point (e.GetX (0), e.GetY (0));
			if (TapGestureRecognizer.NumberOfTapsRequired > 1 && State == GestureRecognizerState.Began) {
				ResetMultiTapTimer (true);
 void OnDown(GestureMotionEvent e)
     //TODO - should really be possible until all taps/fingers are satisfied.
     State            = (e.PointerCount == TapGestureRecognizer.NumberOfTouchesRequired) ? GestureRecognizerState.Began : GestureRecognizerState.Failed;
     _currentTapCount = 0;
     //TODO track all pointers that are down.
     PointerId       = e.GetPointerId(0);
     FirstTouchPoint = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(e.GetX(0), e.GetY(0));
     if (TapGestureRecognizer.NumberOfTapsRequired > 1 && State == GestureRecognizerState.Began)
		void OnDown (GestureMotionEvent e)
			//TODO - should really be possible until all taps/fingers are satisfied.
			if (e.PointerCount == LongPressGestureRecognizer.NumberOfTouchesRequired) {
				State = GestureRecognizerState.Began;
				PointerId = e.GetPointerId (0);
				FirstTouchPoint = new Xamarin.Forms.Point (e.GetX (0), e.GetY (0));
				ResetLongPressTimer (true);
			} else {
				State = GestureRecognizerState.Failed;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static Point GetNativeScreenPosition(this VisualElement element)
            var view  = element.GetNativeView();
            var point = Point.Zero;

            if (view != null)
                int[] location = new int[2];
                point = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(location[0], location[1]);
Exemplo n.º 19
        void GetScrollPosition(object obj)
            var func = obj as Func <Point, object>;

            if (func == null)
            var point = new Point(_recyclerView.GetHorizontalScrollOffset() / _density,
                                  _recyclerView.GetVerticalScrollOffset() / _density);

Exemplo n.º 20
        public static Point GetNativeScreenPosition(this VisualElement element)
            var view  = element.GetNativeView();
            var point = Point.Zero;

            if (view != null)
                int[] location = new int[2];
                var   p        = view.TransformToVisual((UIElement)view.Parent).TransformPoint(new Windows.Foundation.Point(0.0, 0.0));
                point = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(location[0], location[1]);
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void OnMove(object sender, ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs e)
            if (Element is CarouselLayout layout && _touchDown && layout.IsPanEnabled)
                if (_firstLayout != null && layout != _firstLayout)

                Xamarin.Forms.Point delta = GetPositionDelta(_start, e.Position);
                layout.OnPanUpdated(layout, new PanUpdatedEventArgs(GestureStatus.Running, 1, -delta.X, -delta.Y));
                e.Handled = true;
Exemplo n.º 22
        public virtual void OnClick(global::Android.Views.View view)
            var  touchPosition    = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(downX / density, downY / density);
            long currentTouchTime = Java.Lang.JavaSystem.CurrentTimeMillis();

            if (previousClickTime == 0 || (currentTouchTime - previousClickTime > 250))
                previousClickTime = currentTouchTime;
                if (previousClickTime != 0 && TransparentPageElement != null)
Exemplo n.º 23
        private void btn_Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string    strHex  = lblSelected.Text;
            ColorCode colorcd = new ColorCode();

            foreach (ImageColorInfo info in qList)
                if (info.HEXValue.Equals(strHex))
            _point    = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(0.0, 0.0);
            lastXMove = lastXMoveBak;
            lastYMove = lastYMoveBak;
            if (qList.Count > 0)
                string hex = qList[qList.Count - 1].HEXValue;
                btnColor.BackgroundColor = Xamarin.Forms.Color.FromHex(hex);
                lblSelected.Text         = hex;
                lblHex.Text = hex;
                Rgb rgb = colorcd.getRgb(hex);
                lblRgb.Text     = colorcd.getRgbString(rgb);
                lblHsl.Text     = colorcd.getHslString(rgb);
                lblHsv.Text     = colorcd.getHsvString(rgb);
                lblCmyk.Text    = colorcd.getCmykString(rgb);
                lblLab.Text     = colorcd.getLabString(rgb);
                lblMunsell.Text = colorcd.getMunsellString(rgb);
                lblPccs.Text    = colorcd.getPCCSTone(rgb);
                lblJis.Text     = JisUtil.getJisByMunsell(lblMunsell.Text);
                btnColor.BackgroundColor = Xamarin.Forms.Color.White;
                lblSelected.Text         = string.Empty;
                lblHex.Text     = string.Empty;
                lblRgb.Text     = string.Empty;
                lblHsl.Text     = string.Empty;
                lblHsv.Text     = string.Empty;
                lblCmyk.Text    = string.Empty;
                lblLab.Text     = string.Empty;
                lblMunsell.Text = string.Empty;
                lblPccs.Text    = string.Empty;
                lblJis.Text     = string.Empty;

            // カンバス更新
Exemplo n.º 24
        public static Xamarin.Forms.Point[] GetTouches(UIGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer, CGPoint locationAtStart)
            nint numberOfTouches = gestureRecognizer.NumberOfTouches;
            var  array           = new Xamarin.Forms.Point[numberOfTouches];

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTouches; i++)
                //var viewPoint = gestureRecognizer.LocationOfTouch(i, gestureRecognizer.View);
                //var windowPoint = gestureRecognizer.View.ConvertPointToView (viewPoint, null);
                var windowPoint = gestureRecognizer.LocationOfTouch(i, null);

                array[i] = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(windowPoint.X - locationAtStart.X, windowPoint.Y - locationAtStart.Y);
Exemplo n.º 25
 void OnDown(GestureMotionEvent e)
     //TODO - should really be possible until all taps/fingers are satisfied.
     if (e.PointerCount == LongPressGestureRecognizer.NumberOfTouchesRequired)
         State           = GestureRecognizerState.Began;
         PointerId       = e.GetPointerId(0);
         FirstTouchPoint = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(e.GetX(0), e.GetY(0));
         State = GestureRecognizerState.Failed;
Exemplo n.º 26
        protected void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.PropertyName == ExtendedScrollView.PositionProperty.PropertyName)
                ExtendedScrollView sv = (ExtendedScrollView)Element;
                Point pt = sv.Position;

                if (System.Math.Abs(this.Bounds.Location.Y - pt.Y) < EPSILON &&
                    System.Math.Abs(this.Bounds.Location.X - pt.X) < EPSILON)

                    new RectangleF((float)pt.X, (float)pt.Y, Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height), sv.AnimateScroll);
Exemplo n.º 27
        async void OnScrollToRequested(object sender, ScrollToRequestedEventArgs e)

            // Adding items into the view while scrolling to the end can cause it to fail, as
            // the items have not actually been laid out and return incorrect scroll position
            // values. The ScrollViewRenderer for Android does something similar by waiting up
            // to 10ms for layout to occur.
            int cycle = 0;

            while (Element != null && !Element.IsInNativeLayout)
                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1));


                if (cycle >= 10)

            if (Element == null)

            double x = e.ScrollX, y = e.ScrollY;

            ScrollToMode mode = e.Mode;

            if (mode == ScrollToMode.Element)
                Point pos = Element.GetScrollPositionForElement((VisualElement)e.Element, e.Position);
                x    = pos.X;
                y    = pos.Y;
                mode = ScrollToMode.Position;

            if (mode == ScrollToMode.Position)
                Control.ChangeView(x, y, null, !e.ShouldAnimate);
 private IEnumerable <View> ViewsContainingImpl(Point pt, List <View> views, ViewGroup root)
     for (var i = 0; i < root.ChildCount; i++)
         var child  = root.GetChildAt(i);
         var bounds = new Rect();
         var ver = child as IVisualElementRenderer;
         if (ver == null || !(ver.Element is View) || !bounds.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(pt.X), Convert.ToInt32(pt.Y)))
         views.Add(ver.Element as View);
         //check to see if this containing child has any other containing children
         ViewsContainingImpl(pt, views, ver.ViewGroup);
Exemplo n.º 29
         * We have an issue with Android that makes it pretty much impossible to compose gestures.
         * Below is my stab at picking up gestures from the activity - the idea is that the main activity would pass all touches to this method
         * the system will work, and will work very richly (with delay touch, cancel touches, delegate callback for should
         * recognize in parallel, etc)
         * However, my time is limited, so this is crude for now.
        public void ProcessGestureMotionEvent(GestureMotionEvent gestureEvent)
            var ev = gestureEvent.MotionEvent;
            var nativeViewScreenLocation = Recognizer.View.GetNativeScreenPosition();

            var offset        = Xamarin.Forms.Point.Zero;
            var touchPoint    = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(ev.GetX(), ev.GetY());
            var mainPointerId = ev.GetPointerId(0);
            //1. is it inside the view?
//			Console.WriteLine ("touch point {0} vlocs {1} vlocw {2}", touchPoint.PrettyPrint (), nativeViewScreenLocation.PrettyPrint (), nativeViewWindowLocation.PrettyPrint ());
//			Console.WriteLine ("touch point {0} view bounds {1} size {2},{3}", touchPoint, nativeViewScreenLocation, NativeView.Width, NativeView.Height);
            var isInsideOfView = touchPoint.X >= nativeViewScreenLocation.X && touchPoint.Y >= nativeViewScreenLocation.Y &&
                                 touchPoint.X <= (NativeView.Width + nativeViewScreenLocation.X) && touchPoint.Y <= (NativeView.Height + nativeViewScreenLocation.Y);

            //2. report touches inside, or outside but tracked? (so cancels can occur)
            //TODO track more touches
            if (isInsideOfView || PointerId == mainPointerId)
                //if letting the view know, translate the coords into local view coords (apply the offsets to the touch)
                offset.X = -nativeViewScreenLocation.X;
                offset.Y = -nativeViewScreenLocation.Y;
                ev.OffsetLocation((float)offset.X, (float)offset.Y);
                var offsetLocation = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(ev.GetX(), ev.GetY());
                if (isInsideOfView)
//					Console.WriteLine ("INSIDE " + ev.Action + " offset " + offset.PrettyPrint () + " results in " + offsetLocation.PrettyPrint ());
//					Console.WriteLine ("touch outside view, but was tracked " + offset);

                //TODO - ask the view if it's happy to process this touch at the same time as another gesture - I see no way to make it work for views.. (without
                //an entire Touch dispatching mechanism:/)
                //that will be done by 2 parses - one to discover all *gestures* that want the touch, then another parse to go back through and either cancel
                //or pass the touches long
                //that's not implemented yet though (time)

                //remove the offset
                ev.OffsetLocation((float)-offset.X, (float)-offset.Y);
//			Console.WriteLine ("location " + ev.GetX () + ", " + ev.GetY () + " offset " + offset);
Exemplo n.º 30
        private void OnStart(object sender, ManipulationStartedRoutedEventArgs e)
            if (Element is CarouselLayout layout && layout.IsPanEnabled)
                if (_firstLayout != null && layout != _firstLayout)

                _firstLayout = layout;

                _start = new Windows.Foundation.Point(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y);

                Xamarin.Forms.Point delta = GetPositionDelta(_start, _start);
                layout.OnPanUpdated(layout, new PanUpdatedEventArgs(GestureStatus.Started, 1, -delta.X, -delta.Y));
                _touchDown = true;
                e.Handled  = true;
		void OnUp (GestureMotionEvent e)
			NumberOfTouches = e.PointerCount;
			var tookTooLong = (DateTime.Now - _startTime).Milliseconds > MaxSwipeDuration;
			var wrongAmountOfTouches = NumberOfTouches < SwipeGestureRecognizer.NumberOfTouchesRequired;
			if (tookTooLong || wrongAmountOfTouches) {
				State = GestureRecognizerState.Failed;
			var endTouchPoint = new Xamarin.Forms.Point (e.GetX (0), e.GetY (0));
			double velocityX = endTouchPoint.X - FirstTouchPoint.X;
			double velocityY = endTouchPoint.Y - FirstTouchPoint.Y;
			var direction = GetSwipeDirection (velocityX, velocityY);
			var expectedDirection = (Recognizer as SwipeGestureRecognizer).Direction;
			if (direction == expectedDirection) {
				State = GestureRecognizerState.Recognized;
			} else {
				State = GestureRecognizerState.Failed;
				Console.WriteLine ("failed gesture was expecting {0} got {1}", expectedDirection, direction);
Exemplo n.º 32
        public static Xamarin.Forms.Point[] GetTouches(this UIGestureRecognizer gestureRecognizer, UIView view)
            nint numberOfTouches = gestureRecognizer.NumberOfTouches;
            var  array           = new Xamarin.Forms.Point[numberOfTouches];

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTouches; i++)
                 * if (view == null)
                 * {
                 *                      var page = Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current.MainPage;
                 *                      if (page is Xamarin.Forms.NavigationPage navPage)
                 *                              page = navPage.CurrentPage;
                 *                      if (Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.Platform.GetRenderer(page) is Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.IVisualElementRenderer renderer)
                 *                              view = renderer.NativeView;
                 * }
                var point = gestureRecognizer.LocationOfTouch(i, view);
                array[i] = point.ToPoint();
Exemplo n.º 33
        protected Xamarin.Forms.Point GetLocationInAncestorView(Xamarin.Forms.Point location, Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement view)
            int[] nativeViewLocation = new int[2];
            var nativeViewLocationOnScreen = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(nativeViewLocation [0], nativeViewLocation [1]);

            var offsetLocation = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(location.X + nativeViewLocationOnScreen.X, location.Y + nativeViewLocationOnScreen.Y);

            var targetViewRenderer = view.GetRenderer();
            var targetView         = targetViewRenderer.ViewGroup;

            int[] targetViewLocation = new int[2];
            var nativeViewScreenLocation = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(targetViewLocation [0], targetViewLocation [1]);

            var returnPoint = offsetLocation;

            returnPoint.X -= nativeViewScreenLocation.X;
            returnPoint.Y -= nativeViewScreenLocation.Y;

//			Console.WriteLine ("offsetLocation {0} nativeViewLocationOnScreen {1} returnPoint", offsetLocation, nativeViewLocationOnScreen);
//			Console.WriteLine ("location {0} parentViewLoc {1} returnPoint {2}", location, nativeViewScreenLocation, returnPoint);
 public override bool DispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)
     if (e.Action == MotionEventActions.Down)
         downTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
         downPosition = new Xamarin.Forms.Point((double)e.RawX, (double)e.RawY);
     if (e.Action != MotionEventActions.Up)
         return base.DispatchTouchEvent(e);
     Android.Views.View currentFocus1 = ((Activity) Context).CurrentFocus;
     bool flag = base.DispatchTouchEvent(e);
     if (currentFocus1 is EditText)
         Android.Views.View currentFocus2 = ((Activity) Context).CurrentFocus;
         if (currentFocus1 == currentFocus2 && this.downPosition.Distance(new Xamarin.Forms.Point((double)e.RawX, (double)e.RawY)) <= ContextExtensions.ToPixels(Context, 20.0) && !(DateTime.UtcNow - downTime > TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200.0)))
             int[] location = new int[2];
             float num1 = e.RawX + currentFocus1.Left - location[0];
             float num2 = e.RawY + currentFocus1.Top - location[1];
             if (!new Rectangle((double)currentFocus1.Left, (double)currentFocus1.Top, (double)currentFocus1.Width, (double)currentFocus1.Height).Contains((double)num1, (double)num2))
                 ContextExtensions.HideKeyboard(Context, currentFocus1);
     return flag;
        void DraggableViewRenderer_ManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaEventArgs e)
            // Move drag visual
            var x = Canvas.GetLeft(_dragVisual);
            var y = Canvas.GetTop(_dragVisual);

            _dragVisual.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, x + e.DeltaManipulation.Translation.X);
            _dragVisual.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, y + e.DeltaManipulation.Translation.Y);

            var draggableView = Element as DraggableView;

            if (draggableView != null)
                var delta = e.CumulativeManipulation.Translation;
                var pt = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(draggableView.Bounds.Center.X + delta.X,
                    draggableView.Bounds.Center.Y + delta.Y);


            e.Handled = true;
Exemplo n.º 36
 public PointerEventArgs(PointerEventType Type, Point Previous, Point Current, bool Down) : base()
     this.Type = Type; this.Previous = Previous; this.Current = Current; PointerDown = Down;
        void DraggableViewRenderer_ManipulationCompleted(object sender, ManipulationCompletedEventArgs e)
            var delta = e.TotalManipulation.Translation;
            var draggableView = Element as DraggableView;

            // Complete the drag
            if (draggableView != null)
                var pt = new Xamarin.Forms.Point(draggableView.Bounds.Center.X + delta.X,
                    draggableView.Bounds.Center.Y + delta.Y);



            e.Handled = true;
Exemplo n.º 38
 SKPoint ConvertToPixel(Xamarin.Forms.Point pt)
     return(new SKPoint((float)(CanvasSize.Width * pt.X / Width),
                        (float)(CanvasSize.Height * pt.Y / Height)));
Exemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        private void OnTouchEffectAction(object sender, TouchActionEventArgs args)
                var point = args.Location[0];
                var id    = args.Id;
                switch (args.Type)
                case TouchActionType.Pressed:
                    // 2指タッチ
                    if (args.PointerCount == 2)
                        touchId       = args.Id;
                        pressPoint1   = args.Location[0];
                        pressPoint2   = args.Location[1];
                        pressTime     = DateTime.Now;
                        lastFingerDis = distanceBetweenFingers(args);
                        _colorChanged = false;
                        _colorChanged = true;

                case TouchActionType.Moved:
                    if (args.PointerCount == 2)
                        TimeSpan ts1 = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                        TimeSpan ts2 = new TimeSpan(pressTime.Ticks);
                        TimeSpan ts3 = ts1.Subtract(ts2);

                        double xMove1 = pressPoint1.X - args.Location[0].X;
                        double yMove1 = pressPoint1.Y - args.Location[0].Y;
                        double xMove2 = pressPoint2.X - args.Location[1].X;
                        double yMove2 = pressPoint2.Y - args.Location[1].Y;

                        if (!distanceBetweenFingers(xMove1, yMove1, xMove2, yMove2))
                            _colorChanged = false;
                            lastXMove     = xMove1 + lastXMoveBak;
                            lastYMove     = yMove1 + lastYMoveBak;
                            iTime += (long)float.Parse(ts3.TotalMilliseconds.ToString());

                            if (iTime > 2000)
                                double fingerDis = distanceBetweenFingers(args);
                                if (fingerDis > lastFingerDis)
                                    _colorChanged = false;

                                    if (scaledRatio == double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio1"]))
                                        scaledRatio = double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio2"]);
                                    else if (scaledRatio == double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio2"]))
                                        scaledRatio = double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio3"]);
                                    else if (scaledRatio == double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio3"]))
                                        scaledRatio = double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio4"]);
                                    else if (scaledRatio == double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio4"]))
                                        scaledRatio = double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio5"]);
                                    if (scaledRatio == double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio5"]))
                                        scaledRatio = double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio4"]);
                                    else if (scaledRatio == double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio4"]))
                                        scaledRatio = double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio3"]);
                                    else if (scaledRatio == double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio3"]))
                                        scaledRatio = double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio2"]);
                                    else if (scaledRatio == double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio2"]))
                                        scaledRatio = double.Parse(dicConfig["scaledRatio1"]);

                                    _colorChanged = false;
                                iTime = 0;

                case TouchActionType.Released:

                    if (args.PointerCount == 1)
                        if (_colorChanged)
                            if (point != _point)
                                _colorChanged = true;
                                _point        = point;

                                _colorChanged = false;
                        lastXMoveBak = lastXMove;
                        lastYMoveBak = lastYMove;

                case TouchActionType.Cancelled:
                    lastXMoveBak = lastXMove;
                    lastYMoveBak = lastYMove;
            catch (Exception ex)
		protected Xamarin.Forms.Point GetLocationInAncestorView (Xamarin.Forms.Point location, Xamarin.Forms.VisualElement view)
			int[] nativeViewLocation = new int[2];
			NativeView.GetLocationOnScreen (nativeViewLocation);
			var nativeViewLocationOnScreen = new Xamarin.Forms.Point (nativeViewLocation [0], nativeViewLocation [1]);

			var offsetLocation = new Xamarin.Forms.Point (location.X + nativeViewLocationOnScreen.X, location.Y + nativeViewLocationOnScreen.Y);

			var targetViewRenderer = view.GetRenderer ();
			var targetView = targetViewRenderer.ViewGroup;
			int[] targetViewLocation = new int[2];
			targetView.GetLocationOnScreen (targetViewLocation);
			var nativeViewScreenLocation = new Xamarin.Forms.Point (targetViewLocation [0], targetViewLocation [1]);

			var returnPoint = offsetLocation;
			returnPoint.X -= nativeViewScreenLocation.X;
			returnPoint.Y -= nativeViewScreenLocation.Y;

//			Console.WriteLine ("offsetLocation {0} nativeViewLocationOnScreen {1} returnPoint", offsetLocation, nativeViewLocationOnScreen);
//			Console.WriteLine ("location {0} parentViewLoc {1} returnPoint {2}", location, nativeViewScreenLocation, returnPoint);
			return returnPoint;
		 * We have an issue with Android that makes it pretty much impossible to compose gestures. 
		 * Below is my stab at picking up gestures from the activity - the idea is that the main activity would pass all touches to this method
		 * the system will work, and will work very richly (with delay touch, cancel touches, delegate callback for should 
		 * recognize in parallel, etc)
		 * However, my time is limited, so this is crude for now.
		public void ProcessGestureMotionEvent (GestureMotionEvent gestureEvent)
			var ev = gestureEvent.MotionEvent;
			var nativeViewScreenLocation = Recognizer.View.GetNativeScreenPosition ();

			var offset = Xamarin.Forms.Point.Zero;
			var touchPoint = new Xamarin.Forms.Point (ev.GetX (), ev.GetY ());
			var mainPointerId = ev.GetPointerId (0);
			//1. is it inside the view? 
//			Console.WriteLine ("touch point {0} vlocs {1} vlocw {2}", touchPoint.PrettyPrint (), nativeViewScreenLocation.PrettyPrint (), nativeViewWindowLocation.PrettyPrint ());
//			Console.WriteLine ("touch point {0} view bounds {1} size {2},{3}", touchPoint, nativeViewScreenLocation, NativeView.Width, NativeView.Height);
			var isInsideOfView = touchPoint.X >= nativeViewScreenLocation.X && touchPoint.Y >= nativeViewScreenLocation.Y &&
			                     touchPoint.X <= (NativeView.Width + nativeViewScreenLocation.X) && touchPoint.Y <= (NativeView.Height + nativeViewScreenLocation.Y);

			//2. report touches inside, or outside but tracked? (so cancels can occur)
			//TODO track more touches
			if (isInsideOfView || PointerId == mainPointerId) {
				//if letting the view know, translate the coords into local view coords (apply the offsets to the touch)
				offset.X = -nativeViewScreenLocation.X;
				offset.Y = -nativeViewScreenLocation.Y;
				ev.OffsetLocation ((float)offset.X, (float)offset.Y);
				var offsetLocation = new Xamarin.Forms.Point (ev.GetX (), ev.GetY ());
				if (isInsideOfView) {
//					Console.WriteLine ("INSIDE " + ev.Action + " offset " + offset.PrettyPrint () + " results in " + offsetLocation.PrettyPrint ());
				} else {
//					Console.WriteLine ("touch outside view, but was tracked " + offset);

				//TODO - ask the view if it's happy to process this touch at the same time as another gesture - I see no way to make it work for views.. (without 
				//an entire Touch dispatching mechanism:/)
				//that will be done by 2 parses - one to discover all *gestures* that want the touch, then another parse to go back through and either cancel
				//or pass the touches long
				//that's not implemented yet though (time)
				ProcessMotionEvent (gestureEvent);

				//remove the offset
				ev.OffsetLocation ((float)-offset.X, (float)-offset.Y);
//			Console.WriteLine ("location " + ev.GetX () + ", " + ev.GetY () + " offset " + offset);