Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            #if DEBUG
            args = new string[]{"SafeBox", "Repo", "watchTest", "Bob"};
            if (args.Length != 4) {
                Console.WriteLine ("Usage: Watcher.exe <directory path> <repo> <prefix> <recipient key>");

            string path = args [0];
            Repo repo = Repo.Create (args [1]);
            string prefix = args [2];
            string recipientName = args [3];

            Directory.CreateDirectory (path);

            KeyStorage keyStorage = KeyStorage.Default;

            PublicKey recipientKey = null;
            if (recipientName != null) {
                recipientKey = keyStorage.GetPublic (recipientName);
                EncryptedRepo er = new EncryptedRepo (repo, keyStorage);
                er.AddKey (recipientKey);
                repo = er;

            DirectoryWatcher dw = new DirectoryWatcher (path, repo, prefix);
            dw.Run ();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Main(string[] args, KeyStorage keyStorage)
            if (args.Length != 4)
                throw new HelpException ("Missing arguments");
            string sourcePath = args [1];
            string repoPath = args [2];
            string receipientName = args [3];

            if (Directory.Exists (sourcePath) == false)
                throw new HelpException ("Source directory not found: " + sourcePath);

            Repo repo = Repo.Create (repoPath);

            //Sender and Recipient keys
            PrivateKey senderKey = keyStorage.DefaultKey;
            PublicKey recipientKey = keyStorage.GetPublic (receipientName);

            //Prepare Route message recording of ChunkID
            RouteRepo rr = new RouteRepo (repo);

            //Prepare Encryption
            EncryptedRepo er = new EncryptedRepo (rr, null);
            er.AddKey (recipientKey);

            Console.Write ("Generating Tree...");

            //Send Tree
            ChunkHash tree = TreeChunk.GenerateChunk (sourcePath, er);

            TreeMessage tm = new TreeMessage (tree, Path.GetDirectoryName (sourcePath));
            Chunk tmc = Message.ToChunk (tm, senderKey);
            ChunkHash tmch = er.WriteChunk (tmc);
            er.StoreMessage ("file", tmch);

            RouteMessage rm = rr.RouteMessage;
            rm.MessageChunkHash = tmch.bytes;
            rm.To = receipientName;

            //Store unencrypted RouteMessage
            Chunk rmChunk = Message.ToChunk (rm);
            repo.WriteChunk (rmChunk);
            repo.StoreMessage ("route", rmChunk.ChunkHash);
            Console.WriteLine ("RouteMessage Stored");
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Test reading and writing to repo
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main(string[] args, KeyStorage keyStorage)
            //Test buffer to transmit
            byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
            Random r = new Random ();
            r.NextBytes (buffer);

            string recipientName = null;

            if (args.Length == 3)
                recipientName = args [2];
            if (args.Length > 3 || args.Length < 2)
                throw new HelpException ("Missing arguments");

            string repoPath = args [1];

            Repo repo = Repo.Create (repoPath);

            //Sender and Recipient keys
            PublicKey recipientKey = null;
            if (recipientName != null) {
                recipientKey = keyStorage.GetPublic (recipientName);
                EncryptedRepo er = new EncryptedRepo (repo, keyStorage);
                er.AddKey (recipientKey);
                repo = er;

            Chunk c = new Chunk (buffer);

            var ch = repo.WriteChunk (c);

            Chunk c2 = repo.ReadChunk (ch);

            for (int n = 0; n < buffer.Length; n++)
                if (buffer [n] != c2.Data [n])
                    throw new InvalidDataException ("Failed at byte " + n);

            Console.WriteLine ("Test succeded");