Exemplo n.º 1
			public void IIA001 ()
				string[] files = new string[] { "2.IIA001Policy.xml", "2.IIA001Request.xml", "2.IIA001Response.xml" };
				Assert.AreEqual( files.Length, 3, "Test incomplete" );FileInfo policyFile = new FileInfo( files[0] );
				FileInfo requestFile = new FileInfo( files[1] );
				FileInfo ResponseElementFile = new FileInfo( files[2] );
				using( FileStream fs = new FileStream( policyFile.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read ) )
				using( FileStream fs1 = new FileStream( requestFile.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read ) )
				using( FileStream fs2 = new FileStream( ResponseElementFile.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read ) )
					// Load Policy
					PolicyDocument policyDocument = (PolicyDocument)PolicyLoader.LoadPolicyDocument( fs, XacmlVersion.Version20, DocumentAccess.ReadOnly );
					// Load Request
					ContextDocumentReadWrite requestDocument = ContextLoader.LoadContextDocument( fs1, XacmlVersion.Version20 );
					// Load ResponseElement
					ContextDocumentReadWrite ResponseElementDocument = ContextLoader.LoadContextDocument( fs2, XacmlVersion.Version20 );
					EvaluationEngine engine = new EvaluationEngine();
					ResponseElement res = engine.Evaluate( policyDocument, (ContextDocument)requestDocument );
					NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual( ((ResultElement)res.Results[0]).Obligations.Count, ((ResultElement)ResponseElementDocument.Response.Results[0]).Obligations.Count );
					NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual( ResponseElementDocument.Response.Results.Count, res.Results.Count );
					NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue( ((ResultElement)res.Results[0]).Decision.ToString() == ((ResultElement)ResponseElementDocument.Response.Results[0]).Decision.ToString(), string.Format( "Decission incorrect Expected:{0} Returned:{1}", ((ResultElement)ResponseElementDocument.Response.Results[0]).Decision.ToString(), ((ResultElement)res.Results[0]).Decision.ToString() ) );
					NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue( ((ResultElement)res.Results[0]).Status.StatusCode.Value == ((ResultElement)ResponseElementDocument.Response.Results[0]).Status.StatusCode.Value, String.Format( "Status incorrect Expected:{0} Returned:{1}", ((ResultElement)ResponseElementDocument.Response.Results[0]).Status.StatusCode.Value, ((ResultElement)res.Results[0]).Status.StatusCode.Value ) );
Exemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Main method for the tool it receives command line arguments and performs the evaluation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="args">The parsed command line arguments.</param>
		static void Main(string[] args)
		    var t = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(@"C:\Git\Xacml.Net\Xacml.Console\bin\Debug\Xacml.Console.exe.config");

            string policy = String.Empty, request = String.Empty;
			bool verbose = false;
            //foreach (string arg in args)
            //    if ((arg[0] == '/' || arg[0] == '-'))
            //    {
            //        if (arg[1] == 'p' || arg[1] == 'P')
            //        {
            //            policy = arg.Substring(3);
            //        }

            //        if (arg[1] == 'r' || arg[1] == 'R')
            //        {
            //            request = arg.Substring(3);
            //        }

            //        if (arg[1] == 'v' || arg[1] == 'V')
            //        {
            //            verbose = true;
            //        }
            //    }

                request = @"C:\Git\Xacml.Net\Samples\requests\IIA001Request.xml";
                //request = @"C:\Git\Xacml.Net\Samples\Request.xml";
                policy = @"C:\Git\Xacml.Net\Samples\Policy.xml";
                if ( request.Length != 0 && policy.Length != 0 )
				    using (FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(request, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))

				        // Load Request
				        ContextDocumentReadWrite requestDocument = ContextLoader.LoadContextDocument(fs1, XacmlVersion.Version20);
                        var res = new EvaluationEngine(verbose).Evaluate((ContextDocument)requestDocument);
                        XmlTextWriter tw = new XmlTextWriter(System.Console.Out) { Formatting = Formatting.Indented };

					throw new Exception( "Request or policy file not specified." );
			catch( Exception e )
				System.Console.WriteLine( e.Message );
				System.Console.WriteLine( "Usage:" );
				System.Console.WriteLine( "\t-p:[policyFilePath]  - The path to the policy file" );
				System.Console.WriteLine( "\t-r:[requestFilePath] - The path to the request file" );
				System.Console.WriteLine( "\t-v                   - Makes the execution verbose" );

            System.Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to close...");
Exemplo n.º 3
		private void menuItem8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			if( MessageBox.Show( this,"The policy will be saved. Do you want to proceed?", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo ) == DialogResult.Yes )
				//Loads the request
				openFileDialog.Filter = "Request Files|*.xml|All Files|*.*";
				if( openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK )
					menuItem9_Click( sender, e );
					con.ContextDocumentReadWrite oCon = ContextLoader.LoadContextDocument( openFileDialog.OpenFile(), XacmlVersion.Version11 );
					//Gets the policy from the TreeView
					Stream stream = new FileStream( _path, FileMode.Open );
					pol.PolicyDocumentReadWrite oPol = PolicyLoader.LoadPolicyDocument( stream , XacmlVersion.Version20 );

					//Evaluates the request
					EvaluationEngine engine = new EvaluationEngine();
					con.ResponseElement res = engine.Evaluate( (pol.PolicyDocument)oPol, (con.ContextDocument)oCon );

					//Creates the xml
					string path = Path.GetTempFileName();
					XmlWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter( path, Encoding.UTF8 );
					res.WriteDocument( writer );

					mainPanel.Controls.Add( new XmlViewer( path, ResponseElement.Response ) );
Exemplo n.º 4
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new instance of the evaluaion context.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="engine">The engine instance.</param>
		/// <param name="policyDocument">The policy document instance.</param>
		/// <param name="contextDocument">The context document instance.</param>
		public EvaluationContext( EvaluationEngine engine, pol.PolicyDocument policyDocument, ctx.ContextDocument contextDocument )
			: this()
			ctx.AttributeReadWriteCollection attributes = new ctx.AttributeReadWriteCollection();
			foreach( ctx.AttributeElementReadWrite attribute in contextDocument.Request.Resources[0].Attributes )
				attributes.Add( new ctx.AttributeElementReadWrite( attribute ) );

			ctx.ResourceContentElement resourceContent = null;
			if( contextDocument.Request.Resources[0].ResourceContent != null )
				resourceContent = new ctx.ResourceContentElement( 
						contextDocument.Request.Resources[0].ResourceContent.SchemaVersion );

			_engine = engine;
			_policyDocument = policyDocument;
			_contextDocument = contextDocument;
			_currentResource = new ctx.ResourceElementReadWrite( 
				contextDocument.Request.Resources[0].SchemaVersion );
Exemplo n.º 5
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new runtime policy set evaluation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="engine">The evaluation engine.</param>
		/// <param name="policySet">The policy set defined in the policy document.</param>
		public PolicySet( EvaluationEngine engine, pol.PolicySetElement policySet )
            if (engine == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("engine");
            if (policySet == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("policySet");
			_policySet = policySet;

			// Create a runtime target of this policy set.
			if( policySet.Target != null )
				_target = new Target( (pol.TargetElement)policySet.Target );

				foreach( pol.ResourceElement resource in policySet.Target.Resources.ItemsList )
					foreach( pol.ResourceMatchElement rmatch in resource.Match )
						if( !_allResources.Contains( rmatch.AttributeValue.Contents ) )
							_allResources.Add( rmatch.AttributeValue.Contents );

			// Add all the policies (or policy set) inside this policy set.
			foreach( object child in policySet.Policies )
                pol.PolicySetElement childPolicySet = child as pol.PolicySetElement;
                pol.PolicyElement childPolicyElement = child as pol.PolicyElement;
                pol.PolicySetIdReferenceElement childPolicySetIdReference = child as pol.PolicySetIdReferenceElement;
                pol.PolicyIdReferenceElement childPolicyIdReferenceElement = child as pol.PolicyIdReferenceElement;
                if (childPolicySet != null)
                    PolicySet policySetEv = new PolicySet(engine, childPolicySet);
					foreach( string rName in policySetEv.AllResources )
						if( !_allResources.Contains( rName ) )
							_allResources.Add( rName );
					_policies.Add( policySetEv );
                else if (childPolicyElement!=null)
                    Policy policyEv = new Policy(childPolicyElement);
					foreach( string rName in policyEv.AllResources )
						if( !_allResources.Contains( rName ) )
							_allResources.Add( rName );
					_policies.Add( policyEv );
                else if (childPolicySetIdReference!=null)
                    pol.PolicySetElement policySetDefinition = EvaluationEngine.Resolve(childPolicySetIdReference);
					if( policySetDefinition != null )
						PolicySet policySetEv = new PolicySet( engine, policySetDefinition );
						foreach( string rName in policySetEv.AllResources )
							if( !_allResources.Contains( rName ) )
								_allResources.Add( rName );
						_policies.Add( policySetEv );
						throw new EvaluationException( Resource.ResourceManager[ Resource.MessageKey.exc_policyset_reference_not_resolved, ((pol.PolicySetIdReferenceElement)child).PolicySetId ] );
                else if (childPolicyIdReferenceElement!=null)
                    pol.PolicyElement policyDefinition = EvaluationEngine.Resolve(childPolicyIdReferenceElement);
					if( policyDefinition != null )
						Policy policyEv = new Policy( policyDefinition );
						foreach( string rName in policyEv.AllResources )
							if( !_allResources.Contains( rName ) )
								_allResources.Add( rName );
						_policies.Add( policyEv );
						throw new EvaluationException( Resource.ResourceManager[ Resource.MessageKey.exc_policy_reference_not_resolved, ((pol.PolicyIdReferenceElement)child).PolicyId ] );