}   // CompareTo method
		#endregion // IComparable Implemtation

		#region Private Instance Methods
		/// <summary>
		/// Parse the DisplayName property. 
		/// If it contains DISPLAY_NAME_SUBSTITUTION_TOKEN, treat it as a format
		/// control string from which to construct the name of a string resource
		/// to substitute into the property as its actual display name.
		/// If the calling assembly contains no such string, revert to the value
		/// of the InternalName property.
		/// Otherwise, leave it unchanged.
		/// </summary>
		private void ParseDisplayName ( )
			if ( _strDisplayName.IndexOf ( DISPLAY_NAME_SUBSTITUTION_TOKEN ) > WizardWrx.ListInfo.INDEXOF_NOT_FOUND )
				string strDisplayNameStringResourceName = string.Format (
					_strDisplayName ,
					_strInternalName );
				string strTempDisplayname = Utl.GetStringResourceByNameFromEntryAssembly (
					strDisplayNameStringResourceName );
				_strDisplayName = string.IsNullOrEmpty ( strTempDisplayname )
					? _strInternalName
					: strTempDisplayname;
			}   // if ( _strDisplayName.IndexOf ( DISPLAY_NAME_SUBSTITUTION_TOKEN ) > WizardWrx.ListInfo.INDEXOF_NOT_FOUND )
		}   // ParseDisplayName
		}   // SetValue Method
        #endregion // Public Methods

        #region ToString Method Override
        /// <summary>
        /// Override the default ToString method, so that the locals and watch
        /// windows display a concise summary of the object's properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// This overridden ToString method returns a string that contains a
        /// string representation of the object's simple name, followed by a
        /// colon, then the properties in a newline delimited string of labels
        /// and values.
        /// </returns>
        public override string ToString ( )
            lock ( s_syncRoot )
                return string.Format (
                    Properties.Resources.OPERATING_PARAMETER_TOSTRING ,         // Format control string
                    this.GetType ( ).Name ,                                     // Format Item 0: {0}: InternalName =
                    _strInternalName ,                                          // Format Item 1: InternalName = {1}
                    Utl.RenderStringValue ( _strDisplayName ) ,                 // Format Item 2: DisplayName = {2}
                    Utl.RenderStringValue ( _strValue ) ,                       // Format Item 3: ParamValue = {3},
                    _enmParameterType ,                                         // Format Item 4: ParamType = {4},
                    _fHasDefaultValueInAppSettings ,                            // Format Item 5: MayHaveAppSetting = {5},
                    _enmState ,                                                 // Format Item 6: ParamState = {6},
                    _enmParameterSource ,                                       // Format Item 7: ParamSource = {7},
                    Utl.RenderStringValue ( _strSavedDefaultValue ) ,           // Format Item 8: SavedDefaultValue = {8}
                    Environment.NewLine );                                      // Format Item 9: Platform-dependent enwline
            }   // lock ( s_syncRoot )
        }   // ToString Method override