public async Task Parse(UrlSource twitterSource)
            var result = await client.GetStringAsync(twitterSource.Url);

            JArray jsonDat = JArray.Parse(result);
            foreach(var tweet in jsonDat.Children())
                string user = "******" + tweet["user"]["screen_name"].ToString();
                string createdTime = tweet["created_at"].ToString();
                string tweettext = tweet["text"].ToString();
                string profileBanner = tweet["user"]["profile_banner_url"].ToString();

                const string format = "ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzzz yyyy";
                DateTime dateTimeResult = DateTime.ParseExact(createdTime, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                createdTime = dateTimeResult.ToString("ddd, d MMM yyyy");

                TwitterData.Add(new Item
                    Title = user,
                    Subtitle = createdTime,
                    Description = tweettext,
                    Image = profileBanner,
                    Group = twitterSource.Group,
                    UrlSource = twitterSource
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task Parse(UrlSource youtubeSource)
            var _UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)";
            httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("user-agent", _UserAgent);

            var result = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(youtubeSource.Url);

            JObject jsonDat = JObject.Parse(result);

            string nextPageToken = null;

                nextPageToken = jsonDat["nextPageToken"].ToString();
                nextPageToken = null;

            JArray jsonItems = JArray.Parse(jsonDat["items"].ToString());

            string youtubeHtmlTemplate = "<p><a href=\"{0}\"><img src=\"{1}\" alt=\"\" width=300></a></p><p><a style=\"font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; font-decoration: none;\" href=\"{0}\">{2}</a></p><p>{3}</p>";

            string youtubePrefix;
            youtubePrefix = AppSettings.ForceYoutubeVideosToLoadFullScreen ? "/watch_popup?v=" : "/watch?v=";

            foreach (var youtubeItem in jsonItems)
                var description = youtubeItem["snippet"]["description"].ToString();
                if(description != "This video is private.")
                YoutubeData.Add(new Item
                    Title = youtubeItem["snippet"]["title"].ToString(),
                    Subtitle = youtubeItem["snippet"]["publishedAt"].ToString(),
                    Description = string.Format(youtubeHtmlTemplate, "" + youtubePrefix + youtubeItem["snippet"]["resourceId"]["videoId"], youtubeItem["snippet"]["thumbnails"]["high"]["url"].ToString(), youtubeItem["snippet"]["title"].ToString(), description),
                    Image = youtubeItem["snippet"]["thumbnails"]["medium"]["url"].ToString(),
                    Group = youtubeSource.Group,
                    UrlSource = currentYoutubeSource

            if (nextPageToken != null)
                await Parse(new UrlSource {Url = currentYoutubeSource.Url + "&pageToken=" + nextPageToken, Group = currentYoutubeSource.Group});
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task<List<Item>> GetItems()
            if(AppSettings.YoutubePublicAPIKey.Length < 30 && !AppSettings.EnableRemoteUrlSourceService)
                ServiceLocator.MessageService.ShowErrorAsync("YoutubeService is enabled but YoutubePublicAPIKey appears to be invalid please check this value in AppSettings.cs", "Application Error");

                YoutubeData = new List<Item>();

                foreach (var youtubeSource in AppSettings.YoutubeAddressCollection)
                    youtubeSource.Type = "YoutubeSource";
                    currentYoutubeSource = youtubeSource;
                    await Parse(youtubeSource);
                ServiceLocator.MessageService.ShowErrorAsync("Error when retrieving items from YoutubeService", "Application Error");

            return YoutubeData;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task Parse(UrlSource rssSource)
                var httpClient = new HttpClient();

                var _UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0)";

                httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("user-agent", _UserAgent);

                var response = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(rssSource.Url);

                XNamespace xmlns = "";
                XNamespace media = "";
                XNamespace content = "";

                XDocument Feed = XDocument.Parse(response);

                string group = rssSource.Group.Length > 1 ? rssSource.Group : Feed.Descendants("channel").Select(e => (string)e.Element("title").Value).First();

                IEnumerable<Item> items = new List<Item>();

                if (rssSource.Url.StartsWith(""))  //parse Youtube Playlist RSS 
                    //0 is link, 1 is image, 2 is title, 3 is description
                    string youtubeHtmlTemplate = "<p><a href=\"{0}\"><img src=\"{1}\" alt=\"\" width=300></a></p><p><a style=\"font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; font-decoration: none;\" href=\"{0}\">{2}</a></p><p>{3}</p>";

                    items = from item in Feed.Descendants("item")
                            select new Item()
                                Title = item.Element("title").Value,
                                Subtitle = item.Element("pubDate").Value,
                                Description = item.Descendants(media + "thumbnail").Count() > 0 ? string.Format(youtubeHtmlTemplate, item.Element("link").Value, item.Descendants(media + "thumbnail").Select(e => (string)e.Attribute("url")).FirstOrDefault(), item.Element("title").Value, item.Element("description").Value.Substring(0, Math.Min(580, item.Element("description").Value.Length))) : string.Empty,
                                Image = item.Descendants(media + "thumbnail") != null ? item.Descendants(media + "thumbnail").Select(e => (string)e.Attribute("url")).FirstOrDefault() : string.Empty,
                                Group = @group,
                                UrlSource = rssSource

                    items = items.Where(x => x.Description != string.Empty);
                    string audio_template = "<audio src=\"{0}\" controls autoplay>Your browser does not support the <code>audio</code> element.<br/><a href=\"{0}\">Link to file</a>.</audio><br/>";
                    var feeditems = AppSettings.RssMaxItemsPerFeed < 0
                        ? Feed.Descendants("item")
                        : Feed.Descendants("item").Take(AppSettings.RssMaxItemsPerFeed);
                    items = from item in feeditems
                            let body = item.Descendants(content + "encoded").FirstOrDefault()
                            // TODO: perhaps this needs to use the url's MIME type to determine the tag for audio, video, PDFs, etc.?
                            let parsed = (item.Element("enclosure") != null
                                        ? string.Format(audio_template, (string)(item.Element("enclosure").Attribute("url")))
                                        : string.Empty)
                                    + (item.Element("description") != null
                                        ? (string)(item.Element("description").Value)
                                        : string.Empty)
                                    + (item.Element("link") != null
                                        ? " <a href=" + (string)(item.Element("link").Value) + ">Link</a>"
                                        : string.Empty)
                            select new Item()
                                Title = item.Element("title") != null ? item.Element("title").Value : string.Empty,
                                Subtitle = item.Element("pubDate") != null ? item.Element("pubDate").Value : DateTime.Now.ToString(),
                                Description = body != null ? body.Value : parsed,
                                Image = item.Descendants(media + "thumbnail") != null ? item.Descendants(media + "thumbnail").Select(e => (string)e.Attribute("url")).FirstOrDefault() : "",
                                Group = @group,
                                UrlSource = rssSource

                if (items.ToList().Count > 0)

                    foreach (var item in items)
                        if (item.Image == null) //Attempt to parse an image out of the description if one is not returned in the RSS
                            item.Image = Regex.Match(item.Description, "(https?:)?//?[^'\"<>]+?.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)").Value;

                        if (item.Image == string.Empty) //Unable to locate any image, so fallback to logo
                            item.Image = "/Assets/Logo.png";

                        //Format dates to look cleaner
                        DateTime dateTimeResult = new DateTime();
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(item.Subtitle, out dateTimeResult))
                            item.Subtitle = dateTimeResult.ToString("ddd, d MMM yyyy");

                        if (AppSettings.ForceYoutubeVideosToLoadFullScreen)
                            item.Description = item.Description.Replace("/watch?v=", "/watch_popup?v=");

                        // Fix "shortcut" urls
                        item.Description = item.Description.Replace("src=\"//", "src=\"http://");
                        item.Description = item.Description.Replace("src='//", "src='http://");

                    await ServiceLocator.MessageService.ShowErrorAsync("Zero items retrieved from " + rssSource.Url, "Application Error");
            catch (Exception e)
                ServiceLocator.MessageService.ShowErrorAsync("Error when retrieving items from RssService: " + e.Message + "\nUrl: " + rssSource.Url, "Application Error");