Exemplo n.º 1
		Exception CreateException (int code, ObjCMember member, string message, params object[] args)
			var method = member as ObjCMethod;
			if (method != null)
				return CreateException (code, method.Method, message, args);
			var property = member as ObjCProperty;
			if (property != null)
				return CreateException (code, property.Property, message, args);
			return CreateException (code, message, args);
Exemplo n.º 2
			bool AddToMap (ObjCMember member, ref List<Exception> exceptions)
				ObjCMember existing;
				bool rv = true;
				if (Map.TryGetValue (member.Selector, out existing)) {
					if (existing.IsImplicit) {
						AddException (ref exceptions, CreateException (4141, member, "Cannot register the selector '{0}' on the member '{1}.{2}' because Xamarin.iOS implicitly registers this selector.", member.Selector, Registrar.GetTypeFullName (Type), Registrar.GetMemberName (member)));
					} else {
						AddException (ref exceptions, CreateException (4119, member, "Could not register the selector '{0}' of the member '{1}.{2}' because the selector is already registered on the member '{3}'.", member.Selector, Registrar.GetTypeFullName (Type), Registrar.GetMemberName (member), Registrar.GetMemberName (existing)));
					rv = false;
				Map [member.Selector] = member;
				return rv;
Exemplo n.º 3
		protected string GetMemberName (ObjCMember member)
			var method = member as ObjCMethod;
			if (method != null) {
				if (method.Method != null)
					return GetMethodName (method.Method);
				return method.MethodName ?? "<implicit>";
			var property = member as ObjCProperty;
			if (property != null)
				return GetPropertyName (property.Property);
			return ((ObjCField)member).Name;
Exemplo n.º 4
		string ValueTypeSignature (TType type, ObjCMember member, ref bool success)
			var signature = new StringBuilder ();
			signature.Append ("{");
			signature.AppendFormat ("{0}=", GetTypeName (type));
			foreach (TField field in GetFields (type)) {
				if (IsStatic (field))

				signature.Append (ToSignature (GetFieldType (field), member, ref success));

			signature.Append ("}");
			return signature.ToString ();
Exemplo n.º 5
		string ValueTypeSignature (TType type, ObjCMember member)
			bool success = true;
			return ValueTypeSignature (type, member, ref success);
Exemplo n.º 6
		protected string ToSignature (TType type, ObjCMember member, ref bool success, bool forProperty = false)
			bool isNativeEnum;

			switch (GetTypeFullName (type)) {
			case "System.IntPtr": return "^v";
			case "System.SByte": return "c";
			case "System.Byte": return "C";
			case "System.Char": return "c";
			case "System.Int16": return "s";
			case "System.UInt16": return "S";
			case "System.Int32": return "i";
			case "System.UInt32": return "I";
			case "System.Int64": return "q";
			case "System.UInt64": return "Q";
			case "System.Single": return "f";
			case "System.Double": return "d";
			case "System.Boolean":
				// map managed 'bool' to ObjC BOOL = 'unsigned char' in OSX and 32bit iOS architectures and 'bool' in 64bit iOS architectures
				#if MONOMAC
				return "c";
				return Is64Bits ? "B" : "c";
			case "System.Void": return "v";
			case "System.String":
				return forProperty ? "@\"NSString\"" : "@";
			case "System.nint":
				return Is64Bits ? "q" : "i";
			case "System.nuint":
				return Is64Bits ? "Q" : "I";
			case "System.nfloat":
				return Is64Bits ? "d" : "f";
			case "System.DateTime":
				throw CreateException (4102, member, "The registrar found an invalid type `{0}` in signature for method `{2}`. Use `{1}` instead.", "System.DateTime", IsDualBuild ? "Foundation.NSDate" : CompatNamespace + ".Foundation.NSDate", member.FullName);

			if (Is (type, ObjCRuntime, "Selector"))
				return ":";

			if (Is (type, ObjCRuntime, "Class"))
				return "#";

			if (IsINativeObject (type)) {
				if (IsNSObject (type) && forProperty) {
					return "@\"" + GetExportedTypeName (type) + "\"";
				} else {
					return "@";

			if (IsDelegate (type))
				return "^v";

			if (IsEnum (type, out isNativeEnum)) {
				if (isNativeEnum && !Is64Bits) {
					switch (GetEnumUnderlyingType (type).FullName) {
					case "System.Int64":
						return "i";
					case "System.UInt64":
						return "I";
						throw CreateException (4145, "Invalid enum '{0}': enums with the [Native] attribute must have a underlying enum type of either 'long' or 'ulong'.", GetTypeFullName (type));
				} else {
					return ToSignature (GetEnumUnderlyingType (type), member, ref success);

			if (IsValueType (type))
				return ValueTypeSignature (type, member, ref success);

			if (IsArray (type)) {
				ToSignature (GetElementType (type), member, ref success); // this validates that the element type is a type we support.
				return "@"; // But we don't care about the actual type, we'll just return '@'. We only support NSArrays of the element type, so '@' is always right.

			success = false;
			return string.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 7
		protected string ToSignature (TType type, ObjCMember member, bool forProperty = false)
			bool success = true;
			var rv = ToSignature (type, member, ref success, forProperty);
			if (success)
				return rv;

			var objcMethod = member as ObjCMethod;
			if (objcMethod != null)
				throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4111, "The registrar cannot build a signature for type `{0}' in method `{1}`.", GetTypeFullName (type), GetTypeFullName (objcMethod.DeclaringType.Type) + "." + objcMethod.MethodName);

			throw ErrorHelper.CreateError (4101, "The registrar cannot build a signature for type `{0}`.", GetTypeFullName (type));
Exemplo n.º 8
		public string ComputeSignature (TType DeclaringType, TMethod Method, ObjCMember member = null, bool isCategoryInstance = false)
			var success = true;
			var signature = new StringBuilder ();
			bool is_ctor;
			var method = member as ObjCMethod;

			if (Method != null) {
				is_ctor = IsConstructor (Method);
			} else {
				is_ctor = method.IsConstructor;

			if (is_ctor) {
				signature.Append ('@');
			} else {
				var ReturnType = Method != null ? GetReturnType (Method) : method.ReturnType;
				signature.Append (ToSignature (ReturnType, member, ref success));
				if (!success)
					throw CreateException (4104, Method, "The registrar cannot marshal the return value of type `{0}` in the method `{1}.{2}`.", GetTypeFullName (ReturnType), GetTypeFullName (DeclaringType), GetDescriptiveMethodName (Method));

			signature.Append ("@:");

			TType[] parameters;
			if (Method != null) {
				parameters = GetParameters (Method);
			} else {
				parameters = method.Parameters;

			if (parameters != null) {
				for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) {
					if (i == 0 && isCategoryInstance)
					var type = parameters [i];
					if (IsByRef (type)) {
						signature.Append ("^");
						signature.Append (ToSignature (GetElementType (type), member, ref success));
					} else {
						signature.Append (ToSignature (type, member, ref success));
					if (!success)
						throw CreateException (4136, Method, "The registrar cannot marshal the parameter type '{0}' of the parameter '{1}' in the method '{2}.{3}'", 
							GetTypeFullName (type), GetParameterName (Method, i), GetTypeFullName (DeclaringType), GetDescriptiveMethodName (Method));
			return signature.ToString ();