protected override async Task HandleSignInAsync(SignInContext context)
            WsFedSignInContext signInContext = context as WsFedSignInContext;
            ClaimsPrincipal    principal     = GetClaimsPrincipal(signInContext.SignInMessage);

            if (principal != null)
                WsFedSignInContext newContext = new WsFedSignInContext(context.AuthenticationScheme, principal, context.Properties, null, signInContext.ReturnUrl);
                await base.HandleSignInAsync(newContext);


            //Couldn't get a principal even though we've said sign in, so send to forbidden - could be the wrong STS environment, or incorrect certificate config, or some other accidental or nefarious reason for this.
            ChallengeContext cc = new ChallengeContext(Options.AuthenticationScheme);
            await base.HandleForbiddenAsync(cc);
        protected override async Task <bool> HandleUnauthorizedAsync(ChallengeContext context)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));

            //create a return url that is the current requests full url
            var returnUrl = $"{Request.Scheme}://{Request.Host}{Request.Path}{Request.QueryString}";

            //if user not authenticated but the form post contains a SignInResponseMessage - so they've come back from the IdP after signing in - handle it to sign the user in to this app.
            var signInResponse = GetSignInResponseMessage();

            if (signInResponse != null)
                Dictionary <string, string> props = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                //Add the persistent option to the props for the cookie handler here if it's set to true in the Options object. This is to have IsPersistent available as a higher level option instead of
                //having to pass to SignInAsync as an option.
                if (Options.IsPersistent)
                    props.Add(".persistent", "");

                WsFedSignInContext c = new WsFedSignInContext(Options.AuthenticationScheme, Context.User, props, signInResponse, returnUrl);
                await this.SignInAsync(c);


            //User is not authenticated, so create SignInRequest message to send to IdP endpoint, and redirect there.
            SignInRequestMessage req = new SignInRequestMessage(new Uri(Options.IdPEndpoint), Options.Realm, returnUrl);
            var signInUrl            = req.RequestUrl;
            var redirectContext      = new CookieRedirectContext(Context, Options, signInUrl);
            await Options.Events.RedirectToLogin(redirectContext);
