private bool EditCounty(string countyId, string name, string stateID)
            var _db = new WebApplication1.HalonModels.HalonContext();
            int county_ID = Convert.ToInt32(countyId);
            var myCounty = (from c in _db.Counties where c.County_ID == county_ID select c).FirstOrDefault();
            myCounty.County_Name = name;
            myCounty.State_ID = Convert.ToInt32(stateID);

            // Add product to DB.

            // Success.
            return true;
        private bool AddCounty(string name, string stateID)
            var _db = new WebApplication1.HalonModels.HalonContext();
            HalonModels.County myCounty = new HalonModels.County();
            myCounty.County_Name = name;
            myCounty.State_ID = Convert.ToInt32(stateID);

            // Add product to DB.

            // Success.
            return true;