internal static ClassifierViewModel Map(Classifier fromModel)
            ClassifierViewModel toModel = new ClassifierViewModel();

            // return the model now if the fromModel is null
            if (fromModel == null)
                return toModel;

            toModel.ClassifierId = fromModel.ClassifierId;
            DateTime createdTime;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(fromModel.CreatedTime, out createdTime))
                toModel.CreatedTime = createdTime;
            toModel.Name = fromModel.Name;
            toModel.Owner = fromModel.Owner;

            return toModel;
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes a custom classifier
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="classifier">A <c>Classifier</c> object representing the classifier to be deleted</param>
 /// <returns>boolean value indicating whether or not the delete operation was successful</returns>
 public async Task<bool> DeleteClassifierAsync(Classifier classifier)
     // call the DeleteClassifierAsync method using the specified classifier's Id
     return await DeleteClassifierAsync(classifier.ClassifierId);