Exemplo n.º 1
        private void LookFor(byte reference, byte neighborInterested, byte rootInterested, byte distance) //RootInterested represent the first interesed, who start the interrogation
            //This occur when many neighbors ask for the same node
            if (LookTable.ContainsKey(reference))

            //This check prevents a node with no neighbors store a search in lookTable
            if (neighborInterested == 0 || NeighborsTable.Count > 1)
                LookTable.Add(reference, new byte[] { neighborInterested, 0, (byte)(distance - 1) });

                //Send RouteAnswer to everyone in NeighborsTable != neighborInterested
                lock (NeighborsTable)
                    foreach (byte neigborAddress in NeighborsTable)
                        if (neigborAddress != neighborInterested)
                            NodeuC neigbor = Program.GetNode(neigborAddress);

                            ROUTE_MSG routeAnswer = new ROUTE_MSG();
                            routeAnswer.header_distance = distance;
                            routeAnswer.header_restype  = 1; //ANSWER
                            routeAnswer.header_type     = 0; //ROUTE
                            routeAnswer.from            = rootInterested;
                            routeAnswer.to        = neigborAddress;
                            routeAnswer.parent    = NodeAddress;
                            routeAnswer.reference = reference;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void loop()
            TimeSpan iterationTime = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks);


            if (routeBuffer.Count > 0) //check the outstanding route messages
                ROUTE_MSG message = routeBuffer[0];

                if (message.header_restype == 1) //Route Answer
                    bool isNeighbor = NeighborsTable.Contains(message.reference);

                    //Check if the first variable returns true, because in this case the second search is not needed
                    if (isNeighbor || RouteTable.ContainsKey(message.reference))
                        ROUTE_MSG routeResponse = new ROUTE_MSG();
                        if (isNeighbor)
                            routeResponse.header_distance = 1;
                            routeResponse.header_distance = (byte)(RouteTable[message.reference][1] + 1);
                        routeResponse.header_restype = 0; //RESPONSE
                        routeResponse.header_type    = 0; //ROUTE
                        routeResponse.header_ok      = 1;

                        routeResponse.from      = NodeAddress;
                        routeResponse.to        = message.from;
                        routeResponse.parent    = NodeAddress;
                        routeResponse.reference = message.reference;

                        NodeuC Dest = Program.GetNode(message.parent);

                        //TODO: Notify the node sought to avoid a possible subsequent search in the opposite
                        routeResponse.header_distance = (byte)(message.header_distance + 1);
                        routeResponse.from            = NodeAddress;
                        routeResponse.to        = message.reference;
                        routeResponse.parent    = NodeAddress;
                        routeResponse.reference = message.from;
                        Dest = Program.GetNode(isNeighbor ? message.reference : RouteTable[message.reference][0]);

                        addToRouteTable(message.from, message.parent, message.header_distance);
                        LookFor(message.reference, message.parent, message.from, (byte)(message.header_distance + 1));
                    Color = Color.Yellow;
                else //Route Response
                    if (message.header_ok > 0)
                        addToRouteTable(message.reference, message.parent, message.header_distance);

                        if (LookTable.ContainsKey(message.reference))
                            byte interested = LookTable[message.reference][0];
                            if (interested != 0)
                                ROUTE_MSG routeResponse = new ROUTE_MSG();
                                routeResponse.header_distance = (byte)(message.header_distance + 1);
                                routeResponse.header_restype  = 0; //RESPONSE
                                routeResponse.header_type     = 0; //ROUTE
                                routeResponse.header_ok       = 1;

                                routeResponse.from      = message.from;
                                routeResponse.to        = message.to;
                                routeResponse.parent    = NodeAddress;
                                routeResponse.reference = message.reference;

                                NodeuC Dest = Program.GetNode(interested);

                                //Store the way back if distance > 0 (message.to is not a neighbor)
                                byte distance = LookTable[message.reference][2];
                                if (distance > 0)
                                    addToRouteTable(message.to, interested, distance);
                            Color = Color.Purple;
                    //This case is given when it tried to route a message from a node that is no longer able to reach the recipient.
                    else if (RouteTable.ContainsKey(message.reference) && RouteTable[message.reference][0] == message.parent)

                        //Notify the neighbors that I can't reach the intended recipient
                        foreach (var neighborAddress in NeighborsTable)
                            if (message.parent != neighborAddress)
                                ROUTE_MSG routeResponse = new ROUTE_MSG();
                                routeResponse.header_restype  = 0; //RESPONSE
                                routeResponse.header_type     = 0; //ROUTE
                                routeResponse.header_ok       = 0; //FAIL
                                routeResponse.header_distance = message.header_distance;
                                routeResponse.from            = NodeAddress;
                                routeResponse.to        = message.to;
                                routeResponse.parent    = NodeAddress;
                                routeResponse.reference = message.reference;

                                NodeuC Dest = Program.GetNode(neighborAddress);

                        //TODO: If there are pending messages for this node, try to trace a new route
                        if (message.to == NodeAddress)
                            Program.MessageBoxCustom("Ha cambiado la topología de la red. Reenviar", "MESSAGE " + message.header_distance +
                                                     " FROM " + NodeAddress + " TO " + message.reference + "           ");


            if (dataInputBuffer.Count > 0)//Data messages to read
                Color = Color.YellowGreen;
                DATA_MSG message = dataInputBuffer[0];
                bool     isNeighbor;
                if (message.to == NodeAddress) //it's to me?
                    Color         = Color.Magenta;
                    message.data += NodeAddress;
                    Program.MessageBoxCustom(message.data, "MESSAGE " + message.header_id +
                                             " FROM " + message.from + " TO " + message.to + " BY " + message.parent + "           ");
                else if ((isNeighbor = NeighborsTable.Contains(message.to)) || RouteTable.ContainsKey(message.to))
                    message.parent = NodeAddress;
                    message.data  += NodeAddress + " -> ";
                    NodeuC Dest = Program.GetNode(isNeighbor ? message.to : RouteTable[message.to][0]);
                    ROUTE_MSG routeResponse = new ROUTE_MSG();
                    routeResponse.header_restype  = 0;                 //RESPONSE
                    routeResponse.header_type     = 0;                 //ROUTE
                    routeResponse.header_ok       = 0;                 //FAIL
                    routeResponse.header_distance = message.header_id; //Use the length field to store the id of the failed message
                    routeResponse.from            = NodeAddress;
                    routeResponse.to        = message.from;
                    routeResponse.parent    = NodeAddress;
                    routeResponse.reference = message.to;

                    NodeuC Dest = Program.GetNode(message.parent);

            if (dataOutputBuffer.Count > 0)//Messages to send
                List <DATA_MSG> items = dataOutputBuffer.ToList();

                foreach (var message in items)
                    if (!LookTable.ContainsKey(message.to))//Look finished
                    else if (LookTable[message.to][1] >= TIMEOUT)
                        Program.MessageBoxCustom("Timeout superado", "MESSAGE FROM " + message.from + " TO " + message.to + "           ");

            int diff = (int)(iterationTime - lastLookTableUpdate).TotalMilliseconds;

            if (diff > 1000 && LookTable.Count > 0) //Check the pending searches every second
                foreach (var item in LookTable.ToList())
                    byte reference = item.Key;
                    byte counter   = item.Value[1];

                    if (counter < TIMEOUT)
                        LookTable.Remove(reference); //TIMEOUT limit exceeded

                lastLookTableUpdate = iterationTime;