public List <Plvi1> Get_Plvi1_SpsList(Plvi request)
            List <Plvi1> Result = null;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection())
                    int    count    = int.Parse(request.RecordCount);
                    string strWhere = " Where TrxType=5 And IsNull(VoucherNo,'')<>'' And IsNull(StatusCode,'')='" + request.StatusCode + "'";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.VoucherNo))
                        strWhere = strWhere + " And VoucherNo LIKE '" + request.VoucherNo + "%'";
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.VendorName))
                        strWhere = strWhere + " And VendorName LIKE '" + request.VendorName + "%'";
                    string strSelect = "SELECT " +
                                       "p1.* " +
                                       "FROM Plvi1 p1," +
                                       "(SELECT TOP " + (count + 20) + " row_number() OVER (ORDER BY TrxNo ASC) n, TrxNo FROM Plvi1 " + strWhere + ") p2 " +
                                       "WHERE p1.TrxNo = p2.TrxNo AND p2.n > " + count;
                    string strOrderBy = " ORDER BY p2.n ASC";
                    string strSQL     = strSelect + strOrderBy;
                    Result = db.Select <Plvi1>(strSQL);
            catch { throw; }
        public int Update_Plvi1(Plvi request)
            int Result = -1;

                using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection())
                    foreach (Plvi1 p1 in request.plvi1s)
                        db.Update <Plvi1>(
                            StatusCode = p1.StatusCode
                            p => p.TrxNo == p1.TrxNo
                    Result = 1;
            catch { throw; }