Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws calendar single item rectangle and text
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawItemRect(Graphics graphics, string text,
                                  int x, int y, int width, int height,
                                  bool isDrawLeftBorder,
                                  bool isDrawRightBorder,
                                  Color backColor,
                                  bool isSelected)
            Rectangle Rect = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);

            //Draws shadow rect
            using (SolidBrush backBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.SlateGray))
                graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, Rect.X + shadowItemRect, Rect.Y, Rect.Width, Rect.Height + shadowItemRect);

            //draws item rect
            if (width > 0 && height > 0)
                using (LinearGradientBrush gradientBrush = WeekPlannerColorTable.ItemGradientBackBrush(Rect, backColor))
                    graphics.FillRectangle(gradientBrush, Rect);

            // Draws border
            Point p1 = new Point(x, y);
            Point p2 = new Point(x + width, y);
            Point p3 = new Point(x + width, y + height);
            Point p4 = new Point(x, y + height);

            Pen pen = new Pen(itemBorderColor);

            if (isSelected)
                pen = new Pen(selectedItemBorderColor, 3);

            using (pen)
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2);
                if (isDrawRightBorder)
                    graphics.DrawLine(pen, p2, p3);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, p3, p4);
                if (isDrawLeftBorder)
                    graphics.DrawLine(pen, p4, p1);

            //Draws item text
            StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();

            sf.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
            sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                graphics.DrawString(text, ItemTextFont, brush, Rect, sf);
Exemplo n.º 2
        void DrawLeftMargin(Graphics graphics)
            var XCoord = 0;

            //Draws header fill rect
            var rect = new Rectangle(0, Height / 2, _leftMargin, Height / 2);

            if (HeaderStyleMode == HeaderStyle.Aqua)
                using (LinearGradientBrush gradientBrush = WeekPlannerColorTable.HeaderGradientBackBrush(rect, _headerFillLeftMarginColor))
                    graphics.FillRectangle(gradientBrush, rect);
                using (var gradientBrush = new SolidBrush(_headerFillLeftMarginColor))
                    graphics.FillRectangle(gradientBrush, rect);

            for (int i = 0; i < _columns.Count; i++)
                int rectWidth = _columns[i].Width;
                if (i == Columns.Count - 1)
                    rectWidth = LeftMargin - XCoord;
                Rectangle Rect = new Rectangle(XCoord, Height / 2, rectWidth, Height / 2);

                //Draws item text
                StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
                sf.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
                sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                    graphics.DrawString(Columns[i].Text, _headerColumnsFont, brush, Rect, sf);

                //Draws vertical lines
                XCoord += Columns[i].Width;
                Point p1 = new Point(XCoord, Height / 2);
                Point p2 = new Point(XCoord, Height - 2);
                using (Pen pen = new Pen(BorderColor))
                    if (i < Columns.Count - 1)
                        graphics.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void DrawHeader(Graphics graphics)
            int step = (Width - _leftMargin) / _dayCount;

            int oldXCoord = _leftMargin;
            int XCoord    = _leftMargin;

            DateTime dt = CurrentDate;

            int week    = GetWeekNumber(_currentDate);
            int weekNew = GetWeekNumber(_currentDate);

            int modeFirstCoord  = _leftMargin;
            int modeSecondCoord = _leftMargin;

            //Draws header fill rect
            var Rect = new Rectangle(_leftMargin, Height / 2, Width - _leftMargin, Height / 2);

            if (HeaderStyleMode == HeaderStyle.Aqua)
                using (LinearGradientBrush gradientBrush = WeekPlannerColorTable.HeaderGradientBackBrush(Rect, _headerFillColor))
                    graphics.FillRectangle(gradientBrush, Rect);
                using (var gradientBrush = new SolidBrush(_headerFillColor))
                    graphics.FillRectangle(gradientBrush, Rect);

            //Draws header border rect
            using (Pen pen = new Pen(BorderColor))
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(0, Height / 2), new Point(Width, Height / 2));
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(0, Height - 1), new Point(Width, Height - 1));

            for (int i = 0; i < _dayCount; i++)
                //Draws Week Days and Dates
                using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black))
                    string _date;
                    var    sf   = new StringFormat();
                    var    rect = new Rectangle();

                    sf.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
                    sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                    //Draws vertical lines
                    Point p1 = new Point(XCoord, Height / 2);
                    Point p2 = new Point(XCoord, Height - 2);
                    using (Pen pen = new Pen(BorderColor))
                        if (i == 0)
                            p1 = new Point(XCoord, 0);
                        graphics.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2);

                    if (i == 0)
                        _date = dt.AddDays(i).Day + " " + dt.AddDays(i).ToString("MMM");
                        _date = dt.AddDays(i).Day.ToString();

                    if (DatesIntervalMode == WeekPlannerMode.Daily)
                        //Draws day of week
                        graphics.DrawString(dt.AddDays(i).DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3), _headerDatesFont, brush, XCoord, 2);

                        //Draws daily mode vertical lines
                        p1 = new Point(XCoord, 1);
                        p2 = new Point(XCoord, Height - 2);
                        using (Pen pen = new Pen(BorderColor))
                            graphics.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2);

                    //Draws week numbes
                    if (DatesIntervalMode == WeekPlannerMode.Weekly)
                        weekNew = GetWeekNumber(dt.AddDays(i));

                        if (week != weekNew)
                            modeSecondCoord = XCoord;
                            rect            = new Rectangle(modeFirstCoord, 0, modeSecondCoord - modeFirstCoord, Height / 2);

                            //Draws weekly mode vertical lines
                            graphics.DrawString("Week:" + week, _headerDatesFont, brush, rect, sf);
                            using (Pen pen = new Pen(BorderColor))
                                graphics.DrawLine(pen, modeSecondCoord, 0, modeSecondCoord, Height / 2);
                            week           = weekNew;
                            modeFirstCoord = XCoord;

                        if (i == _dayCount - 1)
                            modeSecondCoord = Width;
                            rect            = new Rectangle(modeFirstCoord, 0, modeSecondCoord - modeFirstCoord, Height / 2);

                            graphics.DrawString("Week:" + week, _headerDatesFont, brush, rect, sf);

                    oldXCoord = XCoord;
                    XCoord   += step;

                    //Draws dates
                    rect = new Rectangle(oldXCoord, Height / 2, XCoord - oldXCoord, Height / 2);
                    graphics.DrawString(_date, _headerDatesFont, brush, rect, sf);