public override void InitializeDatabase(WcfTest3Entities context)
                                               , string.Format("ALTER DATABASE [{0}] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE", context.Database.Connection.Database));

        protected override void Seed(WcfTest3Entities context)
            // Create a role.
            if (!context.Roles.Any(r => r.Name == "Mod"))
                var store   = new RoleStore <IdentityRole>(context);
                var manager = new RoleManager <IdentityRole>(store);
                var role    = new IdentityRole {
                    Name = "Mod"


            // Create a user.
            if (!context.Users.Any(u => u.UserName == "default"))
                var store   = new UserStore <IdentityUser>(context);
                var manager = new UserManager <IdentityUser>(store);
                var user    = new IdentityUser {
                    UserName = "******"

                manager.Create(user, "123456");
                manager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Mod");

            var categories = new List <Category>
                new Category {
                    Name = "Shipment", Description = "Posts about shipment issues"
                new Category {
                    Name = "Internal", Description = "Internal mod issues"
                new Category {
                    Name = "Stock", Description = "Posts about stock statuses"
                new Category {
                    Name = "Transfer", Description = "Posts about transfer statuses"

            categories.ForEach(c => context.Categories.Add(c));

            var posts = new List <Post>
                new Post {
                    SentBy = "User1", Body = "Post content", SentAt = DateTime.Now, Subject = "A subject on the board"
                new Post {
                    SentBy = "User2", Body = "An another post content", SentAt = DateTime.Now, Subject = "An another subject on the board"
                new Post {
                    SentBy = "User3", Body = "Another one", SentAt = DateTime.Now, Subject = "Another one subject on the board"
                new Post {
                    SentBy = "User4", Body = "Another one", SentAt = DateTime.Now, Subject = "Another one subject on the board"
                new Post {
                    SentBy = "User5", Body = "Another one", SentAt = DateTime.Now, Subject = "Another one subject on the board"
                new Post {
                    SentBy = "User6", Body = "Another one", SentAt = DateTime.Now, Subject = "Another one subject on the board"
                new Post {
                    SentBy = "User7", Body = "Another one", SentAt = DateTime.Now, Subject = "Another one subject on the board"
                new Post {
                    SentBy = "User8", Body = "Another one", SentAt = DateTime.Now, Subject = "Another one subject on the board"
                new Post {
                    SentBy = "User9", Body = "Another one", SentAt = DateTime.Now, Subject = "Another one subject on the board"

            var random = new Random();

            posts.ForEach(p =>
                var randomId = random.Next(1, 4);
                var category = context.Categories.Single(c => c.Id == randomId);

                p.Category   = category;
                p.CategoryId = category.Id;


            var comments = new List <Comment>
                new Comment {
                    SentBy = "User", Body = "Just a comment", SentAt = DateTime.Now
                new Comment {
                    SentBy = "User2", Body = "Just a comment", SentAt = DateTime.Now
                new Comment {
                    SentBy = "User3", Body = "Just a comment", SentAt = DateTime.Now
                new Comment {
                    SentBy = "User4", Body = "Just a comment", SentAt = DateTime.Now
                new Comment {
                    SentBy = "User5", Body = "Just a comment", SentAt = DateTime.Now
                new Comment {
                    SentBy = "User6", Body = "Just a comment", SentAt = DateTime.Now
                new Comment {
                    SentBy = "User7", Body = "Just a comment", SentAt = DateTime.Now
                new Comment {
                    SentBy = "User8", Body = "Just a comment", SentAt = DateTime.Now
                new Comment {
                    SentBy = "User9", Body = "Just a comment", SentAt = DateTime.Now
                new Comment {
                    SentBy = "User10", Body = "Just a comment", SentAt = DateTime.Now
                new Comment {
                    SentBy = "User11", Body = "Just a comment", SentAt = DateTime.Now

            comments.ForEach(c =>
                var randomId = random.Next(1, 9);
                var post     = context.Posts.Single(p => p.Id == randomId);

                c.Post   = post;
                c.PostId = post.Id;
