Exemplo n.º 1
        // This method populates the combo box with available Suppliers
        private void LoadSupplierCB()
            int prodId = ProductsDB.getProductId(prodName);

            List <Suppliers> temp         = new List <Suppliers>(); // Temp variable to store in order to convert string to int
            List <Suppliers> supplierList = new List <Suppliers>();

            // Grabs all supplier ID that doesn't have the particular supplier ID in Product_Supplier
            temp = Products_SuppliersDB.GetNotInSuppliersID(prodId);
                foreach (Suppliers supplier in temp)
                    // Converts the Supplier IDs to Supplier Names
                    supplier.SupName = SuppliersDB.getSupName(supplier.SupplierId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());

            // Populate the combo box
                cbSupplierName.DataSource    = supplierList;
                cbSupplierName.DisplayMember = "SupName";
                cbSupplierName.ValueMember   = "SupplierId";
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());
        private void cBProduct_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btnAddProd.Visible       = false;
            btnDeleteProduct.Visible = false;
            cBSupplier.Visible      = true;
            lblSupplier.Visible     = true;
            cBSupplier.SelectedText = "";
            cBSupplier.Text         = "";
                string prodName  = cBProduct.GetItemText(cBProduct.SelectedItem); //Get the product name for the selected product
                int    productId = ProductsDB.getProductId(prodName);             //find the productId of the selected item
                //Get a list of supppiers for the selected product
                List <Suppliers> suppliersSel = Products_SuppliersDB.GetSupForProd(productId);

                //Display the suppliers for the selected product
                foreach (Suppliers supplier in suppliersSel)
            catch (SqlException ex)
                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Gets the next available Product_Supplier ID
        private void btnGetNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int NextID = 0;

            NextID             = Products_SuppliersDB.getNextProducts_SupplierId();
            txtProdSuppId.Text = NextID.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Deletes the Product_Supplier ID
        private void btnDelete_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            prodName = cbProdName.Text;
            supName  = cbSupName.Text;

            // Grabs the ID through product and supplier names
            int prodID = ProductsDB.getProductId(prodName);
            int supID  = SuppliersDB.getSupplierId(supName);

            // Confirmation message for delete
            DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete link between "
                                                  + prodName + " and " + supName + "?",
                                                  "Confirm Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);

            if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                    if (!Products_SuppliersDB.DeleteProdSup(prodID, supID)) // Checks the DB
                        MessageBox.Show("Another user has updated or deleted " +
                                        "that customer.", "Database Error");
                    MessageBox.Show("Cannot delete current Product Supplier when it is added as a product in\n" +
                                    "a package. Please remove the product from the package first");
Exemplo n.º 5
        //This method controls what happens when someone selects a supplier in the supplier listbox. When a supplier is selected
        //the product list box is populated with the products associated with the supplier.
        private void lbSuppliers_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lbProducts.Items.Clear();//clear all the items in the list box for the products
                string supName    = lbSuppliers.GetItemText(lbSuppliers.SelectedItem); //get the supplier name for the selected supplier
                int    supplierId = SuppliersDB.getSupplierId(supName);                //get the supplier id from the supplier name
                //use that supplierId to get all the products that are associated with the supplier Id
                List <Products> productsSel = Products_SuppliersDB.GetProdForSup(supplierId);

                //Display the products for the selected supplier
                foreach (Products product in productsSel)
            catch (SqlException ex)
                throw ex;

            // Button controls
            btnModifyProd.Visible   = false;
            btnDeleteProd.Visible   = false;
            btnDeleteData.Visible   = true;
            btnAddSupToProd.Visible = false;
            btnAddProdToSup.Visible = true;
            btnModifySup.Visible    = true;
            btnDeleteSup.Visible    = true;
Exemplo n.º 6
        //This method controls what happens when someone selects a product in the products listbox. When a product is selected
        //the supplier list box is populated with the suppliers associated with the product.
        private void lbProducts_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            lbSuppliers.Items.Clear();//clear all the items in the list box for the suppliers
                string prodName  = lbProducts.GetItemText(lbProducts.SelectedItem); //Get the product name for the selected product
                int    productId = ProductsDB.getProductId(prodName);               //find the productId of the selected item
                //Get a list of supppiers for the selected product
                List <Suppliers> suppliersSel = Products_SuppliersDB.GetSupForProd(productId);

                //Display the suppliers for the selected product
                foreach (Suppliers supplier in suppliersSel)
            catch (SqlException ex)
                throw ex;

            // Button controls
            btnModifyProd.Visible   = true;
            btnDeleteProd.Visible   = true;
            btnDeleteData.Visible   = true;
            btnAddSupToProd.Visible = true;
            btnAddProdToSup.Visible = false;
            btnModifySup.Visible    = false;
            btnDeleteSup.Visible    = false;
        private void cBProduct_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) // when a product index selected has changed
            btnAddProd.Visible       = false;                                   // add product is not visible
            btnDeleteProduct.Visible = false;                                   // delete product is not visible
            cBSupplier.Items.Clear();                                           // clear items in list
            cBSupplier.Visible      = true;                                     // make supplier combo box visible
            lblSupplier.Visible     = true;                                     // supplier label is visible
            cBSupplier.SelectedText = "";                                       // clear selected text
            cBSupplier.Text         = "";                                       // clear supplier text
                string prodName  = cBProduct.GetItemText(cBProduct.SelectedItem); //Get the product name for the selected product
                int    productId = ProductsDB.getProductId(prodName);             //find the productId of the selected item
                //Get a list of supppiers for the selected product
                List <Suppliers> suppliersSel = Products_SuppliersDB.GetSupForProd(productId);

                //Display the suppliers for the selected product
                foreach (Suppliers supplier in suppliersSel)
            catch (SqlException ex)
                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 8
        // This method populates the combo box with available Products
        private void LoadProductCB()
            int supId = SuppliersDB.getSupplierId(suppName);

            List <Products> temp        = new List <Products>(); // Temp variable to store in order to convert string to int
            List <Products> productList = new List <Products>();

            // Grabs all product ID that doesn't have the particular supplier ID in Product_Supplier
            temp = Products_SuppliersDB.GetNotInProductsID(supId);
                // Converts the Product IDs to Product Names
                foreach (Products products in temp)
                    products.ProdName = ProductsDB.getProdName(products.ProductId);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());

            // Populate the combo box
                cbProductName.DataSource    = productList;
                cbProductName.DisplayMember = "ProdName";
                cbProductName.ValueMember   = "ProductId";
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.GetType().ToString());
        private void btnDeleteProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //supName is equal to the selected items at index 0 to text
            string supName = (lvPkgDetails.Items[lvPkgDetails.SelectedItems[0].Index].Text);
            //suppID is equal to the result of the getProductId method taking supName as an argument
            int suppID = ProductsDB.getProductId(supName);

            //prodName is equal to the selected items at index 0, sub-item index 1 to text
            string prodName = lvPkgDetails.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text;
            //prodID is equal to the result of the getSupplierId method taking prodName as an argument
            int prodID = SuppliersDB.getSupplierId(prodName);

            //productSupplierID is equal to the result of the get_PpsID method taking suppID and prodID as arguments
            int psID = Products_SuppliersDB.Get_PpsID(suppID, prodID);

            // pkgID is equal to the result of the GetPackageIDBy_PsID method taking PsID as an argument
            int pkgID = PackagesDB.GetPackageIDBy_PsID(psID);

            bool exists  = false;
            bool attempt = false;

            if (!exists) // if it does not exist, do this
                    // attempt = add product to package method, taking product supplier id and package id as arguments
                    attempt = ProductsDB.deleteProductFromPkg(pkgID, psID);
                    //MessageBox.Show("Succesfully deleted");
                catch (SqlException ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error modifying package\n" + ex);

                if (attempt)
                    MessageBox.Show("Succesfully deleted");
                    int i = 0;
                    //int pkgID = lvPackages.Items.IndexOf(lvPackages.SelectedItems[i]); -- this is an old logic used

                    List <Package_Product_Suppliers> pps_o = PackagesDB.GetProductSuppliersByPackage(pkgID);
                    foreach (Package_Product_Suppliers pps in pps_o)
                        i += 1;
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to delete");

            btnAddPackage.Visible    = true;
            btnDeleteProduct.Visible = false;
        private void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cBSupplier.SelectedText != "")
                string prodNameSelected = cBProduct.GetItemText(cBProduct.SelectedItem); //Get the product name for the selected product
                int    prodIdSelected   = ProductsDB.getProductId(prodNameSelected);     //find the productId of the selected item
                                                                                         // get thee supplier name from the combo box selection
                string supNameSelected = cBSupplier.GetItemText(cBSupplier.SelectedItem);
                // get the supplierID from the suppliername using the method in SuppliersDB
                int supplierIdSelected = SuppliersDB.getSupplierId(supNameSelected);
                // product supplier ID is equal to a method that retrieves it in a SQL Query
                int ppsID = Products_SuppliersDB.Get_PpsID(prodIdSelected, supplierIdSelected);
                // pkgID is equal to the selected ITEM at the index clicked to maintain consistency
                int pkgID = Convert.ToInt32(lvPackages.Items[lvPackages.SelectedItems[0].Index].Text);

                bool exists  = false;
                bool attempt = false;

                if (!exists) // if it does not exist, do this
                        // attempt = add product to package method, taking product supplier id and package id as arguments
                        attempt = PackagesDB.AddProdToPackage(ppsID, pkgID);
                    catch (SqlException ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Error modifying package\n" + ex);

                    if (attempt)
                        MessageBox.Show("Succesfully modified");
                        int i = 0;
                        List <Package_Product_Suppliers> pps_o = PackagesDB.GetProductSuppliersByPackage(pkgID);
                        foreach (Package_Product_Suppliers pps in pps_o)
                            i += 1;
                    MessageBox.Show("Package is already in the database");
                MessageBox.Show("Please choose a valid supplier");
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void GetSup()
                int productId = ProductsDB.getProductId(prodName);//find the productId of the selected item
                //Get a list of supppiers for the selected product
                List <Suppliers> suppliersSel = Products_SuppliersDB.GetSupForProd(productId);

                //Display the suppliers for the selected product
                foreach (Suppliers supplier in suppliersSel)
            catch (SqlException ex)
                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void GetProd()
                int supplierId = SuppliersDB.getSupplierId(supName);//get the supplier id from the supplier name
                //use that supplierId to get all the products that are associated with the supplier Id
                List <Products> productsSel = Products_SuppliersDB.GetProdForSup(supplierId);

                //Display the products for the selected supplier
                foreach (Products product in productsSel)
            catch (SqlException ex)
                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 13
        // Adds a new row for Product_Supplier table
        private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Validator.IsPresent(txtProdSuppId) && Validator.IsPresent(txtProdName) &&
                suppProd = new Products_Suppliers();
                this.PutInSuppToProd(suppProd); // Grabs the data and puts it in variable

                try                             // Adding through SQL, ProductSupplierDB
                    suppProd          = Products_SuppliersDB.AddSupToProd(suppProd);
                    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                    MessageBox.Show("1 row added");
                    MessageBox.Show("Provided Supplier ID already exists, please enter a different one");