Exemplo n.º 1
 public int distanceToPartner(int p, Coordinates c)
     // Given a person or house piece, and proposed coordinates for placing it, compute
     // the distance to its corresponding partner.  Returns Integer.MAX_VALUE if the
     // partner is not found or the input is not a pure person/house piece.
     if (Pieces.isPerson(p))
         return(this.distance(this.locateHouse(Pieces.personNumber(p)), c));
     else if (Pieces.isHouse(p))
         return(this.distance(this.locatePerson(Pieces.houseNumber(p)), c));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static int combinePieces(int p1, int p2)
     // Combines a piece that is a person or house, with a regular piece.  Order is unimportant.
     // Returns the failure piece if neither piece is a plain person or house.
     if (Pieces.isTile(p1))
         int t = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = t;
     if (Pieces.isPerson(p1) && Pieces.isTile(p2))
         return(Pieces.setPersonNumber(p2, Pieces.personNumber(p1)));
     if (Pieces.isHouse(p1) && Pieces.isTile(p2))
         return(Pieces.setHouseNumber(p2, Pieces.houseNumber(p1)));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public int playPieceDiscard(int p)
     //  Discards a piece.  Of course you can't discard people or house pieces, and discarding
     //  doesn't work if you started moving a person.
     //  Returns the success or failure piece.
     if (this._movingPerson)
         return(this.setFailure("You can't discard a person piece that you are moving."));
     if (Pieces.isHouse(p))
         return(this.setFailure("You can't discard a house piece."));
     if (Pieces.isPerson(p))
         return(this.setFailure("You can't discard a person piece."));
     this.setCurrentPiecePlayed();  // put the piece in the played pile
Exemplo n.º 4
        public bool rotateNextPiece()
            // rotates a piece and sends a success or error message.  Returns true on success.
            setFailureBoolean("You spent " + priceRotation() + " to rotate the piece.");
            if (priceRotation() == 0)
                setFailureBoolean("You rotated the piece.");
            if (this._movingPerson)
                return(setFailureBoolean("You can't rotate a person who is moving."));                     // no rotating people)
            if (!this.piecesLeftThisTurn())
                return(setFailureBoolean("You have no pieces left to rotate."));
            int originalPiece = this.currentTurnPieces[0];

            if (Pieces.isPerson(originalPiece))
                return(setFailureBoolean("You can't rotate a person."));
            if (Pieces.isHouse(originalPiece))
                return(setFailureBoolean("You can't rotate a house."));
            if (!spendCoins(priceRotation()))
                return(setFailureBoolean("You can't afford to rotate.  Rotation costs " + priceRotation() + " coins."));
            this.currentTurnPieces[0] = Pieces.rotatePiece(originalPiece);
            if (this.piecesToPlay[this.currentParticipant][0] == originalPiece)
                this.piecesToPlay[this.currentParticipant][0] = Pieces.rotatePiece(originalPiece);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static bool isTile(int p)
 {       // true if the piece is any other piece but a plain person or house piece
     return((!Pieces.isHouse(p)) && (!Pieces.isPerson(p)) && (!Pieces.isPersonAndHouse(p)));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public bool endTurn()
            // call this when the turn is complete, right before serializing the data.
            // it saves the proposed turn into the actual current participant's board.
            // it also removes all the played pieces permanently from where they came from.
            // Returns true on success, false on error, and on error fills the last error message.
            if (!this._movingPerson && piecesLeftThisTurn())
                return(setFailureBoolean("You must play all pieces before clicking Play."));
            if (this._movingPerson)
                this.setCurrentPiecePlayed();                      // if we were moving a person, we didn't actually put the piece in the played pile till now.
            bool housePersonPlayed = false;

            foreach (int thisPlayedPiece in this.currentTurnPlayedPieces)
                if (Pieces.isPerson(thisPlayedPiece))
                    removePiece(this.remainingPersons, thisPlayedPiece);
                    housePersonPlayed = true;
                else if (Pieces.isHouse(thisPlayedPiece))
                    removePiece(this.remainingHouses, thisPlayedPiece);
                    housePersonPlayed = true;
            //--  check if there is now a new minimum number of pieces
            if (this.piecesLeftInBag() < this.minPiecesLeft)
                this.minPiecesLeft = this.piecesLeftInBag();
            //--  now check to see if anybody has pieces left!
            int participantsWithPieces = 0;

            foreach (String thisParticipantId in this.participantIds)
                if (this.piecesToPlay[thisParticipantId].Count > 0)
            if (participantsWithPieces == 0)
                // nobody has pieces-- game is over!  find and declare the winner.
            //--- now that we've removed played pieces, save the board.
            //--  if the user placed houses or people, they go on everybody's board the same way
            if (housePersonPlayed)
                for (int i = 0; i < participantIds.Count; i++)
Exemplo n.º 7
        public int playPieceAt(int p, int x, int y)
            //  Plays the valid piece P at (x,y) on the board.  Returns the Success piece on regular success
            //  (with the board updated), the Failure piece if the move is invalid, or, if a person has
            //  begun moving, it returns a pure Person piece to indicate which person is moving.
            //  If you get a failure piece, you can get an error message using getLastErrorMessage.
            Coordinates c = new Coordinates(x, y);

            // check if there are no moves left
            if (this._movingPerson && this.personMovesLeft <= 0)
                return(this.setFailure("You have no moves left for your person."));
            if (!this.piecesLeftThisTurn())
                return(this.setFailure("You have no pieces left for this turn."));
            // check for valid coordinates, retrieve the current piece on the board.
            if (!this.currentBoard.isValidCoords(c))
                return(this.setFailure("Internal Error: invalid coordinates"));
            int currentPiece = this.currentBoard.getCell(c);

            // check game rules and place piece based on which kind it is.
            if (Pieces.isPerson(p) && this._movingPerson)
                // Playing a single step in moving a person.  First, see if there is a path to move the person.
                // (The situation of having no moves left was already handled up top.)
                int  sourcePiece      = this.currentBoard.getCell(this.personCoordinates);
                int  thisPersonPiece  = Pieces.getPersonPieceFrom(sourcePiece);
                int  thisPersonNumber = Pieces.personNumber(thisPersonPiece);
                int  goalPiece        = this.currentBoard.createGoalPiece(thisPersonNumber, 0, c);
                bool reachedGoal      = (goalPiece == currentPiece);
                if (Pieces.personNumber(currentPiece) > 0)
                    return(this.setFailure("There can be only one person in a square at a time."));
                if (!Pieces.piecesConnect(this.currentBoard.getCell(this.personCoordinates), currentPiece, this.personCoordinates.x(), this.personCoordinates.y(), x, y))
                    return(this.setFailure("There is no path for the person to get to that square.  Make sure to move your person only one square at a time."));
                //-- it appears that we now have a valid move.
                //-- move the person
                sourcePiece  = Pieces.setPersonNumber(sourcePiece, 0);
                currentPiece = Pieces.setPersonNumber(currentPiece, thisPersonNumber);
                this.currentBoard.setCell(this.personCoordinates, sourcePiece);
                this.personCoordinates = c;
                //-- check for coins
                if (Pieces.gold(currentPiece) || Pieces.silver(currentPiece))
                    if (Pieces.gold(currentPiece))
                    if (Pieces.silver(currentPiece))
                    currentPiece = Pieces.setCoins(currentPiece, false, false);
                    this.currentBoard.setCell(c, currentPiece);
                //-- check for reaching goal
                if (reachedGoal)
                    int thisZeroBasedPersonNumber = thisPersonNumber - 1;
                    this.incrementScore(this.personScores[thisZeroBasedPersonNumber]);   // DEBUG: line where Nancy's game crashed 9/1 8:20pm: probably due to the zero-based/one-based thing, probably she got her purple person to the goal which caused the crash.
                    if (this.personScores[thisZeroBasedPersonNumber] < 0)
                        this.personScores[thisZeroBasedPersonNumber] = 0;
                    //-- check: have we won by finding all the goals?
                    if (this.currentBoard.isWinningBoard())
                //-- now our piece is ready to store and we can return.
                this.currentBoard.setCell(c, currentPiece);
            else if (Pieces.isPerson(p) || Pieces.isHouse(p))
                // Playing a person piece or house piece when you're not moving a person.
                if (!this.currentBoard.isOnEdge(c))
                    return(this.setFailure("Person and house pieces can only be placed on the edges."));                                 // person piece has to be placed on edge
                if (this.currentBoard.isOnCorner(c))
                    return(this.setFailure("You can't place person and house pieces on the corners."));
                if (this.currentBoard.distanceToPartner(p, c) < 5)
                    return(this.setFailure("The person piece and the house piece of each color have to be at least 5 spaces apart."));                                                // person piece can't be too close to house piece
                if (!Pieces.isGreenGrassPiece(currentPiece))
                    return(this.setFailure("Person and house pieces can only be placed on green grass."));                                          // have to put house or person on green grass.
                // combine the pieces and store the result.  Also add a path for the person or house.
                int newPiece = Pieces.combinePieces(currentPiece, p);
                if (Pieces.isFailurePiece(newPiece))
                    return(this.setFailure("There was an unexpected problem."));
                newPiece = this.currentBoard.setGoalDirections(newPiece, c);
                this.currentBoard.setCell(c, newPiece);
                // Playing a regular piece.  If you play it against an existing piece with a person on it,
                // it starts person-moving mode.  If you play it on a blank square, it places the piece.
                // Other moves are invalid.
                if (Pieces.personNumber(currentPiece) > 0)
                    // Begin person moving mode
                    this._movingPerson     = true;
                    this.personCoordinates = c;
                    this.personMovesLeft   = Pieces.numberMoves(p);
                else if (this.currentBoard.isOnEdge(c))     //-- note: you CAN be on an edge if you're moving a person, see above.
                    return(this.setFailure("You can't play a path piece on the edge of the board."));
                else if (Pieces.isBlank(currentPiece))
                    // Placing tile in blank space
                    this.currentBoard.setCell(c, p);
                    return(this.setFailure("You can't move there."));
            // Shouldn't get here, and indeed, the compiler says you can't get here.