Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Rotate90AgainClockwise()
            uint height = ChangedImg.BM_Height;
            uint width  = ChangedImg.BM_Width;

            ChangedImg.BM_Width = height;
            //change Width in buffer array

            ChangedImg.BM_Height = width;
            //change Height in buffer array

            ChangedImg.RowLength        = Convert.ToUInt32(Math.Ceiling(ChangedImg.BM_Width * ChangedImg.BM_BitsPerPixel / 32.0) * 4); //number of bytes on the row
            ChangedImg.RowBitAlignment  = (ChangedImg.RowLength * 8) - (ChangedImg.BM_Width * ChangedImg.BM_BitsPerPixel);             //number of bits used for aligment of row
            ChangedImg.RowByteAlignment = ChangedImg.RowBitAlignment / 8;

            uint NewBuffLength = ChangedImg.BM_Offset + (ChangedImg.RowLength) * ChangedImg.BM_Height;

            byte[] buffResized = new byte[NewBuffLength];

            if (ChangedImg.BM_BitsPerPixel == 24)
                VColor[,] pixelArrDest = new VColor[ChangedImg.BM_Height, ChangedImg.BM_Width];
                for (int r = 0; r < ChangedImg.BM_Width; r++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < ChangedImg.BM_Height; c++)
                        pixelArrDest[c, r] = ChangedImg.pixelArr[r, ChangedImg.BM_Height - 1 - c];
                //set new created pixelArr
                ChangedImg.pixelArr = pixelArrDest;
            if ((ChangedImg.BM_BitsPerPixel == 8) || (ChangedImg.BM_BitsPerPixel == 1))
                uint[,] pixelIndexArrDest = new uint[ChangedImg.BM_Height, ChangedImg.BM_Width];
                for (int r = 0; r < ChangedImg.BM_Width; r++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < ChangedImg.BM_Height; c++)
                        pixelIndexArrDest[c, r] = ChangedImg.pixelIndexArr[r, ChangedImg.BM_Height - 1 - c];
                //set new created pixelArr
                ChangedImg.pixelIndexArr = pixelIndexArrDest;
            //copy fist 52 bytes to
            Array.Copy(ChangedImg.buff, 0, buffResized, 0, ChangedImg.BM_Offset);
            ChangedImg.buff = buffResized;

            //change BM_Size in buffer array
            ChangedImg.BM_Size = NewBuffLength;


            //after all ¨changes ubdate LoadImg by ChangedImg
            BitMap ClonedChangedImg = (BitMap)ChangedImg.Clone();

            LoadedImg = ClonedChangedImg;
        public BitMap(String fileName)
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            streamBits = new BinaryReader(fs);

            long numbytes = new FileInfo(fileName).Length;

            buff = new byte[(int)numbytes];
            buff = streamBits.ReadBytes((int)numbytes);

            streamBits.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            //streamBits.Close; ukoncení

            //je možno použít buď  Convert.ToUInt32() nebo (uint)
            BM_Type   = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt16());
            BM_Size   = Convert.ToUInt32(streamBits.ReadInt32());
            Unused1   = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt16());
            Unused2   = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt16());
            BM_Offset = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt32());

            //BITMAPINFOHEADER \/
            BM_NumberOfBit       = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt32());
            BM_Width             = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt32());
            BM_Height            = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt32());
            BM_Planes            = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt16());
            BM_BitsPerPixel      = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt16());                                    //2B-biBitCount
            BM_Compression       = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt32());                                    //4B-biCompression (neřešíme)
            BM_ByteSizeToCom     = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt32());                                    //4B-biSizeImage (asi nepotřebujeme)
            BM_XOutPerMeter      = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt32());                                    //4B-biXPelsPerMeter
            BM_YOutPerMeter      = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt32());                                    //4B-biYPelsPerMeter
            BM_ByteColorUsed     = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt32());                                    //4B-biClrUsed
            BM_NeededByteToColor = (uint)(streamBits.ReadInt32());                                    //4B-biClrImportant

            RowLength        = Convert.ToUInt32(Math.Ceiling(BM_Width * BM_BitsPerPixel / 32.0) * 4); //number of bytes on row
            RowBitAlignment  = (RowLength * 8) - (BM_Width * BM_BitsPerPixel);                        //number of bits used for aligment of row
            RowByteAlignment = RowBitAlignment / 8;                                                   //number of byts used for aligment of row
            pixelArr         = new VColor[BM_Height, BM_Width];                                       //array with indexes of R,G,B, mainy used for 24bit picture

            SizeOfPallet  = BM_Offset - HeadersLength;
            ColorPalette  = new VColor[SizeOfPallet / 4];    //4 because every color is expressed by 4 BYTES
            pixelIndexArr = new uint[BM_Height, BM_Width];   //pole pixelů, jednotlivé složky plole mají v sobě uloženy indexi do pole barevné palety ColorPalette
            //----------------------------loading of picture 1 bit
            if (BM_BitsPerPixel == 1)
                //loading of color palette 1 bit picture

                for (int col = 0; col < (SizeOfPallet / 4); col++)
                    TempIndex = HeadersLength + col * 4 + 0;
                    blue      = buff[TempIndex];

                    green = buff[HeadersLength + col * 4 + 1];

                    TempIndex3 = HeadersLength + col * 4 + 2;
                    red        = buff[TempIndex3];

                    ColorPalette[col] = new VColor(red, green, blue);

                //loading of pixel array 1BIT picture, true = white, false=black
                BM_OffsetMoved = BM_Offset;

                BitArray bits;
                byte[]   arr = new byte[RowLength];
                for (int r = 0; r < BM_Height; r++)
                    Array.Copy(buff, BM_OffsetMoved, arr, 0, RowLength);
                    int indexArrayOffest = 1;
                    bits = new BitArray(arr);
                    for (int col = 0; col < BM_Width; col++)
                    {   //if je kvůli posunu na další osmici bitů po přečtení první osmice bitů
                        if (((col % 8) == 0) && col != 0)
                        int Index = indexArrayOffest * 8 - col - 1 + ((indexArrayOffest - 1) * 8);
                        pixelIndexArr[r, col] = Convert.ToUInt32(bits[Index]);
                    //before every iteratyion of "r"need to increment Offset
                    BM_OffsetMoved = BM_OffsetMoved + RowLength;

                //due to generalization, is created pixelArr for 1Bit picture
                for (int r = 0; r < BM_Height; r++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < BM_Width; col++)
                        uint indexInColorPalette = pixelIndexArr[r, col];
                        pixelArr[r, col] = new VColor(
                    //after first iteration we have to change Offset
                    BM_OffsetMoved = Convert.ToUInt32(TempIndex3) + RowByteAlignment + 1;
            //------------------------------loading of fixel array 8 bit picture
            if (BM_BitsPerPixel == 8)
                //loading of picture palette
                for (int col = 0; col < (SizeOfPallet / 4); col++)
                    TempIndex = HeadersLength + col * 4 + 0;
                    blue      = buff[TempIndex];

                    green = buff[HeadersLength + col * 4 + 1];

                    TempIndex3 = HeadersLength + col * 4 + 2;
                    red        = buff[TempIndex3];

                    ColorPalette[col] = new VColor(red, green, blue);

                //loading of pixel array 8 bit picture
                BM_OffsetMoved = BM_Offset;
                for (int r = 0; r < BM_Height; r++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < BM_Width; col++)
                        TempIndex = BM_OffsetMoved + col;
                        UInt32 ValueIndex = buff[TempIndex];
                        pixelIndexArr[r, col] = ValueIndex;
                    //after first iteration we have to change Offset
                    BM_OffsetMoved = Convert.ToUInt32(TempIndex) + RowByteAlignment + 1;

                //due to generalization, is created pixelArr for 8Bit picture - but it is not used in applicaton
                for (int r = 0; r < BM_Height; r++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < BM_Width; col++)
                        uint indexInColorPalette = pixelIndexArr[r, col];
                        pixelArr[r, col] = new VColor(
                    //after first iteration we have to change Offset
                    BM_OffsetMoved = Convert.ToUInt32(TempIndex3) + RowByteAlignment + 1;
            //------------------------------loading of fixel array 24 bit picture
            if (BM_BitsPerPixel == 24)
                BM_OffsetMoved = BM_Offset;
                for (int r = 0; r < BM_Height; r++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < BM_Width; col++)
                        TempIndex = BM_OffsetMoved + 3 * col + 0;
                        blue = buff[BM_OffsetMoved + 3 * col + 0];
                        TempIndex2 = BM_OffsetMoved + 3 * col + 1;
                        green      = buff[BM_OffsetMoved + 3 * col + 1];
                        TempIndex3 = BM_OffsetMoved + 3 * col + 2;
                        red        = buff[BM_OffsetMoved + 3 * col + 2];

                        pixelArr[r, col] = new VColor(red, green, blue);
                    //after first iteration we have to change Offset
                    BM_OffsetMoved = Convert.ToUInt32(TempIndex3) + RowByteAlignment + 1;
            //uvolnění zdrojů