Exemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new runtime policy evaluation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="policy">The policy document.</param>
		public Policy( pol.PolicyElement policy )
            if (policy == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("policy");
			_policy = policy;
			// Chechs the target for this policy.
			if( policy.Target != null )
				_target = new Target( (pol.TargetElement)policy.Target );

				// Load all the resources for this policy.
				foreach( pol.ResourceElement resource in policy.Target.Resources.ItemsList )
					foreach( pol.ResourceMatchElement rmatch in resource.Match )
						if( !_allResources.Contains( rmatch.AttributeValue.Contents ) )
							_allResources.Add( rmatch.AttributeValue.Contents );

			// Load all the Rules and creates a new runtime rule.
			foreach( pol.RuleElement rule in policy.Rules )
				Rule ruleEv = new Rule( rule );
				_rules.Add( ruleEv );

				foreach( string rName in ruleEv.AllResources )
					if( !_allResources.Contains( rName ) )
						_allResources.Add( rName );
Exemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new instance of the Rule using the rule defined in the policy document.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rule">The rule defined in the policy document.</param>
		public Rule( pol.RuleElement rule )
            if (rule == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("rule");
			_rule = rule;
			if( _rule.SchemaVersion == XacmlVersion.Version10 || _rule.SchemaVersion == XacmlVersion.Version11 )
				_condition = new Condition( (pol.ConditionElement)_rule.Condition );
			else if( _rule.SchemaVersion == XacmlVersion.Version20 )
				_condition = new Condition2( (pol.ConditionElement)_rule.Condition );
			if( rule.Target != null )
				_target = new Target( (pol.TargetElement)rule.Target );

				// Load all the resources for the elements within this rule.
				foreach( pol.ResourceElement resource in rule.Target.Resources.ItemsList )
					foreach( pol.ResourceMatchElement rmatch in resource.Match )
						if( !_allResources.Contains( rmatch.AttributeValue.Contents ) )
							_allResources.Add( rmatch.AttributeValue.Contents );
Exemplo n.º 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new runtime policy set evaluation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="engine">The evaluation engine.</param>
		/// <param name="policySet">The policy set defined in the policy document.</param>
		public PolicySet( EvaluationEngine engine, pol.PolicySetElement policySet )
            if (engine == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("engine");
            if (policySet == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("policySet");
			_policySet = policySet;

			// Create a runtime target of this policy set.
			if( policySet.Target != null )
				_target = new Target( (pol.TargetElement)policySet.Target );

				foreach( pol.ResourceElement resource in policySet.Target.Resources.ItemsList )
					foreach( pol.ResourceMatchElement rmatch in resource.Match )
						if( !_allResources.Contains( rmatch.AttributeValue.Contents ) )
							_allResources.Add( rmatch.AttributeValue.Contents );

			// Add all the policies (or policy set) inside this policy set.
			foreach( object child in policySet.Policies )
                pol.PolicySetElement childPolicySet = child as pol.PolicySetElement;
                pol.PolicyElement childPolicyElement = child as pol.PolicyElement;
                pol.PolicySetIdReferenceElement childPolicySetIdReference = child as pol.PolicySetIdReferenceElement;
                pol.PolicyIdReferenceElement childPolicyIdReferenceElement = child as pol.PolicyIdReferenceElement;
                if (childPolicySet != null)
                    PolicySet policySetEv = new PolicySet(engine, childPolicySet);
					foreach( string rName in policySetEv.AllResources )
						if( !_allResources.Contains( rName ) )
							_allResources.Add( rName );
					_policies.Add( policySetEv );
                else if (childPolicyElement!=null)
                    Policy policyEv = new Policy(childPolicyElement);
					foreach( string rName in policyEv.AllResources )
						if( !_allResources.Contains( rName ) )
							_allResources.Add( rName );
					_policies.Add( policyEv );
                else if (childPolicySetIdReference!=null)
                    pol.PolicySetElement policySetDefinition = EvaluationEngine.Resolve(childPolicySetIdReference);
					if( policySetDefinition != null )
						PolicySet policySetEv = new PolicySet( engine, policySetDefinition );
						foreach( string rName in policySetEv.AllResources )
							if( !_allResources.Contains( rName ) )
								_allResources.Add( rName );
						_policies.Add( policySetEv );
						throw new EvaluationException( Resource.ResourceManager[ Resource.MessageKey.exc_policyset_reference_not_resolved, ((pol.PolicySetIdReferenceElement)child).PolicySetId ] );
                else if (childPolicyIdReferenceElement!=null)
                    pol.PolicyElement policyDefinition = EvaluationEngine.Resolve(childPolicyIdReferenceElement);
					if( policyDefinition != null )
						Policy policyEv = new Policy( policyDefinition );
						foreach( string rName in policyEv.AllResources )
							if( !_allResources.Contains( rName ) )
								_allResources.Add( rName );
						_policies.Add( policyEv );
						throw new EvaluationException( Resource.ResourceManager[ Resource.MessageKey.exc_policy_reference_not_resolved, ((pol.PolicyIdReferenceElement)child).PolicyId ] );