internal void CreateDrawHelper()
            // World to NDC transform
            float height;

            height = (DrawViewHeight / DrawViewWidth) * RequestedWorldWidth;

            Vector2 min, max;

            min = new Vector2(RequestedWorldMin.X, RequestedWorldMin.Y);
            max = new Vector2((min.X + RequestedWorldWidth), (min.Y + height));
            Vector2 size   = max - min;
            Vector2 center = min + (size * 0.5f);

            m_WorldBound.Center = center;
            m_WorldBound.Width  = size.X;
            m_WorldBound.Height = size.Y;
            if (null == m_DrawHelper)
                m_DrawHelper = new XNACS1LibDrawHelper(m_GraphicsManager.GraphicsDevice, Content, m_WorldBound, m_FontManager, new Vector2(XNACS1_AppWindowWidth, XNACS1_AppWindowHeight));
                // update the transformation matrices
                m_DrawHelper.SetTransformationMatrices(m_WorldBound, new Vector2(XNACS1_AppWindowWidth, XNACS1_AppWindowHeight));