Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'testDataSet.SCORING' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.

                // This LINQ query works against a new in-memory dataset; it could be also reusing the this.testDataSet.SCORING
                // data set, instead of reloading the table

                 * var bestPlayer = (from player in ctx.sCORINGTableAdapter.GetData()
                 *                 group player by player.PLAYERID into goals
                 *                 select new
                 *                 {
                 *                    Player = goals.Key,
                 *                    CareerGoals = goals.Sum(player => player.G)
                 *                 }).OrderByDescending(p => p.CareerGoals).First();

                // This LINQ query generates a SQL query on the fly, avoiding the need to load the entire table in memory
                testEntities ctx        = new testEntities();
                var          bestPlayer = (from player in ctx.SCORING
                                           /*group player by player.PLAYER.FIRSTNAME + " " + player.PLAYER.LASTNAME into goals*/
                                           group player by player.PLAYERID into goals
                                           select new
                    Player = goals.Key,
                    CareerGoals = goals.Sum(player => player.GOALS)
                }).OrderByDescending(p => p.CareerGoals).First();
                var playerName = from master in ctx.PLAYERS
                                 where master.PLAYERID == bestPlayer.Player
                                 select master.FIRSTNAME + " " + master.LASTNAME;
                this.bestScorer.Text = bestPlayer.Player + " (" + bestPlayer.CareerGoals + " goals)";
            catch (Exception excp)
                if (excp.InnerException != null)
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'testDataSet.SCORING' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.

                // This LINQ query works against a new in-memory dataset; it could be also reusing the this.testDataSet.SCORING
                // data set, instead of reloading the table
                var bestPlayer = (from player in ctx.sCORINGTableAdapter.GetData()
                                   group player by player.PLAYERID into goals
                                   select new
                                      Player = goals.Key,
                                      CareerGoals = goals.Sum(player => player.G)
                                   }).OrderByDescending(p => p.CareerGoals).First();

                // This LINQ query generates a SQL query on the fly, avoiding the need to load the entire table in memory
                testEntities ctx = new testEntities();
                var bestPlayer = (from player in ctx.SCORING
                                   /*group player by player.PLAYER.FIRSTNAME + " " + player.PLAYER.LASTNAME into goals*/
                                  group player by player.PLAYERID into goals
                                   select new
                                      Player = goals.Key,
                                      CareerGoals = goals.Sum(player => player.GOALS)
                                   }).OrderByDescending(p => p.CareerGoals).First();
                var playerName = from master in ctx.PLAYERS
                                 where master.PLAYERID == bestPlayer.Player
                                 select master.FIRSTNAME + " " + master.LASTNAME;
                this.bestScorer.Text = bestPlayer.Player + " (" + bestPlayer.CareerGoals + " goals)";

            catch (Exception excp)
                if (excp.InnerException != null)