Exemplo n.º 1
        public void CenterPrint(coGameConnection client, string message, string time, string lines)
            if (lines == "" || lines.AsInt() > 3 || lines.AsInt() < 1)
                lines = "1";

            console.commandToClient(client, "centerPrint", new[] {message, time, lines});
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void Ban(coGameConnection client)
     MessageAll("MsgAdminForce", console.ColorEncode(@"\c2The Admin has banned %1."), client["playerName"]);
     if (!client.isAIControlled())
         console.Call_Classname("BanList", "add", new[] {client["guid"], client.getAddress(), sGlobal["$Pref::Server::BanTime"]});
     client.delete("You have been banned from this server");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void ServerCmdTogglePathCamera(coGameConnection client, bool val)
            string control = val ? client["PathCamera"] : client["camera"];


        private void SendLoadInfoToClient(coGameConnection client)
            coLevelInfo theLevelInfo = "theLevelInfo";

            MessageClient(client, "MsgLoadInfo", "", theLevelInfo["levelName"]);

            for (int i = 0; theLevelInfo["desc[" + i + "]"] != ""; i++)

                MessageClient(client, "MsgLoadDescripition", "", theLevelInfo["desc[" + i + "]"]);

            MessageClient(client, "MsgLoadInfoDone", "");
        public void GameConnectionLoadMission(coGameConnection client)
            // Send over the information that will display the server info
            // when we learn it got there, we'll send the data blocks

            client["currentPhase"] = "0";

            if (client.isAIControlled())
                if (client.isObject())
                    console.commandToClient(client, "MissionStartPhase1", new[] {sGlobal["$missionSequence"], sGlobal["$Server::MissionFile"], sGlobal["MissionGroup.musicTrack"]});
                console.print("*** Sending mission load to client: " + sGlobal["$Server::MissionFile"]);
        public void ServerCmdMissionStartPhase1Ack(coGameConnection client, string seq)
            // Make sure to ignore calls from a previous mission load
            if (seq != sGlobal["$missionSequence"] || !missionRunning)
            if (client["currentPhase"].AsDouble() != 0.0)

            client["currentPhase"] = "1";
            // Start with the CRC


            // Send over the datablocks...
            // OnDataBlocksDone will get called when have confirmation
            // that they've all been received.
            console.print("Transmitting Datablocks");
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void MessageTeamExcept(coGameConnection client, string msgType, string msgString, string a1 = "", string a2 = "", string a3 = "", string a4 = "", string a5 = "", string a6 = "", string a7 = "", string a8 = "", string a9 = "", string a10 = "", string a11 = "", string a12 = "", string a13 = "")
     string team = client["team"];
     foreach (coGameConnection clientid in ClientGroup.Where(clientid => client["team"] == team && (clientid != client)))
         MessageClient(clientid, msgType, msgString, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void MessageClient(coGameConnection client, string msgtype, string msgstring, string a1 = "", string a2 = "", string a3 = "", string a4 = "", string a5 = "", string a6 = "", string a7 = "", string a8 = "", string a9 = "", string a10 = "", string a11 = "", string a12 = "", string a13 = "")
            string function = console.addTaggedString("ServerMessage");

            string tmsgtype = "";
            if (msgtype.Length > 0)
                tmsgtype = (byte) msgtype[0] == (byte) 1 ? msgtype : console.addTaggedString(msgtype);
            string tmsgstring = "";
            if (msgstring.Length > 0)
                tmsgstring = (byte) msgstring[0] == (byte) 1 ? msgstring : console.addTaggedString(msgstring);

            //console.error("Sending " + client + " message '" + console.getTaggedString(function) + "' - ' " + console.getTaggedString(tmsgtype) + "' - '" + tmsgstring + "'");
            if (console.isObject(client))
                console.commandToClient(client, function, new[] {tmsgtype, tmsgstring, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13});
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void ChatMessageAll(coGameConnection sender, string msgString, string a1 = "", string a2 = "", string a3 = "", string a4 = "", string a5 = "", string a6 = "", string a7 = "", string a8 = "", string a9 = "", string a10 = "")
            if ((msgString.Trim().Length == 0) || SpamAlert(sender))
            foreach (coGameConnection obj in ClientGroup)
                if (sender["team"].AsInt() != 0)
                    ChatMessageClient(obj, sender, sender["voiceTag"], sender["voicePitch"], msgString, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10);

                    if (obj["team"] == sender["team"])
                        ChatMessageClient(obj, sender, sender["voiceTag"], sender["voicePitch"], msgString, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10);
        public void ServerCmdcarUnmountObj(coGameConnection client, coPlayer obj)

            TransformF ejectpos = obj.getTransform();
            ejectpos += new TransformF(0, 0, 5);

            coVehicle mvehicle = obj["mVehicle"];

            Point3F ejectvel = mvehicle.getVelocity();
            ejectvel += new Point3F(0, 0, 10);

            ejectvel = ejectvel.vectorScale(((coSimDataBlock) (obj.getDataBlock()))["mass"].AsFloat());

            obj.applyImpulse(ejectpos.MPosition, ejectvel);
 public void GameConnectionsyncClock(coGameConnection client, string time)
     console.commandToClient(client, "syncClock", new[] {time});
 public void GameConnectionstartMission(coGameConnection client)
     // Inform the client the mission starting
     console.commandToClient(client, "MissionStart", new[] {sGlobal["$missionSequence"]});
        public void GameConnectionSetPlayerName(coGameConnection client, string name)
            client["sendGuid"] = "0";

            // Minimum length requirements
            name = Util._strToPlayerName(name).Trim();
            if (name.Length < 3)
                name = "Poser";

            // Make sure the alias is unique, we'll hit something eventually
            if (!IsNameUnique(name))
                bool isUnique = false;
                string nametry = "NotSet";
                for (int suffix = 1; !isUnique; suffix++)
                    nametry = name + "." + suffix;
                    isUnique = IsNameUnique(nametry);
                name = nametry;
            client["nameBase"] = name;
            client["playerName"] = console.addTaggedString(console.ColorEncode(string.Format(@"\cp\c8{0}\co", name)));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public void GameConnectSpamMessageTimeOut(coGameConnection thisobj)
     if (thisobj["spamMessageCount"].AsInt() > 0)
         thisobj["spamMessageCount"] = (thisobj["spamMessageCount"].AsInt() - 1).AsString();
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void ClearBottomPrint(coGameConnection client)
     console.commandToClient(client, "clearBottomPrint");
Exemplo n.º 16
 public void ClearCenterPrint(coGameConnection client)
     console.commandToClient(client, "ClearCenterPrint");
        public void ServerCmddismountVehicle(coGameConnection client)
            coPlayer player = client["player"];
            coVehicle car = player.getControlObject();
            coPlayer passenger = car.getMountNodeObject(0);

            ((coSimDataBlock) passenger.getDataBlock()).call("doDismount", passenger, true.AsString());
 public void ServerCmdsetPlayerControl(coGameConnection client)
     coPlayer player = client["player"];
        public void ServerCmdflipCar(coGameConnection client)
            coPlayer player = client["player"];

            coVehicle car = player.getControlObject();
            if (car.getClassName() != "WheeledVehicle")
            TransformF carpos = car.getTransform();
            carpos += new TransformF(0, 0, 3);
Exemplo n.º 20
 public void SendMsgClientKilledMineDamage(string msgType, coGameConnection client, coShapeBase sourceClient, string damLoc)
     // Customized kill message for deaths caused by proximity mines
     if (sourceClient == 0)
         MessageAll(msgType, "%1 was blown up!", client["playerName"]);
     else if (sourceClient == client)
         MessageAll(msgType, "%1 stepped on his own mine!", client["playerName"]);
         MessageAll(msgType, "%1 was blown up by %2!", client["playerName"], sourceClient["playerName"]);
        public void ServerCmdMissionStartPhase3Ack(coGameConnection client, string seq)
            if (seq != sGlobal["$missionSequence"] || !missionRunning)
            if (client["currentPhase"].AsDouble() != 2.0)

            client["currentPhase"] = "3";
            // Server is ready to drop into the game

Exemplo n.º 22
 public void GameConnectionspamReset(coGameConnection thisobj)
     thisobj["isSpamming"] = false.AsString();
        public void GameConnectiononDrop(coGameConnection client, string reason)


            MessageAllExcept(client, "-1", "MsgClientDrop", console.ColorEncode(@"\c1%1 has left the game."), client["playerName"], client);


            console.print(string.Format("CDROP: {0} {1}", client, client.getAddress()));

 public string GameConnectionOnConnectRequest(coGameConnection client, string netAddress, string name)
     console.print(string.Format("Connect request from:{0}", netAddress));
     return Server__PlayerCount >= pref__Server__MaxPlayers ? "CR_SERVERFULL" : "";
 public void GameConnectionendMission(coGameConnection client)
     // Inform the client the mission is done.  Note that if this is
     // called as part of the server destruction routine, the client will
     // actually never see this comment since the client connection will
     // be destroyed before another round of command processing occurs.
     // In this case, the client will only see the disconnect from the server
     // and should manually trigger a mission cleanup.
     console.commandToClient(client, "MissionEnd", new[] {sGlobal["$missionSequence"]});
 public void OnGhostAlwaysObjectsReceived(coGameConnection client)
     // Ready for next phase.
     console.commandToClient(client, "MissionStartPhase3", new[] {sGlobal["$missionSequence"], sGlobal["$Server::MissionFile"]});
Exemplo n.º 27
        public bool SpamAlert(coGameConnection client)
            if (!bGlobal["$Pref::Server::FloodProtectionEnabled"])
                return false;

            if (!client["isSpamming"].AsBool() && client["spamMessageCount"].AsInt() >= iGlobal["$SPAM_MESSAGE_THRESHOLD"])
                console.error("Client " + client + " is spamming, message count = " + client["spamMessageCount"]);
                client["spamProtectStart"] = console.getSimTime().AsString();
                client["isSpamming"] = true.AsString();
                client.schedule(console.GetVarString("$SPAM_PENALTY_PERIOD"), "spamReset");

            if (client["isSpamming"].AsBool())
                double wait = Math.Floor((console.GetVarInt("$SPAM_PENALTY_PERIOD") - (console.getSimTime() - client["spamProtectStart"].AsDouble())/1000));
                MessageClient(client, "", sGlobal["$SPAM_MESSAGE"], wait.AsString());
                return true;
            client["spamMessageCount"] = (client["spamMessageCount"].AsInt() + 1).AsString();

            client.schedule(sGlobal["$SPAM_PROTECTION_PERIOD"], "spamMessageTimeout");
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void ChatMessageTeam(coGameConnection sender, string team, string msgString, string a1 = "", string a2 = "", string a3 = "", string a4 = "", string a5 = "", string a6 = "", string a7 = "", string a8 = "", string a9 = "", string a10 = "")
            if ((msgString.Trim().Length == 0) || SpamAlert(sender))

            foreach (coGameConnection obj in ClientGroup.Where(obj => ((coGameConnection) obj)["team"] == sender["team"]))
                ChatMessageClient(obj, sender, console.GetVarString(string.Format("{0}.voiceTag", sender)), console.GetVarString(string.Format("{0}.voicePitch", sender)), msgString, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10);
        public void GameConnectionOnConnect(coGameConnection client, string name)
            // Send down the connection error info, the client is
            // responsible for displaying this message if a connection
            // error occures.
            MessageClient(client, "MsgConnectionError", "", sGlobal["$Pref::Server::ConnectionError"]);
            // Send mission information to the client
            // Simulated client lag for testing...
            // %client.setSimulatedNetParams(0.1, 30);

            // Get the client's unique id:
            // %authInfo = %client.getAuthInfo();
            // %client.guid = getField( %authInfo, 3 );

            client["guid"] = "0";

            // Set admin status
            if (client.getAddress() == "local")
                client["isAdmin"] = true.AsString();
                client["isSuperAdmin"] = true.AsString();
                client["isAdmin"] = false.AsString();
                client["isSuperAdmin"] = false.AsString();
            // Save client preferences on the connection object for later use.

            client["gender"] = "Male";
            client["armor"] = "Light";
            client["race"] = "human";
            client["skin"] = console.addTaggedString("base");

            GameConnectionSetPlayerName(client, name);
            client["team"] = "";
            client["score"] = "0";

            console.print("CADD: " + client + " " + client.getAddress());

            // If the mission is running, go ahead download it to the client
            if (missionRunning)
            else if (Server__LoadFailMsg != "")
                MessageClient(client, "MsgLoadFailed", Server__LoadFailMsg);

Exemplo n.º 30
 public void ChatMessageClient(coGameConnection client, coGameConnection sender, string voiceTag, string voicePitch, string msgString, string a1 = "", string a2 = "", string a3 = "", string a4 = "", string a5 = "", string a6 = "", string a7 = "", string a8 = "", string a9 = "", string a10 = "")
     if (console.isObject(client))
         if (!client["muted[" + sender + "]"].AsBool())
             console.commandToClient(client, "ChatMessage", new string[] {sender, voiceTag, voicePitch, console.addTaggedString(msgString), a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10});