Exemplo n.º 1
        public DataTable Retrieve(string fromwhere, AppUser workUser, FilterTranslator ft, int pagesize, int page, string orderby, out int allRecordCount)
            SqlParameterCollection sp = DB.CreateSqlParameterCollection();
            string sql = "";

            switch (fromwhere)
            case "qyzsgq":    //三个月内即将过期和已过期的企业证书
                orderby = "zsyxzrq desc";

                sql = @"select  qyID,qymc,xxdd,lxr,lxdh,fddbr,zsyxqrq,zsyxzrq,zslx,zsbh  from ( 
select distinct a.qyID ,a.qymc,a.xxdd,a.lxr,a.lxdh,a.fddbr,b.zslx,b.zsbh,convert(varchar(10),b.zsyxqrq,120) zsyxqrq,
convert(varchar(10),b.zsyxzrq,120) zsyxzrq from uepp_qyjbxx a inner join uepp_qyzs b on a.qyid=b.qyid 
) qy where 1=1 and (convert(varchar(10),zsyxzrq,120) between convert(varchar(10),GETDATE(),120) and CONVERT(char(10), DATEADD(MM,3,GETDATE()), 120) 
or convert(varchar(10),zsyxzrq,120)<=convert(varchar(10),GETDATE(),120)) and ";

            case "ryzsgq":    //三个月内即将过期和已过期的人员证书

                orderby = "zsyxzrq desc";

                sql = @"select ryID,xm,zjhm,zcjb,ryzyzglx,lxdh,ryzslx,zsbh,zsyxqrq,zsyxzrq from (
select distinct a.ryID, a.xm,a.zjhm,a.zcjb,b.ryzyzglx,a.lxdh,b.ryzslx,b.zsbh,convert(varchar(10),b.zsyxqrq,120) zsyxqrq,
convert(varchar(10),b.zsyxzrq,120) zsyxzrq from uepp_ryjbxx a inner join uepp_ryzs b on a.ryid=b.ryid )  
ry where 1=1 and    (convert(varchar(10),zsyxzrq,120) between convert(varchar(10),GETDATE(),120) and  CONVERT(char(10), DATEADD(MM,3,GETDATE()), 120)
or convert(varchar(10),zsyxzrq,120)<=convert(varchar(10),GETDATE(),120))  and ";


            case "zjgyxm":    //造价过亿项目
//                    sql = @"select rownum,row_id,xmmc,jsdw,sgdw,xmjl,zj,ssdqid,ssdq,jsdwrowid,qyrowid,ryrowid from (
//select distinct a.rowid row_id,a.xmmc,a.jsdw,a.sgdw,a.xmjl,a.zj,a.ssdqid,a.ssdq,b.rowid jsdwrowid,c.rowid qyrowid,d.rowid ryrowid
//from uepp_xmjbxx a inner join uepp_jsdw b on a.jsdwid=b.jsdwid left join uepp_qyjbxx c on a.sgdwid=c.qyid left join uepp_ryjbxx d on a.xmjlid=d.ryid
//where a.zj>10000) xm where 1=1 and ";
                orderby = "CreateDate desc";
                sql     = @"select PKID,PrjName,BuildCorpCode,BuildCorpName,sgdw,xmjl,CountyNum,AllInvest,AllArea,County,CreateDate,BDate,EDate from (
select distinct a.PKID ,a.PrjName,a.BuildCorpCode,a.BuildCorpName,a.AllArea,
stuff((select ',' +ContractorCorpName from TBContractRecordManage where ContractNum in ('301','302','303','304','500','600','700') for xml path('')), 1 , 1 , '') as sgdw
,stuff((select ',' +PrjHead from TBContractRecordManage where ContractNum in ('301','302','303','304','500','600','700') for xml path('')), 1 , 1 , '') as xmjl
,a.AllInvest,a.CountyNum,(select CodeInfo from tbXzqdmDic where Code =a.CountyNum) County,convert(varchar(10),a.CreateDate,120) CreateDate,convert(varchar(10),a.BDate,120) BDate,convert(varchar(10),a.EDate,120) EDate 
from TBProjectInfo a 
inner join uepp_jsdw b on a.BuildCorpCode=b.jsdwID 
where a.AllInvest>10000) xm where 1=1 and ";


            case "wzljd":    //未质监
                orderby = "CreateDate desc";
                sql     = @"select PKID,PrjName,BuildCorpCode,BuildCorpName,sgdw,xmjl,CountyNum,AllInvest,County,CreateDate,BDate,EDate,PrjNum from (
select distinct a.PKID ,a.PrjName,a.BuildCorpCode,a.BuildCorpName,a.PrjNum,
stuff((select ',' +ContractorCorpName from TBContractRecordManage where ContractNum in ('301','302','303','304','500','600','700') for xml path('')), 1 , 1 , '') as sgdw
,stuff((select ',' +PrjHead from TBContractRecordManage where ContractNum in ('301','302','303','304','500','600','700') for xml path('')), 1 , 1 , '') as xmjl
,a.AllInvest,a.CountyNum,(select CodeInfo from tbXzqdmDic where Code =a.CountyNum) County,convert(varchar(10),a.CreateDate,120) CreateDate,convert(varchar(10),a.BDate,120) BDate,convert(varchar(10),a.EDate,120) EDate 
from TBProjectInfo a 
inner join uepp_jsdw b on a.BuildCorpCode=b.jsdwID 
where a.UpdateFlag='U' and a.PrjNum not in (
   select prjNum from  zj_gcjbxx where UpdateFlag='U'
)) xm where 1=1 and  ";


            case "waqjd":    //未安监
                orderby = "CreateDate desc";
                sql     = @"select PKID,PrjName,BuildCorpCode,BuildCorpName,sgdw,xmjl,CountyNum,AllInvest,County,CreateDate,BDate,EDate,PrjNum from (
select distinct a.PKID ,a.PrjName,a.BuildCorpCode,a.BuildCorpName,a.PrjNum,
stuff((select ',' +ContractorCorpName from TBContractRecordManage where ContractNum in ('301','302','303','304','500','600','700') for xml path('')), 1 , 1 , '') as sgdw
,stuff((select ',' +PrjHead from TBContractRecordManage where ContractNum in ('301','302','303','304','500','600','700') for xml path('')), 1 , 1 , '') as xmjl
,a.AllInvest,a.CountyNum,(select CodeInfo from tbXzqdmDic where Code =a.CountyNum) County,convert(varchar(10),a.CreateDate,120) CreateDate,convert(varchar(10),a.BDate,120) BDate,convert(varchar(10),a.EDate,120) EDate 
from TBProjectInfo a 
inner join uepp_jsdw b on a.BuildCorpCode=b.jsdwID 
where a.UpdateFlag='U' and a.PrjNum not in (
   select xmbm from  aj_gcjbxx where UpdateFlag='U'
)) xm where 1=1 and  ";


            case "jgbaLcyj":    //竣工备案流程预警
                orderby = "CreateDate desc";
                sql     = @"select  * from (
select   b.PKID,a.CreateDate,  b.PrjName,b.PrjNum,a.PrjFinishName,a.PrjFinishNum,(select CodeInfo from tbXzqdmDic where Code =b.CountyNum) County,
case when (select count(*) from TBContractRecordManage where PrjNum=a.PrjNum)=0 then '否' else '是' end  as sfhtba,
case when (select count(*) from TBProjectCensorInfo where PrjNum=a.PrjNum)=0 then '否' else '是' end    as sfsgtsc,
case when (select count(*) from TBBuilderLicenceManage where PrjNum=a.PrjNum)=0 then '否' else '是' end    as sfsgxk,
case when (select count(*) from aj_gcjbxx where xmbm=a.PrjNum)=0 then '否' else '是' end    as sfaj,
case when (select count(*) from zj_gcjbxx where PrjNum=a.PrjNum)=0 then '否' else '是' end    as sfzj
from TBProjectFinishManage a 
left join TBProjectInfo b on a.PrjNum=b.PrjNum 
 where a.UpdateFlag='U' ) xm where ( sfhtba='否' or  sfsgtsc='否' or  sfsgxk='否' or  sfaj='否' or  sfzj='否' ) and  ";


            case "wbsgxkz":    //未办施工许可证项目
//                    sql = @"select rownum,row_id,xmmc,ssdq,jsdw,sgdw,xmjl,sgxmtybh,kgrq,jsdwrowid,qyrowid,ryrowid from (
//select distinct a.rowid row_id,a.xmmc,a.ssdq,a.jsdw,a.sgdw,a.xmjl, a.sgxmtybh,to_char(b.kgrq,'yyyy-mm-dd') kgrq,e.rowid jsdwrowid,f.rowid qyrowid,g.rowid ryrowid from uepp_xmjbxx a
//inner join uepp_aqjdxx b on a.sgxmtybh=b.sgxmtybh and to_char(b.kgrq,'yyyy-mm-dd') <=to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd')
//left join uepp_jsdw e on a.jsdwid=e.jsdwid left join uepp_qyjbxx f on a.sgdwid=f.qyid left join uepp_ryjbxx g on a.xmjlid=g.ryid
//where a.sgxmtybh not in (select distinct d.sgxmtybh from uepp_sgxkxx c inner join UEPP_SgxkAndBdRelation d on c.sgxkid=d.sgxkid )
//) xm where 1=1 and ";
                orderby = "BDate desc";
                sql     = @"select PKID,PrjName,BuildCorpCode,BuildCorpName,sgdw,xmjl,CountyNum,AllInvest,County,CreateDate,BDate,EDate,PrjNum from (
select distinct a.PKID ,a.PrjName,a.BuildCorpCode,a.BuildCorpName,a.PrjNum,
stuff((select ',' +ContractorCorpName from TBContractRecordManage where ContractNum in ('301','302','303','304','500','600','700') for xml path('')), 1 , 1 , '') as sgdw
,stuff((select ',' +PrjHead from TBContractRecordManage where ContractNum in ('301','302','303','304','500','600','700') for xml path('')), 1 , 1 , '') as xmjl
,a.AllInvest,a.CountyNum,(select CodeInfo from tbXzqdmDic where Code =a.CountyNum) County,convert(varchar(10),a.CreateDate,120) CreateDate,convert(varchar(10),a.BDate,120) BDate,convert(varchar(10),a.EDate,120) EDate 
from TBProjectInfo a 
inner join uepp_jsdw b on a.BuildCorpCode=b.jsdwID 
where a.UpdateFlag='U' and a.PrjNum not in (
   select PrjNum from  TBBuilderLicenceManage where UpdateFlag='U'
)) xm where 1=1 and ";

                string kgrq1 = ft.GetValue("BDate");
                string kgrq2 = ft.GetValue("EDate");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kgrq1))
                    sql += " convert(varchar(10),BDate,120)  >= '" + kgrq1 + "' and ";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kgrq2))
                    sql += "convert(varchar(10),EDate,120)  <= '" + kgrq2 + "' and ";


            case "gcbgxm":
                sql = @"select rownum, row_id,xmmc,jsdw,sgdw,xmbgmc,xmbgbw,bggsje,jsdwrowid,qyrowid from (
select distinct b.rowid row_id,a.xmmc,a.jsdw,a.sgdw,b.xmbgmc,b.xmbgbw,b.bggsje,c.rowid jsdwrowid,
d.rowid qyrowid from uepp_xmjbxx a inner join  UEPP_xmBgjl b  on a.sgxmtybh =b.sgxmtybh 
left join uepp_jsdw c on a.jsdwid=c.jsdwid left join uepp_qyjbxx d on a.sgdwid=d.qyid
) xm where 1=1 and ";


            string ssdq = ft.GetValue("County");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ssdq))
                if (ssdq.Contains(','))
                    string[] strSsdq = ssdq.Split(',');
                    sql += "(";
                    for (int i = 0; i < strSsdq.Length; i++)
                        if (i != 0)
                            sql += " or ";
                        if (strSsdq[i] == "市区")
                            sql += " County like @pp1 or County like @pp2";
                            sp.Add("@pp1", "%市区%");
                            sp.Add("@pp2", "%市辖区%");
                            sql += "  County like @pp3";
                            sp.Add("@pp3", "%" + strSsdq[i] + "%");
                    sql += " ) and ";
                    if (ssdq == "市区")
                        sql += "  (County like @pp1 or County like @pp2)  ";
                        sp.Add("@pp1", "%市区%");
                        sp.Add("@pp2", "%市辖区%");
                        sql += " County like @pp3";
                        sp.Add("@pp3", "%" + ssdq + "%");
                    sql += " and ";

            DALHelper.GetSearchClause(ref sp, ft);
            sql += ft.CommandText;
            return(DB.ExeSqlForDataTable(sql, sp, "t", orderby, pagesize, page, out allRecordCount));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public DataTable RetrieveQyxxList(string qylx, FilterTranslator ft, int pagesize, int page, string orderby, out int allRecordCount)
            SqlParameterCollection sp = DB.CreateSqlParameterCollection();
            string sql = "";

            //string tagValue = "";
            if (qylx == "jsdw")
                sql = @" select * from (
 select jsdwid,zzjgdm,jsdw,ISNULL(fddbr,'无') fddbr,dwflid,dwfl,ISNULL(dwdz,'无') dwdz,ISNULL(lxr,'无') lxr,lxdh,a.datastate,CONVERT(varchar(10),a.xgrqsj,120) xgrqsj,a.tag 
 from uepp_jsdw a
 ) as aaa  where 1=1 and ";

                //tagValue = ft.GetValue("tag");
                //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby.Trim()))
                //    orderby = " qyid  ";
                string csywlxID = "";
                switch (qylx)
                case "sgdw":
                    csywlxID = "1,3,2,13,14";

                case "kcdw":
                    csywlxID = "5";

                case "sjdw":
                    csywlxID = "6,2";

                //case "jsdw":
                //    csywlxID = "11,12";
                //    break;
                case "zjjg":
                    csywlxID = "7,4,8,9,15,16,17";

                case "qtdw":
                    csywlxID = "''";

                //                sql = @"  select * from (
                // select a.rowid row_id,a.qyid,a.qymc,a.xxdd,ISNULL(a.lxdh,'0') lxdh,ISNULL(a.lxr,'无') lxr,a.sylxid,a.sylx,ISNULL(a.county,'无') county,a.datastate,b.csywlxid,b.csywlx
                //from uepp_qyjbxx a inner join uepp_qycsyw b on a.qyid=b.qyid and b.csywlxid in(" + csywlxID + ")";

                sql = @"  select *,(province+','+city+','+county) as pcc,(case when SbToStState=0 then '已上报' when SbToStState=-1 then '未上报' when SbToStState=2 then '未更新'  else '上报出错' end) as SbState from (
 select a.qyid,a.zzjgdm,a.yyzzzch,a.qymc,a.zcdd,a.xxdd,a.lxdh lxdh,a.lxr lxr,a.sylxid,a.sylx,a.province, a.city, a.county ,a.datastate,a.tag,a.CountyID,CONVERT(varchar(10),xgrqsj,120) xgrqsj 
,ISNULL((select  SbToStState from SaveToStLog2 where TableName='uepp_qyjbxx' and PKID=a.qyid ),-1) as SbToStState
,(select  SbToStMsg from SaveToStLog2 where TableName='uepp_qyjbxx' and PKID=a.qyid ) as SbToStMsg
from uepp_qyjbxx a  where a.qyid in (select qyid from uepp_qycsyw where csywlxid in(" + csywlxID + ") and DataState != -1";

                string _csywlxid = ft.GetValue("csywlxid");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_csywlxid))
                    sql += " and csywlxid in (" + _csywlxid + ")  ";

                sql += "))  qyxx where 1=1  and ";   //and xxdd is not null

                string zhuxzz = ft.GetValue("zhuxzz");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zhuxzz))
                    sql += " qyid in (select qyid from uepp_qyzzmx where zzbz=@zzbz and zzlb=@zzlb and DataState<>-1 )  and ";
                    sp.Add("@zzbz", "主项");
                    sp.Add("@zzlb", zhuxzz);

                string zengxzz = ft.GetValue("zengxzz");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zengxzz))
                    sql += " qyid in (select qyid from uepp_qyzzmx where zzbz=@zzbz1 and zzlb=@zzlb1 and DataState<>-1)  and ";
                    sp.Add("@zzbz1", "增项");
                    sp.Add("@zzlb1", zengxzz);

                string countyID = ft.GetValue("CountyID");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(countyID))
                    if (string.Equals(countyID, "320213"))
                        sql += " CountyID in (320202, 320203, 320204, 320213) and ";
                    else if (string.Equals(countyID, "省内企业"))
                        sql += " province='江苏省' and city!='无锡市' and";
                    else if (string.Equals(countyID, "省外企业"))
                        sql += " province!='江苏省' and ";
                        sql += " CountyID =@countyID and ";
                        sp.Add("@countyID", countyID);

                string county = ft.GetValue("county");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(county))
                    if (string.Equals(county, "省内企业"))
                        sql += " province='江苏省' and city!='无锡市' and";
                    else if (string.Equals(county, "省外企业"))
                        sql += " province!='江苏省' and ";
                        sql += " county =@county and ";
                        sp.Add("@county", county);

                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zhuxzz) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(zengxzz))
                //    ft.Translate();
            DALHelper.GetSearchClause(ref sp, ft);

            sql += ft.CommandText.Trim();

            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagValue))
            //    string[] tagArr = tagValue.Split(',');
            //    string tagSql = "";

            //    for (int i = 0; i < tagArr.Length; i++)
            //    {
            //        if (i == 0)
            //        {
            //            tagSql += " tag = :pam" + (i + 1);
            //            sp.Add(":pam" + (i + 1), tagArr[i]);
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            tagSql += " or tag = :pam" + (i + 1);
            //            sp.Add(":pam" + (i + 1), tagArr[i]);
            //        }
            //    }

            //    sql += " and (" + tagSql + ") ";

            return(DB.ExeSqlForDataTable(sql, sp, "t", orderby, pagesize, page, out allRecordCount));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public DataTable RetrieveQyxykp(string qylx, AppUser userInfo, FilterTranslator ft, int pageSize, int pageIndex, string orderby, out int allRecordCount)
            SqlParameterCollection sp = DB.CreateSqlParameterCollection();
            string sql = "";

            switch (qylx)
            case "sgdw":

                sql = @"select * from (select a.*,b.qyID from XykpImport a
left join UEPP_Qyjbxx b on a.zzjgdm=b.zzjgdm) as aaa
 where 1=1 and ";

            case "jldw":
                sql = @"select * from (select a.*,b.qyID from XykpImport a
left join UEPP_Qyjbxx b on a.zzjgdm=b.zzjgdm) as aaa
 where 1=2 and ";

            case "kcdw":
                sql = @"select * from (select a.*,b.qyID from XykpImport a
left join UEPP_Qyjbxx b on a.zzjgdm=b.zzjgdm) as aaa
 where 1=2 and ";

            case "sjdw":
                sql = @"select * from (select a.*,b.qyID from XykpImport a
left join UEPP_Qyjbxx b on a.zzjgdm=b.zzjgdm) as aaa
 where 1=2 and ";

            case "zbdljg":
                sql = @"select * from (select a.*,b.qyID from XykpImport a
left join UEPP_Qyjbxx b on a.zzjgdm=b.zzjgdm) as aaa
 where 1=2 and ";

            case "zjzxjg":
                sql = @"select * from (select a.*,b.qyID from XykpImport a
left join UEPP_Qyjbxx b on a.zzjgdm=b.zzjgdm) as aaa
 where 1=2 and ";

            case "jcjg":
                sql = @"select * from (select a.*,b.qyID from XykpImport a
left join UEPP_Qyjbxx b on a.zzjgdm=b.zzjgdm) as aaa
 where 1=2 and ";

                sql = @"select * from (select a.*,b.qyID from XykpImport a
left join UEPP_Qyjbxx b on a.zzjgdm=b.zzjgdm) as aaa
 where 1=1 and ";

            string zzlb = ft.GetValue("zzlb");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zzlb))
                sql += "  zzlb in (" + AntiSqlInjection.ParameterizeInClause(zzlb, "@para", ref sp) + ") and ";

            string qysd = ft.GetValue("qysd");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qysd))
                sql += "  qysd in (" + AntiSqlInjection.ParameterizeInClause(qysd, "@pam", ref sp) + ") and ";

            DALHelper.GetSearchClause(ref sp, ft);
            sql += ft.CommandText;

            return(DB.ExeSqlForDataTable(sql, sp, "t", orderby, pageSize, pageIndex, out allRecordCount));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public DataTable RetrieveZyryJbxx(string rylx, FilterTranslator ft, int pagesize, int page, string orderby, out int allRecordCount)
            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderby.Trim()))
            //    orderby = " ryID  ";

            string ryzyzglxID = "";

            switch (rylx)
            case "zczyry":
                ryzyzglxID = "1,2,21,41,51,61";

            case "aqscglry":
                ryzyzglxID = "4,5,6";

            case "qyjjry":
                ryzyzglxID = "20";


            case "zygwglry":
                ryzyzglxID = "7,8,9,11,12,14,15,16,17,18,22,42";

                ryzyzglxID = "''";
            SqlParameterCollection sp = DB.CreateSqlParameterCollection();

//            string sql = @" select  *,(case when SbToStState=1 then '上报失败' when SbToStState=0 then  '上报成功'  else '未上报' end) SbState from (
//select   a.ryid,a.xm,a.zjlx,a.zjhm,a.AJ_EXISTINIDCARDS,a.AJ_IsRefuse,
//case when (a.AJ_EXISTINIDCARDS is null or a.AJ_EXISTINIDCARDS='0') then '作废' when a.AJ_EXISTINIDCARDS='-1' then '冲突' when a.AJ_EXISTINIDCARDS='1' then '未实名认证'  when a.AJ_EXISTINIDCARDS='2' then '已实名认证' end sfsmrz,
//c.qyid,c.qymc,a.zczh,ISNULL(a.zcjb,'无') zcjb,ISNULL(ISNULL(a.lxdh,a.yddh),'') lxdh,a.datastate,ISNULL(c.county,'无') county,c.provinceid,c.province,a.xgrqsj
// ,ISNULL((select SbToStState from SaveToStLog2 where TableName='uepp_ryjbxx' and PKID=a.ryID ),-1) as SbToStState
// from uepp_ryjbxx a inner join (select distinct ryid,qyid,ryzyzglxid
// from uepp_qyry
// where ryzyzglxid in ( " + ryzyzglxID + @" )) b on a.ryid=b.ryid inner join uepp_qyjbxx c on b.qyid=c.qyid
// where  1=1  ";

//            string sql = @" select  *,(case when SbToStState=1 then '上报失败' when SbToStState=0 then  '上报成功'  else '未上报' end) SbState from (
//select   a.ryid,a.xm,a.zjlx,a.zjhm,a.AJ_EXISTINIDCARDS,a.AJ_IsRefuse,
//case when a.AJ_EXISTINIDCARDS='1' then '未实名认证'  when a.AJ_EXISTINIDCARDS='2' then '已实名认证' end sfsmrz,
//c.qyid,c.qymc,a.zczh,ISNULL(a.zcjb,'无') zcjb,ISNULL(ISNULL(a.lxdh,a.yddh),'') lxdh,a.datastate,ISNULL(c.county,'无') county,c.provinceid,c.province,a.xgrqsj
// ,ISNULL((select SbToStState from SaveToStLog2 where TableName='uepp_ryjbxx' and PKID=a.ryID ),-1) as SbToStState
// from uepp_ryjbxx a inner join (select distinct  ryid,qyid
// from uepp_qyry
// where ryzyzglxid in ( " + ryzyzglxID + @" ) ) b on a.ryid=b.ryid inner join uepp_qyjbxx c on b.qyid=c.qyid
// where  1=1 ) AA ";

            string sql = @"   select  *,(case when SbToStState=1 then '上报失败' when SbToStState=0 then  '上报成功'  else '未上报' end) SbState from ( 
select   a.ryid,a.xm,a.zjlx,a.zjhm,a.AJ_EXISTINIDCARDS,a.AJ_IsRefuse,
case when a.AJ_EXISTINIDCARDS='1' then '未实名认证'  when a.AJ_EXISTINIDCARDS='2' then '已实名认证' end sfsmrz,
c.qyid,c.qymc,a.zczh,ISNULL(a.zcjb,'无') zcjb,ISNULL(ISNULL(a.lxdh,a.yddh),'') lxdh,a.datastate,c.CountyID,ISNULL(c.county,'无') county,ISNULL(c.City,'无') city,c.provinceid,c.province,a.xgrqsj     
 ,ISNULL((select SbToStState from SaveToStLog2 where TableName='uepp_ryjbxx' and PKID=a.ryID ),-1) as SbToStState

 from uepp_ryjbxx a left join (select distinct ryid,qyid from uepp_qyry 
 where ryzyzglxid in ( " + ryzyzglxID + " ) ";

            string _ryzyzglxID = ft.GetValue("ryzyzglxID");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ryzyzglxID.Trim()))

                sql += " and ryzyzglxid in (" + _ryzyzglxID + ")";

            sql += " ) b on a.ryid=b.ryid inner join uepp_qyjbxx c on b.qyid=c.qyid where  1=1 ";

            string zsbh = ft.GetValue("zsbh");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zsbh))
                sql += " and a.ryid in (select ryid from uepp_ryzs where zsbh like'%" + zsbh + "%') ";

            sql += ") ryxx where 1=1 and  ";

            string countyID = ft.GetValue("CountyID");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(countyID))
                if (string.Equals(countyID, "320213"))
                    sql += " CountyID in (320202, 320203, 320204, 320213) and ";
                else if (string.Equals(countyID, "省内企业"))
                    sql += " province='江苏省' and city!='无锡市' and";
                else if (string.Equals(countyID, "省外企业"))
                    sql += " province!='江苏省' and ";
                    sql += " CountyID =@countyID and ";
                    sp.Add("@countyID", countyID);

            string county = ft.GetValue("county");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(county))
                if (string.Equals(county, "省内企业"))
                    sql += " province='江苏省' and city!='无锡市' and";
                else if (string.Equals(county, "省外企业"))
                    sql += " province!='江苏省' and ";
                    sql += " county =@county and ";
                    sp.Add("@county", county);

            DALHelper.GetSearchClause(ref sp, ft);
            sql += ft.CommandText.Trim();
            return(DB.ExeSqlForDataTable(sql, sp, "t", orderby, pagesize, page, out allRecordCount));