Exemplo n.º 1
        public T[] Query <T>(Func <AppQuery, AppTypedSelector <T> > query)
            var appTypedSelector = query(new AppQuery(QueryPlatform.iOS));

            // Swiss-Army Chainsaw time
            // We'll use reflection to dig into the query and get the element selector
            // and the property value invocation in text form
            var bindingFlags   = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic;
            var selectorType   = appTypedSelector.GetType();
            var tokensProperty = selectorType.GetProperties(bindingFlags)
                                 .First(t => t.PropertyType == typeof(Xamarin.UITest.Queries.Tokens.IQueryToken[]));

            var tokens = (Xamarin.UITest.Queries.Tokens.IQueryToken[])tokensProperty.GetValue(appTypedSelector);

            // Output some debugging info
            //foreach (var t in tokens)
            //	Debug.WriteLine($">>>>> WinDriverApp Query 208: {t.ToQueryString(QueryPlatform.iOS)}");
            //	Debug.WriteLine($">>>>> WinDriverApp Query 208: {t.ToCodeString()}");

            var selector = tokens[0].ToQueryString(QueryPlatform.iOS);
            var invoke   = tokens[1].ToCodeString();

            // Now that we have them in text form, we can reinterpret them for Windows
            var winQuery = WinQuery.FromRaw(selector);
            // TODO hartez 2017/07/19 17:08:44 Make this a bit more resilient if the translation isn't there
            var attribute = _translatePropertyAccessor[invoke.Substring(8).Replace("\")", "")];

            var elements = QueryWindows(winQuery);

            // TODO hartez 2017/07/19 17:09:14 Alas, for now this simply doesn't work. Waiting for WinAppDrive to implement it
            return(elements.Select(e => (T)Convert.ChangeType(e.GetAttribute(attribute), typeof(T))).ToArray());
        public T[] Query <T>(Func <AppQuery, AppTypedSelector <T> > query)
            AppTypedSelector <T> appTypedSelector = query(new AppQuery(QueryPlatform.iOS));

            // Swiss-Army Chainsaw time
            // We'll use reflection to dig into the query and get the element selector
            // and the property value invocation in text form
            BindingFlags bindingFlags   = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic;
            Type         selectorType   = appTypedSelector.GetType();
            PropertyInfo tokensProperty = selectorType.GetProperties(bindingFlags)
                                          .First(t => t.PropertyType == typeof(IQueryToken[]));

            var tokens = (IQueryToken[])tokensProperty.GetValue(appTypedSelector);

            string selector = tokens[0].ToQueryString(QueryPlatform.iOS);
            string invoke   = tokens[1].ToCodeString();

            // Now that we have them in text form, we can reinterpret them for Windows
            WinQuery winQuery = WinQuery.FromRaw(selector);
            // TODO hartez 2017/07/19 17:08:44 Make this a bit more resilient if the translation isn't there
            string attribute = _translatePropertyAccessor[invoke.Substring(8).Replace("\")", "")];

            ReadOnlyCollection <WindowsElement> elements = QueryWindows(winQuery);

            foreach (WindowsElement e in elements)
                string x = e.GetAttribute(attribute);
                Debug.WriteLine($">>>>> WinDriverApp Query 261: {x}");

            // TODO hartez 2017/07/19 17:09:14 Alas, for now this simply doesn't work. Waiting for WinAppDriver to implement it
            return(elements.Select(e => (T)Convert.ChangeType(e.GetAttribute(attribute), typeof(T))).ToArray());