public ActionResult CheckOut1(FormCollection form)
                Cart  cart   = Session["Cart"] as Cart;
                Order _order = new Order();

                _order.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;

                _order.Email              = Session["Email"].ToString();
                _order.Address_Cus        = form["diachi"];
                _order.Descriptions       = "Đã Chuyển Khoản";
                _order.Amount             = int.Parse(form["amount"]);
                _order.TinhTrangDonHang   = false;
                _order.TinhTrangGiao      = false;
                _order.TinhTrangThanhToan = false;
                _order.HuyDon             = false;
                _order.TinhTrangDongGoi   = false;
                //**Check order xong, sửa lại giao diện**//

                foreach (var item in cart.Items)
                    OrderDetail _order_Detail = new OrderDetail();
                    _order_Detail.IDOrder       = _order.IDOrder;
                    _order_Detail.ngayDat       = _order.OrderDate;
                    _order_Detail.namePro       = item._shopping_product.NameProduct;
                    _order_Detail.ngayNhan      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5);
                    _order_Detail.IDProduct     = item._shopping_product.IDProduct;
                    _order_Detail.UnitPriceSale = item._shopping_product.UnitPrice;
                    _order_Detail.imgPro        = item._shopping_product.Images;
                    _order_Detail.QuantitySale  = item._shopping_quantity;

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
            catch (Exception)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "SanPham"));
        // Create a paypment using an APIContext
        private Payment CreatePayment(APIContext apiContext, string redirectUrl)
            var listItems = new ItemList()
                items = new List <Item>()
            string email = Session["Email"].ToString();

            var diemtichluy = db.Users.Where(s => s.Email.StartsWith(email)).ToList();

            foreach (var tichluy in diemtichluy)
                tichluy.DiemTichLuy += 1;
                if (tichluy.DiemTichLuy > 5)
                    tichluy.IDPhanLoai = 2;
                else if (tichluy.DiemTichLuy > 20)
                    tichluy.IDPhanLoai = 3;
            Cart  cart   = Session["Cart"] as Cart;
            Order _order = new Order();

            _order.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;

            _order.Email              = Session["Email"].ToString();
            _order.Address_Cus        = "234 Su Van Hanh";
            _order.Descriptions       = "Đã Thanh Toán Bằng PayPal";
            _order.TinhTrangDonHang   = false;
            _order.TinhTrangGiao      = false;
            _order.TinhTrangThanhToan = false;
            _order.HuyDon             = false;
            _order.TinhTrangDongGoi   = false;
            _order.Amount             = /*nt.Parse(form["amount"]);*/ (int)cart.Items.Sum(x => x._shopping_quantity * x._shopping_product.UnitPrice);
            //**Check order xong, sửa lại giao diện**//

            foreach (var item in cart.Items)
                OrderDetail _order_Detail = new OrderDetail();
                _order_Detail.IDOrder       = _order.IDOrder;
                _order_Detail.ngayDat       = _order.OrderDate;
                _order_Detail.namePro       = item._shopping_product.NameProduct;
                _order_Detail.ngayNhan      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5);
                _order_Detail.IDProduct     = item._shopping_product.IDProduct;
                _order_Detail.UnitPriceSale = item._shopping_product.UnitPrice;
                _order_Detail.imgPro        = item._shopping_product.Images;
                _order_Detail.QuantitySale  = item._shopping_quantity;
                var check1 = db.Products.Find(item._shopping_product.IDProduct);
                check1.soLuong -= cart.Total_Quantity();

                db.Entry(check1).State = EntityState.Modified;

            foreach (var item in cart.Items)
                listItems.items.Add(new Item()
                    name     = item._shopping_product.NameProduct,
                    currency = "USD",
                    price    = item._shopping_product.UnitPrice.ToString(),
                    quantity = item._shopping_quantity.ToString(),
                    sku      = "sku"

            var payer = new Payer()
                payment_method = "paypal"

            // Do the configuration RedirectURLs here with redirectURLs object
            var redirUrls = new RedirectUrls()
                cancel_url = redirectUrl,
                return_url = redirectUrl

            // Create details object
            var details = new Details()
                tax      = "1",
                shipping = "2",
                subtotal = cart.Items.Sum(x => x._shopping_quantity * x._shopping_product.UnitPrice).ToString()

            // Create amount object
            var amount = new Amount()
                currency = "USD",
                total    = (Convert.ToDouble( + Convert.ToDouble(details.shipping) + Convert.ToDouble(details.subtotal)).ToString(),// tax + shipping + subtotal
                details  = details

            // Create transaction
            var transactionList = new List <Transaction>();

            transactionList.Add(new Transaction()
                description    = "Chien Testing transaction description",
                invoice_number = Convert.ToString((new Random()).Next(100000)),
                amount         = amount,
                item_list      = listItems

            payment = new Payment()
                intent        = "sale",
                payer         = payer,
                transactions  = transactionList,
                redirect_urls = redirUrls
        public ActionResult CheckOut(FormCollection form)
            string email       = Session["Email"].ToString();
            var    diemtichluy = db.Users.Where(s => s.Email.StartsWith(email)).ToList();

            foreach (var tichluy in diemtichluy)
                tichluy.DiemTichLuy += 1;
                if (tichluy.DiemTichLuy >= 5 && tichluy.DiemTichLuy < 20)
                    tichluy.IDPhanLoai = 2;
                    Session["CheckID"] = 2;
                else if (tichluy.DiemTichLuy >= 20)
                    tichluy.IDPhanLoai = 3;
                    Session["CheckID"] = 3;
                else if (tichluy.DiemTichLuy < 5)
                    tichluy.IDPhanLoai = 1;
                    Session["CheckID"] = 1;
                Cart   cart   = Session["Cart"] as Cart;
                Order  _order = new Order();
                string check  = form["ship"].ToString();

                if ((int)Session["CheckID"] == 1)
                    if (check == "2")
                        _order.Descriptions = "Thanh Toán Khi Nhận Hàng , đã bao gòm phí ship $" + form["ship"].ToString();
                        _order.Amount       = int.Parse(form["amount1"]);
                    else if (check == "3")
                        _order.Descriptions = " Thanh Toán Khi Nhận Hàng , đã bao gòm phí ship $" + form["ship"].ToString();
                        _order.Amount       = int.Parse(form["amount2"]);
                else if ((int)Session["CheckID"] == 2)
                    if (check == "2")
                        _order.Descriptions = "Miễn phí ship (Khách Hàng VIP)" /*+ form["ship"].ToString()*/;
                        _order.Amount       = int.Parse(form["amount"]);
                    else if (check == "3")
                        _order.Descriptions = "Miễn phí ship (Khách Hàng VIP)" /*+ form["ship"].ToString()*/;
                        _order.Amount       = int.Parse(form["amount"]);
                else if ((int)Session["CheckID"] == 3)
                    if (check == "2")
                        _order.Descriptions = "Giảm 10% + Miễn phí ship (Khách Hàng SVIP)" /*+ form["ship"].ToString()*/;
                        _order.Amount       = double.Parse(form["amount3"]);
                    else if (check == "3")
                        _order.Descriptions = "Giảm 10% + Miễn phí ship (Khách Hàng SVIP)" /*+ form["ship"].ToString()*/;
                        _order.Amount       = double.Parse(form["amount3"]);
                //foreach (var tichluy in diemtichluy)
                //    if (tichluy.IDPhanLoai == 1)
                //    {
                //        if (check == "2")
                //        {

                //            _order.Descriptions = "Thanh Toán Khi Nhận Hàng, đã bao gòm phí ship $" + form["ship"].ToString();
                //            _order.Amount = int.Parse(form["amount1"]);
                //        }
                //        else if (check == "3")
                //        {
                //            _order.Descriptions = "Thanh Toán Khi Nhận Hàng , đã bao gòm phí ship $" + form["ship"].ToString();
                //            _order.Amount = int.Parse(form["amount2"]);
                //        }
                //    }
                //    else if (tichluy.IDPhanLoai == 2)
                //    {
                //        if (check == "2")
                //        {

                //            _order.Descriptions = "Thanh Toán Khi Nhận Hàng, Miễn phí ship (Khách Hàng VIP)" + form["ship"].ToString();
                //            _order.Amount = int.Parse(form["amount"]);
                //        }
                //        else if (check == "3")
                //        {
                //            _order.Descriptions = "Thanh Toán Khi Nhận Hàng , Miễn phí ship (Khách Hàng VIP)" + form["ship"].ToString();
                //            _order.Amount = int.Parse(form["amount"]);
                //        }

                //    }
                //    else if (tichluy.IDPhanLoai == 3)
                //    {
                //        if (check == "2")
                //        {

                //            _order.Descriptions = "Thanh Toán Khi Nhận Hàng, Giảm 10% + Miễn phí ship (Khách Hàng SVIP)" + form["ship"].ToString();
                //            _order.Amount = int.Parse(form["amount3"]);
                //        }
                //        else if (check == "3")
                //        {
                //            _order.Descriptions = "Thanh Toán Khi Nhận Hàng , Giảm 10% + Miễn phí ship (Khách Hàng SVIP)" + form["ship"].ToString();
                //            _order.Amount = int.Parse(form["amount3"]);
                //        }

                //    }


                _order.OrderDate          = DateTime.Now;
                _order.TinhTrangDonHang   = false;
                _order.TinhTrangGiao      = false;
                _order.TinhTrangThanhToan = false;
                _order.HuyDon             = false;
                _order.TinhTrangDongGoi   = false;
                _order.Email       = Session["Email"].ToString();
                _order.Address_Cus = form["diachi"];
                //_order.Descriptions = "Thanh Toán Khi Nhận Hàng";
                //_order.Amount = int.Parse(form["amount"]);
                //**Check order xong, sửa lại giao diện**//

                foreach (var item in cart.Items)
                    OrderDetail _order_Detail = new OrderDetail();
                    _order_Detail.IDOrder = _order.IDOrder;
                    int var = (int)_order_Detail.IDOrder;
                    Session["mhd"]              = var;
                    _order_Detail.ngayDat       = _order.OrderDate;
                    _order_Detail.namePro       = item._shopping_product.NameProduct;
                    _order_Detail.ngayNhan      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(5);
                    _order_Detail.IDProduct     = item._shopping_product.IDProduct;
                    _order_Detail.UnitPriceSale = item._shopping_product.UnitPrice;
                    _order_Detail.imgPro        = item._shopping_product.Images;
                    _order_Detail.QuantitySale  = item._shopping_quantity;
                    var check1 = db.Products.Find(item._shopping_product.IDProduct);
                    check1.soLuong -= item._shopping_quantity;

                    db.Entry(check1).State = EntityState.Modified;
            catch (Exception)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "SanPham"));